Count's Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 172: Listen To The Story (3)

Chapter 172: Listen To The Story (3)

[Yeah. It really gives me the chills. If someone sees this, they might think you have a split personality.]

In the world of nobility, its actually not uncommon. There are likely many individuals who wear different facades.


Ratta came out of the shadows and crawled up Lucions leg.

Really, multiple faces? Wow, Ratta wants to see that!

No, thats not what I meant, Lucion clarified with a chuckle, gently touching Rattas nose.

No? Aww. Ratta was really looking forward to it.

Ratta shaking her head and casting curious glances around.

Her gaze eventually fell upon Hume, who hesitated for a moment before nodding.

Just make sure you dont run around or break anything.

Okay! Ratta is good at not breaking things.

Not really.

Lucion was well aware of the numerous bowls Ratta had shattered.

But how many bowls had she actually broken?

By the way, what does the head of the Luteon family want to discuss with me? Why did the matriarch invite me in such a manner?

Lucion wondered, narrowing his eyes as a cool breeze wafted in from Hume.

Despite being aware of his official schedule, the lord of Luteon had specifically used Tella to summon him.

It must be an important conversation.

But he couldnt quite grasp what that conversation might be about.

The Luteon family operated the Luteon Bank, which was named after the family.

The bank, which was currently expanding rapidly, might have discovered something related to Cronia.


Russell quickly went out of the room at the sound of knocking on the door.

[Oh, its Tella.]

Please come in.

The door opened with Lucions words.

Hello, Lord Lucion.

Tella greeted him with a bright smile.

Lucion also slowly got up from his seat and nodded slightly to Tella.

How are you?

Tella! Tella!

Ratta, who was exploring the room, hurriedly approached Tella.

Hello, Ratta. Ah, I am doing really well, thanks to Lord Lucion. Lord Lucion, are you feeling well?

Lucions eyebrows twitched momentarily.

If he had to name the most common question he had been asked lately, it would be, Are you okay?

Tella probably intended to inquire about the auction house, but Lucion couldnt help but react and respond due to Krans influence.

Krans impact was significant.

Thank you for your concern. Im fine now regarding the incident at the auction house, Lucion chuckled, trying to dismiss the emotions.

You have no idea how shocked I was when I heard about that incident. I contemplated whether to reach out through the communication device or not, Tella confessed, placing the box she carried onto the table and looking at Lucion with concern.

Its a box! Ratta loves boxes!

Ratta swiftly climbed onto the table and delicately touched the box with her paw.

Before Lucions gaze could reach Ratta, Hume swiftly scooped her up into his arms.

Ratta didnt do anything. Just a light touch. Ratta only lightly touched it. Youre not going to scold Ratta, are you?

Rattas eyes twinkled as she looked at Hume.

Only when Hume nodded did Ratta nuzzle her face into his arms.

Hehe. Hume is the best!

I suppose my fox is very curious about whats inside that box, Lucion said with a gentle smile.


Russell hesitated and glanced at the box.

Whats wrong?

Lucion gave Russell a quick glance.

Well, please take a seat first, Tella offered, gesturing for him to sit down.

Once everyone was seated, Tella began fiddling with the box.

I always end up giving you things that reflect my taste, so I feel a little embarrassed.

I happen to enjoy macarons.

Without hesitation, Lucion spoke, and Tella clapped her hands in excitement.

Then, the macarons from that dessert shop we visited last time

They were amazing. Truly.

Lucion enthusiastically opened his mouth.

Actually, I had no idea you liked them so much back then.

Tella hesitated as she spoke.

I did my best to convey their deliciousness in my own way, but it seems I fell short.

Well, there are people who fake their reactions, you know. I thought you were one of them and misunderstood. I apologize!

Tella was truly flustered, her face turning red.

It was a joke.

Lucion laughed lightly.


Tella blinked her eyes in surprise.

It must be challenging for you.


The Luteon family runs the bank, so many people approach you with ulterior motives.

Thats right.

Tella lightly fidgeted with the edge of her skirt, her expression slightly darkened.

There are many. The bank is just a means to make money, so naturally, there will be many people trying to get close to me.

Ive experienced something similar. Many approached me just by hearing the name Cronia. But once I went crazy, those people didnt even dare to show their noses. Dont worry about them. They only latch onto what they find interesting.

Tella smiled brightly at Lucions words.

Youve grown stronger.


Lucions face displayed confusion, causing Tellas smile to widen.

Do you not remember how we became friends?

The image of Lucion, resembling a wounded stray cat, still vividly lingered in her mind.

Lucion felt greatly embarrassed.

Please, lets forget about that day.

Ratta knows too!

Ratta chimed in, and Lucion felt a ticklish sensation in his palms, as if he were going crazy.

[Now that I think about it, I never heard how Lord Lucion and Lady Tella became friends.]

As Bethel spoke with a smile, Lucion quickly changed the topic.

S-So, whats the gift?

I had something else prepared originally, but I came up with this idea after the recent incident.

As Tella opened the box, Rattas eyes widened.

Oooooh! Its a shiny dagger!

Lucions eyes narrowed slightly.

Suddenly, he felt discomfort on his skin.

No, it cant be?

Lucion licked his lips.

Not once, but three times.

At this point, Tella could easily be referred to as the Hand of Light.

While it may appear decorative, its actually a good dagger for self-defense, Tella explained with a smile.

[Its an item imbued with light.]

Russell spoke as the dagger was revealed.

Is it real?

Lucion was surprised.

Humes eyes shifted uneasily.

[Isnt this getting strange? Dont you think?]

Russell himself didnt want to doubt Tella.

But why did everything she gave him seem to be imbued with light?

Surely she would have known about Lucions constitution and tested it beforehand.

[How does she know so well? It emits such a faint light, just like when Tella gave you the brooch.]

It was only after Russell spoke that Bethel noticed the subtle glow emanating from the dagger.

It was so faint that one would hardly notice it unless they focused on it.

[I am an unfortunate genius warlock. How many years have I sensed the presence of light? If you dont know this much, you cant be called a genius.]

Russell snorted and burst into laughter.

Thats right. Russell is a genius!

As Ratta chimed in, Russells voice became louder.

If it were just an ordinary dagger, I wouldnt have presented it to Lord Lucion as a gift.

Lucion was surprised, and Tella felt satisfied.

After all, a gift brings true happiness when it surprises the recipient.

This dagger has the ability to sense darkness.



Both Lucion and Russell were shocked.

What does this mean now?

Tellas smile grew longer.

So, it is said that when it senses darkness, it emits a spark of light Oh, dont worry. I had it tested at the temple, and they assured me that it only emits a very faint glow that wouldnt have any significant impact on Lord Lucion.

It sounded familiar.

Lucion continued to ask with uncertainty.

Did you have it tested at the Great Light Temple?

Yes, I had it examined there.

And did you do the same with the other items you gave me?

Did, did you experience any issues with the gifts I gave you?

Tella suddenly became pensive and clasped her hands together.

I I am aware of Lord Lucions condition, so I had them examined by the priest multiple times, just to be safe and ensure your well-being.

Its a holy relic

Lucion squeezed his thighs tightly.

[Is it a holy relic?]

Bethel finally blurted out her long-held guess.

[Okay. It must be a holy relic.]

Russell agreed.

Ratta doesnt know? Um, Troy doesnt sense anything.

[Perhaps its because its not functioning.]

Ohh! Russell is truly clever!

Rattas eyes sparkled.

That dagger is clearly a holy relic.

Lucion felt a slight relief that Tella didnt know it was a holy relic.

Only priests with divine powers could identify holy relics.

It was natural that the other items she gifted him couldnt be confirmed, as they must have been entrusted to a high-ranking priest.

But what about that brooch? No, why would another relic come to me?

The same thing had happened with the Tears of Larvis.

He was a warlock.

He was someone who had received the blessing of darkness.

Is this also because of the red thread? Since I keep cutting the red thread, is fate just sending me to my death by exposing me to light?

Lucion absentmindedly scratched his forehead, where Troys blessing resided.

Or is it because of this blessing?

He didnt like either possibility.

No, I asked out of curiosity.

When Lucion smiled, only then did Tella relax her shoulders.

Thank goodness. I was worried that something serious had happened.

But is it true that this dagger can detect darkness? How can we confirm that?

I may boast about it, but I havent actually tested it yet. I cant catch the warlock, nor can I confirm if they are in close proximity.

[But its right in front of you.]

Russell pointed his finger at Lucion.

I apologize. All I could confirm were mere rumors.

Tellas head lowered slightly as she wiggled her fingers.

You dont need to apologize. Lady Tella, I know better than anyone that youre not someone who would be swayed by rumors alone.

Tellas eyes hardened slightly at Lucions words.

I didnt just dismiss it as a rumor. After I purchased this dagger, people started approaching me, suggesting that I sell the dagger to them.

Do you know those people?

No. They were strangers to me, too. They were offering to pay me ten times the price I bought it for. Thats when I realized it wasnt an ordinary item.

Next time, tell them you sold it to me.

I cant do that. I may have been reckless during our previous encounter, but not this time.

Lucion firmly held onto the gift.

Its mine now; I did take it.

Thats cheeky. Youre trying to accumulate debt like this so you can get gifts from me again, right?

How did you know?

Tella chuckled at Lucions witty response.

If youre curious about the people who wanted to buy the dagger, I can investigate. I have the means to do so.

Thank you.


Tella suddenly remembered something and spoke up.

There has been another person searching for the Tears of Larvis. The demand seems to be increasing lately.

Are there more people searching for lost items aside from the family members?

Yes! This is something new. People are willing to buy them regardless of the cost.

Could they be searching for relics? Nevast, or maybe Neubra? Which side could it be?

Lucion focused on the fact that there were many people coming to find the Tears of Larvis.

Come to think of it

A sense of unease washed over Lucion, but it quickly slipped from his mind.

What was it? What did I want to ask?

If it bothers you, I can look into it.

Tella clenched her fists with enthusiasm.

Yes, I would appreciate that.

And by the way, are you satisfied with the current interest rate, sir? Such benefits may not be available in the future.

Could you increase it even more?

[If you raise it any further, youll become a full-fledged loan shark, Lucion.]

Russell frowned.

Saint, now that I think about it, you truly are a loan shark.

Tellas eyes widened in realization.

[You see?]

Russell walked over to Tella and glanced at Lucion.

It was a joke.

Lucion discreetly concealed his true emotions from their scrutiny.

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