Chapter 339: 339

Xue Wei was pushed continuously backward . He was unable to gain the upper hand, but at the same time, because he was getting aided by the Scarlet Blood Bats and his friends, the Evil Spirit couldn’t gain the upper hand either .

Although thousands of attacks had rained down upon the Evil Spirit, it was uninjured . Fortunately, Xue Wei and the others were uninjured as well .

But even though this was the case, the scales were not completely even .

Xue Wei had cast many Scale Shields and depleted around ten to twenty percent of his Qi . The Devouring Azure Dragon had also depleted around ten percent of his Spiritual Energy . Until it returned to him, he would not benefit from the energy it had consumed .

He had yet to use the new Life Force that was flowing in his body, but the rest of the energies were rapidly becoming depleted .

It was not only him, the Scarlet Blood Bats and his comrades were also using all the energy they had in their bodies to launch their killing attacks one after another .

At least they could sit and restore their energy before it was time for a new attack, Xue Wei could not do so .

Xue Wei wondered what attack to use when a skill suddenly appeared in his mind .

Life and Death Wheel .

This was an attack that required not only the Life Force within his body but also the Life Force in the surrounding areas . It would make a massive illusionary wheel and trap an opponent in the illusion of both living and dying .

Each illusion was different from person to person, but one thing was sure, it would make the one they attacked experience birth, but also death . When they were trapped in the Life and Death Wheel illusion, they would be incapable of breaking free .

But it was not certain that it would succeed . The stronger the opponent was, the more likely it was to fail . Fortunately, the Evil Spirit was severely injured right now, and there was a chance for the Life and Death Wheel to work .

Xue Wei took a deep breath and calmed himself . The Life and Death Wheel required outside help from external Life Force . However, the Thunder Graveyard Island was rather desolate . Although herbs grew here and turned old, it was a place of death, and not much Life Force could be gathered .

Xue Wei started collecting the Life Force according to the inherited thoughts that had appeared in his mind, and he felt a shocking rumble in his body . Specks of green light started appearing on top of the surface of the ground, and these specks all flew towards Xue Wei and entered his body .

The more energy that entered, the more painful he became . He was still only a Sky Knight, and the Life Force was overwhelming him .

He did not dare hesitate as he began pouring the energy through his body in a specific pattern, following his meridians and unlocking the ability .

As the energy rampaged through his body, he was on the verge of losing consciousness . The energy was simply too overwhelming, and he could do nothing about it other than continue channeling it . As soon as it entered his body, he would channel it in a specific pattern after which it would leave him again . The illusionary wheel that looked like yin and yang in the sky turned more and more corporeal .

The Evil Spirit, who previously had seen Xue Wei and the others, as annoying flies whom he could kill as soon as he got his hands on them, suddenly felt a sense of danger coming from the massive wheel in the sky .

It gritted its sharp teeth before it accelerated . It completely ignored the attacks that came down upon it from all sides as the Scarlet Blood Bats, Lin Xiao, Bai Tianyi, and Hei Gou all decided to throw attacks at once .

The only thought in its mind was to attack Xue Wei . If it could kill him, then the threatening attack in the air would not have anyone controlling it, and it would be safe .

Xue Wei quickly understood the thought of the Evil Spirit, and a helpless smile appeared on his lips .

The Life Force was running rampant in his body and was impossible to control . It was widening his meridians, and the pain was so intense that Xue Wei was unable to think clearly .

Life Scale Shield!

Xue Wei could not avoid the attack that the Evil Spirit sent his way, and all he could do was try to protect himself against it .

Fortunately, he had a large quantity of Life Force in his body at the current point in time, so he activated the upgraded version of the Scale Shield - the Life Scale Shield .

Things did not go exactly as planned . The standard Scale Shield was almost pearl white . However, the Life Scale Shield was emerald in color . It seemed much more real than the other shield, and an aura of indestructibility was projected outwards .

Unfortunately, the Evil Spirit was not your average opponent .

The attack that was coming down contained the full strength of the Evil Spirit, and he was not showing any signs of stopping, even when facing this massive shield .

The arm slashed down, the claws were sharp and filled with explosive strength .

A loud boom resounded on the battlefield as the hand came into contact with the Life Scale Shield . A shockwave of energy exploded outwards with Xue Wei and the Evil spirit in the center, causing all the others to retreat rapidly .

Dirt, grit, and dust were kicked up from the ground, swirling around them, making it impossible to see what was happening in the eye of the storm .

Xue Wei was, however, in the midst of it all, and he could feel that although the attack had been slowing down drastically, a bit of the ferociousness remained and continued towards him .

At this point, all he could rely on was his body’s natural defenses .

After using some of the Life Force in his body to create the Life Scale Shield, he was no longer entirely at the mercy of the pain . Instead, he could move, and he twisted his massive frame and managed to avoid the claw, only having it slashing at his tail, ripping out a few scales .

Blood began flowing from Xue Wei’s tail . He could feel the pain but compare to the previous agony of having his meridians widened; this was nothing .

He looked at the Evil Spirit and saw that it was not only him who had become injured, but the Evil Spirit had also wholly ignored the killing moves of his friends and the Scarlet Blood Bats, not to mention the explosion after destroying the Life Scale Shield .

Blood was trickling out of the corner of his mouth, and a few cuts of varying size were littered over his body .

"Now’s my chance!" Xue Wei’s eyes glistened .

Life and Death Wheel Activate!

The wheel started swirling around as it descended towards the Evil Spirit . Feeling the danger that was looming, the Evil Spirit’s eyes widened, and it slashed out with the claws .

"Break!" he screamed . "Break! Bloody hell, break already!"

But no matter how much he attacked the wheel, nothing happened . A hole would appear where he touched it, but moments after it would restore itself back to its previous appearance, not at all minding the attack .

From this, one could see that Life Force was, without a doubt, the strongest power amongst them all when it came to healing and regeneration .

Soon the wheel had descended all the way from the air and down on top of the Evil Spirit . It shrunk in size, from a massive wheel that had been more than fifty meters long and covering the sky, to a ten centimeters small emblem that stuck to the Evil Spirit’s head .

The moment it came into contact with the head, the eyes of the Evil Spirit turned vacant . He stopped attacking, and his entire body slumped down on the ground .

"Don’t hesitate! Kill him!" Xue Wei yelled out, and he used all his innate abilities one after another .

Not only was he using his innate abilities, but he also created a new spiritual energy devouring dragon figure, and allowed for it to attack .

"Luoluo, come and drain him of Soul Power!" Xue Wei once more called out, and the small girl, who had been sitting behind the entire battle rushed forward .

She had complete faith in Xue Wei, so she placed her small palm on top of the Evil Spirit’s head and began absorbing his Soul Power forcefully .

"Tianyi, you too!" Xue Wei called out, and Bai Tianyi flew over and did the same as Luoluo .

Both of their faces flushed red as they gritted their teeth and began absorbing his soul power .

The more they absorbed, the weaker the Evil Spirit became .

Xue Wei kept an eye on the Life and Death Wheel that was on the forehead of the Evil Spirit .

It was slowly growing dimmer and dimmer . When it vanished completely, the Evil Spirit would be released from the illusion .

The Scarlet Blood Bats and Xue Wei were fighting so seriously, their lives were on the line, and they did anything they could to kill the spirit, or at least weaken it immensely before it was time for it to awaken again .

"Everyone, back up!" Xue Wei yelled out, and they all retreated . Luoluo and Bai Tianyi were unable to attend the rest of the battle; their task had been fulfilled; for now, they needed to refine the energy they had absorbed . It was still too ferocious and evil for them to just absorb right away, and if they did not succeed in cleansing it, they also might turn into Evil Spirits .

Xue Wei looked at the Evil Spirit warily . It was severely injured . Not only externally but also internally as they had absorbed his soul power, and it too sensed the damage it had received .

"I am going to kill you all!" it howled furiously as it rushed towards Xue Wei . The speed this time was faster than before, and the claws came crashing down before Xue Wei had the time to raise a Scale Shield .

The two hands and the ten claws were sharp like razors, they ripped out multiple scales on Xue Wei’s side, causing blood to flow .

"Scarlet Blood Bats, drink the blood!" Xue Wei called out, and the bats, somewhat puzzled, went to drink the blood .

Boom after boom resounded on the battlefield as the Scarlet Blood Bats mutated .

They were still Fierce Beasts, but their intellect and their battle prowess were enhanced dramatically, and they continued to fight against the Evil Spirit .

Sensing that they were getting stronger, the Evil Spirit was feeling helpless . He had injured his enemy finally, but now the others were using this injury to enhance their strength .

Blood was spat out of the mouth of the Evil Spirit . It was furious but also regretting . If it had been completely serious from the beginning, things would never have escalated to this point .

Unfortunately, it was too late to regret it now . He had been holding the upper hand, but now he was being pressured, and he felt his soul power dissipate little by little .

The energy that dissipated was being consumed by the two spiritual energy devouring dragons, Luoluo, and Bai Tianyi .

The Evil Spirit was a spirit, after all . It was a very resilient creature, that although not hard to defeat was very hard to kill .

They drained the soul power little by little, and the Evil Spirit was unable to make a comeback .

A few days went by where Luoluo, Bai Tianyi, and Xue Wei continued to drain it of energy before it turned into nothingness .

Only when the last wisp of energy was absorbed did Xue Wei breathe a heavy sigh of relief . They had finally defeated the Evil Spirit .

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