Chapter 377: 377

The golden glow was growing in size and making a cocoon around her body . It materialized as if it was silk threads, and no one could see what was going on inside .

Everyone had come to see what was happening; even the Vermilion Birds were curious as to what was going on, no one seemed to understand it .

Xue Wei was observing it in silence, he reached out his hand, but the gentle golden light pushed him back again, not allowing him to close in on the cocoon .

"Let’s wait and see what happens," he finally decided .

He could feel no maliciousness from the energy, and thus all he felt was the need to observe . Hopefully, this was a lucky encounter for Luoluo .

After being drained of so much energy previously back at Yan Dalu, her foundations had been unstable, but due to her being a spirit, it was very different from a human cultivator .

When a spirit had an unstable foundation, it was like a broken marble . There would have a crack within the marble itself, but it could slowly mend itself, the crack getting smaller and smaller until it vanished .

This caused her cultivation speed to slow down, she was slower at advancing, but she was able to advance still .

Her injured core was slowly being mended as she grew, but Xue Wei had the impression that this encounter with the pond would heal her completely . He even had the impression that she might advance from it .

It was not only him who thought so, everyone present could feel the undulations of advancement, and they all felt envious, some even jealous .

But they knew that this lucky encounter was only for Luoluo . All of them had been next to the pond for so long, but it was only her who had reacted to it . Hence it was natural that the energy within the lake had preferred her to any of the other people .

Once again, the Vermilion Bird Clan looked down upon Xue Wei . He was their leader, but he could not even attract the attention of a lucky encounter . What basis did he have to lead them, even a child by his side was more fortunate than him!

Xue Wei did not pay any mind to the Vermilion Bird Clan members, even if they had said out loud what they were thinking, he would merely snort at them in disdain . Not everything was about strength or luck .

Also, he was not embarrassed by his current strength; he was delighted with his power after sealing his foundation .

His goal was not to be revered by people . He was not cultivating for fame and recognition . What he needed was the strength and ability to go further than anyone else had ever gone .

Xue Wei needed to be able to end the war in Chang’an, but to do so; he needed to step into a much higher stage than now . And if he wished to cultivate further, his foundation had to be rock solid .

Xue Wei took out another two essence stones and began cultivating again . He had told Lin Xiao to look after Luoluo, and if something were to happen to her, then he should awaken him immediately .

The day went by with no problems; it was strange how easily they passed the day, no beasts arrived in the clearing, or even around it, they had complete and utter peace as if they were cut off from the rest of the Ascended’s Realm .

The night was equally peaceful . It was so quiet that they all found it somewhat unnerving .

As the sun reached above the horizon on the second day’s daybreak, the golden silk-like threads on Luoluo’s body slowly cracked, and her cocoon started to disintegrate .

Inside the cocoon, the shape of a woman could be seen, this woman was not a young child as she had seemed like before, instead she seemed to be around fifteen or sixteen years old, a few years younger than Xue Wei and the others .

Her body was draped in a golden dress, her hair adorned with golden hair accessories .

The black hair was as fine silk, the skin as white as if it had powder smeared all over . She was an immense beauty .

Her eyelashes fluttered, her brows furrowed, and her eyes opened slowly . The confusion was evident within the beautiful eyes, and she had a sharp headache .

Slowly she rose to her feet, and then everyone saw the beautiful but strange, tattoed bracelet on her arm . It resembled a winged ice snake .

When she had been cocooned, the bracelet had been placed on her arms, but now it seemed as if it was a part of her skin .

Everyone was looking at her in shock; even Xue Wei was stunned . He had expected that her core would be healed, but this advance was simply outstanding . What was the winged ice snake they had encountered?

"Are you okay?" Xue Wei tenderly asked the girl . She was no longer a child, but she would always be his younger sister . There was nothing impure about his thoughts, only happiness about her having grown up and healed .

"I’m fine," Luoluo said, frowning as she tried to rise from the ground . "Big Brother Wei, I dreamt about a big snake! He was left here by someone named Lan . The guy named Lan has some relation to the Vermilion Bird, who made this Ascended’s Realm . "

Luoluo wanted to explain what she had encountered in the dreams, but Xue Wei stopped her first . "Check your body first, see if you are feeling uncomfortable, and familiarize yourself with the changes . When you are certain that everything is good, then we can talk about Lan . "

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