380 One Step

Caspian held out his hand and gently held Anastasia’s palm. While lovingly stroking her knuckles with his thumb, he said to her, “Anna, I had always thought that I alone could protect you from any harm befalling you. That’s why I never really gave a thought to assigning some personal guards to you. But…”

He met her curious gaze and clarified his intention, “But I think having personal guards is for the best. I have asked two of my personal guards to swear loyalty to you. What do you think?”

Though she had already asked Caspian not to blame himself for the unfortunate event that happened in his absence, Anastasia could see a hint of guilt lingering around on his face.

Thus, for the sake of Caspian’s mental peace, she agreed. “Sure. I think it is a wonderful idea.”

“Oh, yes. I am glad you also feel that way,” Caspian smiled and lifted Anastasia’s hand to plant a kiss on her knuckles.

He then immediately asked her, “Well, they are standing right outside your door. Would you like to meet them?”

“Right now?” Anastasia slightly raised her brows and looked outside her bedchamber’s door.

“They are outside the main door,” Caspian clarified. “I think you should let them formally swear their oath in front of you. You should remember the names and faces of those who are to offer you protection from here on forth. That way, I will also feel much at ease.”

Anastasia gave a nod and asked, “Help me up then, will you?”


Before pulling her up, Caspian looked at her stomach and asked, “It doesn’t hurt anymore, right?”

“Yes, it’s alright.”

Caspian put the pouch aside and got up from the bed. He gently slid his palm under her head and grabbed a hold of her hand with his other hand. He then helped her up as though she was as light as a feather.

Anastasia wanted to get out of her bed. However, Caspian gestured her to stop and suggested, “You can be seated here on the bed. I will arrange the pillows to rest your back.”

Caspian then quickly arranged the pillow and helped Anastasia to sit down while comfortably resting her back on the stack of fluffy pillows. He also pulled the blanket and covered Anastasia’s lower body to keep her warm.

He then turned his head towards the door and called the men in, “John, Isaac, you may come in.”

A subtle gust of wind hit Anastasia’s face when the two of them entered the room in the next second. They immediately bowed their heads and greeted the Queen.

Caspian then nodded at them, gesturing for them to introduce themselves.

John took the initiative and introduced himself to the Queen, “My name is John Harvey. And I have been the King’s Guard for over a century and a half.”

Isaac picked up right after. “I am Isaac Lowe. I have been serving the King as his guard for over a century now.”

Anastasia gave a subtle nod and acknowledged both of them, “It’s nice to meet you, John, Isaac. I hope I won’t be a burden to the two of you.”

Caspian knitted his brows and spoke on their behalf, “Oh, you won’t, Anna. Don’t say that. They are happy to be able to serve you.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” John agreed to the King.

And both John and Isaac knelt before the Queen. They placed their right palms over their hearts and swore, “From this day on, we swear our loyalty to you, Your Majesty the Queen. We will put your life over everyone else’s.”

“Thank you!” Anastasia pursed her lips and glanced at Caspian, not knowing if it was okay if she just said that or if she needed to say something more.

Caspian gave a nod to reassure her that she did a great job. Then he looked at the guards and said, “Rise.” When they both got up on their feet, he asked, “You may stand guard outside her room now. You can take turns guarding the room, or however you like. But one of you must be near the Queen at all times.”

After agreeing to the King’s request, the guards left the room, leaving the monarchs alone again.

Caspian took a glance at Anastasia and then kept on standing right where he was while staring outside the door. He was waiting for the tea to arrive.

Anastasia, however, wondered if he was feeling uncomfortable because of her menstrual cycle. Thus, she vocalized her worry, “Caspian, if it’s uncomfortable for you to stay here in my room for longer then you may head back to your workroom. I’m feeling fine. Besides, Martha is here to take care of me.”

Caspian looked at her and furrowed his brows. “Uncomfortable? And why would I feel uncomfortable?”

Anastasia gave an awkward smile and professed, “Martha told you, didn’t she? About my… Umm… So, I thought maybe you wouldn’t be comfortable being around me for a few days.”

“Ah, yes.” Caspian gave a nod and honestly said, “I think I will be sleeping in my own bedchamber until you… recover properly.” He then immediately added while pointing around the room. “But I see that you’ve lighted up some candles. So, I will be fine for a while.”

Anastasia looked down, disappointed at herself, and uttered under her breath, “I’m sorry…”

Caspian came closer to her and traced his fingers along her smooth cheek. “You don’t have to be sorry. Martha told me that human women go through this every month. I guess yours just started. I will get used to it. Don’t worry.”

Anastasia, however, knew that it wasn’t her natural cycle. She was well aware that it was because of the tonic. So, she looked at Caspian with guilty eyes and apologized again, “Caspian, I am sorry for taking that tonic without discussing the matter with you first.”

Since Anastasia brought up the topic, Caspian decided to entertain it. He sat on the bed while facing his wife and asked, “You changed your mind about having kids?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to have children.” Anastasia took a deep breath and looked into her husband’s eyes, which clearly showed that he was hurt. She shakily let out her breath and mumbled, “It’s just that, I don’t want to have children right now.”

“Why though?” Caspian came a little closer to her and asked while holding her hand, “Did I do something wrong?”

“No! No…” Anastasia slightly tilted her head and looked at Caspian with eyes full of guilt.

She drew in a good amount of cool breath through her mouth and said as her heart began to race at an unprecedented rate, “I believe that my body isn’t that strong and healthy to bear a child right now. You… also know how often I get sick. So, I thought that maybe, now is not the right time?”

“Ah! It’s because of your fragile health, huh!” Caspian closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh of relief. He looked at Anastasia again and said while holding both of her hands, “So, you aren’t against the idea of bearing my child, right? I thought maybe I angered you in some way.”

“No, you haven’t,” Anastasia gave a sad smile to him.

Caspian kissed both of her hands and said with a bright smile, “Then we can think about having children in the future after your health improves.”

Anastasia just kept on looking at his happy face, unable to confess everything right away. She consoled herself by thinking, ‘One step at a time…’

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