Chapter 322: 322

"Master Xue Wei, it is our mistake . We had eyes but failed to recognize Mount Tai . " Old Man Bai bowed deeply to Xue Wei, his inner being filled with rage and hatred towards the waiter who had caused problems .

The crowd who heard the words of Murong Jing were all stunned . This youngster who seemed to be just around twenty years of age was actually a revered two-colored Rainbow Alchemist? That was simply unexpected .

Many wanted to go towards him and make connections, but after considering they all smiled wryly .

This was in the middle of the Sea of the Enchanted . Although they were more than eager to convince Xue Wei into making a pill for them, they did not have the ingredients, neither did they have the resources to buy the ingredients .

After considering this, they could only shake their heads and feel pity for themselves and their bad luck .

Old Man Bai was also filled with hatred . He was unable to unleash his anger on Xue Wei, so the only other option was the waiter . Without considering his image at all, Old Man Bai went for the waiter, slapped out his fist, and the impact instantly exploded the waiter’s head into a bloody mist .

The waiter did not even have a moment to think of what was happening . Neither did he have a chance to know how he died . His headless body collapsed on the ground, and blood started to flow from the neck .

Xue Wei raised an eyebrow in surprise as he looked at Old Man Bai with a flash of alertness in his eyes .

He had previously seen the killing intent in Old Man Bai’s eyes towards himself and his friends .

Seeing his actions which were so fast, and that his anger had caused him to kill his own waiter so easily without even hearing what he had to say, showed that he was a figure that was controlled by anger . He was like a ticking time bomb .

Even now, Xue Wei could see that this man was not feeling any remorse, he was still angry, and although he had killed the waiter, the remaining anger had been shifted towards Xue Wei .

Murong Jing was also unhappy when he saw this . He knew Old Man Bai and his reputation . He was an easily angered man who was killing indiscriminately, and he was not willing to suppress himself at all .

Knowing Old Man Bai’s personality, Murong Jing had told him about Xue Wei’s identity . Even if he did not want to suppress himself, he had no choice now .

"Why are you all standing here?!" Old Man Bai was angered by embarrassment when he thought of how his restaurant was being turned into the joke of Treasure City .

"Attend me!" he called out, and a few servants appeared with buckets of water, and some of them began removing the headless corpse while others were washing the stones beneath where all the blood had flowed .

"Are you entering the restaurant or not?" He sneered while looking at Xue Wei, but before the latter could say anything, Luoluo tugged at his sleeves .

"Big Brother, I do not like that old man," she said with slightly frightened eyes . "I don’t want to go to his restaurant . I fear that we will be poisoned . "

Although Luoluo had matured, her mind was still that of a child, and she was brutally honest .

Her voice was not low, and she was saying exactly what she thought when she thought it .

Hearing her words, all the other people widened their eyes in shock, some choked slightly, and even some started sweating in fear for her . The words she spoke were clearly causing Old Man Bai to lose even more face and completely disregard him .

Xue Wei’s lips twitched slightly in amusement; even Murong Jing felt that Luoluo was slapping the old man’s face .

"If you don’t want to eat at his restaurant, then we will go to one of the others," Xue Wei said as he rubbed her hair . "Which one do you want to go to?" he asked as he looked at the remaining two restaurants .

"I like the kitty one," she said, and then she started stroking her chin, "but I guess I can accept the turtle . " She pointed at the restaurant that was placed in another corner of the square .

The square was big and located in the middle of the city’s most busy part . Many had gathered to chat and see the drama that was unfolding .

From the beginning, Murong Jing was the expert from the noble families who had arrived first, but during the entire drama, more had reached the square and were standing amongst the crowd, ready to step in at the moment Xue Wei would be in danger .

Right now a full seven Earth Saints had appeared . These Earth Saints were the rulers of the Treasure Island, and for them to all gather the same place, that was simply unheard of before .

Now it had happened, all because of Xue Wei . Old Man Bai could sense them all . He also felt an immense pressure coming from their bodies, threatening him to behave .

Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, Old Man Bai was very unhappy . He was not used to being pressured . Instead, he was used to being a local tyrant, killing as he pleased .

Usually, people would not stop him or even look at his actions, but because this involved a two-colored Rainbow Alchemist, all of them were extra cautious .

This was making him super frustrated, and he did not know where to vent his anger, so instead, he flicked his sleeves and turned around, turned into a beam of light and shot out of the city, looking for some unfortunate souls to massacre .

Xue Wei shook his head as he looked at the disappearing light beam, a deep contemplating gleam within his eyes .

This Old Man Bai was a vengeful person . He was likely to cause problems later on, and Xue Wei could guess that this was not the end of their interactions .

Still, now was not the time to consider this . Instead he smiled at Luoluo .

"Well then, Master Murong," he turned towards Murong Jing . "You assisted me just now, so I guess I should show you some gratitude . Why don’t you join us for our meal?"

Although he originally had not planned on eating with Murong Jing, this man had shown genuine concern for him, and thus he felt that he ought to return the favor .

Murong Jing was taken by surprise . He had never thought that Xue Wei would invite him for a meal, and his eyes were filled with excitement . He had never thought that the appearance of Old Man Bai would indirectly help him like this .

Cupping his fists, Murong Jing quickly nodded his head and said: "thank you so much for your invitation . I would be very honored to share a meal with you and your companions . "

Smiling, Xue Wei then took Luoluo’s hand and together with the others they walked towards the restaurant that had a picture of a turtle on the door .

Bai Tianyi, Lin Xiao, Xue Wei, and Hei Gou had not actually participated in the drama that took place just before . Although Xue Wei had been the main character, he had not really said anything, and Murong Jing and Old Man Bai had handled everything .

When they reached the restaurant, a waitress came to greet them . Unlike the other restaurant, here, the waitress was immensely respectful .

"My lords, would you like to dine on the floor or have a private room?" she asked humbly, and Xue Wei instantly picked a private room for them .

Xue Wei and the others were led to a room on the upper floor of the restaurant . As they reached it, they found that it was a VIP room; it was big and magnificent . The floor was filled with cushions, and the table was of the most excellent wood that could be found in the entire Sea of the Enchanted .

When they sat down, the waitress gave Xue Wei and the others a menu, and when Xue Wei looked at it, he was surprised to see that all the seafood was much cheaper than the other dishes .

Still, he had lived of seafood for a very long time, and he wanted to eat something else, so he casually ordered a bit of everything . The things he ordered added up to a full seven thousand low-grade essence stones .

After the dishes, Xue Wei also ordered spirit wines and juices . The juices were for Luoluo . She was not allowed to drink wine at her age, but the rest of them had to enjoy the wine to the fullest .

Xue Wei looked at Murong Jing, who had spent some time observing the friends . Murong Jing had noticed how seamless the actions were between Xue Wei and the others .

It was evident that these five people had spent a lot of time together . They were so used to each other that their every gesture showed their connections .

"I am wondering where you come from?" Murong Jing suddenly asked, and Xue Wei honestly gave a reply .

"We come from Chang’an, however right now we are traveling with the ambassadors from Yan Dalu and the Demon Phoenix Continent . "

"I see," Murong Jing nodded his head and considered for some time what exactly Xue Wei had said . He knew of Yan Dalu and the Demon Phoenix Continent, but he had never heard about the continent named Chang’an before .

Xue Wei did not care much about his thoughts . Not many knew of Chang’an, even Chang’an was unaware of the other continents, so it was clearly wholly isolated from the rest of the world .

"Well then, how many rainbow pills is it you want?" Xue Wei suddenly asked . "Do you want both one-colored rainbow pills or also two-colored rainbow pills?"

Murong Jing was taken by surprise when he heard Xue Wei’s question . Was he considering helping them with the pills? His heartbeat suddenly beat faster, and he was excited .

"I can tell you a bit of information before you decide," Xue Wei continued . "I am rather new to two-colored rainbow pills," he explained .

"Because of this, I only have around fifty percent success rate of the two-colored rainbow pills, so be aware that some of the materials will be lost .

"At the same time, my success-rate for one-colored rainbow pills are around ninety percent; I cannot promise you that I will make all ingredients into pills . "

Murong Jing was shocked . "What . . . What do you want in return for creating these pills for me?" He asked while looking worriedly at Xue Wei .

Xue Wei mused for some time . He did not need new resources; he already had all he needed .

"I need you to kill Old Man Bai," Xue Wei said as a cold gleam appeared in his eyes . Murong Jing was surprised when he heard the words spoken by Xue Wei .

He would never have expected that he would make such a request . Old Man Bai was someone that they had to respect, but since he was merely an Ordinary Saint, he was killable for Murong Jing if he exposed a few of his ace attacks .

"I am not saying you have to do it on your own," Xue Wei suddenly said . "I imagine that you have some friendly families . If they assist in killing Old Man Bai, I will help you and your friends concoct pills . "

Murong Bai was shocked, but then his eyes shone with excitement and happiness .

He had some comrades amongst the leading families of Treasure Island, and to be able to enhance their strength would not be a wrong decision .

"Thank you!" he said excitedly . So what if he, a revered expert of the Treasure Island, was to become a hitman? The price was worth it .

Xue Wei was surprised when he saw how easily Murong Jing made a decision . But he was pleased with it . He could not afford to let Old Man Bai pose a threat to him and his family .

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