Chapter 156: To the North (2)

[You did it, Lucion.] Russell said proudly.

Lucion couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction as the corners of his mouth curled up.

“Good. You made the right choice. You probably won’t regret it. As for how we’ll keep in touch… Hmm. No, I’ll come find you. That’ll be faster.”


“It’s a trade secret.”

Lucion stood up, signaling that their business was now concluded.

Although there was still a lingering hint of suspicion in Heint’s eyes, the meeting had gone smoothly.

‘Now, I can go back and stretch my legs…’

But suddenly, without warning, Lucion’s hand moved.

“…?” Heint was taken aback.

It wasn’t Lucion who had moved, but Bethel.


The sound of two swords clashing filled the air, surprising both Lucion and Heint.

‘He didn’t even have a chance to defend himself, yet he managed to block it…?’

Heint just wanted to hit the warlock. His hand, holding the sword, was filled with strength.

[Don’t be surprised. It poses no threat. Heint didn’t intend to harm you.]

Bethel comforted Lucion, but her voice became sharper.

“What are you doing now?”

Lucion’s own body had moved, despite his possession.

He felt the impact of blocking Heint’s sword and the strain it put on his stomach.

Damn it.

Lucion bit his lip.

“I’m a fool to be swayed by you. It’s bad luck to the end. When will I ever master the sword? Annoying guy.”

Heint lowered his sword.

Feeling the pain in his stomach, Lucion watched as Bethel also lowered her sword and urgently checked his condition.

[The wound hasn’t burst, but does it hurt a lot?]

[It’s because of the pressure on his stomach.]

Russell patted Lucion on the back, offering some comfort.

Then, Russell turned his attention to Hume, who appeared bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

[Hume, don’t be surprised that you couldn’t stop it. It was a sword that posed no threat, difficult to detect.] Russell explained, reassuring Hume.

“I’m taking that guy away.”

Heint took a deep breath and pointed at Gartio.

“Alright. I’ll contact you soon, Lightbringer.” Lucion said, deciding to use the nickname Peter had given him, despite the pain in his stomach.

As Heint lifted Gartio, he turned around and said, “My name is Heint Tria.”

There was no trace of the warlock or his companions, as if no one had been there from the beginning.

“I, I am…”

“Shut up.”


Heint struck Gartio in the neck and knocked him unconscious.

‘Damn. I fell for it again.’

Not only did his surprise attack fail, but he also ended up with a strange nickname.

Heint, with a grim expression, picked up Gartio and left.

‘How did he know where I was and come to find me?’

Heint suddenly remembered the letter he had received from an unknown sender and bit the inside of his cheek hard.

He felt uneasy about being watched, but at the same time, he felt a strange sense of relief.

Hamel’s sudden appearance had brought clarity to the connections.

The crow pattern was associated with the Hand of Void, which was linked to the Neubra Kingdom.

And now, it had extended its reach to the sacred nation of Nevast within the empire.

‘Look first and deal with it later,’ Heint thought, his gaze fixed on the traitor.

The evidence and circumstances were clear, and it was time to confront and address the situation.

* * *

While taking Peter, Lucion moved to where Kran was among the three central branches.

“Mr. Hamel.”

As soon as they arrived in front of the branch, Peter called Lucion.


“I’m… sorry.”


“As a magician, I… I didn’t fulfill my mission properly.”

At the same time, Hume’s eyes also wavered.

Despite Bethel’s reassurances, he couldn’t shake off the guilt of failing to prevent the attack.

“What are you talking about? I’m fine.”

“I let my guard down in the end. If I had been able to block that attack…”

“No. You can be proud of your magic, Peter,” Lucion interrupted.

He blocked the main character’s attack.

It was never easy.

[To be honest, I was surprised too. Peter’s defense magic was better than I thought. He deserved the praise, Lucion]

Russell also acknowledged Peter.

But Peter still couldn’t lift his head with a guilty expression.

How could a mage who couldn’t even protect his benefactor have any conscience?

“But I…”


How on earth did Peter get manipulated by the Hand of the Void?

Lucion patted Peter on the shoulder.

“You did well. You did really well, so lift your head. Go to the temple later for a check-up. You pushed yourself too hard.”

“It wasn’t me who pushed myself; it was Hamel,” Peter replied urgently, looking at Lucion with a bewildered expression.

Lucion flinched at the momentum.

‘Why do you speak so menacingly?’

“You say I can go to a priest and get treatment, but where and how should Hamel get treatment?”

“There is no cure. I just have to wait for it to heal on its own.”

Lucion answered as he walked into the branch.

What can he do when he only has the power of regeneration among light, darkness, and mana?

He’ll hold it in until Miella completes her masterpiece.

In the heavy silence, Lucion glanced back.

Peter’s expression mirrored Kran’s.

[Is there a Kran over there? I guess Quate told him that you were here.]

Startled by Russell’s words, Lucion focused his attention ahead once again.

‘They say even a tiger will come if you just say the word.’

Kran waved his hand lightly towards himself, catching Lucion’s attention.

“Mr. Hamel.”

Peter called Lucion.

“Yes, go ahead.”

“I will become a stronger shield in the future.”

For some reason, he said, ‘I will train hard from now on.’ ‘I will become stronger’ or something like that. Feeling like something similar would come out, Lucion spoke in advance.

“That’s all good, but just focus on practicing and don’t suddenly run away.”

“Well, something like that will never happen again. I’ve been scolded by my younger brother a lot,” Peter admitted, feeling embarrassed and fidgeting with his hair.

“How is your brother doing?”

“Thanks to Hamel, he’s doing well.”

Peter replied with a broad smile.

It was all thanks to Hamel that Peter’s brother was able to live a normal life.

Peter immediately noticed Kran’s presence.

No matter what anyone said, the leader of the organization Ale was clearly ‘Hamel.’

Peter didn’t know how long this charade would continue, but he was determined to protect Hamel as long as he wanted.

“Um, I’ll take my leave now. If you have time next time…”

“Peter, if you have something to say, use the communication device I gave you. Remember Heroan? Don’t be like him. I really want to snatch it away from him, but…” Lucion sighed.

“By the way, Quate said that.”

“What did he say?”

“He said he sincerely wanted to slit Heroan’s throat.”

“I agree.” Lucion chuckled softly.

[Me too.]

Russell nodded, and Bethel also slightly raised her hand.

[Me too.]

“Then, I’ll take my leave. Take care of yourself, Hamel,” Peter bid farewell.


It felt like there was one more Kran, but Lucion walked towards the real Kran.

“I’m glad you’re safe.”

Unlike Hume, Kran’s eyes, filled with loyalty, were fixed upon him, resembling a loyal servant looking at their king.

Lucion walked alongside Kran for a moment before informing him about the recent encounter with the Imperial Knights.

“I met the Imperial Knights.”

Kran blinked in surprise. “Yes?”

“Do you know Heint Tria, the captain of the 8th Knights?”

“I know, but you’ve just met that knight?”

Isn’t he a knight who uses light?

“Heint and I have decided to be on the same side. At least for now,” Lucion explained.


“Perhaps this will allow us to establish a connection with the imperial family. Your role in handling matters in the middle will be crucial. But don’t worry too much. I’ll take care of most of it myself,” Lucion assured Kran.


Kran couldn’t comprehend Lucion’s words.

Why was the imperial family suddenly involved?

He felt like his mind had stopped functioning, as if he had entered another world.


Lucion paused for a moment, trying to steady himself as a sudden dizziness overcame him.

Having been exposed to Heint’s light at close range multiple times, Lucion knew his body wasn’t in good condition.

“Wait a minute, please turn around.” Hume said to Kran.


Kran hurriedly turned around at the sudden smell of blood.

Immediately afterwards, a voice as if someone was vomiting something was heard.

The smell of blood became stronger.

Thump. Thump.

Kran was so shocked that his heart beat like crazy.

Hamel had met a knight of light, and it was inevitable that he would be exposed to the light.

How could he not have considered this?

Kran closed his eyes tightly, blaming himself.

‘Things that are good for his body. Next time, make sure to take good things for his body.’

Kran repeated the same words in his mind several times.

* * *

“Sure. Don’t you think His Majesty would be very angry?”

His fingers moved in time with the shadows of tree branches swaying in the wind.

The wound on the back of his hand was writhing, and his black little fingernail was particularly noticeable.

“If only Heint, the one blessed by light, had seized such a golden opportunity in the auction hall where the nobles have yet to enter… His Majesty would surely be furious.”

<Do you know? Lucion Cronia is participating in the Death Sea Purification Prayer Festival held in the East.>

A voice came through the communication device.

“I know. That’s why I’m preparing as well.”

<Yes. Because you are different from those stupid things. Look forward to it.>

“I hope you don’t forget what you promised.”

<If you get rid of Lucion, you’ll have a change soon.>

“That’s it. Sea of the Death. Isn’t that a place where even if someone dies, their body cannot be found?”

<Novio, this is the perfect way to steal that guy’s reason.>

“Then, I’ll contact you that day.”

The first person to hang up was the person beyond the communication device.

The Hand of the Void, the leader of the group.

‘Ah. It’s fun, fun, so fun. What a happy day this is.’

The fingers moved again.


Only when the frontier collapses will the empire be shaken.


The empire had to be shaken in order to change this wretched country.


For that to happen, the frontier had to eventually collapse.

Novio Cronia.

The only way to break him was to strike at his weak point—his children, whom he loved and cherished the most.


First, Carson Cronia resembles his father. Even his sword skills give him goosebumps.

Second, Shaela Cronia was a magical genius. She was already in a place that was difficult to access, even from the Mage Tower.

His hand stopped.

All that remained was the youngest, Lucion Cronia.

Cronia’s shame. The only ordinary person among them.

And yet, he was such a desirable target.

However, strangely enough, he was chosen by the divine beast and became a saint.

Because of that, the Hand of the Void became even more impatient.

Only when that symbol of light is eliminated will people look at the warlock, a symbol of darkness, and be afraid.

‘Whether that’s the case or not, what does it have to do with me?’

Even if a warlock appears in the world, the world itself will not change.

Power, money.

That value did not change whether the country collapsed or changed.

He hummed while looking at the moonlight.

It was a sound of joy.

* * *

<His Majesty gave permission.>

Heint was slightly surprised by Cetyl’s voice.

Because the situation was so urgent, he contacted Cetyl last night.

Cetyl, like himself, was suspicious of Hamel, but he seemed to welcome Hamel because he was able to obtain new information.

But Heint never thought he would get a call the next morning like this.

“Are you sure?”

Heint asked back.

<Yes. His Majesty judged that the warlock had value.>

“Meaning, His Majesty plans to use him and then discard him?” Heint pondered for a moment.

Yet, Hamel’s words from the previous day resonated in his mind.

“I mean, I want to live.”

No matter how many times he thought about it, it was true.

“I hate not being able to live a proper life due to being a warlock, and I hate not being able to live like that in the future.”

Even though his face was hidden behind a mask, his expression was vividly imaginable.

<Did you like him already?>

“It’s not like that,” Heint replied without hesitation.

<I, too, oppose using him solely as a tool. As you mentioned, if what the Warlock said is true, it means there might be our people among them.>

Cetyl’s voice subsided.

<All warlocks are bad. I felt strangely ashamed, not knowing who started it. Manifestation. Yes, I was shocked by that part. It was just too strange to exempt the warlock from such an obvious fact.>

“That goes for me too.”

<While His Majesty may have considered his usefulness based on the information he provided, His Majesty doesn’t want them to be mere tools. But caution is still warranted.>

“Yes. Of course. The opponent… is a warlock.”

It’s true that he was shaken for a moment, but in the end, he came back to square one.


That fact was haunting.

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