Crazy Detective

Chapter 1143: You Were Looking for Me?

Chapter 1143: You Were Looking for Me?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Boss!” Cui Lizhu’s eyes turned red the moment Zhao Yu appeared. She rushed over and twisted his arm, pulling him and shouting, “Boss, boss! Come over here and hear me out first...”

“I’m fine, I’m fine!” Zhao Yu said, standing his ground and patting Cui Lizhu on the shoulder. “Liu Zhanbing has already told me that that group of people has invited me in!”

“What the h*ll! Liu Zhanbing, that little piece of sh*t!” Cui Lizhu swore. She saw Liu Zhanbing running over. He was gesturing to her from afar with a crestfallen face, obviously trying to say ‘I couldn’t stop him, sister!’

With Zhao Yu’s sudden appearance, the command center immediately calmed down. Xiao Hang rushed forward to convince him otherwise. “Zhao Yu, the terms were suggested by a bunch of criminals! We don’t necessarily have to agree with it. Rest assured, we’ll talk to them again!”

“Leader, don’t hesitate any longer,” a Secret Services agent said. “Our brothers are all ready, we can attack at any time!”

“Hold on...” Zhao Yu said, unexpectedly gesturing for them to stop. “All of you have to be clear about one thing! Your objective may be to kill, but mine is the solve this case! If you rush in and kill them, how am I supposed to do my job?”

“What?!” The Secret Services agent was not happy when they heard this. Even though he was Zhao Yu’s subordinate, Zhao Yu’s words were too unreasonable.

“How could you say that?” The Secret Services agent rebutted, holding his neck. “Do you not understand the current situation? They have bombs and hostages, and maybe even the treasure! We can’t stand idly by and do nothing just because you want to solve our case, right?”

“That’s right!” another agent chimed in. “Since you want to crack the case so badly, then do you have any bright idea as to how you can go in and interrogate them? I want to see if you can even walk out alive!”

“Stop, that’s enough!” Xiao Hang bellowed, hastily interrupting his men. “What kind of situation are we in right now? There’s no need to turn on ourselves. Zhao Yu, listen to me! Wait, wait! What are you doing? Come back!”

Unsurprisingly, Zhao Yu had no intention of listening to Xiao Hang talk and had already begun striding towards the palace.

“Boss!” Cui Lizhu was about to lose her mind and hurriedly rushed forward to pull him back. “You can’t go in like that! It’s basically a suicide mission! Those people are kamikaze warriors, they will not hesitate to die with the treasure and will want to take you down with them!”

“There’s not much time,” Zhao Yu said, pointing at his own watch. “In another two minutes, they might start killing the hostages!”

“That won’t do either...” Xiao Hang said resolutely. “Even if they kill the hostages, we can’t send you to your death!”

“Leader Xiao!” Zhao Yu said coolly to Xiao Hang, puffing his chest up. “I, Zhao Yu, have bravery that’s out of this world and will take death in stride if it means protecting people’s lives and safety. I won’t pretend... to back down, but instead will fight the criminals to the end. I will not rest... until I’m done with this!

“All of you, remember this! No matter what happens, I, Zhao Yu, am a man of honor, a person with integrity, and a person who doesn’t settle for anything boring!” Zhao Yu said, waving his hand and turning around. “The honorary medal we receive will be shared between us, but as a good man, I will be off to perform my assigned duty. I’ll be off now!”

Listening to Zhao Yu spout nonsense left everyone speechless.

“No, you can’t...” Cui Lizhu began, but she had no power over him. She was so anxious she was about to cry. She held on to Zhao Yu’s pants and sat down. “Boss, you can’t go!”

Bzt! The sound of cloth ripping was loud and clear and the whole venue stared silently, shocked. There was now a big rip in Zhao Yu’s pants and a slight hint of red was revealed...

Tsch! Zhao Yu hurriedly covered the exposed parts.

“Boss...” Cui Lizhu cried, her tears flowing down her face. “You... is this the end for you?”

“The h*ll!?” Zhao Yu was mad and bent over, whispering to Cui Lizhu. “Lil’ Cui, Lil’ Cui, listen to me. I am not going to die! I can’t bear to die, and all those people in the palace don’t want me to die either!

“I’m going to tell you this, we have this all backward! The truth behind this matter is not what we think it is!”

“Ah?! Then what is it?” Cui Lizhu asked, confused.

“That’s enough, we don’t have much time!” Zhao Yu said, looking at his watch again and pulling away from Cui Lizhu’s grip. “Trust me, I’ll be fine. Be good and wait here for me!”

“You...” Although Cui Lizhu didn’t understand what Zhao Yu meant, based on how well she knew Zhao Yu, she had no choice but to let him go.

Zhao Yu patted her head and smiled, turning around and walking towards the main door of the palace. He could no longer stroll with confidence because of the big rip in his pants and he had to use one hand to hold on to his pant leg.

By that time, the requested leeway time had already passed and Zhao Yu was worried that the offenders would begin killing off hostages, so the moment he stepped on the stairs he immediately waved and greeted, shouting loudly in the direction of the palace.

“Hi! Sawadeekap! Konnichiwa! I am Zhao Yu, your grandfather Zhao! I’m here, hey!!!” Zhao Yu said as he entered. [1]

Everyone at the command center was observing the scene, frozen in shock. It was even more ridiculous than a scene that would be found in movies or television dramas. Zhao Yu was truly something else, as well as being extraordinary.

Everyone had expected that the criminals would have shot Zhao Yu immediately, but the main door creaked open and someone waved an arm at Zhao Yu, gesturing for him to go in!

The f*ck...? Xiao Hang thought. He was in shock but also felt admiration. These enemies really had good self-control. If someone else had stripped their pants and embarrassed themselves like this, he would probably have shot them himself.

Seeing the other party open the door, Zhao Yu did not hesitate. He held onto his pants, jogging over. When he entered the palace through the small crack between the doors, a strong and well-built criminal instantly shut them.

Right after that, they pulled Zhao Yu to the center of the palace and gestured. They wanted to search him. He had nothing to hide and raised both arms to let them search. But because he raised both his arms, his pants dropped, and all the criminals were shocked.

“Well, uhm, excuse me...” Zhao Yu said in a western accent. “My pants were ripped by someone. This wasn’t my fault...”

As he tried his best to explain the situation, he also closely examined the environment of the palace. He saw that the hostages had been rushed to the center, probably because the criminals were scared someone would attack.

There were still only three criminals. The one standing at the blinds observing him was the masked man, while another short man looked over the hostages digging into the floor. The last criminal was the well-built man searching him.

The well-built man manhandled Zhao Yu, turning him around and searching him thoroughly again. After confirming there was nothing strange, he nodded at the masked man.

Zhao Yu could finally see the masked man’s face. At first, he had thought the man was pure east Asian because of how he had shouted ‘stupid idiots’ before, but now looking at him, he appeared to be of mixed Asian and European descent. He had a high nose bridge, well-defined eyebrows, and even his eye color was different from that of typical Asians. Still, he had a classic Eastern vibe about him. Such a combination of west and east made him even more good looking. If he was just a little taller, he would definitely be a Casanova.

“I heard... you were looking for me?” Zhao Yu said loudly, holding on to his pants, not caring about how he looked. “What’s the matter? Do you have a lot of questions you want to ask me?”

[1]: ‘Sawadeekap’ is a greeting in Thai, while ‘Konnichiwa’ is a Japanese greeting.

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