Cosmic Professional Gladiator

Chapter 798 Enlightenment In The Abyss

Abyss Sovereigns possessed incredibly high realms from the start. They were favored by the will of the Abyss and experienced growth in all aspects of strength. Naturally, they utilized the resources granted by the Abyss to enhance themselves.

Some among them had also cultivated the Heart Realm lineage and possessed numerous clones.

Why is Wu Ming so powerful? I've chosen the wrong path this time! Xu Jingming swiftly eliminated an Abyss Sovereign of the Heart Realm lineage, who had over a thousand clones, by manipulating spacetime and karma.

There was another Abyss Sovereign—hailing from the Mother Stream lineage—who delved into the depths of the Mother Stream. I must run, flee as far as possible! If I can distance myself enough, the transmission of strength will greatly diminish, increasing my chances of survival. Wu Ming lacks proficiency in the Mother Stream lineage, preventing him from reaching the true depths achievable by my lineage.


The Mother Stream stretched out limitlessly. As one ventured deeper, the infiltration became more arduous. This particular Abyss Sovereign displayed remarkable skill in navigating the Mother Stream lineage. Continuously penetrating the depths, each advance through spacetime brought about an increase in depth.

Flee! Flee! Push forward! Despite the difficulty, the Abyss Sovereign persisted in diving deeper. In the distance, faint beams of light came into view. Am I nearing the bed of the Mother Stream?


An imperceptible force—guided by karma—shattered the barriers of spacetime, obliterating the clone completely.

Xu Jingming's power reached the third realm, transcending time and space. No matter how far the Abyss Sovereign was, escape was impossible. The hindrance of the Mother Stream held no sway over him.

"Great Master of Antinight, I have faithfully served in the Nightdream Army. Please grant me a chance to live," pleaded the clone of an invincible half-step third realm powerhouse, adrift in the boundless dominion as he arrived in the territory of Master of Antinight. Having been expelled from the Nightdream Army earlier today, he now kneeled before the towering edifice, beseeching Master of Antinight.

A sturdy figure, clad in black metal, emerged from the door of the towering structure. Observing the kneeling invincible half-step third realm entity, he spoke icily, "Master of Antinight merely expelled you. If you persist in pestering him, you shall face complete annihilation."

"General Meteor Nine, we have known each other for so long. Please grant me a chance to live," implored the invincible half-step third realm entity.

"I cannot assist you. Depart swiftly, for if you remain, you risk incurring the wrath of Master of Antinight, leading to your demise!" The black metal figure glanced at him before turning back to reenter the towering building. General Meteor Nine was in a foul mood, having managed to gain entry into the palace within the Ultimate Land but failing to condense a divine rune.

The invincible half-step third realm being gazed at the structure before him, unwilling to waste any more time. Rising to his feet, he departed.

Even someone like Master of Antinight refuses to protect me? Is it because of the Ultimate existence? The invincible half-step third realm being pondered to himself. One can contend for the opportunities bestowed by the Ultimate existence, but once the decision is made, any further attempts to vie for it… would be toying with death.


An unseen force traversed the vast expanse of spacetime, swiftly passing through his body. The invincible half-step third-realm being collapsed lifeless.

In a towering edifice, a pair of eyes observed this spectacle and followed the trail of energy to spot Xu Jingming's numerous clones in Feather Fire City. This Wu Ming… He ought to know he's a member of my Nightdream Army, yet he shows no mercy. Hmph, he cares naught for my existence. Wu Ming, Wu Ming… Who granted you such audacity? The Ultimate entity?

Master of Antinight was the unspoken strongest being in this spacetime; he was naturally filled with arrogance. Wu Ming's actions did not bring him joy.

Nevertheless, Master of Antinight perceived a sense of peril.

We cannot meet an Ultimate entity even if we desire it, but he has deliberately left behind an opportunity. Why would he do so? Master of Antinight pondered silently.

Though he did not comprehend the true intentions of the Ultimate entity, he knew one thing with certainty: Do not thwart the Ultimate entity's scheme! If he were to provoke the Ultimate entity, he himself would vanish completely. He might even be erased from the collective memories of all living beings.

Oh, Wu Ming, being entangled in the plot of an Ultimate entity is an opportunity, yet it is also fraught with danger, Master of Antinight contemplated.

Feather Fire City buzzed with activity. Amidst a gathering of half-step third-realm powerhouses, conversations revolved around the recent calamity.

"Out of the 825 Abyss Sovereigns and invincible half-step third-realm powerhouses, a staggering 823 were ruthlessly vanquished! The remaining two are hiding in treacherous, secluded areas, too afraid to show themselves."

"In the past, they used to say that reaching the pinnacle of the half-step third realm meant invincibility. Well, it seems that so-called invincibility was nothing but a joke. Wu Ming's strength truly defies all odds at the half-step third realm."

"Indeed, he is genuinely invincible."

Discussions filled the air.

In a corner of the gathering, Gumo listened but refrained from joining the conversation.

Wu Ming has truly grown to extraordinary heights. Gumo sighed with a mixture of admiration and emotion.

On Myriad Star Island.

Ancient Tree World Lord and North River Boat Master arrived as honored guests, but Xu Jingming was immersed in seclusion, rendering it inappropriate to disturb him.

"All of them?" The dean, Island Lord, Tower Master, Redmond, and Meng Tian stared at the trio of half-step third-realm powerhouses standing before them.

"Mostly all," Thearch Dragon Island Lord promptly responded. "Out of the 825, a whopping 823 were annihilated! It was an utter decimation. Their clones were eradicated, their life imprints obliterated. Only two managed to evade death by hiding in secluded locations."

"He was too formidable," Ancient Tree World Lord sighed in awe. "Unimaginably powerful."

"I, North River, count myself fortunate to have had Brother Wu Ming as a friend in my lifetime." North River Boat Master sighed with a mixture of deep emotion and pride, feeling that the sacrifice of half his wealth—8,000 Galaxies—had been well worth it as a gesture of friendship.

Thearch Dragon Island Lord inquired, "Brother Wu Ming has ceased his pursuit, but he remains elusive. Is he in seclusion?"

"Yes," the dean affirmed. "He is in seclusion and wishes not to be disturbed."

"Powerful beings have been covertly observing Brother Wu Ming from a distance. One of his clones is cultivating within the Abyss," Ancient Tree World Lord disclosed. "While many Abyss Sovereigns have noticed him, they intercept any potential disturbances, forbidding any living being from approaching. They dare not disturb Brother Wu Ming."

"Judging from the situation, Brother Wu Ming is on the cusp of attaining the third realm," North River Boat Master exclaimed excitedly.

"He has confirmed it himself," Thearch Dragon Island Lord whispered in excitement. "He is on the verge of the third realm."

Time flew swiftly.

After Xu Jingming's extensive pursuit, he immersed himself in deep contemplation. Powerhouses from all corners vigilantly watched his every move, and in the blink of an eye, five years passed.


On this fateful day.

In this spacetime, Feather Fire Lord, Lord Louye, Master of Antinight, Connoisseur, and others simultaneously sensed a formidable presence manifesting within their realm.

Moreover, this presence underwent rapid transformation, growing stronger by the moment! It became increasingly awe-inspiring, exerting an influence that permeated throughout spacetime.

Another third-realm powerhouse is about to emerge in this spacetime, and it hails from the Heart Realm lineage, Feather Fire Lord mused with a smile as he observed Xu Jingming seated by the river on the Abyssal Icefield.

Connoisseur couldn't help but sense the surging willpower and couldn't help but smile. At long last, he has ascended to the third realm.

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