Count's Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 169: I Repay The Favor (3)

Chapter 169: I Repay The Favor (3)

Is it completed? Lucion asked.

No, not yet. I would be thrilled if it were completed, but its not quite there yet. However, it shouldnt take much longer. Miella chuckled softly.

The remaining task is to ensure that light absorption functions properly and that only the regenerative power within the light remains. Honestly, light absorption was the most challenging aspect, but with the generous funding I received, I had the opportunity to experiment with hundreds of expensive magic stones and get a better grasp of it.

[Hundred magic stones? How much is that all worth?]

Russell was shocked.

Still, although the concept of regenerative power within light is still unfamiliar to me, Ive worked on filtering and separating magical attributes in other items, so theres not much left to do!

Do you need anything else?

Yes, I do!

Despite her eagerness, Miella quickly revealed an embarrassed smile.

Even by her own admission, the subsidy was a lot.

Even during her noble days, it was much more than the maintenance costs she used to have in her pocket.

But since Hamel had told her not to worry about the price and to speak up, she felt no real burden.

As you know, light can generate tremendous heat. I need a skilled craftsman who can create a container to hold that light. The shape doesnt matter. I mean someone who can refine the toughest ores.

Does she know that Zamad has joined our organization?

Lucion had doubts since he only mentioned it to Kran.

Then, what kind of gem is embedded in the necklace right now?

Its a magic stone. Its only a temporary solution, and its not sufficient. It will likely break soon, Miella explained.

So, you plan to mix magic stones with ores moving forward?

Thats right! Miellas smile grew brighter, her eyes sparkling with excitement. The magic stone will capture the light, but we need a sturdy barrier, and I want the ore to be that barrier.

Then, would blacksmith Mr. Zamad be sufficient for that?

The retired Mr. Zamad?

Youre right.

Id love that, but I dont know where else to find him

Lucion took out his communication device.

Hoping he would answer today.

After what felt like several seconds, a gruff voice came through.

<Whats up?>

Oh. Whats going on?

Lucion asked in surprise. He thought he wouldnt pick up.

<Ah. Im human, too, and I was just trying to get rid of some old grime. Ugh. I cant stand the stench anymore.>

Im contacting you because I have one more request.

Huh. I knew you had a sharp tongue, but I didnt expect you to change the agreement. Its quite disappointing.

No. My promise to see the sword Mr. Zamad made and decide whether to come or not to the organization remains the same. Soon, we will also deliver fresh minerals.

Really? The real Zamad? Miella pursed her lips.

Yes, its really Mr. Zamad. Oh, of course, Mr. Zamad who just became a blacksmith.


Through the communication device, Zamads cheerful laughter could be heard.

<Ah. I was reborn with a new body and a new mind.>

Is the great sword completed?

<Do you know what a craftsman is, lad? Even for a single embellishment>

Mr. Zamad, I dont think youre in a position to discuss what a craftsman is. Youve just become a blacksmith.

Lucion chuckled. Now that he acknowledged himself as Blacksmith, he should make good use of it.

<Do you know that you are really toxic?>

I dont know. Is it more or less complete then? Lucion pressed for an answer.

<More or less.>

Great. Ill be seeing you soon, but in the meantime, Ill pass the communication device to Ms. Miella, the expert in item crafting, so you can have a conversation with her.

Lucion handed the communication device to Miella.

Me, you mean me? Miella stammered in surprise.

Im still not mentally prepared. Mr. Zamad, no, Master Zamad!

While she was startled and received the communication device, Lucion turned his head, lifted his mask slightly, and took a sip of tea.

It was really nice that the magic didnt break unless he took off the mask completely.

Oh. Its pretty delicious. It would be perfect if there were just macarons.

[It would be perfect if I had macarons. Is that what you were thinking just now?]

Cough, cough!

Caught off guard, Lucion coughed, momentarily flustered by Russells remark.

Hume lightly patted Lucion on the back.

Are you okay?

The door suddenly swung open and Kran entered.

Lucion swiftly pulled his mask back on, his gaze shifting towards Bethel.


Bethel hesitated and glanced at Russell with a hint of reproach in her eyes.

Russell was mortified.

He hadnt actually said anything out loud; he had only thought about the lack of macarons, even though there were cookies available.

[He didnt see it. Maybe. Well, he might have caught a glimpse of the jaw area, but it was very brief.]

Russell looked at Lucion, trying to gauge his reaction.

Are you finished talking with Mr. J.L.?

Lucion asked, clearing his throat.

Are you still in pain?

Krans face was filled with concern.

What about Mr. J.L.?

Lucion asked, ignoring Kraans question.

Well, thats Kran began, but before he could continue, Miella interjected.

Ah! Wait a moment, Mr. Kran. This is perfect timing. I apologize for interrupting your conversation, Mr. Hamel.

Miella hurriedly approached Lucion, setting aside her ongoing call.

Is it possible to obtain light? You know, something that emits light.

Thats something I can provide later

How much do you need?

Lucion cut Kran off and asked.

Kran frowned slightly, and Miella slightly covered her mouth.

No, its not necessary. I will take care of it. And Mr. Hamel, could you please come to the room where Mr. J.L. is for a moment? Kran requested.

[Well. Lord Lucion, this is something that Kran can do even without your intervention.]

Lucion was indignant when Bethel came out.

He had only wanted to ask how much money was needed.

Lets go, Lucion finally agreed, realizing that Kran and Miellas serious expressions left him with little choice.

Lucion stood up from his seat, and Hume followed suit.

It will be over soon.

Kran took a step forward only after bowing his head to Miella.

Hamel is young. Younger than his voice suggests.

Krans face stiffened slightly.

His keen eyesight, honed through archery, allowed him to observe the details.

He hadnt seen all of Hamels subordinates, but they were clearly young.

Letting out a brief sigh, Kran proceeded ahead.

* * *

J.L. had a reason for calling Lucion.

We need a location for the new headquarters of the organization, dont we?

J.L. spoke up.

Thats right.

Lucion nodded.

If the northern, eastern, and ant caves were obtained, Organization Ale would be able to obtain all the locations that the Neubra Kingdom had planted without the Empires knowledge.

Just hearing about it made him feel the organization growing.

Yes, thats correct. Ive contacted the three branches currently located in the central region to put fake information into the anthill.

This was what he had asked Kran to do.

Kran continued, providing further details. And in a few days, someone from Neubra will be sent to inspect the branch. Until then, we need to seize control of all the branches and maintain a low-key presence, just as the Neubra Kingdom did. To make that possible, as you mentioned, we need a new location.

I know a good place within the Empire.

J.L. lightly hit the already unfolded map.

How do you know about it?

Lucion opened his mouth, conscious of Kran.

He approached the topic carefully, knowing that it might sound futile if J.L. were unaware.

I have already informed Mr. Kran, so its alright, J.L. replied, and Kran nodded in confirmation, putting Lucion at ease.

J.L. glanced at both of them before speaking again. Judging by the way people who know about it seem to know, and those who dont, dont, Hamel must be the true leader of Organization Ale, right? Theres no need to pretend and speak cautiously.

How did you know?

Lucions voice was filled with suspicion.

Humes eyebrows also slightly raised in response.

J.L. must have sensed Humes gaze and instead of looking at her, he pointed to his own eyes.

I knew through intuition. It would have been better if I had realized it before losing everything, but after losing everything, I saw it more clearly, J.L. explained.

[Oh, he has good intuition, doesnt he? Have we received any reports from the ghost that now controls J.L.s store?] Russell smirked with satisfaction.


Kran swiftly attached a small crossbow to his arm, ready to take immediate action. What should we do? If you wish, I can eliminate him and handle the situation immediately, Kran suggested.

[Kran is excellent too. Its only natural for someone who serves the master to be like this.]

Bethel smiled as she looked at Kran.

Come to think of it, Lucions insight was truly the best.

What are the odds that five out of five people are all capable?

Its as if Lord Lucion has seen the future.

Lucion reassured Kran, Never mind, I prefer to see them as competent.

He believed it was inevitable that someone would eventually discover his true identity as the leader of Organization Ale.

It was just a matter of whether they would betray him or not.

Peter already noticed.

Lucion smirked at J.L., who tried to appear nonchalant but was sweating coldly.

Finally, Kran released the crossbow and bowed his head to J.L.

I apologize.

No, its alright. If I die, theres nothing I can do about it. Ive accepted it as my fate. Anyway, since were here, theres one thing I want to ask Mr. Hamel.

What is it?

How did you know where I was?

Its better if you dont know. Itll only make you uneasy. Anyway, please let me know the location for the new branch.

Lucion heard from the presence beyond death.

He knew what this would sound like unless he was blessed with darkness.

* * *

It started with just the three of them, but as they discussed, they were joined by Miella and Reint, who was in charge of each part of the organization, as well as Peter, Heroan, and Quate, who had finally returned from his summons.

Time passed for a little over an hour, but as opinions quickly came together, it seemed like it would be roughly concluded. Lucion stood up from his seat first.

Then, Ill go first.

Mr. Hamel.

Kran suddenly stood up.

Please wait here for a moment.

Ah, me too.

I cant lose either.

Everyone started to rise, including Miella.

I need your help.

Heroan took J.L., who was looking at him blankly, and took him out.

Lucion watched in disbelief as they rushed out the door.

What are they doing right now?

[Ill go and find out.]

Russell licked the corner of his mouth and flew off.

Ratta too! Ratta wants to see too!

Ratta, playing with her tail, poked her head out of the shadows.

Stay inside, Latta.


Ratta rolled her eyes once or twice and then slipped back into the shadows.

Russell, who returned, just smiled and looked at Lucion.

[Whats wrong?] As Bethel asked, Russell burst into laughter.

[Youll see in a little bit.]

[Since you are so happy, it must be a good thing.]

Bethel vaguely predicted what they would do to Lucion.

But when Lucion didnt seem to notice, Bethel was tempted to give him a hint.

[I dont know if I should say this because Lucion doesnt feel it. Hes barely hung out with anyone other than his family. Hes clumsy. Well, thats the same with me, but hes worse. So dont get frustrated if he doesnt see the obvious, just watch him.]

Bethel remembered what Russell had said in an awkward yet serious manner.

Russell continued talking, sharing stories about Lucion, until the moon set and the sun rose.

With each anecdote, Bethel could sense the genuine care and concern Russell held for Lucion, resembling both a true teacher and an older brother.

Then just tell Ratta. Ratta will keep her mouth shut. Okay?

Ratta nudged a forepaw out of the shadows.


As Lucion spoke, Ratta tucked her paw back in.

[Theyll be here soon. Wait patiently, Ratta.]

As soon as Russell pointed to the door, it swung open.


Lucion looked at them, dumbfounded, and Hume smiled broadly.

Woohoo! There are so many gifts! I guess theyre all for Lucion!

Ratta, overcome with excitement, jumped up and down within the shadows.

Its a shame that Mr. Hamel was the only one missing from the last party. I have prepared a gift for you, Kran announced, his face almost hidden behind the piled-up items.

We didnt want Kran-sama to prepare everything alone, so Peter and I helped and beautifully wrapped them, Miella explained, her smile bashful.

Defensive magic

Shh! Peter interrupted, causing Miella to be startled and screamed.

Peter awkwardly rubbed the back of his head.

Ah I was just eager.

Ive been preparing these gifts since before. I wanted to repay the favor, even if its just a little bit. Oh, theyre nothing special inside. Just some things my subordinates picked up here and there. As you know, the thought matters more than the contents.

Heroan gestured to the items in his hands, both his own and J.L.s, and smiled broadly.

Why is J.L.?

Lucion was shocked.

Its nothing special from me either. Ive wanted to repay Mr. Hamels kindness for a long time, so I hope you can accept it comfortably. Oh, and its also the heart of the entire Reint Mercenary Corps! Reint proclaimed, a distinct medicinal scent emanating from the gift boxes that covered his size.

I really didnt prepare anything extraordinary. I thought you might appreciate a bottle of expensive liquor since we couldnt drink together last time, Quate explained with a shy smile.

It didnt matter to Lucion what the gift was.

If they were expensive, he would accept them with gratitude.

He was just overwhelmed.

Why why are you giving them to me?

Lucion asked, feeling flustered.

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