Chapter 1251: A suspicious target

“President pang, don’t worry,” Zhao Yu said to pang Zhihui in the interrogation room with a dignified look.”Without solid evidence, we will never wrong you!” So, I hope you can cooperate with us. If you can help us find the real murderer, we can prove your innocence, right?”

“Detective Zhao, I know that you have solved many big cases, and you are very famous ...” Pang Zhihui was about to cry. He quickly bowed to Zhao Yu and said,”I really didn’t kill anyone. Don’t worry, as long as I know, I will tell you!”

“Well, that’s good ...” Zhao Yu nodded with satisfaction and said,”President pang, I would like to ask again, when the hanging coffins were excavated in 1985, what was the situation? How many people participated in the excavation?”

“Um ... Aiyo ...” Pang Zhihui scratched his head and thought for a long time, then answered seriously,”there are a lot of them. The provincial and municipal cultural relics Bureau, Museum, construction staff, and some experts and scholars from other areas, media reporters, and so on. There are at least two or three hundred people.”

“Oh ...” Zhao Yu thought for a moment, then asked,”if I want to know the exact list of these people, can you help me find them?”

“It ... It shouldn’t be possible, right?” Pang Zhihui said,”the management back then wasn’t as strict as it is now. There didn’t seem to be any name lists. Oh ... Our rank is the lowest. If you want to know more, I’m afraid you’ll have to go to the provincial unit and ask!

“However, from what I know, the person who started this is no longer alive ...”

“It doesn’t matter, this isn’t the main point!” Zhao Yu waved his hand and asked again,”I just want to know, do you still remember the people from your county level units who participated?”

“Well ... I was only in my 20s at that time ...” Pang Zhihui replied.”I can barely remember a few people from my unit, but I can’t say for those from other units!”

“Alright!” Zhao Yu said,”later, write down all the people you remember. The more detailed, the better!”

“Oh ... Okay! “Well ... Pang Zhihui was a thoughtful man. He couldn’t help but ask,” detective Zhao, why do I hear that ... The murderer was in that expedition team?”

“Right!” Zhao Yu nodded and said bluntly,”if we exclude the fresh pry marks on the hanging coffins, the old traces on the seven coffins are exactly the same. This means that the person who placed female corpse number seven was likely to have used that scientific expedition!”

“But detective Zhao, everything else is easy to explain, but we’re scientific researchers. How can the body ... Not rot? If it was placed in 1985, would it still look as good as it was in 1933?” Pang Zhihui still refused to believe it.


“You don’t have to worry about this!” Zhao Yu said,”it’s because the body hasn’t rotted that my previous judgment was shattered! So, you just need to help me recall if there were any suspicious people in the expedition team that excavated the hanging coffins!”

“Suspicious people ... Well ...” Pang Zhihui began to recall carefully.”The excavation site was very quiet, especially when people found that the seven hanging coffins were all empty. Many people left on the spot ...

“At that time ... At that time ...” He scratched his head and tried to recall.”We did some simple collection work, and then we closed the coffin ...

“Yeah ... I vaguely remember that when we were covering the coffins, all the people from the provincial and municipal units left, leaving only a few staff from our County units and a few construction workers ...

“If there’s really a problem, it can only appear from these people ...”

“So you were at least there when the coffin was being covered?” Zhao Yu asked.

“Yes, this is a good note!” Pang Zhihui said,”I even went down to help personally!

“Well ... It’s just that ... Hanging coffin No. 7 didn’t seem to be covered by me, but every time a coffin was covered, someone would make a record. It shouldn’t be possible for someone to tamper with it in front of so many people, right?”

“If someone took the opportunity to place the body in hanging coffin No. 7, they would definitely not do it during the day,” Zhao Yu analyzed.”They could only do it at night!” Moreover, he could only do so after the coffin was covered! President pang, do you still remember that after the coffin was covered, the scaffolding and the cable car were immediately removed?”

“Aiyo, Aiyo!” When Zhao Yu mentioned this, pang Zhihui suddenly straightened his neck like a fighting rooster, his eyes wide open as he said,”officer Zhao, officer Zhao ... I think ... I think I know who the suspect, ran ran, is!”

“Oh? Who is it?” Zhao Yu was surprised, but the other police officers were also very excited.

“Don’t ... Don’t tell me it’s that brat Jiang Yong?” After pang Zhihui finished explaining, he suddenly lowered his head.

“Jiang Yong?” “Who is this person?” Zhao Yu asked.

“It’s a relative of mine. We’re all descendants of the pang family!” Pang Zhihui explained,”when the hanging coffins were excavated, several experienced construction workers were needed, and Jiang Yong was one of them.

“I have some impression of him because we’re relatives.

“Um ... Jiang Yong was one or two years younger than me. After dropping out of high school, he worked at construction sites. For some reason, he also participated in the excavation of the hanging coffin!

“The most important thing is ...” Pang Zhihui said.”Because he has strong arms and is young, from building the scaffolding to taking the cable car to open the coffin, he has always been the main force of the construction team!

“When you mentioned scaffolding, I just remembered ...” Pang Zhihui said.”At that time, because we found nothing in the seven hanging coffins, our scientific research mission could only be considered to be completed in advance. On the day we covered the coffins, it was already getting late ...

“I can barely remember that the scaffold was not immediately removed at the scene. It seemed to have been removed a day or two later ... I can’t give you a specific impression. As for the cleaning work after the coffin was covered, I didn’t participate!

“But ... Jiang Yong and his co-workers should have been watching until the end!”

“Jiang Yong ...” Zhao Yu thought about the name and asked,”President pang, are you still in contact with this person?”

“Yes, yes ...” Pang Zhihui said.”He’s now a security guard at the water Bureau! I even saw it at the wedding banquet a few days ago!”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yu quickly made a gesture to the single-sided glass. Ran Tao suddenly understood and immediately pulled Captain Xiong Wendong to arrest the man.

“President pang, you just said that, in addition to pang Yong, he has a group of workmates,” Zhao Yu asked again.”How many of them are there? do you know any of them?”

“I don’t recognize them anymore. There were six or seven of them in total. They were all quite young back then!” Pang Zhihui said,”it doesn’t matter. You can find Jiang Yong and ask him. He should know!

“Oh ...” He muttered worriedly,”I hope ... It’s not that kid’s doing?” Jiang Yong is an honest man. He doesn’t talk much, so I don’t think he’d kill anyone ...”

“Then ... How’s his family situation now?” Zhao Yu asked again.

“It’s precisely because he doesn’t like to talk that he’s still single even though he was originally quite strong! I think he had a few when he was young, but none of them worked ... Maybe the other party thought he was too boring?”

“Oh ... He’s never married ...” Zhao Yu pondered for a moment, feeling that Jiang Yong was even more suspicious ...

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