
💙Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!💙


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((There're 18 chapters ahead of Webnovel!))




While passing through the barracks filled with tired-looking Marines, Sengoku couldn't help but sigh.

There is no doubt that the current war against hunters is the first of its kind in history.

This time, they're not fighting the pirates but an organization that does a better job than the Navy in bringing justice.

That's why the Marines were confused about the exact cause of this war.

Why do they have to fight each other?

"My God... Why this shit... Oh Again!"

Sengoku's expression darkened when he saw the delivery ship stopping at Marineford's harbor.

This delivery ship was full of manga volumes from the new arc.

Everyone was thrilled with the arrival of their manga volumes except for Sengoku who felt another headache coming.

He has not yet recovered from the successive shocks he suffered in the last volume, and another volume has come.

There is no doubt that Sky Sword was very diligent in drawing manga.

"This bastard...!"


When he saw that the first person to go get the manga volume was Garp, Sengoku frowned again, seeing another series of events similar to last month in the horizon.



"That brat, he eats even when he's slept. Oh! I really wish hit that head with my fist of love!"

After picking up his manga volume from the government delivery ship, Garp found a chair overlooking the sea and sat away from his noisy mate (Sengoku), then opened the manga book and began reading it enthusiastically.

The government delivers manga volumes from Marigoa to Marineford for strategic purposes, but Garp's sole purpose is entertainment.

"Hmm? That bastard Franky wants to build a ship using the wood of Adam's Treasure Tree? He's already following in his mentor's footsteps."


Suddenly, the face of an old man wearing a dog hat and a vice-admiral uniform appeared in the manga.

"Oh... That's me."

When he first saw himself in the manga in a long time, Garp reacted very casually, he was still scratching his nose with an unconcerned expression.

On the other hand, Sengoku shuddered when he saw the Garp ship anchored in Water 7... He had a dangerous premonition.

"Oh, Garp!! Please don't make it worse!"

Last month, Admiral Zephyr and Admiral candidate Kuzan lost several battles against the Hunters Guild's golden crow.

Admiral Kizaru could not even enter the Sabaody Archipelago.

While Admiral Akainu suffered a severe defeat against an aircraft carrier!

The most infuriating thing was that Garp refused the World Government's order to enter the battlefield and was close to being fired.

All of this has made Sengoku suffer a lot in the past month.

Now, if Garp doesn't catch his grandson in the manga, everything will be settled.


Manga events:


"Wait here, both of you."

With a smile on his old face, Garp gave the order to stay behind for two recruits.

"Yes, sir!!"



The wall was destroyed, shocking the Straw Hats inside the room.



"Who is it!!?"

Before entering through the hole he made in the wall, Garp asked:

"You... Are the Straw Hats crew, aren't you?"

"I brought someone I want Monkey D. Luffy to go meet..."

Sanji, Franky, and Chopper immediately get ready to fight when they realize the enemy is attacking:


While Luffy was still asleep... Unfortunately for him, this provoked someone:

"WAKE UP~~~!!! LUFFY!!!"

With an iron fist, Garp punched Luffy in the head.

"Ow!? Ooouch!!!"

Sanji was shocked to see this scene:

"Ouch!? What are you talking about!? It's just a punch. It wouldn't hurt your rubber—

Garp removed his doggie hat before saying with a smile:

"There's no way anyone can escape the fist of love!!"

"I heard you've been doing backless things, Luffy!!"

Luffy was still holding the bump on his head and agonizing silently, but when he heard that voice he could understand the cause with the familiarity of the pain he was feeling right now:

"Geh!!! G-Grandpa!!!!"

Sanji, Robin, Chopper, Nami, Franky, and Kokoro were all shocked when they heard this:

"What!? Grandpa!!?"



"As expected of myself!!"

Garp burst out laughing when his prediction came true and punched the sleeping Luffy.

"I finally met Luffy in the manga! I wonder how things will go from this point on."


Seeing this scene, Sengoku and the rest of the Marines who were reading the volume trembled as well.

"There is no doubt that Vice-Admiral Garp is violent even with his grandson."

"What a strong punch!"

"If I had been punched by this, my head would have exploded like a balloon!"

"This is so scary!"

"A family of monsters!"

"Is that why Luffy has become so stupid?!"

"What's so strange about that? If he was exposed to punches like these when he was a kid, there is no doubt that he would become an idiot!"

"Vice-Admiral Garp is too scary!"


South Blue, Rommel Kingdom;

Dragon, Crocodile, and Brook all exited the teleportation room of this kingdom's art store.

They quickly merged with the excited crowd, bought their volumes, and sat in the corner.

"This kingdom has been under the government for 50 years. Since it has an art store here it wouldn't be hard to get it to join our side and separate it from the world government."

Dragon was very happy to ally himself with someone like Sky Sword... If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have had the opportunity to carry out his plan so early.

"Since Rob-san allowed you to use the teleportation room freely, that means he really trusts you, so don't disappoint him— Yohohoho, Luffy-san got punched by his grandfather! That's funny."

Before Brook finished his words, he couldn't stop himself from bursting out laughing when he saw the scene of Garp punching Luffy.

Dragon opened up today's volume and was surprised to see his bastard father had met Luffy in the manga.

"Oh... That's bad!"














Chapter 343: The silly grandfather and his grandson!

Chapter 344: The Four Emperors!

Chapter 345: Revolutionary Army Head! Luffy Dad!



New great fanfic from BlackStar_BH!

Title: King Of Beasts In Against The Gods!

(Available on Webnovel go and read the first chapters!)

Add it to your library. It is so good.

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