Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 342 Michael, The Babysitter (4)

"Daddy! Are you not done yet?" Gabriel asked, looking at his Daddy who was still busy in the kitchen. He then turned to Sienna who was sitting beside him and was holding out her hand towards him.

"Sienna is hungry, Daddy. Can I give her some of my food?" Gabriel asked again, looking at his Daddy.

By now he and Raphael had sat down at the dining table, and their lunch had been delivered.

However, the little girl who had not gotten her food yet, tried to ask for the Twins' food by grabbing Gabriel's hand who was sitting nearby.

"No! Don't do that! You can't give her your food!" said Michael hastily, forbidding his youngest son to do that. "Sienna is still a baby. You can't give her your food," he continued.

"But she's hungry, Daddy," Gabriel muttered pitifully as he watched the little girl open her mouth in hunger.

"Daddy almost done," Michael said without turning his head and looking busy in the kitchen.

"Daddy, you always say that," said Raphael, who had been watching his Daddy's movements ever since. His facial expression was worried.

He just hoped that everything would be okay, or… his Daddy wouldn't start a fire.

"Alright, it's done," Michael said then walked to the dining table while bringing a plate. Sweat was clearly visible on his face, his clothes looks wet.

"Sienna, Daddy has prepared your meal. You have to eat Daddy's food, okay?" said Gabriel looking at the little girl. He had been chatting with the little girl ever since even though she didn't know what he was saying.

Gabriel's gaze then turned to the food that had just been brought by his Daddy. It turned out to be a sandwich and there was a sliced ​​strawberry.

"Daddy, why aren't the pieces the same?" Gabriel commented, seeing the different strawberries. Some are small, and some are big.

"It doesn't matter. The important thing is that it can be eaten!" said Michael then took one of the strawberries and fed it to Sienna.

The hungry girl immediately opened her mouth when she saw something was given to her.

"But Mommy's cut is always the same," Gabriel said again, finding the dissimilar Strawberry cut really odd.

Michael tried hard to keep his expression on his face when he heard the boy keep on commenting on how bad the Strawberry cut was. Well.. Michael admits that it doesn't look that appealing. He cut it so it was small enough for Sienna to eat.

Not to mention, the fruit was indeed small and he, who had rarely used a knife, found it very difficult to cut the small fruit.

Michael was already pleased that he had managed to do it without cutting his fingers

"That's because Mommy is a surgeon. Mommy worked with a knife, and Daddy never worked with a knife," explains Michael, trying not to look too pathetic in front of the kids.

"Isn't Mommy a doctor?" asked Raphael in confusion.

Michael had a confused look on his face when he heard the question.

"Yes, Mommy is a doctor, but also a surgeon," said Michael while occasionally feeding the strawberry to Sienna who enjoy eating it

"What is a surgeon, Daddy?" asked Gabriel, now looking curious about it.

Michael couldn't hide his surprised expression when he heard that. Don't the kids know what their Mommy is doing?

"Hmm… Mommy cut people's bodies with a knife…"

"What?" shouted both of them in surprise when they heard that.

"Is Mommy like the Joker?" Gabriel asked, then covered his mouth with both hands. Didn't expect that his Mommy would be like the villain in the Batman movie.

While Raphael didn't say anything, the expression on his face was clear that he was very surprised by it. Why is Mommy being like that?

"Oh no, it's not like that! Mommy helps people, and doesn't kill them," Michael said hastily when he realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing. Well… he just wanted to explain the difference between a doctor and a surgeon, but it seemed that his explanation was too much.

"We'll just ask Mommy later, okay? Now let's have lunch first," continued Michael, choosing to let Sarah explain the matter.

Besides, why didn't Sarah ever mention her work to their kids? Did Sarah do it on purpose? Or did she forget? Michael began to wonder.

Michael immediately shook his head, now was not the time to think about that. He had to give the little girl some food.

After the strawberries were finished, Michael then took a sandwich that had been cut into small pieces. It's an egg mayo sandwich.

Actually, it could have been done long ago. However, Michael made the egg boiled three times because he wanted the yolks to be half cooked so they were still runny..

Firstly, the yolks were too runny, and they didn't seem cooked either because the whites looked ugly.

Second, the yolk was overcooked, and it didn't match the recipe he was about to make.

Michael finally realized that he could find it on the internet and follow the instructions. He finally got the perfect egg he wanted.

Sienna's mouth opened once more when she felt something thrust into her mouth. Actually, she wanted to hold her own food, as she usually did, but seeing that it was Michael who was feeding her , and not her usual babysitter, she allowed Michael to do so.

When else can she be fed by a handsome man, right?

Michael held his breath as he watched Sienna start chewing her food. His lips suddenly felt dry. Will Sienna like his cooking?

What if the little girl doesn't want to eat? Michael had heard that there were kids who were picky eaters.

However, it seemed that Michael had nothing to worry about when he saw the little girl open her mouth again, asking to be fed her next meal immediately.

A relieved smile immediately appeared on Michael's face.

"Is it really that good? Okay, here it is. Ahhh," Michael said with a big smile.

Now he could understand when people said they were full when they saw their kid eating well.

Well… Sienna wasn't really his daughter, but seeing the little girl eat his homemade food well made Michael very proud.

"Is it really that good, Daddy?" Gabriel asked while licking his own lips as he watched Sienna eat her food voraciously.

Gabriel wasn't interested at first because it was just a sandwich filled with an egg and no meat, but seeing Sienna eating it voraciously, he was curious too.

"You want to? Daddy will make you later, "said Michael with a smile. He just made it a little bit.

"Can I eat some of it?" asked Gabriel, who was already very curious.

Michael finally took a slice of his sandwich and split it again in two. He then fed Gabriel.

"Ohh… this is delicious, Daddy. A little bland but delicious," answered Gabriel, nodding his head.

Michael just smiled at his son's comment. It seems, when it comes to food, Gabriel really wants perfection.

"Does Raphael want to give it a try?" asked Michael when he saw Raphael stop his food and stare at him.

Raphael nodded then opened his mouth. Michael then gave half the piece to his eldest son.

"It tastes good!" said Raphael, giving a thumbs up.

A wide smile appeared on Michael's face when he heard the compliment. He was very satisfied that the three kids liked the food, even if it was just an egg mayo sandwich.


Michael looked at the bed in front of him which was currently sleeping by the three kids who were tired after playing. At first, it was Sienna who slept first, then the two puppies also wanted to take a nap with Sienna.

Michael then took his cellphone to capture the moment. A smile appeared on his sweaty face.

Taking care of the child was not what he had imagined. That is very difficult, especially if the child is still a toddler and can't speak yet.

However, when he saw their sleeping faces, the tiredness seemed to have completely disappeared.

Michael then slowly came out of the room and closed the door as quietly as possible because he didn't want them to wake up. He then walked over to the sofa and immediately plopped down on it.

He's tired!

Michael then took out his cellphone and looked at the current time.

"What?! I looked after them for only four hours?!" said Michael who was surprised to see the current time. It feels like he's been doing that all day!

Michael then immediately looked for Anna's contact and called the woman again, asking where the woman was. Sarah was probably doing a pretty big operation that she was a little late.


"Where are you? When will you come pick up your daughter?" Michael asked as soon as he heard the woman's voice.

"I'm almost there. I'll be there in five minutes," Anna said and then hung up the call.

Michael stared at his cellphone screen in disbelief when the call was turned off. Did Anna just hang up the call?

Michael sighed. The woman said she would arrive in five minutes. So, Michael will be waiting for her.

Five minutes later, Michael heard his cellphone ringing again. Anna calls him and says she is at the front door.

"Where's Sarah?" Anna asked as soon as she entered and saw that there was only Michael.

"She went to the hospital."

Anna rounded her mouth when she heard that. Her facial expression was surprised. So Michael looks after the kids alone?

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