Chapter 386  Mistress

“Is the room to your satisfaction?” Vincent asked again.

Tilla slightly turned her head in order to see the room that was supposed to be hers during her stay at the Warmane Mansion.

The room was way too bigger for her comfort, and way too lavish as well.

Back in the servants’ quarter of the castle, all she had was a bed, a few utensils, and the suitcase that she brought with her from Orsenia.

And right now, she was facing the room that was decorated with expensive-looking furniture of all kinds, beautiful paintings, and there was even a vase filled with freshly picked flowers by her bedside table. The room looked very beautiful, as though it was indeed to be used by the mistress of the mansion.

“Umm… It’s… good,” she replied and took a deep breath.

“Just good?” Vincent wondered if something was still missing from the room so he asked, “Do you need something more? Or is the decoration not to your liking? You can be honest.”

Tilla looked back at Vincent and whispered, “No, I didn’t mean to say that I don’t like it. I meant to say it’s too good. Isn’t it a bit too much for me? I could use a much simpler room than this.”

“There’s no such thing as too much, Tilla.” Vincent looked at Penelope and gave her a nod.

Penelope bowed to Vincent and said, “I will leave you be for now. I will send some of the maids to tend to the Mistress’s need in a while.”

As soon as Tilla felt a gust of wind making the curtains on the far end of the room sway lightly, she looked at Vincent in a reprimanding manner and exclaimed, “Milord. That too was totally unnecessary! Why would you ask them to treat me like the mistress of this mansion? Now she is calling me one!”

Vincent simply gave Tilla a charming smile and gallantly walked inside the room. He carried Tilla towards the grand bed decorated with the cream-colored bed sheet. He then lay her down on the bed as gently as he could.

Tilla could immediately feel her body sinking into the mattress as if it was a huge marshmallow. And when Vincent leaned in and gently caressed her face after pulling a blanket over her body, she felt her heart sinking as well.

“Tilla,” he whispered. His loving gaze met her restless eyes when he further spoke in his low and gentle voice, “You don’t need to be reserved or cautious around me. I have already stated my intention regarding you, regarding how I wish to see our relationship, haven’t I?”

Tilla could only nod in her subconscious state. Her thoughts were running haywire; she wasn’t able to focus on what Vincent was saying because of the close proximity between their faces.

Vincent smiled ever so warmly at Tilla. And he ran his thumb along her lower lip when he further whispered to her, “So, you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable about accepting all the things that I want to provide for you. I am doing all this because I deeply care for your comfort and quick recovery. Don’t feel burdened by it.”

Tilla furrowed her brows and smiled a little. “I am not burdened by your kindness, Milord. I just… I just don’t think I deserve all this…” She darted her eyes around the room and mumbled, “All this extravagance and this kind of treatment.”

Vincent pinched Tilla by her chin and slightly lifted it. He planted a cold yet most warm kiss on her lips and he said rather authoritatively, “As I said, you deserve everything in this world, everything that I can offer.”

He also took the chance to restate what he had said outside to all the workers. “And I was being serious about what I said earlier.”

Tilla slightly raised her brows since she couldn’t think what he meant by that. “What did you say,” she asked somewhat absent-mindedly.

His heart fluttered a little when he looked at Tilla’s beautiful face which was full of innocence. He smiled a bit shyly and mumbled, “If you agree, I wish to make you the mistress of this mansion in the near future. Permanently.”

Tilla slightly parted her lips in surprise upon hearing that straightforward confession from Vincent. She sharply inhaled through her mouth and let out a soft laugh of disbelief, or perhaps, it only appeared that way in Vincent’s mind.

“Why, you don’t believe me?” Vincent asked, slightly bothered by that lack of immediate trust from Tilla. “What should I do to make you believe that my intentions for you are only pure and I wish to have a lasting relationship with you, preferably a relationship that lasts as long as a couple of decades at least?”

Tilla held Vincent’s palm that was resting on her cheek. And instead of answering him, she posed a simple yet most important question, “And after that? What will happen to you when I take my leave from Earth?”

Suddenly, Vincent felt a sharp sting in his chest. It was a very unpleasant feeling, to say the least.

He straightened his back to create some distance between Tilla and himself and scoffed. And he tried to hide his obvious pain by trying to push that important question for his future self to answer.

“We haven’t even begun our relationship formally, Tilla. And you are already worried about what happens after…”

“In fact, I am.” Tilla kept on holding his palm tightly and nodded, her eyes evidently showing proof of what was happening inside of her. “I am worried, Milord. Greatly at that.”

Her worry didn’t just stem from the fact that the relationship between them was rather unconventional in nature. It also originated from the fact that she knew she would be incarcerated if Anastasia’s secrets were to come out.

Vincent reassuringly gave a pat on Tilla’s hand and tried to offer her some comfort at the moment. “Well… let’s not burden our minds with the unknown for now. We will know what happens when the future will unfold itself before us.”

Tilla heaved a deep sigh and forced herself to nod her head in agreement. He was right. Nothing good came out of overthinking.

Vincent released himself from Tilla’s hold and then told her, “I think I will be out for a while. I have to settle some affairs related to the household. Till then, I hope the maids will take proper care of you.”

“Don’t worry, Milord. I will be right here, just where and how you left me,” Tilla said jokingly.

Vincent rolled his eyes at Tilla and exclaimed, “Haha, very funny, Tilla!”

“I think it was funny though.” Tilla covered her mouth with her palm and began to giggle at her own ‘witty’ joke.

Vincent also finally gave in and chuckled. “Okay, okay. It was a little bit funny. I agree.”

After their laugh settled down, Vincent finally got up on his feet and straightened his coat. Before leaving the room, he instructed Tilla, “If you need anything, anything at all, just ask the maids without any hesitation. Okay?”

“I will, Milord,” Tilla replied while sweetly smiling at the Lord.

Tilla watched Vincent leave the room. She couldn’t help but keep on smiling as she stared at the back of her savior.

‘I hope you will never change, Lord Vincent. I am already used to your kindness,’ she thought to herself as he vanished from her sight.

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