Chapter 863

After Yi Tianyun snuck inside the base, he instantly scanned the area with his Spiritual Sense as he wanted to explore the area carefully. With his Divine King cultivation base, Yi Tianyun easily could do so without any problem. He knew that he couldn’t hide his aura for too long as there were many cultivators in this place, and some of them ought to find out soon enough!

Yi Tianyun knew this too, and that was why he planned to kill the Evil Spirit Race inside this place as soon as possible to make sure that they didn’t escape to the open, which would make it harder for Yi Tianyun to kill them. Furthermore, he wanted to see if there the Evil Spirit Race held any prisoner.

Yi Tianyun quickly snuck into the darkness, and he immediately heard laughter in the deep passage.

“I just captured several more cultivators. They thought that I was the same as them, how stupid! There’s just no way I belong to the same disgusting race as them!” an evil Spirit Race said while laughing out loud.

“That’s true! They are so stupid and easy! I have caught several women to become my breeding stock!” Another one shouted while laughing.

“We always manage to capture a lot of cultivators every day. Whether we bring them as our livestock or breeding stock, it doesn’t really matter!” another one said coldly. Yi Tianyun also saw that a lot of cultivators were being locked up inside a cage while their hands and feet were tied tightly. But that was not all; their bodies were also tied down tightly to prevent them from even moving!

Most of these caged-up cultivators were women and children. As for the men, they were probably already eaten by these disgusting Evil Spirit Race! The children themselves were more like a livestock as the more they grew, the better their Spiritual Energy would be.

Yi Tianyun looked inside the cage and noticed that these cultivators had a look of desperation in their eyes. Surely, they must’ve come from a good faction that came to Heaven Abyss Forest only to get captured by the Evil Spirit Race!

“You monster! My master will avenge me!” one of the women shouted as she was full of anger!

“Yes, all of you monsters will die in our master’s hand!” another cultivator shouted angrily. Surely, some of them still displayed a great force of will to survive. Unfortunately, their hoped for their master to find them was almost impossible at this point.

“Another group of idiots that still daydream about escaping our cage! If your master really is the best, it would be a bonus for us as we haven’t eaten any strong cultivator for a long time!” The Evil Spirit Race cultivator said while laughing out loud. The rest of the Evil Spirit Race cultivators also laughed with each other as they found the scream and shout of the cultivator they captured funny!

As Yi Tianyun looked around, he noticed that this place wasn’t where this abominable Evil Spirit Race feasted on the cultivator they captured as this place lacked any human remains that they’ve eaten. Yi Tianyun began to speculate that this place was just an ordinary convenient space to gather the cultivator they captured. They would nab and drag the cultivator one by one deeper into the abyss to eat or use them for breeding.

“Stop it! it is pointless even if you scream from the top of your lungs!” A cultivator that has been locked in the cage for only god knew how long suddenly opened his mouth. They already experienced hell itself as they saw their friend being dragged before becoming food. They already witnessed the Evil Spirit Race doing the unthinkable with their own eyes, so it couldn’t be helped if their hopes of escaping grew thinner each day. They couldn’t even commit suicide as their body would just become food for these monsters.

The aura of desperation enveloped the cage as the cultivators were getting anxious. They began to lose hope after hearing what they had just heard. The thought of being unable to escape began filling their head!

“You don’t feel like trying anymore?” The Evil Spirit Race cultivator said while mocking the captured cultivator.

At the same time, a heavy footstep was heard from the side.

“You’re already back? I have to take the livestock inside! We are ready to make a feast!” the Evil Spirit Race cultivator said while licking his lips, but it was someone he would never expect! Yi Tianyun came out slowly while looking at the Evil Spirit Race with burning killing intent.

“Who are you?” the Evil Spirit Race cultivators asked Yi Tianyun confusedly. They were on alert as they knew that they had never seen Yi Tianyun around here before. Yi Tianyun stretched his hands and held out the Evil Spirit Race cultivator in the air using his Spiritual Pressure. The Evil Spirit Race couldn’t move as their neck was held in place. They couldn’t even make a sound to express their disbelief that something like this could happen inside their base.

Yi Tianyun then waved his other hand, and the cage instantly vaporized along with the chain that tied the cultivator down! Everyone was dumbfounded by the power of the man that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The man did not only capture the Evil Spirit Race but also saved them from the cage!

“Kill them!” Yi Tianyun said as he smashed the Three Evil Spirit Race cultivator to the ground and crushed their cultivation base. The captured cultivators were surprised that they were in front of the Evil Spirit Race that they hated so much, and now, they have the power to exact their revenge!

So, without waiting any longer, the Cultivators immediately rushed towards the Evil Spirit Race cultivator and vented their anger by punching and kicking the Evil Spirit Race to their heart content! Although their body was completely exhausted due to malnutrition, they just smacked the Evil Spirit Race with no holds barred!

Yi Tianyun himself sighed and summoned the 12 Golden Hairpins to help him finish the Evil Spirit Race inside this abyss. At the same time, the 12 Golden Hairpins were surprised when they were suddenly teleported to an unknown place without any warning!

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