Crazy Detective

Chapter 1198: The Expert of Relationships

Chapter 1198: The Expert of Relationships

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“The car could not be found, so we think they may have destroyed it!” Captain Fang Kaiyu said over the phone. “We think that if you wanted to destroy the car in such a short time, the only option would be to push it into the nearby river!

“So, we are currently organizing manpower, and we will start searching tomorrow morning!”

“Alright, good work!” Zhao Yu said, hanging up.

“Maybe Geng Yaai was killed by Bai Lang, but it was also possible that she was killed by a colleague who was related to Bai Lang!” Miao Ying said. “Or maybe, they drove too fast and accidentally hit her! Or perhaps, when they were worried about the corpses, they suddenly saw Geng Yaai, who had run away from home, and decided to kill her!”

“Don’t overthink this!” Zhao Yu said, shaking his head. “Previously, I too made many assumptions and only ended up shooting myself in the foot.

“So, let’s just wait until the suspect has been caught. Come...” Zhao Yu poured a glass of beer for Miao Ying. “Relieve yourself, dear, you’ve been exhausted these days! Tonight, you will head back to the hotel for a good night of sleep. Maybe by the time you wake up tomorrow morning, I will be able to show you the truth!”

“Alright!” Miao Ying said, raising her glass with a smile. “In that case, I would like to congratulate Detective Zhao in advance!”

The two clinked their glasses and smiled at each other.

At that moment, several tourist buses passed by in front of the hotel and parked in the back of the hotel parking lot. The doors opened, and tourists from all over the world who had been out enjoying the day could be seen walking into the hotel with their own luggage.

“Hmm...” Miao Ying said as she looked at the tourists. “My dear, when this case is over, let’s go have some fun in the mountains! I heard that the scenery in Wuqing is pretty good!”

“Alright, no problem!” Zhao Yu said, waving his hand. “If the hanging coffin case is solved, then we can also be considered as having paid our dues to Wu Qing Shan. We should be exempt from having to pay for the tickets, right?”

“Tsch! I’ve gotten so much money from my dad and you can still be this stingy!” Miao Ying said. She liked to banter with Zhao Yu. As they joked, she could feel the fatigue she had accumulated over the past few days slowly disappear.

The two also had a great appetite, and despite having ordered many dishes, there was nothing left. Even the waiter was surprised.

“Well, Zhao Yu...” Miao Ying said, leaning her head on Zhao Yu’s shoulder and pulling on his arm affectionally after the fulfilling meal. “How far do you think Wuqing is from Hua Yun?”

“What?” Zhao Yu asked as he stroked his bulging belly. “What? The hanging coffin case is not over yet, but you’re already thinking about Hua Yun?”

“No, I was just thinking...” Miao Ying said abashedly. “When we solve Hua Yun’s case as well, will there be a sense of... disappointment?

“Think about it, the five great cases would all be over! Won’t you feel a little empty in your heart?”

“I don’t know!” Zhao Yu said, laughing half-heartedly. Suddenly remembering his adventurous personality, he said, “But I feel that even if the yellow notebook is done and dusted, won’t there be new cases too?

“With me, Zhao Yu, anything can happen!”

“Yeah!” Miao Ying said, snuggling up close to Zhao Yu. “I don’t know why... but every time I work with you, I tend to look anxious about solving the case. But, deep down in my heart, I secretly think how nice it would be if the case weren’t solved too quickly!”

“Oh, Miao Miao, you sound so profound!” Zhao Yu said, pouting. “Why can’t I understand anything you just said?”

“Because...” Miao Ying whispered as she buried her head in Zhao Yu’s arms. “You are an asshole who is only serious when it comes to solving cases...”

“Really?” Zhao Yu scratched his head and asked in earnest. “Was I ever serious? How come I don’t know about this?”


About half an hour later, Zhao Yu had walked Miao Ying back to the hotel and asked her to take a good rest.

Then, he drove back to the police station and continued to analyze the case.

Unexpectedly, at that moment, Zeng Ke had returned to the police station and was looking for information in front of the computer.

“Oh? You’re back?” Zhao Yu asked, surprised. “Didn’t I ask you to stay at the north harbor? Why...”

“Oh, team leader!” Zeng Ke replied, quickly rising from his seat. “My equipment is all here, so it’s more convenient for me. So, so, when I came back...”

Seeing Zeng Ke panic, Zhao Yu figured out the reason almost immediately. Pointing to the door, he said, “You rascal, you came back because of Zhang Peipei!”

“No no no, no no no...” Zeng Ke said, hurriedly waving to dismiss the claim.

“Who are you trying to lie to? Don’t you know what I specialize in?” Zhao Yu asked curiously. “I see that you’re frowning, you seem to have problems with your relationships. What’s the problem? Have you been bickering with your lover?”

“Ah, leader! You... you are too great! You could even see through that?” Zeng Ke touched his head subconsciously and said with a discouraged tone, “You’re right. I came back at night because I just wanted to take a look at her, as not many people are around at this time.

“But... she has already gone back to the hotel to rest!” Zeng Ke said, pulling out a box of exquisite small cakes. “I bought these for nothing! Leader, are you hungry?”

“I’m not hungry!” Zhao Yu said, shaking his head and grabbing Zeng Ke. “Tell me about the situation and let me analyze it!”

“It... it was good!” Zeng Ke said. “When we were in Qu Liang, we got along well and even had seafood together!

“I really like her, and she... I think she likes me too, y’know!” Zeng Ke said, not sure how to express himself. He paused for a long time before continuing. “Afterwards, while working on the devil case, the development between us went really well! We also held hands!”

“D*mn,” Zhao Yu said, pursing his lips. “I was working my a** off to solve the crime, and you still had time to date?”

“It happened while we were working!” Zeng Ke explained. “But I don’t know what happened. She has been cold to me ever since we separated up north.

“I tried to meet her many times, but she refused my advances and said she was busy because of work. Later, at Gao Lanqi, we finally met again.

“But she was still neutral towards me. We ate twice, but it was somewhat normal, like we were friends. Then before long, her task ended, and she left early.

“After that, there were even fewer WeChat messages and phone calls, leader... Is this an indication that she’s lost interest in me?” Zeng Ke said in frustration.

“No, no!” Zhao Yu said. “You can rest assured, as a love expert, I have no reason not to help you!

“Come, you have to tell me clearly now,” Zhao Yu said, wrapping his arms around Zeng Ke’s shoulders. “Do you really like Zhang Peipei?”

“Yes, very sure! I’ve been thinking crazily about her!” Zeng Ke said, nodding. His eyes lit up with hope.

“That’s good!” Zhao Yu said confidently. “Just you wait and see how I help you with this, hahaha!”

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