Chapter 352: 352

This jungle in front of them was filled with life .

The members of the Demon Phoenix Continent had by now understood that the Ascended’s Realm was not for weaklings, nor was it easy to survive here, beasts would attack them anywhere they went, and death loomed around every corner .

They were now like soldiers, adhering to every order Xue Wei gave, and when they saw the beautiful forest in front of them, their faces turned grave .

If it was bursting with life, it was likely to house some beasts and creatures that could make their lives difficult, to whether or not they wished to enter, all of them looked to Xue Wei to make a decision .

Contrary to their expectations, they had thought his expression would be filled with uncertainty and worry, but a smile hung on his lips, and his eyes were bright as he looked at the jungle in front of him .

"Fortune and danger go hand in hand," he said to the members of the Demon Phoenix Empire . "We have been in the realms for a full month and a half already, but our gains are already quite numerous .

"However, we have not come across anything extraordinary yet, and I have a feeling that a forest with this much life will be able to contain a lot of unique treasures .

"I am going to enter, but if you feel that it is too much, then you should not enter . If you are already satisfied with your gains, then you should head back .

"I have a feeling that if we go to this forest, not only will we encounter danger, we will also likely encounter other humans . "

"What makes you say this?" one of the geniuses asked puzzled . After a month and a half, they had not seen the slightest trace of other humans, so why would he suddenly be sure that they existed within this forest?

Xue Wei smiled and pointed at the soil, not far away from them . Looking at it, the genius quieted down and felt his face heat up slightly .

There, in the muddy soil, were footprints of other humans . The footprints were many; it seemed as if at least twenty people had walked past .

"Would they have encountered a lot of treasure too?" One of the princes asked with a bit of hesitation . He was not opposed to killing and looting for the sake of getting rich .

The others also looked at Xue Wei curiously, and Xue Wei smiled slightly as he shrugged his shoulders .

"I don’t know," he said honestly, "but we should go into the forest if we want to know . Anyway, don’t attack anyone unless they attack us first . Even if they are alone, don’t act on impulse . We don’t know their backing or how many have entered from the different worlds .

"Although the Ascended’s Realm had opened in the Demon Phoenix Empire, we don’t know how large the cracks were onwith other continents . Some might have let ten pass; others might have been able to get even more than us . If the group is bigger, or if more cracks appeared on one continent, we would be even more unlucky . "

Looking at the unwilling expression on the prince’s face, Xue Wei sighed . Although they followed his orders, the truth was that the princes refused to submit and were looking for a way to overthrow his leadership .

Xue Wei had not paid too much attention to them before, but looking at their resentfilled expressions, he began regretting having saved them a few times .

The princes were, however, unable to do anything . The geniuses of the Demon Phoenix Continent were all hugely impressed by Xue Wei, and all of them supported him . If they wanted to cause problems, they had to see if they had theis ability .

"Well, I said it before, only enter this forest if you want to . We can split into two groups here, one that goes into the forest and heads towards Summer, and one that stays at the plainne and keeps killing beasts and benefits this way . "

The looks of all of their faces turned to contemplate . Their harvest was indeed not bad, and if they had not heard Xue Wei talk about exceptional treasures, they would all have been satisfied with what they had gained .

However, after they had heard his words, all of them had their blood burning . Going to try and get their hands on even more and outstanding treasures would be much better and increase their strength and rank in the future .

Even if they had to risk their lives, then so be it . From the moment they had entered the Ascended’s Realm and encountered the Tree spirit, they had realized that they might not make it out alive .

Even the prince whose face had looked ugly earlier went to the group that decided to go to the jungle and try their luck . Not only him, but everyone went there .

Seeing them having made their decision, Xue Wei shrugged his shoulders . Although he had to split all the treasure he found with more people; he would also be much safer as long as he traveled together with these people .

Not to mention his promise of looking after them . If they were not together, he would be unable to fulfill his promise .

"Well then, let’s enter," he said, and they entered into the jungle . Everyone was on high alert, but they soon found that a path had been carved through the thicket by someone who had walked there before them .

They encountered animal carcasses; some were small and inconspicuous; others were large with signs of battle having destroyed the surroundings .

"This way we will gain nothing," one of the princes once again tried to make the people unhappy with Xue Wei and said .

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to him and continued through the cleared road .

They walked for a few hours before the sound of battling could be heard in front of them .

Xue Wei gestured for the others to be quiet, and although they had been chatting and joking along the way, they now turned utterly silent .

Advancing, they soon found the group of people who were engaged in battle . There were twenty youths, all of which were wielding a sword, their attacks almost touching upon the dao of the sword .

Xue Wei was observing them closely and instantly knew that his team would only be their match if all of them acted in their original shapes and with their full power displayed . These sword-wielding youths were in no way simple .

The leader of the group was a young man; he was currently busy giving instructions to the others onf how to attack the big rhino-like beast that was in a frenzy .

Although his attention was on the beast and his friends, Xue Wei had noticed the glance that was sent their way .

Cupping his fists, he asked, "Ddo you need any help?"

"We are fine, thank you," the leader said coldly, not even looking at Xue Wei a second time . Shrugging his shoulders, Xue Wei did not mind and continued forward, starting to cut his path in the thicket and make it possible for them to advance while the sword-wielding youths were busy fighting .

Seeing this, the expression on the young man turned surprised . They did not even want to stay and fight for the spoils of war?

But Xue Wei’s actions showed that they had no intention of doing so . Their behavior was puzzling the fighting youths much .

"Halt! We were here first!" one of the youngsters yelled, afraid that if Xue Wei and his bunch of people went ahead of them, they would take all the treasures they came across, spiritual fruits, herbs, and others .

"This realm does not belong to you, you cannot decide where we go," Xue Wei said plainly as he continued to use qi to cut a path for him and the others to advance .

The Demon Phoenix Continent’s people had initially thought that Xue Wei would be more humble since he had said they shouldn’t fight just like that, but he saved their faces, not allowing the sword-wielding youngsters to say anything .

They quickly finished off the massive rhino-like beast, and while someone went to gather the materials, others rushed after Xue Wei in anger . He should not dream about stealing their treasures .

"I say, are the Ouyang family teaching their youngsters to be so rude?" A cold but slightly immature voice was suddenly heard, bringing the sword-wielding youths to look at the one who spoke in shock .

Although the Ouyang family was a family with tens of thousands of years of history, and their name was famed over the world, many continents did not know about them, and thus they had not expected to be recognized so easily .

Narrowing his eyes, the young leader of the group looked at Bai Tianyi, who had spoken as if he wanted to see through his skull .

"What do you mean with this?" someone asked, but Bai Tianyi just sneered . "We offered to help you, yet you declined . We did not want to be in the way and left, but even that was not accepted? What? Do you expect us to admire you? We have a purpose with coming here, and you have no right to tell us what to do .

"I was always told that the Ouyang family amongst the great eight families were a tolerant, calm and composed family, but it seems they are just a group of robbers who wants to use their strength to bully others!"

Xue Wei was surprised when he heard Bai Tianyi talk, but he could feel the deep-rooted hatred within Bai Tianyi, and he said nothing to stop him .

Bai Tianyi was the coolest amongst them all, for him to blow his top like this, they had definitely wronged him before . Since that was the case, then Xue Wei had no intention of keeping his friendliness when facing them .

Although he was slightly hesitant because of their strength, he was not scared . Sovereign Beasts were not to be belittled .

Especially him in this environment . He was an Azure Dragon who washad connected to the wood element .

This forest was filled with life force and would make it possible for him to use all the shields he wished, he could even use the shield to make them impenetrable and retreat without anyone being able to harm him and his team .

Thinking like this, he let Bai Tianyi do what he wished .

After hearing the words of Bai Tianyi, the members of the Ouyang family had ugly expressions on their faces, but they could say nothing in return .

He was correct . When they had arrived, they had offered to help . It was they who did not want this unknown group’s help . They had done nothing wrong and tried to give them space, but now they were unreasonable .

Thinking like this, their faces turned to the color of pig liver, and their eyes were ablaze with anger, but they said nothing .

"This young one, where do you know us from?"

The leader asked as he looked at Bai Tianyi intently . This was clearly a child, but this child knew of them? How could it be possible?

Bai Tianyi snorted, "Mmy ancestor knows some of your old men," he said casually, his words stunning the leader . Their old men? What a respectless way to refer to their elders!

All the faces turned even more glum when hearing how Bai Tianyi referred to them, but they were still hesitating with attacking . If he truly had a good relationship with the Ouyang family, then they would be the ones in problems when their elders found out about it .

"Which elders are you referring to?" The leader asked with a furrowed brow .

"Elders? No elders, its the old man Ouyang Jie and that old geezer Ouyang Yulong . "

His words caused a bomb to explode in the heads of all Ouyang members present, their eyes filled with shock as they took a second look at this little child .

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