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"One Piece" Events:


"That's strange. We're only going back so..."

When Hildon suddenly disappeared from the carriage, Usopp wanted to look for him, but he noticed that the horses were also gone.

"What? Nobody's here! Even the horses are gone!"

"We've been abandoned right in the middle of a graveyard!"

Nami shuddered instinctively when she heard that they were abandoned in the graveyard: "What did you say? Why?"

Chopper started to sweat a lot, obviously he was scared too: "What? Abandoned?"

"Wait... You sure he didn't just go off to pee?"

At this moment, Usopp saw Hildon flying in the sky above their cart, so he called out to him: "Hildon! Hey, where did you go?"

Hildon didn't answer him, but started to laugh sinisterly, "Heeheeeheeheehee."

He was laughing sinisterly at them as he flew away, and even the horses who had run away were laughing at them: "Kakakakaka..." "Geheeheeheehee..."

Inside the carriage, Nami was still trembling but couldn't help but wonder about something important: "More importantly... Why did he leave us in the middle of a graveyard..."

Usopp noticed something odd outside: "Ah... Hm? ...!! What!?"


Many hands started to rise from the underground, making the cowardly trio's fear of terror reach the highest possible level:

Chopper: "AAAAAH!!!"

Nami: "This is not happening... AAAA!!"


Several zombies started to come out of their graves and surround the cart where Usopp and the others are.


Marigoa, Domain of the Gods:

"What's going on? What are these nasty guys?"

"Zombies? Are they really the undead?"

"Shit! They caught Nami-san!"

"Ahh! Nami-san's perfect body will be tainted like that!"

"Damn you, author!"

"No! I assume that the main villain of this arc is the zombies' controller and he is the one responsible for Nami-san's current plight."

"Could it be a Necromancer?"

"Could it be that person named Hogback?"

"If it was him, I will peel his skin off his bones! I won't care whether he was a genius surgeon or a saint… No one who touched the two goddesses in my heart would survive!"

"By the way, St. Frigerland, did you find that bastard who made Robin suffer, or haven't you found him yet?"

"Huh? Don't remind me! The search for Spandam and his father is still on… Maybe they died somewhere after being expelled by the government…"

The Celestial Dragons started to get angry because of the scene of the zombies' attack on Nami, they didn't care about Usopp and Chopper at all.

Many of them got angry when they saw the filthy zombies grabbing Nami and trying to bite her!

Only they, the gods on earth, have the right to hold Nami's gorgeous body.

If Bell-mère had known about their dirty thoughts, she would have burned the Holy Land to ashes.

The Celestial Dragons' guardians shook their heads helplessly. They not known exactly when it started, but it seemed like all of the Celestial Dragons had turned from stupid villains into very stupid Simps.


Inside the government hall:

Except for the sound of turning pages, there was silence.

From time to time, a Gorosei would ask a simple question or give his opinion on a scene.

They are used to this.

Since one of their own lost badly and even got a heavy injury, they are very frustrated. Not only that, but their frustration increased even more when they found out that even their Lord couldn't kill Rob.

This means that the plan to erase Rob from history and seize everything he owns has been postponed indefinitely.

"I assume that Moria managed to recruit Hogback."

"It's good that we planned to include him in the ranks of the Golden Shichibukai before this arc came out. I wouldn't even be surprised if he was already a member of the Shichibukai in the manga."

The blond Gorosei said in a confident tone, which broke the silent atmosphere.

The rest of the Gorosei looked at him and nodded in agreement.

"I'll call Sengoku for confirmation."



Fleet Admiral's Office:

"We are too passive in this war! The world government is not at all satisfied with our performance!"

"Didn't you receive a lot of benefits from the Admiral Formation Project, which had a high success rate?"

"They said that each of you has obtained strength equivalent to 10 years of training! That is to say, you have become as strong as you are supposed to be in the next 10 years… Admirals, where is your aptitude?"

Kuzan, Sakazuki, and Borsalino all stood staring at the floor in silence.

"We haven't had a chance to fight with Sky Sword yet..."

"Nonsense! Who told you to fight a monster like Sky Sword? Just defeat one of the Legendary Hunters and it will be considered an achievement," said Sengoku, his tone full of respect in contrast to his explosive temper a moment ago.



"Yes, Gorosei-sama." Sengoku replied, hurrying to restore the Fleet Admiral's prestige while staring at the three admirals.

"The invitation has already been sent to Moria. Two weeks ago we received news that he was recruiting a lot of carpenters, shipwrights, and laborers in West Blue, so I suppose the invitation letter has already been sent to him," Sengoku said.

"Yes, Yes, sure" Sengoku replied the Gorosei.


Sengoku disconnected the call and turned to the admirals. "Your new mission is to take down a Legendary Hunter. You can even fight together against one or two, but be sure to lure them out of the art store, that way you will definitely succeed."

{{Dracule Mihawk: Legendary Hunter No. 10 Patrick Redfield: Legendary Hunter No. 9 Shakky: Legendary Hunter No. 8 Giant Brogy: Legendary Hunter No. 7 Giant Dorry: Legendary Hunter No 6 Issho: Legendary Hunter No. 5 Douglas Bullet: Legendary Hunter No. 4 Bell-mère: Legendary Hunter No. 3 Nico Olvia: Legendary Hunter No. 2 Unknown: Legendary Hunter No. 1}}

"The No. 1 Hunter is said to be a very famous figure but we haven't succeeded in identifying it yet. This person, even the Hunter Guild is very reticent about its identity. It seems that the only person who knows its identity is only the owner of the Guild... Sky Sword," Sengoku said.

"So, can you bring one down!?" Sengoku asked the admirals.

"Hmph! I can beat them all on my own," said Akainu, his expression fierce as he stared at the list of the world's most famous hunters.



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 389: The Successful Alliance of Two Great Crews!

Chapter 390: Backlash!

Chapter 391: Victoria Cindry


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