Chapter 718

Jiuyang Zhenzong, Pan Hongji, Li Ba, Gan Zhanxuan, one by one, and the heads of the major bloodline families, each of them are true saints, with a luxurious lineup of more than a dozen people.

Although these people can’t be said to be the strongest lineup of today’s real policy dynasty, they are definitely the No. 1 strength figure of the major families. The demons will also be shocked and nervous when they see them. This is strong enough. The lineup that made the demon king unable to sleep at night appeared lined up at the gate of the imperial city, with a hostile atmosphere faintly on his body, which naturally produced an indescribable coercion.

That kind of coercion has made the soldiers guarding the imperial city have withdrawn from the thousands of feet, and a little closer will be stunned by this powerful lineup.

In front of the huge imperial city gate, there are only just a dozen of these powerful men. Their existence is enough to calm the millions of troops, and their existence is enough to keep the nightmare of the demons and millions of armies.

The masses who did not know the truth looked curiously. What did so many powerful people gather in front of the gate of the Imperial City to do? Aside from those in the army and the top powerhouses in the major families, here are all the top powerhouses that the real policy dynasty can now gather!

If Zhetian said that now that the real policy dynasty is preparing for the ultimate decisive battle with the demons, there will be countless people to believe, otherwise there is no reason to let so many peak powers appear in this place.

They represent the true pinnacle of today, and they have surpassed the pinnacle of the powers of the past, except for the ultimate blood fighter.

Standing enthusiastically at the gate of the imperial city and looking at the peak of today’s real strategy dynasty, can fight against a group of strong men who have the strongest peak of the demons, and instantly understand what they are going to do.

Those who can have such strength will never be a fool.

What the enthusiasm wants to do, Pan Hongji and others can guess, then the enthusiasm can naturally guess easily, the purpose of Pan Hongji and others here.

In order to preserve the continuation of the powerful young generation of the true dynasty, these older generations will certainly block.

This is a good intention and a firm stand.

Stay motivated. "Pan Hongji said faintly, his words revealing the elders’ care for the younger generation:" You are not a fool, let alone a fool. To a large extent, the demons do this to attract you to go and kill you. They know you, just as we know you, they know you will go. "Li Ba nodded softly:" In this case, you can’t save your witch ", but will also lose himself, even with his own group of friends." "

"It’s up to us to find a way ........." Isa Xiongfeng, the owner of the pseudo-Dragon Bloodline, is burly and said like a bell: "Whether it’s a ransom or any other way, we will try to bring it back as much as possible A living Lucifer flowing water. "Almost all true saints are nodding, the light shining from their eyes is not perfunctory, but a kind of promise, a fighter promise that will be fulfilled even if they fight for their lives.

Energetic sighed gently: "From your standpoint, I understand and agree with you. If I were you, I would do the same thing, even stronger than you. Regrettable ...,

... "

A bitter smile provoked at the enthusiastic net corner, he gently shook his head and sighed again: "I’m not your position, I need to stand on my own, I want to stand on the stand of a man.

My demon, who is suffering in the Devil now, may be killed by the devil at any time. "If I just wait like this and expect others to save her, am I still a man?",

"The demons want me to go? Then I’ll go!", Energetically stepping forward with the aura of the older generation of strong men: "Even if I want to fight against the entire Lucifer dynasty, I will rescue my demon . "

Pan Hongji smiled bitterly with Li Ba, this is motivation! In fact, before everyone came, "I knew that persuasion had no effect, otherwise he would not be motivated.

"Energetic, you can leave." Jiuyang Zhenzong raised his hand and motivated: "But" the young people behind you cannot go! They are the future of my real policy! You must not be alone, let us really plan the future of the dynasty warrior ... "" Shut up, you! "Breaking the wind, the little finger picks up his ears, and flows 1ù into an impatient look:" Our future, it is not your turn to decide. ",

Jiuyang Zhenzong noodles sank suddenly, even if the Demon family did not dare to be so arrogant even when they saw themselves, the young Hydra bloodline fighter was so mad, apparently because of Pan Hongji Waist up!

"No discussion?" Pan Hongji made his last effort, his tone full of earnest flavor.

"How to discuss?" Enthusiastically looked at Pan Hongji with a bitter smile: "Discuss with the Devil King to let go of them? They can’t let me stay. Let me stay? Uncle, will you stay if you are me? Please be honest Tell me. "Pan Hongji closed his eyes and nodded gently," I am you, and I want to hit the Devil. A man, if he can’t even protect his own woman, what a man. ",

"So ... no discussion." Energetic shrugged his shoulders and spread his arms: "I have to go, my demon is waiting for me. Uncle, if you can understand me, please give me up, thank you . "

"I understand you, but I won’t let it.

"Pan Hongji moved a little bit, and united with other strong players in a circle to surround the gate closer." I also have my own stand. My stand is that people I admire will never allow him to take this risk, even if He will hate me afterwards. I also can’t let the young people I admire to gamble on life. Li Ba nodded silently, those sharp eyes like eagles, with a determined will, told these young people in front of them, no one wants to leave the capital today.

"Then offend yourself," bent energetically and bowed towards Li Ba and Pan Hongji: "I must go to the fallen city, now it seems that I can only hit out.",

Call out? When Li Dongfeng heard this, his body shook slightly, and his heart was not worried, but an inexplicable hunger and impulse, and his unspeakable pride spread to him.

All the young fighters present were up and fighting! Facing the strong of the old generation, punch out with both fists!

"Today, none of you can leave." As soon as Gan Zhanxuan opened, the overbearing breath was diffused, and the majestic body like a **** was running across the road in the middle of the road: "You are warriors of the true dynasty. It ’s not an individual’s obedient warrior! Your glory is in the battlefield between humans and demons! It ’s not to kill the demons. ”Many veteran true holy strong men nodded their heads full of affirmative taste, and the battle between humans and demons continued. For more than 10,000 years of history, the power of the true policy dynasty cannot destroy the demons in one fell swoop, let alone so many light soldiers this year go. That’s not to die, what is it?

The enthusiasm for the first time looked at Gan Zhanxuan in a calm mood. This tall body that he had looked up to and worshiped as a child, he guarded the real policy dynasty is one of the guardian deities of the true policy dynasty, and at the same time he oppressed those who did not The awakened bloodline clan, and for the so-called persistence, killed the mother of Gu Yuejiaying and killed Uncle Fabredis himself.

This is a person who has his own principles and lives in a world he has made! The enthusiasm slowly closed his eyes and sighed, and opened his eyes suddenly, and the brilliant light made the sky outside the imperial city bright, as if there was really a flash of lightning passing through the air.

"It’s a pity! Gan Zhanxuan, we are different! I said! Someday, I will let your godfather give away my father, and I will make my father the master of the godfather! I swear, Uncle Fabredes I have to report revenge! ”, Looking at Gan Zhanxuan with enthusiasm:“ So, even if I go to the Demon Clan, I ca n’t die. I have to come and destroy the Gan family completely! Before that, I will Kill you first! Today, no one can stop me! Even if the Devil appears, he can’t stop me! "

Nose of voice, seal opened!

At the Rookie King Contest, all the new generation of young strongmen did not force the second seal of motivation, and at this moment it was opened by motivation.

Soaring momentum brought a strong storm, and the air flow centered on the energy was blowing around, sweeping away the dust on the ground! The breath of the strong is revealed at a glance!

At the same time, it also shocked most of the older generation strong!

Such fighting strength has been surpassed! Over the strength of most of the older generation!

One to one? The top ten bloodline warrior homeowners silently calculated that the victory against the drive is almost equal to zero. He has truly entered the most peak state today and is even comparable to the level of His Majesty the Great Devil of the Day.

Jiuyang Zhenzong’s face is as bleak as it is bleak, Tieqing is no longer enough to describe his face.

Not long ago, the owner of this family of God of Bloodlines clamored for a life-and-death duel with the enthusiasm and Duan Fengfu within a month.

It now seems that there is absolutely no need to break the wind and keep up with the drive, and it is impossible for you to continue.

The enthusiasm is strong, and it affects everyone’s imagination and calculation.

In a short period of time, the drive has surpassed countless predecessors, and has reached a rare strength among the real ones. The old and true strong homes are calculating. Everyone needs to join together in order to subdue the drive and let him not Go to the Devil’s Yarn.

Now, the strength of the enthusiasm explodes, so that everyone knows that as long as he can live, then in the future, on the battlefield between humans and demons, His Majesty, the one-to-one invincible contemporary demon king, will meet his most troubled opponent.

No matter what method is used! Keep this young man! A true holy strongman quietly withdrew from the battle ranks, disappeared quickly at the end, and flew straight towards the towering magic tower of the wizards union.

The best way to control such a group of young warriors is to borrow the power of magicians, the power of groups of magicians! Trapped them! As long as Lucifer’s running water was burned to death by the demons, then there is only one way to wait for revenge and enter the battlefield of monsters and slay the demons crazy!

How strong is the motivation? How aggressive is the group of young people behind them? If their anger is madly vented on the battlefield between humans and demons, it is definitely a nightmare for countless demons, and at the same time, they can also form a powerful suppressive ability against demons.

Today’s drive, and the group of people behind it has experienced the last battle of the rookie king contest, and each one is rapidly improving. That is a comprehensive and comprehensive promotion, which is the sudden ultimate of Li Dongfeng. After awakening, no one will be surprised.

Get out! The three words returned to dang over the imperial city, and also to the hearts of all the powerful men. In the face of the group of old-time powerful men who are at the pinnacle of the true policy dynasty today, they still made a decision to fight. How fierce is this? This is the spirit of Gan Zhanxuan, which is not comparable to the pride of motivation at this moment?

Pan Hongji and Li Ba smiled bitterly at each other, although it had long been foreseen that enthusiasm would say so and do so.

But the moment he really heard him say this, the spirit hún couldn’t help but be shocked deeply.

"Since this is the case, there is no need to say anything." Pan Hongji slowly stepped forward, crossed the parallel lines of other old strong, walked at the forefront of the team and looked at the drive: "I am sharp, no matter what To leave you, and you leave anyway. Well, little

Son ... we inevitably have to do it. ",

Helpless, helpless, helpless or helpless!

The enthusiasm on his face was full of helplessness, who could have imagined that there would be such a day when the Snake Emperor was obviously good for himself, but had to fight with Pan Hong’s mobile hands.

Besides, everything is superfluous. Every time you say a word, you are delaying for a while.

Pan Hongji has not yet moved, Jiuyang Zhenzong has moved!

As the strength of the drive is skyrocketing, the Lord of the Bloodline can no longer calm down. If he is allowed to take the lead, he may even feel that his will to fight may collapse!

Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! Seeking breakthrough in stress! This is an important highlight of the advantages of bloodline fighters over ordinary fighters.

The emotions of ordinary soldiers are difficult to control their own combat power, but the bloodline soldiers have the powerful and mysterious power in the blood veins, and they can swing the combat power around the emotions.

"Energize! Stay with me!",

Jiuyang Zhenzong took a deep breath. 〖Body〗 The inner bucket hún climbed continuously, and the air around the body was blown continuously by the blow of gas. The shoulders slightly expanded backwards, making the body look more tǐng. It felt like it was like A **** of war awakened from sleep.

Suddenly, his clothes made a sound of hunting and hunting under the impact of the fighting spirit. "Anyone can feel the powerful power and change.

Like a mountain, hún is like a **** of war! The body of Jiuyang Zhenzong is full of golden sè’s fighting spirit, as if put on a glorious sè color, as if to illuminate all around, in an instant "everyone felt the strength of the three ultimate bloodline families, Jiuyang Zhenzong The strength is even more advanced than before in the newcomer king contest!

Jiuyang Zhenzong’s full strength and momentum are improving. "It is close to the invincible momentum of energy.

The next moment, he opened his mouth and screamed like a lion and a tiger, and the sound of wearing golden cracks revealed the domineering spirit of God, which was quite the mood of the gods angering people.

With continuous roar, the air around Jiuyang Zhenzong burst into momentum, as if endless strength was rising.

The roar sounded, and his right foot suddenly stepped on the ground. The whole person was driving high as a train with the sound of hunting and hunting. He walked like a **** of war in one step, and the earth shook wildly. Huge crack.

It was just one ups and downs, but two loud sounds of stepping on the ground were heard one after another. After the right foot, the left foot slammed the vibration and sound.

The sound of the two taps sounded like a thunder, showing that Jiuyang Zhenzong is not as strong as the general.

Especially the second sound, the ground collapsed into a giant pit of ten meters at the same time, the sound reached the stage of shocking stars, more aggressive than the momentum of blooming in the new king.

In an instant, Jiuyang Zhenzong integrated spirit, fighting spirit, and fighting skills into a real whole. They kept expanding and improving, as if they never reached the true limit.

Jiuyang Zhenzong’s fighting strength did not improve a lot, but his combat power reached a new realm he had never reached.

A punch blows out, containing invincible confidence! Jiuyang Zhenzong has never been so confident, and even believes that even if he is facing the devil, he cannot take the punch of his own peak!

The enthusiastic hands were behind him watching Jiuyang Zhenzong’s fist pressure, his eyes flashed with a faint light. The light was seen in Jiuyang Zhenzong’s eyes, and his spirit was slightly shocked. Spreading.

That’s not human eyes! Those eyes are filled with the taste of stars, as if stars were born from his eyes, and everything in the world is born from this pair of eyes.

Although it is absurd, but Jiuyang Zhenzong feels true again, but the heart is not frightened by this, but he is caught in a kind of great stability, as if he has found the end of the truth, and instantly his heart Ascension once again gave rise to new enlightenment, and the momentum even improved again.

"Zhenzong has made a breakthrough again!" Li Ba raised his eyebrows slightly: "This strength has been continuously improved by two levels than before, and it will indeed become very troublesome to fight."

Li Ba is the oldest generation of powerful men today. When the old powerful men heard this, they even understood that Jiuyang Zhenzong’s strength and status now.

Jiuyang Zhenzong blasted out with a punch, and some of the punches were not just violent destruction. The whole man gave a kind of God of War to the world between walks.

The strong men frowned slightly even if they did not face the punch in person, as if they would evolve their lives with this punch, prosperity, decline, honor, shame ...

One fist fights for life, one blow evolves the vicissitudes of the world!

Jiuyang Zhenzong hit the pinnacle of life! No need to smash any bucket marks, it is still the strongest blow! This artistic conception has already surpassed the level of the blasting bucket seal, and even if the blasting bucket seal is broken at this time, it will not add half the power to this punch.

Just for the first time, Jiuyang Zhenzong has reached the sublimation level of the warrior way.

There is no hiding place between heaven and earth! With one punch, a storm, like the fall of the sky, enveloped the drive.

"The Seal of the Rise and Fall Dynasty!"

Jiuyang Zhenzong appeared in front of the enthusiasm and shouted the shocking spirit hún. The gates of the imperial city were trembling for it. From the moment he shot, he tried everything to improve his strength, render his momentum, and fight against A real perfect blow.

This punch is more perfect than the newcomer king contest, and he is full of vigor. The combat skills are full, the attack range is more concentrated, and the envelope is more extensive and vicious.

The enthusiasm fluttered backwards and forwards, but the eyes were not closed halfway. The star-like eyes said calm, and did not move under the feet. ”The shoulders were drawn roundly to send out the arms, and five fingers sprayed to cover the sky. On the ground, countless fighting skills flipped and flowed in the palm.

With the fists, Jiuyang Zhenzong’s offensive was immediately blocked.

"Are you also striving for perfection? Tell you what is perfection." An effort to cover the palm of the sky to block Jiuyang Zhenzong’s offensive, and quietly spoke quiet words. "

With a slight tǐng of the body, the wrist was flipped and the big hand fist was lifted to the head of Jiuyang Zhenzong, and a big ups and downs fighting between the wide open and close together fell in a volley.

Plain words, without the roar of Jinyang Shinshu who wore gold cracks, but each character fell into the ears of everyone clearly, and he simply buried the smashing sound of the fighting spirit, so he just buried it. As easy as the stars can bury the entire Big 6.

The eighteen hammers of Fengfeng is no longer a combination of five hammers, and the enthusiasm does not know how many hammers are one. I have learned a lot in the battle with Qian Wuqing before, but I do n’t know whether it is a few hammers. Happening.


The sound of the air bursting immediately made Jiuyang Zhenzong feel the fierce power for the first time.

A blow from the rising and falling dynasties and the immense expedition of the dynasty can completely dispel the punch of vindication. It’s like all the rise and fall flow into the stars. Facing the vast stars, the history of the dynasty’s rise and fall is nothing. What I can feel is only my own smallness.

When he wanted to resist such a small hour, the immense punch of vigor and star had been shot down, making people feel once again that the ants were going to fight against the meteor’s weakness.

At this moment, Jiuyang Zhenzong couldn’t even tell where the top-down hammer line and whereabouts of energy were.

The vigorous fist was condensed and strong, like a real hammer, and the stars seemed to be pinched in his palm, blooming with terrible power.

What’s more, Jiuyang Zhenzong was amazed by the punch of enthusiasm, not only blasting the surrounding air, but even motivating himself in the body!

The fighting tactics in his body, the fighting spirit in the veins, seem to have been called to break out of the body, even the fighting hún has become less stable at this moment, as if to leave the body, as if returning from death. The smell of stars.

As a warrior, you can encounter many situations between life and death. Jiuyang Zhenzong always thought that he knew the feeling between life and death.

But this moment! Jiuyang Zhenzong really knew what the rumored hún is about to return to the stars. Dou hún is like his hún. At this moment, it seems that he really wants to leave the body and return to the stars.

He never thought that anyone could hit such a punch like a star!

An aggressive punch is no longer just violent. It is a kind of self-systematic punch that mixes countless extreme powers together, making it impossible for people to jump and even to avoid.

Can’t avoid, block? Jiuyang Zhenzong was a bit powerless, and he didn’t even know how to do it.

I can’t guess the line of falling boxing, I can’t find the point of falling boxing, let alone come first.

All you can do is gamble! Bet on this punch! There is no other way!

Jiuyang Zhenzong lifted his breath, lifted his arms up, staggered into a fork and spread out like a pair of large scissors, to stop the eighteen hammers from rising.

When the fists and arms intersected, Jiuyang Zhenzong only felt that his whole body was broken, and the fighting hún became unstable. The whole person’s body fell sharply, just as the high-flying cloud suddenly lost its strength and fell from the air. Tu slumped in a hurry, and the whole person was like a pillar hit by a pile driver and plunged into the ground under his feet.

With great energy and punches, Jiuyang Zhenzong’s feet had just fallen into the ground. A strong impact came from the front. He was like a big tree uprooted by people. His feet broke through the ground and his body fell down. Flying out, my pores were sprayed with countless blood mists.


Jiuyang Zhenzong, the head of the God of War bloodline family, and the strongest true saint-class powerhouse today, faced only with a single hand, a punch, defeated!

He couldn’t catch a punch, and was blown out!

Not long ago, in the newcomer Wang contest, the energy and Jiuyang Zhenzong also played against him. At that time, he had a seal and was sprayed with blood from the body of Jiuyang Zhenzong.

How much time has passed now? Unlocking the seal’s drive, the whole body of Jiuyang Zhenzong was spurted out in one punch, and the situation between the two sides was reconciled quickly, which was very difficult to accept.

Some real saint-class strongmen who watched from a distance saw this scene and were almost bitten their tongues by surprise. I am afraid that Her Majesty is so powerful that Her Majesty the King does not have it?

powerful! Everyone knows that energy is a powerful warrior. When they really see the record created by him, everyone can’t believe what they see.

Although Jiuyang Zhenzong did not awaken the ultimate bloodline power, it is one of the owners of the three bloodline power families after all. The powerful strength shocked the entire human and monster battlefield! Now, even one punch defeat?

Such strength ... I am afraid that only the great devil can combine the two blood powers ~ ~ to compete with motivation? This strength is indeed too powerful!

Can anyone stop the motivation? All the true saints are full of suspicion and look at Gan Zhanxuan and other people. Even if these people are also top bloodline fighters, they should not be more powerful than Jiuyang Zhenzong, and their energy can punch and fly to Jiuyang. Shinshu, of course ...

The thinking of the crowd has not yet turned around, and a colorful figure has rushed forward with great enthusiasm and blocked his way forward. The blood of the Elven King, hún, drove the endless magic power.

One defeated and one stood!

Wheel battle!

This situation previously only occurred when the younger generation was playing against the older generation of fighters.

Nowadays, the top old-generation fighters have faced a young fighter, and they have even made such a fighting method, so that all bloodline fighters feel ashamed, they are fighting an ordinary fighter.

The most veteran strong-blooded blood fighters can’t stop the ordinary fighters’ progress. If anyone told them before, no one would believe that this was true. a.

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