Crazy Detective

Chapter 1140: A Hot-Blooded Chase

Chapter 1140: A Hot-Blooded Chase

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Holy sh*t! That was too ruthless! Zhao Yu began to swear to himself. He knew his opponent was evil, but he didn’t think he would stoop to killing his own companion.

It was obvious that the opponent was worried the fake tour guide, who had been tasered unconscious, would spill their secrets and thus decided to silence him. That was inhumane!

After killing the fake tour guide, the masked man immediately ran towards the stone pillars and fled to the back of the palace. Zhao Yu had his bulletproof vest on to protect himself and ran through the barriers without fear chasing after the man.

But before Zhao Yu ran off, he paused. He still had a bit of humanity inside him and didn’t immediately give chase. Instead, he went to the fake tour guide and checked to see if he was really dead. After that, he took the Bluetooth earpiece out of his ear. With the Bluetooth earpiece, Zhao Yu would be able to know the exact movements of the enemy!

Although it was a good idea, Zhao Yu froze after putting on the earpiece. The voices coming from it weren’t Chinese, nor were they even English. Listening to it, it sounded like Thai or some other Southeast Asian language!


Zhao Yu understood at that moment that the enemy must have been worried their communication devices would be compromised, so they used Southeast Asian languages to communicate. They were really too cunning!

Although he couldn’t understand, Zhao Yu still patiently listened. Even if he didn’t understand what they were saying, he would still be able to deduce the number of opponents he was facing. While listening, his legs hadn’t stopped moving for even a moment, and he was hot on the trail of the masked man.

Due to the 50-meter gap between the two, by the time Zhao Yu entered the palace, he had already lost track of the masked man.

Just like before, behind this palace there was an open field with exits, entrances, and paths leading in all directions. At first glance, it was impossible to tell which direction his opponent had taken.

Fortunately, Zhao Yu had nothing to worry about because his invisible drone had already captured everything! The masked man had run towards the northeast end of the field.

Hmph! Little boy, let’s see where you ran off to! Zhao Yu thought to himself. He directed the invisible drone to fly in that direction. With his unmanned machine that nobody could see, Zhao Yu wasn’t afraid the masked man would pull something clever and escape.

But after a quick check, Zhao Yu frowned. Tsk! Zhao Yu had noticed something unusual. Near the field, there was a path that led to the west. If the masked man had wanted to escape, going down that path would have been faster and close. In that case, why did he purposely choose to run northeast?

To head northeast, he would have had to run through the entire field. If Zhao Yu had caught up in time, he would have been able to shoot him! So why did he not take the closer route and instead choose to run so far?

Zhao Yu recalled that earlier when the detector had picked up the pistol’s signal, the masked man had been attempting to run to the west. It was like his path had been clearly defined. So why did he change directions this time?

Before coming to the palace, Zhao Yu had looked at a map of the area. The Qing Dynasty Palace’s East entrance was in the southeast, but the masked man had run northeast, where there were no exits! What was he trying to do? Was he trying to escape by scaling over the walls, or was he plotting something else?

Although Zhao Yu had his doubts, capturing the masked man was his utmost priority so he did not dare waste too much time considering this, and ran through the field towards the masked man. In the midst of the chase, his phone suddenly rang. It was a call from Miao Ying. Zhao Yu remembered at that moment that he had yet to report what had happened to his superiors.

The Special Investigations Team were not super particular on rules, but still, they were an active unit and were not like the Secret Service, who participated solely in special missions. Since they came in a hurry, they had not brought much equipment, and instead relied on their phones to get in touch with one another.

After picking up the call, Zhao Yu hurriedly informed Miao Ying of what had happened. After hearing what he had to say, Miao Ying was shocked and urgently instructed Zhao Yu that Secret Services had arrived, and they would meet up with him soon to provide aid.

“Zhao Yu, you should just follow them!” Miao Ying said. Knowing his character, she begged. “But please! Don’t do anything too impulsive and wait until we get there, then we’ll decide what to do.”

“Miaomiao!” The moment Zhao Yu heard that Miao Ying was coming to meet him, he frantically said, “Don’t come here yet! Bring Xu Hai and a few others to the west and see if there’s anything there. I suspect that there’s something fishy going on!”

“Oh? The west side?” Miao Ying asked. She didn’t understand.

Zhao Yu remembered his own suspicions earlier. “Miaomiao, remember, keep a lookout for people wearing Bluetooth earpieces! You have to be careful as well!”

“Understood!” Miao Ying realized what Zhao Yu meant. “You too! Get in touch with Xiao Hang and ask him to follow your phone’s GPS to meet up with you. If anything happens, you have to get in touch!”

“Okay!” Zhao Yu had just finished his sentence when he heard a scream come from outside the yard. He hung up the phone and quickly ran over.

Zhao Yu hadn’t even reached the area where the scream had come from when he saw the situation behind the walls using the invisible drone. There were two men wearing security guard uniforms who had been shot and were lying on the floor, moaning in pain.

It was a small flower garden, and in the garden, there were a couple of tourists who had yet to evacuate. When they had heard the command to evacuate, they had pretended nothing had happened and continued to leisurely take photos. No matter how hard the security guards had chased them, they wouldn’t leave. But now that they had seen the security guards get shot, they were shocked and began to flee. One of them even tripped and fell into the fish pond.

“What happened?” Zhao Yu asked as he charged towards the front to search. He realized the two officers had been shot in the leg and it was nothing major.

“There... that way...” The two officers pointed toward the northeast. Even though they were in a lot of pain and about to pass out, they held on.

Of course, Zhao Yu already knew that the masked man had fled in that direction thanks to his invisible drone. He immediately straightened his legs and gave chase.

First, he sprinted through the fake hills and left the garden, then he jumped over multiple closely packed yards. Because the invisible drone was guiding him, he managed to speedily traverse through houses and over roofs, even managing to find shortcuts.

In no time at all, he met the masked man in a narrow alley. The masked man’s reaction speed was just as fast as his, and the moment he saw Zhao Yu, he raised his arm to shoot. Zhao Yu hurriedly jumped to the side and hid in the entrance of the alley.

The f*ck!? Zhao Yu slapped himself. You’re wearing a bulletproof vest, why are you hiding? Remembering this, he bravely rushed out and chased after the man without hesitation. But the masked man was unusually sly and after taking one shot, he was already on the run again.

Zhao Yu followed him out of the alley and saw that the man was running towards a very wide road. The man opened fire once again, but because they were so far away, the bullets missed.

The masked man ran really fast, like an arrow piercing through the air. Zhao Yu chased him relentlessly, but after running around another bend, he noticed something strange. His detector had spotted another gun! The two guns had passed each other and stopped momentarily, but nothing else happened.

Zhao Yu realized that this new gun must have belonged to the masked man’s partner. At that moment, the system flashed a red warning.

Oh, f*ck! Zhao Yu was shocked. The red warning could mean only one thing; the enemy was carrying bombs!

Holy f*cking sh*t! he thought.

There was no time left, the situation had escalated and become dangerous. Zhao Yu could not care less and rushed into the street. In the end, he came face to face with the criminal dressed as a foreign tourist. The gun was already aimed, and he shot immediately.

Pew, pew!

The bullets scraped past Zhao Yu. Because the invisible bulletproof vest was so strong, Zhao Yu wasn’t sure if he had even been shot.

He knew that his own shooting skills weren’t anything to write home about, so he used his training and experience from the past and did not return fire immediately. Instead, he aimed at them and charged forward until he was close before he started firing furiously.

At such a close distance, the enemy couldn’t have avoided the shots, and fell to the floor, dead!

The person had died, but his face still showed shock. He would never be able to understand how after firing multiple shots, Zhao Yu remained alive and unscathed?!

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