Chapter 177: Change (2)

* * *

“You must have heard the report…”

Lucion, upon arriving at the mansion, spoke first upon seeing Heint waiting for him.

It seemed like the report was quick.

“Yeah. Any injuries?”

Heint’s eyes moved quickly.

“As you can see, there are no injuries. Just to be safe, I moved cautiously and exchanged greetings with the priest.”

It was true that Veros had indeed run into the moving carriage, and the knights who had traveled with him had no choice but to fall for the lie, a mixture of truth and fiction.

“It’s fortunate that you’re unharmed. Why did you suddenly go to the temple? Weren’t you trying to remain neutral?”

In response to Heint’s question, Lucion presented the excuse he had prepared.

“I wanted to see the divine beast.”

As a saint, who would dare question him if he expressed a desire to see the divine beast?

Heint appeared perplexed but couldn’t bring himself to say anything.

After all, it was almost the truth.

“I apologize for acting impulsively.”

Lucion took the initiative to apologize when Heint seemed unable to find the right words.

Heint, with a puzzled expression, shook his head.

“No, I’m just relieved that you returned safely. But you look pale.”

“It’s because of the Light in the temple. Well, I’ll head upstairs. I’m really tired.”

“Oh, wait, Lucion.”

Heint halted Lucion before he could enter the mansion.

“Yes, brother.”

Lucion smiled and waited for Heint to speak.

“You’ve received a letter.”

“From my father?”

Lucion blinked.

‘We spoke yesterday, didn’t we?’

One of the knights in Cronia must have reported his weight loss and pale complexion.

Novio was always concerned and worried about him.

“No, it’s from Shaela.”

“My sister?”

Lucion’s eyes widened.

Didn’t she send a letter about the possibility of the Magic Tower opening about three weeks ago?

The fact that she sent another letter so soon after the first one was quite surprising.

‘Let’s see. It’s been about three weeks. I wonder if she’s feeling unwell.’

―Woohoo! Shaela’s letter! Ratta is so excited! Maybe there will be flowers fluttering around again.”

Ratta, who had been yawning, suddenly jumped up in excitement.

Hume’s eyes also sparkled in response.

Lucion received the letter and headed straight to the mansion’s backyard.

It was because of Russell’s words about the possibility of magic being involved.

[Hurry and open it.]

Russell urged.

Though she couldn’t voice it, Bethel also seemed curious as she watched Lucion open the envelope.


As soon as Lucion opened the letter, flowers swirled around him, caressing him, and then vanished.

―Why did they disappear so quickly? Ratta was trying to catch the flowers.

Ratta spoke with a sullen voice, and Lucion opened his eyes and looked around.

Disappointed, Ratta hopped around, trying to catch the flowers that had fallen to the ground and seemed to be dissolving.

‘What’s going on?’

Lucion felt puzzled.

Shaela’s magic was usually gentle.

Lucion took out the letter from the envelope and read it carefully.

[Surprised, right? I wanted to check if you were feeling unwell. By now, I probably have a good idea of how you’re doing.]

‘…Damn it. This is going to be a mess.’

As soon as Lucion read the first line, he let out a sigh.

“Why? Is it bad news?”

Hume asked, feeling puzzled.

“No, I’m just a bit perplexed.”

[Could it be that Shaela is up to something?]

Russell, who glanced at the letter, spoke up.

“That’s right. She’s in trouble. More than me.”

[What? More trouble than you?]

[Then it must be serious!]

As Russell and Bethel made a fuss, Lucion frowned and looked at them.

“What’s the big deal? I’m pretty calm.”

―Uh… um.

Even Ratta widened his eyes, and Hume fell silent.

“Fine then.”

As nobody believed him, Lucion snorted loudly and resumed reading the letter.

Where can one find someone as well-behaved as he is?

[I heard you’re coming to the east. To leave the magic tower, I needed permission from the imperial family. I begged the person in charge by grabbing them by the collar to grant me permission. See you in the East!]

Lucion put the letter back in the envelope.

When he looked up, he met Russell’s wide-eyed gaze.

‘Is the teacher at it again?’

Lucion looked a little angry, but Russell pointed to the letter with his finger.

[Is it possible that she really gave them a hard time?]

“She probably did. Did she just grab them and let them go?”

Lucion chuckled and took a step back, looking down at the warm sensation flowing from under his nose.

‘Another nosebleed?’

“Young master.”

Hume called out to Lucion, whose face had turned pale.

“It’s okay. I just need to rest for a bit… “

Suddenly, the sky spun around, and Lucion’s body collapsed.

* * *

“We traced the warlock’s route and found it headed east.”

Carson informed Novio while looking at him.

At the mention of the East, Novio’s eyebrows twitched.

Isn’t that the last place of Lucion’s travels?

Although it felt uneasy, the East was vast, and the chances of it being near the festival location where Lucion was supposed to attend were very low.


Novio asked somewhat sharply.

“They were transporting something.”

“What were they transporting?”

“A corpse.”


Novio clenched his fist in an instant.

“So, those Neubra bastards were creating immortal soldiers?”

“It seems so. We are currently pinpointing the exact location.”

Carson handed over some documents.

“And Lucion has sent some information.”

“Information? Like a travel report or something?”

Novio smiled briefly.

He had been feeling disappointed by the lack of communication.

He couldn’t help but think about whether Lucion was eating well, sleeping well, and how his injured body was faring. These thoughts crossed his mind hundreds of times a day, making him feel anxious and eager to meet him immediately.

“Unfortunately, no, Father.”

Carson’s usual smile was absent, causing Novio’s smile to disappear as well.

“This is a list of nobles that the Luteon family has discovered and investigated. They are targeting Lucion, and all of them are connected to Neubra.”

Carson said, gritting his teeth.

It was Lucion again.


“Well, I knew this day would come eventually. Who would these fools be targeting if not someone like Lucion, who didn’t want the frontier’s power to grow any stronger?”

Novio’s gaze sharpened. He had become like a predatory beast, quietly stalking his prey.

“It turns out that the rope the foolish nobles were holding onto was Neubra.”

Novio looked at Carson.

“Kill them all.”


Just as Carson was about to get up, the communication device rang.

“Answer it.”

Novio said.

“Excuse me.”

Carson nodded slightly to Novio before checking the communication device.

It was a call from Heint.

“What is it?”

Carson asked bluntly.

<Well, Carson…>

“Don’t beat around the bush. Just tell me.”

<Was there a time in the past when Lucion collapsed?>

“What does that mean?”

Carson’s brow furrowed deeply.

Novio stood up abruptly.

Snatching the communication device from Carson’s grasp almost forcefully, he asked.

“Sir Heint, did you just say that Lucion collapsed?”


“Speak up.”

The sound of Heint swallowing nervously could be heard through the communication device.

<Y-yes. Lucion has collapsed.>

“Was he attacked?”

If it was another attack, Novio had already made up his mind to rush to the palace.

If he claimed to protect someone else’s precious son, he should at least make an effort to protect him, shouldn’t he?

The memories of the auction house, where light flooded in, made his teeth grind together.

<No! Absolutely not!>

Heint spoke urgently.

“Then what?”

<…It’s… it’s exhaustion.>


Novio paused, processing the information.

“Exhaustion? What do you mean?”

Carson asked, looking confused.

Lucion was not someone who could be easily worn down or forced into anything against his will.

<That’s why I contacted Carson to inquire if Lucion had always been physically weak. I didn’t know the call was switched to you, Lord!>

Novio let out a deep sigh upon hearing Heint’s frustrated voice

He couldn’t help but feel bitter for Lucion, even though it was inevitable.

How difficult must his journey have been?

“Sir Heint.”

<Yes, my lord!>

“Because of the Light, there were times when Lucion’s body temporarily weakened. It seems that a mix of exhaustion and the aftermath of the Light caused this. Make sure to take good care of Lucion and ensure he doesn’t go hungry.”

<I understand!>

Novio returned the communication device to Carson.

After ending the call, Carson looked directly at Novio and spoke.

“I’ll go to the East; shouldn’t we find out where in the East a warlock is creating undying corpses? This is a frontier’ mistake, and I will take responsibility for it.”

Carson started with excuses, but his true intentions soon became clear.

“After that, when Lucion’s trip is over, I will accompany him back to Cronia.”

Novio finally felt relieved, pretending not to know Carson’s true intentions.

Having Carson by his side brought more reassurance than simply receiving reports.

“Very well. Do as you said.”

* * *

Lucion blinked.

At that moment, Ratta’s foot accidentally landed on Lucion’s eyelid.

It felt soft.

―No, Lucion, you need to rest more. Sleep a little longer. Ratta will sing you a lullaby.

Lucion opened one eye that Ratta hadn’t covered and looked around.

The sun was gently shining through the window, casting shadows of swaying branches in the wind.

[Are you feeling better now?]

Bethel asked, stroking Lucion’s head.

[Look at his eyes. The fatigue is gone. He should be fine now.]

Bethel laughed for a moment at Russell’s grumbling voice.

[Despite your words, you were the most worried, weren’t you?]

“Yes, he was the most concerned.”

Hume’s voice, mixed with laughter, added to Bethel’s words.

―Exactly! When Ratta briefly woke up during sleep and saw Russell bustling around.


―Ahem. “I hope nothing happens. I hope he’s not in pain!” Ratta remembered everything because she was smart.

Russell urgently called out to Ratta, but she continued babbling.

“…Did I pass out?”

Lucion’s face expressed utter surprise, and Russell let out a disappointed laugh.

[Pass out? The doctor came and said it was exhaustion. Exhaustion.]


[Who else would it be?]

Lucion blinked, still wearing a surprised expression.

Russell sighed in frustration at Lucion’s lack of understanding.

[What did everyone say to you when they gathered around you? They told you to rest, right? Look at this. Are you going to exhaust yourself to the point of passing out without taking a break?]

Russell began nagging, one point after another, unable to contain himself any longer.

Why didn’t he sleep during his growth period?

Why did he wander around, neglecting his sleep?

If he intended to handle all the organization’s work, why did he leave Kran in that position?

Why did he schedule his travel dates so tightly in the first place?

And so on.

As the nagging continued, Bethel stopped Russell.

[Russell, I think that’s enough.]

[…Is it still not enough?]

[How on earth did you endure it all this time?]

[How have I held it together? I’ve used up all my patience and squeezed it right here.]

Russell pointed to his chest, his eyebrows knit together.

However, Russell’s expression quickly softened as he witnessed Lucion’s bright and genuine smile.

“You can tell me more.”

[You really… really, you’re incorrigible.]

How could more nagging come out when he’s smiling like that?

Russell exhaled and slumped his shoulders.

[Aren’t you hungry?]

“I am.”

“I’ll go prepare something quickly.”

As Hume got up from his seat, Ratta also got off the bed.

―Ratta wants to come too!

As Ratta realized that she could get something to eat by going to the kitchen, her tail swiftly wagged from side to side.

“… ah.”

Hume, holding Ratta, paused for a moment.

His black pupils flickered for a moment, as if he was about to say something.

[Hume. Lucion must be hungry. Go quickly.]

But Russell stopped it.

Lucion immediately noticed that it was a deliberate interruption.

“What’s going on? What happened while I was unconscious?”

Hume glanced at Russell.

Russell said, rubbed his forehead.

[Can’t you listen after you’ve eaten?]

“No, tell me. What happened?”

“The First Young Master has left Cronia and headed east.”

“My brother?”

After asking, Lucion raised an eyebrow and pointed at himself.

“It can’t be because of me, right?”

[I think so.]

Russell quietly spoke.

[Good enough.]

Bethel also nodded.

“We don’t know the exact reason yet.”

Hume shook his head in relief.

“And there’s something else I need to tell you.”

Hume spoke again.

He pondered deeply whether he should tell Lucion about this fact.

“What is it?”

Thinking about the letter sent by Shaela for no reason, Lucion tightly grasped the blanket.

“I had another dream.”

Author's Thoughts

Russell, you worked hard enough to cope with such frustration. (≧?≦)ゞ

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