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💙Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!💙


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((There're 18 chapters ahead of Webnovel!))



Ohara, Tree of Omniscience;

Inside a room full of bookshelves where there are three Poneglyphs next to each other, the Poneglyph in the middle has been in this place for who knows how long.

"Many centuries passed by, but I don't know who brought it here. This information has not been recorded."

''As for the Poneglyphs on both sides, Rob brought them here from Alabasta.''

"Both contain historical information about Alabasta…But one does not contain only historical information."

"… Cough!… Is it okay for me to carry on talking, boy?"

Clover looked at Rob who was standing next to Dragon, Crocodile, Brook, Kuma, and Ivancov, and asked him if it was okay to talk about this dangerous information before all these people.

"No problem."

Rob smiled gently before nodding his head in agreement.

Clover sighed in relief before continuing his speech.

"I don't know what made a great country like the ruling kingdom feels so intimidated as to hide the information of an ancient weapon in an ordinary poneglyph that only carried the historical information of the Alabasta country."

"Is it the world government, I wonder!?"

"What's so scary about the world government?"

"Hahaha! Clover yo~ You must be kidding…"

"You seem to have forgotten how terrifying the world government was in those years when you were protected by that monster. Did you forget your years of adventures and the previous ten times you spent in the Navy prisons, huh!?"


Clover froze upon hearing what the long-headed man beside him said.

"Uh. What?! Do you wrinkle your tongue, Clover?"

Vegapunk adjusted his glasses while mocking his old friend.

"At least I didn't degrade myself to join the government and I waited for someone to come along who could fight them, how about you? They had bought you just by a few berries!"

"Uh… You know, scientific research needs money. Otherwise, I would have already joined Dragon in his honest cause."

"Okay, let's get over it. Can you read all these books at the tree of omniscience without your head exploding!"

"Don't worry about his head, just let him read all the books here."

Dragon spoke this time.

"The Mind Fruit that he ate is somewhat abnormal and there is no limit to the amount of knowledge he can store in his mind. Even if his head exploded, he wouldn't die, he has a somewhat immortal mind."

"So the rumor about the Mind Fruit is true?"

Rob who was putting his hands in his pockets asked casually.

"What the rumor you talking about!?"

"Have you not heard of the awakening of the mind and body? It's said that if the user of the Mind Fruit succeeds in awakening it, he can break free from the shackles of the mortal body and live forever as long as he had only an active cell from his mind."

"Yes, I have heard of this superstition. But only someone who has awakened the Mind Fruit can prove it."

Dragon said while staring at Vegapunk waiting for his answer.

"You said it yourself, Garp's son… It's just a superstition."

Vegapunk didn't want to explain anything about his abilities, after all, he hadn't awakened his fruit yet.

"What are you looking at, Croco-boy?"

Ivankov put his hand on Crocodile's shoulder in a friendly gesture which made the latter angry.

"Get your filthy hand off me!"

"What!? Aren't we buddies!? Come on Croco-boy Don't be embarrassed about our friendship~"

"Fuck you!!"

"Dragon! I'm resigning from your revolutionary army if you don't want to disband it anymore!"

"So this is the reason for everything… Huh!?"

"Useless piece of stone!!"

"Weird, isn't it."

"What's weird about that?"

Smiling, Rob pointed to the Poneglyph he had brought from the royal cellar in Alabasta.

"You're standing in front of the poneglyph around which the plot of your life and your own destiny revolves, don't you feel the hate? Don't you feel the complication!?"

Crocodile was silent for a while before speaking:

"Do I still have a plot in this world, what is the point of my existence now!?"

"Will Luffy still be born into this world? Do I still have to lose to him and be a paving stone for the rise of the future Pirate King!?"

"Well, even if you no longer have any destiny in this world, we can just make another destiny in another world."

"… Is that for real!? I can't comprehend it yet."

"What do you think!?"

Rob left the Revolutionary Army and Vegapunk to Clover before he left the tree of omniscience. He was exhausted from his trip to Egg-head Island and Rommel's kingdom so he wanted to take a temporary break from everything and enjoy time with his women and his daughters.

The purpose of Vegapunk coming here is his desire to learn all of Ohara's knowledge, of course, Rob stipulated to join him which Vegapunk agreed to in a flash.

As if he was waiting for it!


In front of the Art Palace, Rob finds Olvia waiting for him with Rouge and Roger, Olvia's creepy smile makes him remember the deep trouble he got himself into.

In the past few hours, he's tasked Oliv with deleting any tweets about Robin smashing Franky's balls or banning anyone who went the red line in his tweet.

All this so Olvia doesn't get angry any more than she already is.

"Welcome back, dear~"

"Ah... Olvia. Is all thing alright? Oh, Captain! Rouge-san... You two are here, too?!"

"You must have finished today's volume..."

Rob felt deeply sorry for this couple whose son's tragedy saga was just beginning.

Roger, Rouge, and maybe Garp and Newgate were the people who would be the most touched by the upcoming arcs in the manga.

For that matter, Rob really had nothing to do to stop the bleeding.

They must experience it as the people of Ohara and his beloved wife did.

Rob hugged Olvia, who did not refuse, but took the opportunity to pinch him and tell him in his ear in a low voice:

"Today I will punish you in bed…"

"Oh, alright..."















Chapter 366: Two legendary hunters VS One Gorosei! (Part 1)

Chapter 367: Two legendary hunters VS One Gorosei! (Part 2)

Chapter 368: The strong swordman in the world Rob!


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