Eighth Heaven.

A group of Supreme Immortal Kings fell into silence.

"Martial Ancestor… Did Martial Ancestor ascend to the Ninth Heaven?" After a long pause, the voice of the Supreme Immortal King trembled slightly.

As Supreme Immortal Kings, even those born in the Three Thousand Dao States era, who wielded the power of the universe, had long since lost the capacity for shock.

But in the past few hundred years, due to the emergence of Martial Ancestor, their understanding had been repeatedly refreshed.

Now, he had ascended to the Ninth Heaven, achieving the ultimate goal of all Immortal Kings for countless eras.

"He should have ascended," the Opening Heaven Immortal King took a deep breath. "After the tenth layer is the Ninth Heaven. Martial Ancestor is already there."

The many Immortal Kings exchanged glances, their minds racing with thoughts.

Although Martial Ancestor's ascent to the Ninth Heaven had nothing to do with them, they felt a strange sense of participation, having witnessed his ascent firsthand.

"I wonder what's in the Ninth Heaven? Is it filled with wonders and phenomena like the previous eight heavens?"

"I don't know, but it's said that there are 'Celestial Beings' in the Ninth Heaven. I wonder if Martial Ancestor encountered them?"

"We've witnessed a monumental event in the history of the Spirit Realm; our lives are not in vain."

The Supreme Immortal Kings discussed among themselves. In the past, they were divided into factions based on their eras, the Prehistoric Immortal Kings and the Three Thousand Dao States Immortal Kings.

But now, in the face of Martial Ancestor's ascension to the Ninth Heaven, all Supreme Immortal Kings discarded their differences. As beings of the Spirit Realm, they were all the same.

"The Ninth Heaven… No one will likely ever ascend it again," the Chaos Immortal King sighed, looking at the entrance to the Ninth Heaven.

The other Supreme Immortal Kings felt a resonance with his words.

Ascending to the Ninth Heaven was the goal of all powerful beings in the Spirit Realm. In the ancient eras, which none of the present Immortal Kings knew of, perhaps some strong beings had ascended to the Ninth Heaven.

For instance, the Dragon Ancestor, whose life imprint was in the seventh layer, mysteriously disappeared. Perhaps he had entered the Ninth Heaven.

And the Phoenix Ancestor, among others.

The older the era, the fewer life imprints remained in the Spirit Realm, leading to the weaker strength of the ten strongest beings in the Ninth Heaven entrance passage.

Thus, the difficulty of passing was also lower.

Of course, all this was the Chaos Immortal King's speculation.

He didn't know whether the Dragon Ancestor or the Phoenix Ancestor had truly ascended to the Ninth Heaven.

But at least there was that possibility, that hope.

But now.

The Chaos Immortal King was certain.

No one would ever ascend to the Ninth Heaven again; there was no hope of doing so.

With Martial Ancestor present, with his life imprint guarding the tenth layer, the Chaos Immortal King couldn't imagine how future Supreme Immortal Kings, who aimed for the Ninth Heaven, would feel the cruelty of this reality.

Martial Ancestor's strength was a complete disparity compared to the previous nine layers' nine strongest beings of the Spirit Realm.

Even if the strength of the nine beings were multiplied tenfold or a hundredfold, it would still be a matter of a punch or a few punches for Martial Ancestor.

Imagine a future Supreme Immortal King, who had comprehended all high-level and ordinary creation forces and had been invincible for countless eras.

Then, with full confidence, attempts to ascend to the Ninth Heaven.

After brutal battles, finally reaching the tenth layer, only to be killed by Martial Ancestor's life imprint in one strike… How despairing would that be?

From the first layer to the ninth layer, the difficulty of defeating opponents increased gradually, from one to nine.

Then, at the tenth layer, the difficulty suddenly skyrocketed to ten thousand. So, to the Chaos Immortal King and other Supreme Immortal Kings, the ascension to the Ninth Heaven was a feat that would never be repeated.

In countless future eras, the strongest of the Spirit Realm would live in the shadow of Martial Ancestor's terrifying presence.

Ninth Heaven.

Lin Yuan stood alone on the mountain peak, lost in thought.

"This Ninth Heaven has no other beings. Could it be that I am the so-called 'Celestial Being'?" Lin Yuan's expression was somewhat peculiar.

It was said that the 'Celestial Being' in the Ninth Heaven overlooked the Spirit Realm, immortal for all ages. If Lin Yuan wanted, he could seemingly do the same.

Even with the limit on his stay, with Lin Yuan's current physical strength, he could indeed achieve eternal existence.

It must be known that Lin Yuan's body was not an ordinary peak eighth-rank martial body. Enhanced thirteen times by the mysterious gourd, Lin Yuan's physical strength was also significantly amplified.

"However, the mysterious aura here is indeed much denser, greatly beneficial for comprehending creation forces."

Lin Yuan sensed the surroundings for a while and concluded.

The Ninth Heaven lacked the myriad wonders and phenomena of the previous eight heavens, with only an endless sea of clouds rolling and a mysterious aura permeating the void.

This mysterious aura was present in the Eighth Heaven but was much thinner. According to Lin Yuan's 'tests,' the mysterious aura allowed one to perceive the essence of various creation forces more clearly.

"Primordial Stones." Lin Yuan glanced at the mountain peak beneath his feet, which was similar to the stone treasure he had obtained from the Chaos Immortal King.

It contained the aura of primordial force, which surpassed high-level creation forces.

Lin Yuan called this stone the 'Primordial Stone.'

"What is that?"

Lin Yuan looked up towards the direction above the Ninth Heaven.

At the highest point of the space, in the highest sense of the word, a vast world far surpassing the Spirit Realm revealed itself.

"The Immortal Realm."

"This is the legendary Immortal Realm."

Lin Yuan's expression turned contemplative. Legends of the Immortal Realm had always existed in the Spirit Realm.

It was said to be the true upper realm, the residence of the Dao Ancestor.

The Dao Ancestor, also known as the progenitor of the Immortal Dao, was the source of the Immortal Dao cultivation system. In the main world's terms, it represented the ultimate of an evolution system.

In other words, a Strongest one.

Back in the Immortal World, Lin Yuan had vaguely sensed the terrifying nature of the Immortal Dao cultivation system, almost comparable to the nine ultimate evolution systems of the main world.

Thus, Lin Yuan speculated that the Immortal Dao cultivation system might have an ultimate existence, and the flourishing of the Immortal Dao in the Immortal World might be due to that ultimate will.

For this reason, Lin Yuan did not spread the Immortal Dao cultivation system in the main world.

To the ultimate Strongest ones, they could clearly sense all beings cultivating their system.

The Spirit Realm and even the Immortal Realm existed in a different dimensional layer from the main world.

Even the Strongest ones couldn't traverse different dimensional layers to descend into another time-space.

But with a 'beacon,' it would be different, akin to a compass in the vast ocean.

And beings cultivating the Immortal Dao would serve as beacons to the Dao Ancestor.

Spreading the Immortal Dao in the main world would not only increase the Dao Ancestor's intangible foundation but also possibly allow them to locate the main world's time-space.

Such a hidden danger was something Lin Yuan naturally wouldn't do.

Moreover, doing so would have another drawback. If Lin Yuan could detect the ultimate existence of the Immortal Dao, so could the Strongest ones of the main world's human civilization.

At that time, how would Lin Yuan explain to the Strongest ones of human civilization? Spreading the martial evolution path was different because Lin Yuan created it, and it had never birthed an ultimate existence.

The first world Lin Yuan traveled to provided the initial inspiration for the martial evolution system, but subsequent developments followed his own path.

"Since the Immortal Realm can birth such ultimate existences as the Dao Ancestor, it might not be much weaker than the main world. Even if there is a difference, they're probably on the same level."

Lin Yuan thought to himself, his gaze still fixed on the highest point of space where the Immortal Realm's edge appeared.

This was Lin Yuan's second time seeing the 'Immortal Realm.'

The first time was before his travels when he infused a sliver of his mind into the Gate of Myriad Realms, observing the Spirit Realm from its perspective and noticing the vast world above the Spirit Realm.

The second time was now. In the past few hundred years, Lin Yuan had perfected his cultivation, tearing through the Spirit Realm's space and entering the void currents outside the world.

But he did not sense the Immortal Realm's aura.

It seemed that the Immortal Realm's location was in a different space layer from the Spirit Realm, only perceivable after ascending to the Ninth Heaven.

Of course, the Gate of Myriad Realms could also sense the Immortal Realm due to its high nature.

From the perspective of the Gate of Myriad Realms, the Immortal Realm and the Spirit Realm, no matter how many space layers apart, were visible.

"The Immortal Realm…"

Lin Yuan carefully observed the vast world at the highest point of space.

At this moment—

In the depths of Lin Yuan's mind, the majestic and grand Gate of Myriad Realms suddenly began to shine.

An invisible wave spread instantly towards the Immortal Realm.

Moments later.

A stream of information flowed from the Gate of Myriad Realms.

"The Immortal Realm… The world coordinates of the Immortal Realm." A smile appeared on Lin Yuan's face.

The Ninth Heaven of the Spirit Realm and the Immortal Realm existed in the same space layer, which is why one could see a corner of the Immortal Realm.

Under such circumstances, observing the Immortal Realm from the Ninth Heaven would likely allow one to deduce the coordinates of the Immortal Realm.

The Gate of Myriad Realms could replicate world coordinates, a function Lin Yuan had known since the Immortal World. He had once replicated the Spirit Realm's coordinates through the Ascension Platform.

Now, being so close to the Immortal Realm, locking onto its coordinates wasn't surprising.

"By flying upward from the Ninth Heaven, one can eventually approach and even enter the Immortal Realm…"

Lin Yuan thought.

If one were to break through the Spirit Realm's space and enter the void outside, approaching the Immortal Realm would be almost impossible, as the Spirit Realm and the Immortal Realm were in different space layers.

But the Ninth Heaven area was in the same space layer as the Immortal Realm. By continuously flying towards the target, one could get closer and closer to the Immortal Realm.

"Forget it; time is running out."

Lin Yuan thought and abandoned the idea of entering the Immortal Realm.

Firstly, he only had a little over ten years left in his stay.

Even if he flew upwards from the Ninth Heaven, he would likely have to return to the main world midway.

Secondly, since he had the coordinates of the Immortal Realm, deciding whether to descend into the Immortal Realm and when was entirely up to Lin Yuan.

"The next ten years or so will be spent cultivating in the Ninth Heaven."

Lin Yuan glanced at the boundless rolling sea of clouds beneath him and made a decision.

The Ninth Heaven's dense mysterious aura was highly suitable for comprehending creation forces. Despite Lin Yuan's unrivaled insight, he wouldn't refuse such assistance.

Time passed slowly.

Seventeen years flew by in the blink of an eye.

[Name: Lin Chang (Lin Yuan)]

[Identity: Master of the Gate of Myriad Realms]

[Bound Talent: Unrivaled Insight]

[Divine Ability: Blood Rebirth, Moving Mountains, Enhancement]

[Current Status: Consciousness Descended]

[Remaining Stay Time: One Day]

Lin Yuan opened his eyes and glanced at the ethereal text below.

"It's about time to go back."

Lin Yuan rose, overlooking the boundless sea of clouds below.

In the past few years, Lin Yuan had mostly spent his time comprehending creation forces, reaching the third realm in his understanding of the Tai Chi Force.

In addition, he had also reached the second realm in comprehending seven high-level creation forces.

For the Supreme Immortal Kings of the Spirit Realm, it could take tens of thousands of years to make such progress in creation forces.

In just a few years, Lin Yuan had achieved such results, thanks to his unrivaled insight and the conducive environment of the Ninth Heaven.

"Lastly, how should I deal with this physical body?"

Lin Yuan pondered. After nearly a thousand years of tempering, this body was akin to his blood and sweat.

However, once Lin Yuan returned, his mind and consciousness would return to the main world, leaving his body behind.

This seemed wasteful.

"Well, it will be to your advantage."

Lin Yuan's thought flickered, and a palm-sized 'bell-shaped' treasure appeared before him.

It was the Primordial Essence Gold.

Shortly after summoning the mysterious gourd to the Spirit Realm, Lin Yuan had also brought this Primordial Essence Gold to nurture within his body.

Primordial Essence Gold had tremendous growth potential but required constant nurturing.

In the main world, Lin Yuan's rapid increase in strength left no time to nurture the Primordial Essence Gold.

So, during his sixth and eighth transmigrations, Lin Yuan had taken the Primordial Essence Gold to the transmigrated worlds for nurturing.

After all, it only cost an extra sliver of breaking boundary source power, which Lin Yuan could afford.


The Primordial Essence Gold floated before Lin Yuan.


Within Lin Yuan's body, the primordial force that surpassed high-level creation forces began circulating through his limbs and bones.

The primordial force, known as the most primitive and original power, could transform anything into the most fundamental essence and energy.

It could return things to their original state.

At this moment, as the primordial force continuously circulated, Lin Yuan's physical body and blood energy were transformed into the most fundamental energy.

Then, this energy flowed into the Primordial Essence Gold, continually enhancing its essence.

Lin Yuan couldn't directly bring his body back to the main world, but he could convert it into resources to enhance the Primordial Essence Gold.

Then, bringing the significantly enhanced Primordial Essence Gold back to the main world wouldn't be a loss.


As Lin Yuan's physical body continually transformed into fundamental essence and energy, merging into the Primordial Essence Metal, the 'bell-shaped' treasure emitted a soul-stirring wave.

Half a day later.

Lin Yuan's physical body fully merged into the Primordial Essence Gold, and his internal world disintegrated into the most primitive source force, merging into the Primordial Essence Gold.


The Primordial Essence Gold, the mysterious gourd, and Lin Yuan's mind and consciousness all flowed into the Gate of Myriad Realms, returning to the main world.


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