Crazy Detective

Chapter 1183: Geomancy Master

Chapter 1183: Geomancy Master

“What’s happening here?” Zhao Yu thought.

Zhao Yu pinched his fingers and took a glance at his Qian Gen hexagram in the system interface. He wondered to himself why the case of the hanging coffins was not progressing smoothly.

Each time he thought he had found a possible solution, it would quickly be disproven. Who could he go to and discuss his thoughts?

Qian represented a hybrid hexagram, and Gen represented the facts of the case. It showed that they might encounter any situation over the next two days. It was totally unpredictable.

He didn’t know if this visit to the geomancy master would proceed smoothly.

“Leader, don’t worry...” Xiong Wendong saw Zhao Yu frowning and hurriedly attempted to persuade him. “Let’s think in another direction and see if there are any clues!

“Like, maybe... the hospital, or the morgue of the hospital? Don’t they often receive unknown corpses there? My daughter’s aunt is from the emergency department of the hospital and said that she would often transport corpses back from the highway...”

“Impossible!” The young policeman immediately retorted. “How can you call that ownerless! If there were a car accident on the highway, there would surely be family members to claim the body!”

“Then... they also receive vagrants who died suddenly or stuff like that, right?” Xiong Wendong said.

“The unclaimed bodies would be sent to the funeral parlor for refrigeration,” the young policeman said. “Then the police issue a notice. If it is still unclaimed for a few months, it will be cremated!

“Also, since we’re on the matter, let’s not talk about our country. How many people are there in this entire mountainous area? How can it be such a coincidence that there are so many unexpected deaths and corpses of underage girls?”

“Also...” Zhao Yu began, “The forensics did not detect any traces of freezing of the corpses. The hot weather in the Fu Lai Province persists throughout the year, and unclaimed corpses would go into the fridge, so... the source of the corpses should be...”

Following along with that train of thought, Zhao Yu suddenly realized an important question.

“Yeah, right...” he thought to himself.

“Since there were no signs of the corpses being frozen, that would explain one thing. Those who died should be residents who lived close to the Seven Stars Hanging Coffins?

“If you looked at the entire map, using the Seven Stars Hanging Coffin as the center, there were only two cities, Bei Gang and Song Zhou, within a radius of 100 kilometers.

“So... the seven deceased shouldn’t be from outside the circle, right?” Zhao Yu wondered.


Just as Zhao Yu was deep in thought, Xiong Wendong suddenly pulled the emergency brake and stopped the car abruptly. “F*ck! What’s happening?” he shouted.

Everyone was busy looking out of the car when they noticed that there were several cars parked in front of them. They were actually stuck in a traffic jam. If Xiong Wendong hadn’t braked in time, he would have hit the rear of the other cars.

Xiong Wendong lowered the windows and glanced outside. He realized that there was nobody to speak to. He got out of the car to ask around.

It didn’t take long before he came back and said downheartedly, “It’s a coincidence, but the bridge ahead has collapsed! This road is a dead-end. If we take a detour, I’m afraid it will take a long time.”

“It doesn’t matter,” the young policeman in the passenger seat said, pointing to the left side of the window. “Look. After getting through the woods, this is Wu Feng Forest! Can you all see it? That’s where the master is, that’s the peak of the tower!”

Zhao Yu stuck his head out of the window and saw a lush forest halfway up the mountain. Along the forest, he saw something that resembled the tip of a tower.

“Wu Feng Guan is located at the entrance of the village, and behind that is Wu Feng Village. After going down the mountain through Wu Feng Village, in about ten kilometers, it becomes Song Zhou City!” the young policeman said, describing the area. “The reputation of the master in Wu Qing County may not be great, but he is very famous in Song Zhou, and many people come here daily!”

“Leader, it doesn’t look very far. Although the bridge has collapsed, it hasn’t collapsed fully. People can still walk over it,” Xiong Wendong said. “How about I park the car and we walk over?”

After that, he opened the car glove box and took out a flashlight.

At that moment, the sky gradually darkened. If they wanted to go through the woods, they would naturally need lights.

“Hmm, how about this,” Zhao Yu said to Xiong Wendong, glancing at the woods outside. “Leader Xiong, I can just visit the master myself. You guys wait for me here!”

“What?” The two were stunned. The young policeman said quickly, “I’ll go with you! It’s going to be dark soon.”

“No need!” Zhao Yu said, reaching out and taking Xiong Wendong’s flashlight. “The woods aren’t that far away. I don’t think I’ll get lost. Besides, I came from Qin Shan, and I can be considered a child of the mountains. Don’t worry!”

“Hmm, okay then,” Xiong Wendong said, nodding. “Then you must pay attention to your safety! Don’t forget to call me if you have any questions!”

“Leader...” the young policeman said. “If you really stray off the path, remember to look for the streetlights in the distance and walk along those. At least you will not go too deep into the mountains!”

Zhao Yu snapped his fingers and turned to leave. After taking two steps, he remembered something and hurriedly turned back to ask.

“By the way, what’s the name of the master?” Zhao Yu said.

“I don’t know his name, but his surname is Zhang!” The young policeman answered quickly. “You can just ask where Master Zhang is when you get there. There’s nothing he doesn’t know!”

Zhao Yu made an ok gesture with his fingers and finally got off the car. He set off towards the woods on the mountainside.

The bridge, just like Leader Xiong said, allowed for people to pass but not cars.

However, what surprised him was that he was not alone in wanting to go to Wu Feng Ling. Some villagers had also been delayed by the bridge and were walking into the woods.

Zhao Yu began talking to them, and soon, they were all talking with each other. It turned out that these people were all villagers of Wu Feng Ling. They had gone to Wu Qing County to do business, but as they had almost gotten there, the bridge collapsed. They had no choice but to park their cars at the bridge and walk home.

After learning that Zhao Yu was going to visit Master Zhang, all the villagers, like the young policeman, gave high praise to Master Zhang. They said that he looked at fengshui very well and accurately, giving Zhao Yu many examples of past cases.

For example, someone’s daughter-in-law fell into evil as soon as she stepped through her new family’s doors. After Master Zhang’s intervention, everything was fine. Also, those whose families were doing business and had losses, after seeing Master Zhang, became fortunate again.


After hearing all the praise for Master Zhang, Zhao Yu’s mood became a little complicated.

It turned out that he had shaken off Xiong Wendong and insisted on coming alone for a personal reason.

In addition to wanting to know more about the Seven Stars Hanging Coffin, he had also wanted Master Zhang to give him guidance to help him with the system in his mind and to see if there were some new insights.

The woods were really not that large, and within ten minutes, Zhao Yu and the villagers walked through them and came to the entrance of Wu Feng Village.

Looking up, he saw an antique-looking Taoist temple.

But when the doors of Dao Guan were lit, even though it was dark, there were still people coming in and out of the door. It looked lively.

Zhao Yu saw that the people who came out of the Taoist temple had some magic charms on yellow paper in their hands. Their faces were smiling as if they had just had something bothersome removed from them.

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