Chapter 518: Smacked

Translator: Udong_ Editor: EbonyFrost, Udong_

"Lucifer Lucy..." Qian Jin’s expression got serious, and his tone got harsh. "Hayen Brianna saved me before. If she died because of you..."


Lucifer Lucy suddenly looked up at Qian Jin with tears in her single eye. "What are you going to do? Kill me? Or are you going to take my other eye? If you are really going to kill me, I will blind myself for trusting and liking the wrong person." She looked sad and stubborn as she said that.

Qian Jin didn’t expect Lucifer Lucy to react to violently and he was taken by surprise. "Yeah, although Hayen Brianna saved me before, this female demon also saved me before to some degree. I also saved her before, but I took one of her eyes."

Qian Jin didn’t even really notice how complicated his relationship with this demon princess got.

If Hayen Brianna died, was he going to kill Lucifer Lucy? Qian Jin closed his eyes and shook his head. He couldn’t do such a thing! This female demon was really nice towards his father and she managed to get his father to smile. That was something that he the son never did before.

For the last while, Rosella was also safeguarded by her. When Qian Jin entered Ancient Desert Sea the last time, he would have been killed by the Qian warriors who chased after him if she didn’t help out.

"Kill you? I can’t do it." Qian Jin said as he pointed at one of his own eyes. "I will take out one of my eyes to compensate for what I did. After that, we will no longer be connected in any manner."

Lucifer Lucy was the one who was surprised by this time. She had played out numerous possible outcomes in her head, such as Qian Jin getting more upset or Qian Jin surrendering in order to calm her. What Qian Jin said never crossed her mind.

"I have to admit..." Qian Jin nodded his head and said, "I have fallen for you."

Lucifer Lucy let out a surprised and cheerful gasp as she blushed.

"However, that doesn’t mean that I can’t live without a woman." Qian Jin frowned and continued. "You can be playful and throw tantrums, I would treat you girls all the same. However, I can’t let you just be reckless and do whatever you want. Even if Hayen Brianna is a man, I would need to come here and save him because I made a promise. If I can’t even live up to my promise, can I still be considered a man?"

Lucifer Lucy was stunned by Qian Jin’s speech. "Yeah, this man is different from the demons that I’m used to." She thought. "The high-up demons I know would use anything to get to achieve their goals. Tricks, lies, traps, you name it. As long as something can be traded for value, they would do it. A promise? Can it be worth anything?"

Egocentric was how the royal demons lived and that was the lifestyle that Lucifer Lucy was used to.

"But now?" Lucifer Lucy looked at Qian Jin with love in her eyes. "This man is completely different from all the things I know. This man is acting so dumb, but he has something about him that can shock my soul."

"His dumb behavior would always give me a sense of security. Even if I’m surrounded by a million enemies, this dumb man can make me feel safe by telling me that everything would be ok. I wouldn’t feel like I’m surrounded by enemies but rather flowers." She thought.

"I...I..." Lucifer Lucy no longer appeared that aggressive. She lowered her voice and said in a tone that made people feel like she was wronged, "I was jealous... I was ... You already have a lot of women."

Qian Jin scratched his head. This was something that was really bothering him recently. When he was young, he was envious of the heroes in the legends who were surrounded by beautiful girls. Although he wasn’t a hero yet, he had a lot of beautiful girls around him.

"I will make sure that I watch out for that." Qian Jin sighed. "But I can still can’t accept what you did. It was fortunate that Hayen Brianna survived. Otherwise... Otherwise..."

Qian Jin said the word otherwise twice and still didn’t know what he should say to follow that up.

"From now on, I will try my best to be less extreme."

Qian Jin smiled powerlessly. If Lucifer Lucy responded by saying "Ok" or "I got it" or "I would never do it again", there would be something wrong. This response from her was a soft surrender.

If Lucifer Lucy actually responded by saying "I got it"... Qian Jin sighed. If she responded like that, she would be like a puppet and no longer herself.

Didn’t matter if it was a human or a demon, independent stances and thoughts were important.

There would be friction and conflict when they encounter, but that was what made it fun.

Qian Jin looked at Lucifer Lucy’s beautiful face and subconsciously placed his hands on her cheeks. In front of Bhang Wusheng, he tilted his head forward and kissed this demon girl on her red lips.


The noise the kiss made resonated in the this quiet Wusheng Palace. Lucifer Lucy’s face instantly got red.

Qian Jin was even shocked by his own action. He sighed as he looked at Lucifer Lucy. "I..... I just lost my mind..."

It was impossible for a human and a demon to fall in love. On top of that, Lucifer Lucy wanted to the empress of the Lucifer Empire and Qian Jin wanted to become a great warrior that could kill all demons including the bloodline warriors.

They were at completely opposite sides and it should be impossible for them to be together.

However, under such impossible conditions, Qian Jin realized that he was in love with this demon girl.

"You lost your mind over me." Lucifer Lucy hugged onto Qian Jin with a bright smile on her face. "I also lost my mind over you."

"Cough... cough... cough..."

Bhang Wusheng coughed deliberately and forced the two to look at him. "You two, remember where you are at. If I didn’t voice my existence, would you guys go at it here and be the closest that a human and a demon have ever been?"

Qian Jin smiled awkwardly and wanted to get away from Lucifer Lucy’s arms but she held onto him tightly. With a smile on her face, she replied, "If we get to that stage, we will just go into a room."

Bhang Wusheng sighed and shook his head as he looked at Lucifer Lucy who looked extra playful. "Looks like this little demon is in a great mood right now. She even took my joke." He thought.

"How about..." Lucifer Lucy turned to Qian Jin and laughed, "We go to a room right now?"

Qian Jin patted her head and calmed this girl down. However, she was still clinging to him with her dear life.

"Going to Lucifer Empire with Lucy?" Qian Jin asked Bhang Wusheng.

"Wait a second. I want to go there as well."

Duren Burg’s voice suddenly sounded in this palace. Fanta Kunge was behind Duren Burg. Although he didn’t say anything, it seemed like he wanted to go as well.

"I..." Cech Flet who was also there said quietly, "I want to go and see Princess Eunala."

Bhang Wusheng was little surprised by this. Demon Territory wasn’t fun, it was a place full of danger for people from Zence.

If the demons knew that the small team who appeared in the Demon Territory and killed members of Dark Group was in there again, they would do everything to kill them.

These young men weren’t idiots. They knew how dangerous this test was, but they still came out and expressed their desire casually.

"Demon Territory?" Zence Matten fanned himself as he walked in. "As a member of Zence’s Royal Family, I would need to check out the demons. This is something that every member of the Royal Family had to do once. Demon Princess, do you mind if I come along?"

Currently, Lucifer Lucy was no longer in the human form. With her demon identity revealed, her beautiful appearance was giving off a mysterious and noble glare. As a prince of Zence, Zence Matten could tell that Lucifer Lucy was a princess by just looking at her.

"Ok, I don’t mind." Lucifer Lucy said with a smile, but her tone sounded hostile. "I won’t unveil your identity to others. But if you get caught, I will be the first one to capture you and claim the merits."

Zence Matten shrugged his shoulder and said, "Fine."

"Your Highness."

"Iron, stay here for now. I will just go and check out the Demon Territory. I need to get to know the demons better. How powerful are they? What kind of power are they accumulating? Why haven’t they started any wars recently?"

Lucifer Lucy’s eyes stayed on Zence Matten for a bit longer. If Qian Jin wasn’t here, she would try her best to kill this prince of Zence.

In a few words, Zence Matten had expressed his concerns. He was actually right, the Demon King didn’t call for any wars recently was that he was trying to accumulate more power. On one part, the Demon King was trying to fool Zence by showing weaknesses. But also, the Demon King called for the New Generation Competition for demons as well. He wanted to select more young talent and stimulate the appearance of more powerful bloodlines awakenings. His end goal was to conquer Zence all at once.

"If all the princes of Zence who were threats to the demons are all died, it would be easier to conquer Zence." Lucifer Lucy thought.

"Too bad..." She sighed. It looked like this prince was pretty close with Qian Jin.

"Your Highness."

"I’ve decided."

Iron walked to Qian Jin and bowed. "His highness’s safety is in your hands." He said earnestly.

Qian Jin looked at the people in front of him and sighed, "You guys..."

"You want to ditch us because we are too weak?" Duren Burg wrapped his arms around Qian Jin’s neck and said, "Comrade, don’t forget who stood in front of you when you were injured? Who brought you time? If it weren’t for us, you would have died many times."

"That’s not what I mean. I mean..."

"Danger?" A smile appeared on Cech Flet’s face. "Danger is everywhere."

Qian Jin had to admit that there was no difference for Cech Flet. He was wanted by the Crown Prince of demons, but he would be also captured and studies if his existence as the mix-blood who had awakened Fallen Angel Bloodline was known by humans.

"Actually, it would be better if there are more people." Bhang Wusheng walked down the stairs as his throne was high-up on a platform. He was really like a king. "The path I designed for you guys requires showing-off."


Duren Burg was instantly excited. Even for warriors like Qian Zhanxuan, they had to stay low-key when they stepped into the Demon Territories. Otherwise, they would be killed and their corpses would be hung on the gates of major demon cities so the demons can spit on them.

"Being high-profile while traveling in Demon Territory?" Duren Burg wanted to come back alive and tell the story to Qian Zhanxuan. "If he knows about this, would he puke up blood? He is always so proud of himself, haha." He thought.

"You guys can’t stay low-key." Bhang Wusheng looked at Qian Jin and continued, "Because you guys have the assets to stay high-profile."

"Assets?" Everyone’s attention focused on Qian Jin.

"Qian Jin isn’t only a warrior, he is also a Forge Grandmaster..."

"Of all fields." Duren Burg added.

Bhang Wusheng nodded and continued, "I heard he is also a Pharmacy Grandmaster..."

Lucifer Lucy who was still in Qian Jin’s arms added, "Of all fields as well."

Bhang Wusheng’s lips twitched a little as he nodded. "These young people are brave. They dare to correct me? But Qian Jin is just too spectacular. He would shock people even if he is just a Forge Master or a Pharmacy Master." He thought. "But he is Grandmaster of all fields for both subjects."

"I heard that Qian Jin also knows Mystic Pharmaceuticals..." Bhang Wusheng quickly corrected himself when he saw Cech Flet opening his mouth, "I guess he is also an all field..."

"He is a disciple of..." Cech Flet corrected with a quiet voice.


Bhang Wusheng wasn’t feeling too well... He finally initiated the correction himself, but he got it wrong.

"Overall..." Bhang Wusheng continued with his train of thoughts, "Qian Jin is capable of a lot of stuff."

This time, everyone nodded.

However, a sly smile appeared on Lucifer Lucy’s face as she said, "Super capable."

"What? Demon girl? You tried it already?" Duren Burg joked as he looked at Qian Jin, "When was the first-time?"

"Fu*k-off!" Qian Jin lifted his leg and kicked Duren Burg on his butt. However, Duren Burg wiggled his butt and dodged the attack. "You missed. Looks like you still hadn’t done it, otherwise, you won’t be so pissed off. Ah, demon girl, it looks like you need to work harder. Looks how hard he is holding back? His temper even got worse."

Lucifer Lucy giggled as she covered her red lips. "I will work harder! How about tonight... Sister Jane..."

Lucifer Lucy let go of Qian Jin and jumped into the arms of Gomez Jane who just walked into the palace. "How about we do it together tonight?" She asked in a joking tone.

Duren Burg zapped his mouth as he saw Lucifer Lucy’s behaviour. "Damn, Gomez Jane got some tricks up her sleeve. She is even able to make a demon girl like Lucifer Lucy docile."

"She got her butt smacked." Qian Jin murmured.

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