Chapter 268 - Shenzhen - Sweet Whispers

Silence fell between the couple.

Xiu Mei was very moved by her husband’s words, her hand subconsciously moved towards her abdomen and c.a.r.e.s.sed it. She didn’t retort to his words because she understood clearly that he was both worried for the well-being of her and the baby. And that they are in the midst of danger so being away like this makes Lu Chen more worried and the fact that Albert appeared in front of her was like a provocation to Lu Chen that meant if Albert wants to move her, he really can if he tries to.

"Wife,..." Lu Chen’s voice lingered in her ears. She heard him sigh deeply before speaking again, "I understand. I won’t convince you to come back immediately. I know you have Lee In and the other bodyguards there, but I still want you to double your cautiousness and alertness, okay?"


"I miss you."

With her phone on her ears, his voice sounded so close, and coupled with the intimate tone in his voice, it was as if he was directly whispering in her ears. Her heart felt ticklish all over.

"Me too."

She replied in a low voice, just loud enough for Lu Chen to hear it on the other side as she felt her cheeks turn hot like a teenager who was confessing to her high school crush.

"I love you."

His sweet whispers were making her feel all ticklish and moved that she was almost forgetting her current situation. A smile appeared on her lips as she shyly replied to him.

"And I, too."

They didn’t extend their conversation any further and after Lu Chen reminded her for the last time again to be careful, Xiu Mei hung up the call.

Her heart seemed lighter. It felt like her worry and anxiety were all instantly washed away just by her brief conversation with Lu Chen. She found it strange to feel so comforted and safe just because of a person’s words. Is this what love is all about?

Of course, Xiu Mei didn’t forget to hand over the box to Lee In who just finished bandaging her wound. She said in a cool tone that she’ll take care of it then she started communicating with her other colleagues for the next step.

Xiu Mei returned to the hotel before the sky went dark. Because of the events early that day, she thought they would be moving to a different hotel for safety but Lee In explained that the hotel was actually owned by one of the members of the Legion so it was better for them to stay here for safety instead of moving to a different hotel.

They can move with ease in this hotel without needing to ask for permission as well.

Xiu Mei was surprised.

Wow, the owner of this luxurious hotel is also an assassin like Lee In?

She was in disbelief for a few seconds. She stupidly thought that all of them are working purely as an assassin ah. Who would have thought that one of them felt like being an entrepreneur and became an owner of one of the luxurious hotels in Shenzhen City?

Well, by listening to Lee In’s explanation, she felt more comforted and safe from being abducted for the nth time again inside the hotel. The last abduction truly left a great impression on her aside from the fact that she lost her voice, but also because she was awake for a few seconds when they covered her vision before knocking her out.

Xiu Mei was watching the television. The car explosion today was all over the news and even on social media. They showed footage of the aftermath of the explosion and even interviewed a couple of people who were on the scene. Strange enough, but luckily, no one seemed to have seen their confrontation with Albert. She would really feel guilty and terrible if someone innocent got caught up in the middle and died.

At least up to now, she hadn’t seen a single comment saying that they saw a group of people pointing their guns at a man and a dog or something along those lines.

Xiu Mei’s eyelids jumped. That’s really strange. She hadn’t noticed it back then but it was a weird coincidence that no one else but them was in the parking lot at that time. And they stayed there for like a full ten minutes and she didn’t see any shadow of other people at all.

She put her hand on her chin to think.

Did Albert Chen perhaps make it happen so that no one would see them?

Xiu Mei suddenly felt that it was a good thing that she also chose to get involved in the situation and made sure that no one would know that she and the others came out of that garage during that car explosion. Otherwise, the others who’d seen them would surely point at them to be the prime suspects behind the car explosion as they are the ones the only people there before the car exploded.

She watched the news and stalked in social media for almost two hours to make sure that no news about them will connect with the explosion. After she was satisfied with how things are developing, she went early to bed after reading a couple of pages of the All About Pregnancy book.

Ever since she learned that she was pregnant, and knowing that the first three months of pregnancy have the highest risk of miscarriage, she started researching and knowing which to avoid so that she won’t have any accidents because of her own stupidity.

The next day, she got up early and continued with firing the culprit behind the embezzlements in the other branches in Shenzhen. And it even looks like that some people had gotten wind that the Lu Corporation’s Secretary was doing rounds in Shenzhen because Xiu Mei noticed that some of the people involved weren’t around that day.

Ah, well. Too bad for a surprise visit, huh.

After Albert Chen’s appearance yesterday, he didn’t contact her again at all. She was alert the entire day and she didn’t find anything strange at all. Unknownst to Xiu Mei, his plans after her meeting schedule with her yesterday were now focused on a different person.

"How are their investigation going?" Albert stood in front of her LP shelf and started choosing which song to play next.

Xiu Su Yi already knew who he was talking about.

"Their investigation in America is smoothly going. Yesterday, they already found evidence of the foul play behind the soldier’s death and they opened the case for reinvestigation of his death including the man we bribed to fake the evidence for the case."


Albert remained unbothered even after hearing that.

"And the others?"

"They are on standby, waiting for your orders."

Albert did not immediately reply and finally chose which song to play. A minute later, another classical tune could be heard within the room.

He walked back to his desk and picked up the old film camera he had been keeping for quite some time. He had lent it to some of his men to capture the images and sent all the original polaroids to Xiu Mei as a gift.

"Kill them." Albert blurted out as he continued to play with the old camera.

Xiu Su Yi received the order and quickly passed it on to their men on standby in America. Despite the stiff and scary expression on his face due to the scar, he was completely elated. Killing the Xiu descendants one by one has always been his dream, and now his master was finally giving out the order to kill Xiu Min and his team who was investigating in America. He touched his b.r.e.a.s.t pocket lightly. Inside, he hid a picture of a woman whom he loved very dearly years ago and still does today.

One day, he will follow after her and their child.

But today, he must live to continue his revenge on the family who pushed his beloved to her death!

In America.

He received an encrypted message from Lu Chen in the middle of the night that awoke him from his slumber. He knew that it was an important message so he quickly decoded it and read the message. Of course, what he read caused him to forgo sleeping and disturbed his other team members who were soundly sleeping as well.

Xiu Min and his team pushed through with their original schedule, but not as exactly as they originally planned after they strategized last night.



"Go there! F.u.c.k!"

"I’ll distract them!"


"Shit, I only have 4 mags left!"

"Are you stupid?!"

"F.u.c.k! Left turn! Left! Left! Don’t you know how to drive shortie!?"

"How do you expect me to see what’s in front with a shattered windshield!? Punch it for me!"



That’s right. Thirty minutes after they left their hotel, Xiu Min and his team were stopped by mysterious men in the middle of the road.

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