Chapter 456: 456

Xue Wei’s eyes roamed across the distant horizon . Here, the lush green grass and the gentle breeze reminded him that he had indeed left the forest .

They found a small animal trail that they followed . The path soon became a wider road, and the lush green grass that surrounded them changed to farmed fields .

There were no traces of the war in this land, and when they came across farmers, they were greeted warmly . It was clear that they did not know that Xue Wei and his group were a group of infiltrating soldiers .

They reached a village, and looked at one another with doubts; they were ushered into the village by the farmers, who began chatting with them about where they were from and how they had arrived at this place .

Xue Wei was glossing over most details . He said that they had come through the forest, and when the farmers heard this, they were even more enthusiastic .

Xue Wei looked at the food and drinks that they were offered, but he did not consume any of it, and seeing his narrowed eyes, his friends also refrained from trying it out .

The villagers did not seem to notice that Xue Wei and his friends were not tasting their food and drinks, but they continued to find more and more food and drinks to them, but soon their smiles became slightly condensed, as they saw Xue Wei looking at them with his soulful eyes, as if waiting to see them eat and drink .

But none of them touched the food or the drinks, so naturally, he would not do so either .

"Please taste our delicacies," the village chief said as he smiled at Xue Wei, and Xue Wei lifted his glass . He looked at the red wine, which was swirling in the glass, and a smile broke out on his lips as he handed the glass over to the village chief .

Xue Wei’s smile became even more brilliant as he said, "Why don’t you drink this glass first, to show me your sincerity?"

The village chief felt his heart racing in his chest, and his hands became sweaty .

"This can’t be done," he said with a smile . "This feast was prepared for you and your friends to celebrate your arrival in our small village . "

"You either drink it, or I pour it down your throat," Xue Wei said, the smile on his face as gentle as before, but a chilling coldness swept over the village chief as he was not sure of what to do .

Seeing that the village chief tried to push the wine away, Xue Wei released the glass, and the cup fell to the ground where it shattered, wine and glass shards spread all over the ground .

"The smell of blood is quite heavy here," Xue Wei suddenly said . "It was rather faint at the beginning, but the closer we got to your village, the more intense it became .

"This heavy stench of blood cannot possibly belong to a simple village, so why don’t you tell me how many people have left their lives here when consuming your feast?"

The expression of the village chief turned ugly . He knew that they were no opponents of Xue Wei and his group . They were all Saints, while the strongest amongst the villagers was a Heavenly Knight .

Even though they had a couple of hundred people, some were children, others were elderly, and many were even unable to cultivate . They were like sitting ducks, unable to survive if Xue Wei decided to move against them .

And Xue Wei was an exceptional person . If someone showed him respect, he would return it tenfold, never back down, and always make sure to be there for those who had helped him in the past . However, if someone wished to harm him, he would make them suffer a hundredfold what they had planned for him . He would never let anyone go who had attempted to harm him or his dear ones .

The Village Chief closed his eyes and sighed . "Great Warrior, we understand the rules of this game . We are willing to kill, so any time we will be ready to be killed instead . This is what war is like; the winner takes it all, and the loser has to accept death .

"I understand that you want to take revenge on us, but I beg you to let some survive . The children are innocent, and they cannot live alone . Please let the village have a chance of survival . "

Xue Wei glanced around him and saw that many children were hiding in the shadows, looking at them with big and watery eyes .

There was fear in their eyes, and they did not dare to go towards Xue Wei and the others, but seeing their Village Chief, who was like an idol to them, kneeling on the ground, they understood the severity of it all .

Xue Wei knew that the Village Chief would not survive . He had tried to kill him, so naturally, his life had to be forfeited . However, he had not considered what to do with the rest of the villagers . Usually, he would kill all the ones involved, but somehow when he saw the children, he couldn’t do it . After his father’s death, and being left alone in the world, he did not want to destroy others’ lives in the same way .

Lan was observing Xue Wei . He saw his emotionless eyes, with no ripples, but he did not know what exactly he felt .

Compared to Xue Wei’s usual personality, he would kill everyone to vent his anger, but it seemed that he was actually considering it seriously .

"You are the main culprit, so you will not be able to survive . As long as the villagers do not move against me, I will not mind looking the other way for once . "

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