Conquering His Cold Heart

Chapter 394 - 394 To the Town

394 To the Town

On the other side of the mansion, Regulus stretched his arms and finally got up from his chair. Though the fight was still going on, he was done watching it since he had already drawn his satisfaction from somewhere else.

“Are we going somewhere, Milord?” one of his men asked when they saw him slowly walking towards the gate.

Regulus had a broad smile of victory on his face. He held his arms behind his back and replied, “Now that the King’s prize is secured in the dungeon, I think I should go to the town and order something nice to wear. I will be meeting him soon, after all.”

“Shall we join you?” that man asked again.

Regulus, however, waved his hand and then said, “No, I wish to go alone.”

But he did order his men, “Why don’t you go and talk with Jake? Ask him if all the preparations necessary for the full moon have been finished. Also… ask if our ceremony can be finished before the Crestfire clan’s ceremony. I wish to attend their ceremony and see who they are going to choose as their alpha.”

“I heard that they are going to choose King Everard,” one of the men answered proudly.

However, Regulus knitted his brows in anger and said in a cold tone, “Did I demand an answer? Just see to it that our ceremony will be over soon.”

All of his men bowed their heads in fear and agreed.


Regulus rolled his eyes at his men and turned around. Just after taking a few steps though, he stopped again and looked over his shoulder. When he saw who he was looking for, he asked, “Cillian. Let’s see if you can catch up with me.”

“Me?” Cillian looked surprised when Regulus called him.

“Yes. You.” Regulus faced ahead and shouted before rushing towards the gate, “Try to keep up.”

Cillian looked at the others who were looking at him with eyes full of jealousy. He quickly looked at the gate and then mumbled while panicking, “But I am not a werewolf yet…”

Regulus was already too far away to hear him.

And someone shouted at Cillian, “Even so, you better start running if you don’t want His Lordship to get cross at you.”

Cillian gulped anxiously and took the advice. He instantly began to run towards the gate, but at a speed that was not anywhere near that of the werewolf speed.

The others began laughing watching Cillian run like a man.

“Ah! Poor kid is never going to catch up with Lord Regulus,” someone commented while laughing and tearing up.

Cillian clenched his jaw when he heard that comment and promised in his heart. ‘I am going to turn this full moon, no doubt. And I am going to show you all how fast I will run.’

Regulus reached the nearby town in no time. When he stopped and looked behind to see if Cillian was near, he didn’t see the boy anywhere near.

“I guess he is not that good a runner,” he mumbled to himself while breathing slightly heavily. He was still unaware that Cillian hadn’t yet completely turned into a werewolf and wasn’t even a member of the Atkinson clan yet, or any other clan for that matter.

“Nevermind that kid.” He turned to face the town and then read a small signboard with the town’s name written on it. “Silkbay?” he wrinkled his nose. “What kind of name is that? Is the town covered with silk or something?” He snorted and then began walking down the road rather slowly.

Since he had never been to this particular town before, he began observing all kinds of shops and people there. The town was bustling with people since the afternoon was particularly warmer.

After walking for a while and skipping a few tailor shops, Regulus decided to enter a tailor shop that looked fancier than the rest of the others he had come across with.

“How may I help you this fine afternoon, Milord?” the tailor immediately came to greet Regulus, not because he recognized who he was but because he recognized the expensive material that Regulus’ clothes were made from.

Regulus was exuding the aura of a nobleman, which he was.

He smiled at the tailor and expressed his desire to order a suit while his eyes were looking around at the materials in the shop, “I wish to make a very nice suit to wear in front of the King.”

Although Regulus could have easily asked Jake to line up the best tailors from the country in the mansion, he wanted to come down to the town himself. He wished to escape from all the things that were occupying his mind even if it was for a brief hour.

“Oh!” The tailor smiled ear to ear thinking that he had finally caught some rich man in the net. “That’s amazing! I have all the materials that gentlemen are wearing these days. Please take a seat.”

After making Regulus sit down, the tailor instantly pulled out the sample pieces of clothes for Regulus to choose from.

“This is imported all the way from Italy… And this is from Orsenia. This one is from the local market,” the tailor was briefing as he flipped through the samples.

Regulus found the one from Italy to be of premium quality. The material was soft to the touch and the black color also looked regal. “I like this one,” he said while pointing out the material.

After the tailor finished taking the measurements, Regulus paid the tailor in advance and said, “Have it delivered to the Atkinson Mansion by tomorrow night.”

“Atkinson mansion?” The tailor held his breath, finally realizing how important the person in front of him was. He immediately bowed his head low and promised, “I will have it delivered as soon as I finish it, Milord.”

“You better.” Regulus smiled and stepped out of the shop.

He further explored the town for some more time. And when he reached the edge of the town, he sighed and finally decided to go back to the mansion. Just after taking a few steps back, he began hearing all the men shouting to get his attention.

“Carriage? Do you need a carriage ride, sir?”

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