Chapter 706

A seven-three-year-old Ji Mingfeng wears a white tight-fitting warrior suit. The length of the serpentine trial box flutters with the wind, and a small silver horn on his forehead reveals the indescribable sacred breath and the strength of the false saint. Opened her special soul realm and judged it!

Judgment Soul Realm! Those who enter will be tortured by the most vulnerable position in their hearts. Any shot will doubt their own shot, ask themselves if this shot is right, how to remedy the weakness, and all this will be transmitted to the use of the judgment soul. In the domain’s brain, he completely grasps all the actions of the opponent and reaches an undefeated situation to a certain extent.

Holy! Stupid again!

The audience ’s current rookie contest is really different from the previous one. Very few people in the group stop will show their practice of sanctification. However, from the first battle, the true strength of the sacred power appeared. All fighters have a kind of pressure, and every battle will almost certainly release their strongest strength.

Ji Mingfeng stared at Anonymous, but Anonymous always only looked at the enthusiasm under the ring. He did not look at Ji Mingfeng, a powerful unicorn blood warrior at all.

Ji Mingfeng’s quiet eyes flashed a little bit of curiosity and doubt. His judgment soul area had completely covered the other side. Why didn’t he feel the slightest fluctuation of his mind in this person? His heart Is it forged from a piece of iron? Even so, his way of thinking in combat should be transmitted.

1 battle! Start!

The referee’s voice was still floating in the air, and Anonymous had taken a big step closer to Ji Mingfeng’s body. In such a simple step, he completely wiped out the distance under both feet, a completely near-instantaneous movement. Appeared in front of Ji Mingfeng!

this is! Freedom! The highest realm of fighting skills!

The enthusiastic palm can not help but clenched into a fist, watching the big walk is unrestrained, the stars have not obstructed it, time and space can no longer constitute any way of walking in front of it, formal fighting skills By the highest realm!

And the highest level of motivation of this fighting skill is very clear. Neither himself nor a few other friends around him have truly practiced the highest level of the highest level.

The unnamed person in front of me will not only use Fengyun fighting spirits, simulate various bloodline fighting techniques, but even special fighting techniques that can only be used in a small circle of motivation, feel free to let go! It was also easily cast out, and there was no trace of obstacles between the walks, and the light of the stars did not restrain him, let alone the soul abilities.

Anonymous just walked like that, and took another step. On the back of the carcass stood the unicorn blood warrior Ji Mingfeng, who was a virtual holy strength. When Zhang Huan opened her strength, she suddenly opened a mouthful of blood, right knee Mu Ran knelt on the ground, and the power of Xu Sheng completely disappeared in an instant.

Defeated! It’s just the opposite, and even many soldiers who participated in the battle did not see how the unnamed shot was made. If Ji Mingfeng, who was in the holy level, the unicorn blood soldier was defeated! Lost to an apparently ordinary soldier, with a mysterious nameless origin.

1 is really a neat hand. ,, the wind breaks continuously for two times: 1 to instantly improve the strength to enter the holy level, one defeat in the defeat of the opponent and then return to the ordinary state of strength again.

11 Even more terrible, or his self-confidence, Mu Na Zhenze exuded a trace of cold sweat:

11 How could he be free? Moreover, his arrogance is far above us. Pan Hongji looked at the drive with the same confusion as Li Ba. What’s going on? We have just learned this self-proclaimed fighting technique. Compared with this young man, our self-proclaimed fighting technique is full of impure and familiar feelings! Why is his fighting skill better than you?

The crowd looked enthusiastically in doubt, and now this person who taught them self-confidence and fighting skills has the same look of doubt and helplessness.

A 200,000 spectator stared at the nameless on the ring. This young fighter who appeared suddenly was too powerful. He thought he was just an ordinary powerful fighter, but did not expect to face the sanctified unicorn blood fighter, just a Face to face, the battle is over!

Many people set their sights on the enthusiasm. This so-called newcomer’s strongest fighter seems to have the strongest opponent!

Enthusiastically got up and went to the ring, intending to directly ask about the nameless. Regarding the situation of fighting and fighting and other fighting skills, although there are various secrets between the soldiers, there are some things that can’t be said if they are pleasing to the eye.

1 Want to ask me a question? Let me win again. Anonymous, looking at the approaching enthusiasm, faintly dropped a sentence of self-confidence and provocation, and jumped off the platform to walk alone outside the venue.

There are no friends, no team, and the nameless person walks out of the field, which is very confusing. Where did this young man come from? He was full of mysteries.

Energetic smiled and didn’t catch up. Since I won the game, I will wait until the day when the newcomer Wang Contest meets on the ring, but I am afraid that the day will not come, and I will be beaten on the ring by others. , That would be a bit troublesome.

11 me! And did not die! Gan Wuqing’s unique icy voice suddenly rang through the whole arena, and a new Gan Wuqing came out of the soldier passage again! It is exactly the same as the previous one, and there is no difference at all!

If it is said that there is any difference, it is that this dry and innocent strength is enough to reach the state of fighting spirits, but it is obviously still a quality.

1 (The reason why I do n’t really appear is to know that someone is jealous of my strength and wants to encircle me. The Gan Wuqing king returned to the ring and looked around: 1 Now I am like the one I appeared before It is just one of my fighters, which is the second fighter in the rumor! Last night, I was attacked very seriously. I got up again this morning and heard from my group that all fighters except me were dead! I knew that if I actually appeared here today, I would also be killed.

Mu Nazhence frowned: 11 This is nothing, it is harder to deal with than imagined! , 1 Wait until the day when the top 16 starts, I will really appear! Prior to this, I hope Dasao will consider my personal safety and allow me to stop appearing on the platform.

Baolong Zhenze’s face showed a little carefreeness. When he spoke publicly, didn’t he say that the security work of the Zhenze Dynasty was poor? Isn’t even a contestant safe?

11 Dear Her Majesty, please allow me to take care of myself. , Gan Wuqing looked at the real strategy of Baolong on the main table: 11 Now, there are too many people who want to kill me. Some people even want to be famous and help others to kill me. 1. Li Ba and Pan Hongji smiled bitterly at each other. Who can think of an ordinary qualified bloodline warrior who used to be in the family? Today, he is not so powerful, even if his mind is unusually resourceful.

Broke the wind and slap his lips: 11 This kid is really enough for the undead. I have found so many substitutes, and this time I made it clear what the second body is, which also confuses people who do n’t know how to do it. Who does n’t know how difficult it is to practice one, and How powerful it is after completion. , Sighed with energy, the difficulty of the second body is much greater than imagined, at least his current strength still does not complete the second body, that is not just the need to fight, but also a powerful Warcraft, and various This alchemy can help.

11Thank His Majesty the Emperor for giving me this opportunity. , Gan Wuqing bent down and bowed, and got up and sneered sneerly at the motivation: 11 Then I leave first, 11 want to go? ,, Mu Nazhence once again flew straight into the dry, the strength of the peak of the Holy Saint instantly suppressed Gan Wuqing’s so-called second body, and once again directly beat people into meatloaf: 11 last night, you sneak attack Prince, I dare not show up now! What is the so-called second bucket body for me? If you come one, the prince will kill one!

Two hundred thousand people stared at Mu Nazhence. The prince with a smile in this weekday is really not so heavy today!

A brief doubt, a large part of the 200,000 people showed a smile. If the six emperors who cover the sky are His Majesty, maybe it will cause a lot of pressure on the demons? His Majesty, the emperor today, has a somewhat soft style, and has not been involved in a large-scale war for a long time. Let ’s teach those maggots!

A small number of audience members expressed anxiety, and the next emperor will not be the sixth prince? This style of brutality and tyrannical abuse, obviously becoming the emperor will open up a war against the demons, will it not be the common people who will suffer at that time? For the glory of a so-called state family, I don’t know how many ordinary people will die.

The rookie king contest, there will always be a lot of bright spots in almost every round of the battle. Even after the gorgeous battle that ignited the opening battle to everyone’s eyes and blinded, everyone still saw a lot of wonderful highlights.

And that unimaginable dark horse!

Before the war began, who could have thought that in addition to the energy and enthusiasm song, an ordinary soldier named Unknown emerged. The strong momentum is not inferior to the scenery of the first battle.

In addition to being anonymous, the performance of Burning Road Crazy Song has also been unanimously praised by everyone. As an ordinary soldier, he has become one of the top 16 in the rookie king competition in a continuous battle.

Top 16! But after fifteen days of fierce competition in the group stage, the moment the quota of the top 16 was generated, everyone was surprised. This newcomer contest is really very different from the previous newcomer contest.

In the past, the rookie Wang contest did not mention the top sixteen, even in the case of the top 100, ordinary soldiers can no longer be found, only a group of bloodline soldiers to play with themselves, and there will even be a lot of them The older blood fighters are also competing for the title of newcomer king.

This time, there were also a lot of seniors who participated in the Rookie King Contest, but almost all of them were out of the top 16 by the younger generation.

The most surprising thing is that there are actually three of the top 16 who are non-blood warriors!

Energetic, nameless, crazy song!

There are actually three ordinary soldiers in the top 16 and any one is a big hit to win the championship.

In addition to the appearance of three ordinary soldiers in the top 16, there are also unexpected events in other aspects. If you enter the top 16 in the weekdays, basically the top ten bloodline fighters are with the three bloodline fighters. played.

Among them, the three ultimate bloodline fighters often even appear to have a family to arrange two or even three seats, and the ten bloodline fighters need to work hard before one person can be lucky to enter the top 16.

Then today!

The Kanjia Elven King bloodline fighters, only Gan Wuxing entered the top 16 alone, and the other Ganjia Elven King bloodline fighters all lost in the qualifiers.

This one, apart from sighing the bad luck of the Elven King bloodline family, I really do n’t know what to say. They have a promising young generation. Many people have encountered the young generation of the Hydra bloodline family, or the pseudo dragon bloodline. , Or the three-headed golden dragon family.

In addition to the motivation and other people in this newcomer king contest, the most glorious are the blood fighters of these three races.

In addition to competing with the youngest generation, the Rookie King Contest is also a place where the young generation’s overall strength is relatively strong.

In this session of the Rookie King Contest, everyone who has seen the game is very clear. The number of young generation geniuses of pseudo dragons, hydras and three golden dragon blood fighters cannot be described by blowouts. Strong.

Although almost all of them have not entered the stage of sanctification, their own strength is still rude and confused. Each is a first-person existence under sanctification. Among them, Panmengcheng is a Hydra bloodline family. Feng Fuji and another surprise beyond Panmeng!

At the moment when his blood power was about to wake up, the energy gave him a holy weapon! This disciple took advantage of the sacred artifacts to go straight to the holy, and then the blood power instantly turned on the awakening, which directly hit the real holy place twice in a row.

Relying on the awakening of the Holy Vessel and the power of the blood, Pan Mengcheng, a blood fighter who was originally thought to be only in the top one hundred, magically entered the top 16.

Broke the wind, Panmeng God, Panmengcheng!

Among the only 16 places in the rookie Wang Shiqiang, Hydra bloodline fighters occupy three places!

Pan Hongji looked at the top 16 places on hand, Le’s mouth was not closed for half an hour, causing Li Ba’s eyes to be jealous in addition to envy. The generation of Pan Hongji has made the blood of Hydra abnormal. Prosperity, did not expect that the next generation will not only have the slightest decline, but will become more powerful!

11 Grandpa Li, your grandson, your three-headed Golden Dragon family is also good. This time, you have entered the top 30 places, which is a lot more than the previous one. Li Ba, listening to Pan Hongji’s comfort, was even more depressed. He took a glance at the proud Snake Emperor: 11 Your pan family is just two of the top 16 players, but the boy of Fuji is not there yet. Back to your house.

11 Anyway, it is our fighter with the blood of Hydra. , Pan Hongji could not afford to argue with Li Ba:

1 I said they are all 16! The three most favored of the three ultimate bloodline fighters are now just the strength of the real saint, let alone the ultimate awakening, not even a celestial awakening has yet to appear.

Li Ba sighed with his hand. According to the record of the previous rookie Wang Dazhen, the comprehensive strength of the top 16 of the current rookie king is definitely the strongest. In the age of ultimate awakening, there will be someone who will eventually awaken in the newcomer king contest.

now? Li Ba is very puzzled. Why do n’t the posterity of the three ultimate bloodlines be optimistic about the ultimate awakening, not even one of the celestial awakenings appears, is it because the pressure on them is too great?

In fifteen days, the motivation was only shot a few times, and each time a finger was used to kill the opponent, and the invincible momentum grew more and more sufficient during the period.

Moreover, because of the seal, Li Ba can clearly feel that these days, he has always maintained a high-intensity and hard-working enthusiasm. What a terrible power is contained in the body. If the sky is released, the seal will be opened. I’m afraid that I really don’t need to smash any fighting skills to be able to have a fair fight with Gan Zhanxuan, instead of the last time I played in a minute and it was completely impossible.

Grandpa Li, sister-in-law, I decided to take a look tonight. , Snake King Pan Hongji looked at Li Ba with a smile, and suddenly said a lot of people did not understand.

11 Are you going to shock? , Li Ba frowned: 1 The old man is older than you, isn’t it good for you to grab in front of me? It doesn’t matter if the shock fails, the shock becomes, where do I put my old face?

Pan Hongji looked at Li Ba with a smile without answering. The fifteen days of watching, the fifteen days of seals, the fifteen days of cooking, and the fifteen days of hard work. Those who wanted to impact the ultimate awakening. Thoughts are like boiling volcanoes, and no more pressure to control the strong impulse, no matter what! No, nothing!

Go for a shock! Pan Hongji didn’t want to wait any longer. His spirit and carcass had been adjusted to the peak state, and if he continued to delay, he might have the thoughts of gains and losses, and then he would become an obstacle to the ultimate awakening.

Energetic, what chance do you think I have? Pan Hongji laughed and watched the enthusiasm coming out of the gravity magic device. At this time, his whole body was sweaty.

Newcomer King title? Energetic smile, sitting on the stone bench and looking up at the sky, his goal is to work! This goal has never changed! Won the title of newcomer king, defeated Gan Zhanxuan on the ring, and sent his father to the Qiangan family in Qianzhou! Then incarnate into the flying mirror, go to the Devil and marry Lucy with water!

The chance is not great. I groaned for a few seconds and watched Pan Hongji gently shake his head: I am afraid that the chance of 20% is not enough.

Less than 20%? , Pan Hongji laughed okay, better than I thought.

I feel that I may not even have a chance. Energeticly looked at Pan Hongji for a moment and said faintly: Actually, I think so too, Pan Hongji laughed a lot, and the hearty laughter was a little more self-deprecating: you are young In fact, I don’t know what is comforting. I took a huge Dou Jing from Li Ba and put one hand on the Dou Jing to absorb the Dou energy in it. This fifteen-day hard-working hard exercise, there are dozens of times to release Dou Qi every day. Clean, without the support of the three-headed Golden Dragon and the Hydra family Doujing, everyone’s strength will not be able to increase again.

Dou Jing became dim in the case of vigorously absorbing bucket energy, Li Ba asked with a smile: What about me? , You may not have half the chance of Snake King. Li Ba nodded slowly, despite the help of mysterious potions and seals, but the ultimate awakening is a very magical thing, and no one is sure that he can accomplish this.

I was exhausted, and the broken wind was not far away, sitting directly on the ground next to the stone bench of Panhongji, and also received a huge bucket crystal from the hand of the snake emperor to devour the fighting energy.

It didn’t take long for the young fighters to return from the gravity magic weapon one by one, doing the same thing as breaking the wind.

Uncle Snake Emperor, I said that you have not found the whereabouts of Qian Wuqing’s boy so much of your power? , Broken Wind is lying on the ground in a herringbone shape, holding a large bucket of crystals on his chest with both hands, greedily devouring bucket energy, but not wanting to keep his mouth idle.

Pan Hongji frowned: 11 was not found, he seemed to disappear out of thin air. , This is the undead. Li Ba sighed: If all the undeads who cover the sky are so strong, how can it be possible that the broken wind adjusts the lying posture? The last time they were in the ancient desert sand, they are now also capable Grades. ,I know this. Li Ba smiled and looked at the broken wind: I knew earlier than you about the undead. The broken wind shrugged and shrugged his shoulders without continuing to fight for a change of topic: you should be careful when you hit the top 16 tomorrow and bump into me. I will not show mercy! , Lei Long Li shook his fist silently and reached the semi-finals, and he is still the real Saint Qifeng. How can he challenge his motivation in this state?

Make sure you don’t lose before you can win in front of us. , Burning Road Crazy Song is very shameless: how can one fight two souls. The old sister-in-law is still a bloodline warrior.

After being silent, Cheek Forte heard the rumblings of a broken wind, and he also spoke: He energetically beat down and did not know how many blood fighters. ,cut! Duanfeng Fujie is very dismissive and withdrawn: I always have a battle with my comrades, it seems to be the winner of the rookie contest. , You, the only one who was beaten. Cheek Follett has a very good attitude towards others on weekdays. When it comes to breaking the wind, here is the most poisonous tongue. The irritating breaking wind is always trying to follow this. The fallen angel blood warrior fights.

However, in addition to the motivation of the young soldiers here, the only bloodline power to reach the true sacred is Chekforte!

Since absorbing Lucy’s heart, Chekforte’s bloodline warfare changed three pairs of wings, and his strength has been amazingly amazing. Everyone is showing up, even if Cheai Shuai wakes up and has no practice fighting , The strength will be much stronger than yesterday. It seems that with the absorption of the essence of Lucy’s heart, all the levels in the handsome body that hinder the awakening of blood power are fragmented, and he can freely improve at will strength.

When my heavenly consciousness wakes up, I have to dial your angel hair. , You have no chance, O Panhong and Li Ba stared at each other and saw the taste of envy in each other’s eyes, envy the joy of these young people together.

On the stage of the newcomer Wang Yan, who do you want to fight the most? Duanfeng Fuji asked curiously: I think your enthusiasm for Gan Wuxing is not as good as that for Gan Wuxing. Also, let’s not talk about Gan Zhanxuan! Just ask, who do you want to fight with most of us?

Bi Luo was also very curious to watch the drive. As the only Capricorn Master in the top 16, she also wanted to know who the drive was most willing to play against.

Want to fight the most? , Furious frowning seriously: Well, is it all of you? , Are we all? What do you mean? Broke the wind and jumped in exclamation:

I rely! Comrades, don’t you want to say that if you are on the ring, what you want to do most is to play against the other top 15? At this moment, the other tired young soldiers were also struggling to sit up straight, looking nervously and waiting for answers.

Raising my forefinger with a swift hand, I flicked a few serious words at the tip of my nose and said, "Yeah, that’s how I think. A teacup in the hands of fifteen Panhong machines instantly exploded and stared at the drive. Since the start of the rookie king contest, the boy has never played a card according to common sense and is very helpless looking at others: young In one generation, I could not find an opponent who could fight me one-on-one. The young soldiers present at the same time sank at the same time, this is really striking! Anyway, everyone is now trying to play the rookie contest.

Perhaps, the goal of motivation has been shifted to Lei Long Li: I would like to see how strong the three-headed golden dragon’s awakening is better. , Leilong Li took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that the blood in the body suddenly began to boil, because a word of motivation seemed to be ignited by something, that was a sign before the blood veins awakened strength, although You may not wake up immediately, but at least it has an opportunity, and you may wake up at any time.

Rest assured, I will let you see you, comrades-in-arms, without taking such a look down on people. , Broken Wind fought loudly and whispered: It is also possible for me, is it possible to step into the bloodline fighters who are awakened to the heavens at any time, okay? , Energetic looked at Broken Wind Fuji, and then looked at Lei Long Li: I look forward to fighting with you two, Broken Wind tentatively asked: Is it one to one? Still, let’s go together.

The enthusiastic summary suddenly twisted Lei Long and Li’s eyebrows together. Tianji Awakening is the key to separating the blood power of the blood fighters from each other. The blood power of the three golden dragons awakens. That is not an ordinary blood fighter. Tianji awakens.

I’m going to wake up, Tianji is going to wake up! Broken Wind took a few pieces of Dou Jing from Pan Hongji, turned and walked towards the Gravity Magic Device again, and the words of energy made a group of very tired young soldiers back to the Gravity Magic Device again to practice hard. o Cheek Folter is quiet and watching the drive, I would like to fight with you. , After the newcomer king contest. , And looked at Chekforte calmly: The younger generation, the only person who can really deal with me one-on-one is you, your growth is too terrible. It’s a pity that your fallen angel blood battles in the real policy dynasty, which is inconvenient to appear. , Chekforte nodded calmly: the opportunity to try.

Pan Hongji slammed Li Ba with his elbow and whispered, "This boy, isn’t it the ultimate awakening of the warrior chosen by the contemporary fallen angel blood warrior?" If the sky is covered, Li Ba laughs: 11 that the demons can lose out! We have four here, and they only have two! Shoulai can really turn over the demons this time!

Maybe there are two of the ultimate awakenings of the fallen angel magic warrior of this generation, and they are motivated to look at Pan Hongji, or even three? ,, two? Three? Break with tradition? No way? Pan Hongji frowned: Lucy’s heart is really so powerful, don’t you know that you are handsome?

Pan Hongji gently rubbed his forehead. If it was really like that, the war would only cause more damage.

Alright, don’t think about it! Li Ba got up and patted Pan Hongji’s shoulder: If we cover the sky, we will also complete the ultimate awakening of blood power, and grab them before them! Don’t give them a chance! Wouldn’t it be alright then? ,, makes sense! gone! leave! Pan Hongji simply got up and strode to his place without looking back.

The energy can be felt, this moment! The hearts of the two powerful men have completely made the decision to impact the ultimate awakening.

Chapter III Tianji Awakening Nights without a moon are usually cloudy and cloudy.

Tonight, the sky above the City of God is also cloudy because there is no moon rising to illuminate the earth, causing the city to be extremely dark.

The continuous accumulation of rolling black clouds gradually became thicker, as if it were not more than a thousand meters away from the earth, and those who could fly could easily enter the clouds.

Sitting enthusiastically in the courtyard, Huang Huangquan, who was awake from sleep, was doing various magic elements to arrange and combine to become a new type of demon. Huang Yiquan with the level magic talent.


There was a muffled sound in the clouds, and suddenly a particularly loud thunderstorm blew out, and the dazzling lightning flashed across the wide endless sky.

At the same time, two strong and true Saint-level strength suddenly burst from the two rooms of the soldiers’ union, instantly blowing the wind in the sky to stop whistling.

The huge black Hydra fighting spirit is up to 100 meters high. Eighteen red eyes look up at the clouds and shake the roar of the stars. The blue electric light is wrapped around the body of the Hydra. The nine huge mouths look like All the stars will be swallowed up in the sky.

Almost at the same time! The black sky suddenly became bright, and the magnificent three-headed golden dragon fighting spirit bloomed with gorgeous golden light, turning into a huge sun, dissipating the kind of invisible pressure that the darkness brought to the city of God. Three ratios Ordinary city gates have bigger dragon heads ~ ~ The same is the roar of Long Wei, which reveals the character that does not want to be suppressed by Hydra’s momentum.

Even if it is just a fighting spirit, it still maintains the dignity and glory that the peak of Warcraft should have, and the confrontation between each other and the collision of the gas field makes the black clouds in the sky seem to disperse to avoid this powerful gas field.

The enthusiasm stopped teaching with Huang Yiquan, and looked up at the two powerful men in the sky. They were even stronger than the fighting strength of the day.

The seal was lifted, and they looked at the sky with enthusiasm. After fifteen days, the two strong men lifted the seal, and their strength was so much improved!

In the past fifteen days, Fengfeng Fujii didn’t know when he climbed to the roof, watching the fighting spirits of the two strongest men in the sky nodded: These two old men and sisters-in-law did not seem to practice less secretly these days. ,,Yep. Lei Long Li also climbed out of the room: the kind of extreme exercise that consumes all the fighting energy and then supplements the fighting spirit. For those who have reached the stupid peak of life, they want to make a little breakthrough, they must pay more than us Many times more efforts can be made, and as a result, their improvement is not inferior to us. The old generation’s dedication, nodded again and again: it’s worth learning and worth learning. The double monthly pass is the most ferocious in the past two days. Basically, when the double monthly pass ends, the monthly pass for this month is settled.

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