Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 324 I Don't Think I Can Be With You Anymore

"Of course I remember it!" Michael replied looking confident. "We had a fight that night," he continued.

When they were married, he and Sarah rarely fought. Maybe not even once because the two of them rarely see each other, busy with their careers.

That night, however, was the big fight that happened when they were married, and Michael never forgot it.

Sarah was a little surprised to hear that Michael still remembered that night. If he still remembers it, then why does Michael act as if he doesn't know anything?

Did he really remember it?

"Tell me what you remember!" Sarah said while wiping the tears that came out of her eyes. The woman's expression returned to calm. It seems, something is wrong here.

Ah! If she thought again, Michael had once had amnesia. Is it possible that the man only remembers it vaguely?

Michael's expression was confused when he heard what Sarah said. What does he remember? Why did the woman act as if the two of them remembered two different things?

Well… where should he start…

"That night, we were having sex after so long…"

"Do you have to tell it from there?" cut Sarah with an annoyed face.

Even though what Michael said was true. However, does the man have to start his story from there?!

"Well, you want me to explain it!" said Michael, a little annoyed. He seriously wanted to tell her what had happened, but Sarah cut him off.

"Anyway, that night we had sex, and did it from behind, right?" Michael asked again, looking at Sarah seriously.

Sarah's face turned red when she heard that question. Did the man seriously want to confirm that to her?

"What? Why are you silent?" asked Michael irritably. He then noticed Sarah's facial expression which looked like she was embarrassed.

Michael's lips formed a smile at that. At first, he was really serious about telling it without any meaning. However, he didn't expect Sarah to even look embarrassed.

"Did you forget it? How come? You really enjoyed it, though," said Michael with a seductive smile.

Sarah snorted at that. "I'm serious, Michael!" she answered coldly.

"Sorry," Michael replied with a smile and then continued his story.

That night suddenly there was a message on his cellphone, it made them stop what they were doing, and the message was from Elizabeth.

"You then accused me of having an affair, I explained that I didn't, and you insisted on accusing me," Michael said.

Sarah's mouth opened when she heard Michael's explanation. What Michael just said was true, but there was one thing missing from the story.

"You didn't explain anything to me!" Sarah said, raising her voice.

That night, she repeatedly asked Michael for an explanation, but Michael didn't explain anything at all!

"I did!" said Michael who did not accept being accused like that by Sarah. "I'm telling you that I'm not having an affair. I only love you and not having an affair!"

Michael still remembers what happened that night just like it happened yesterday. He had explained it to Sarah, and he thought she would believe him.

"But the next day, you said that you wanted to get divorce," continued Michael.

Sarah's mouth was still open, the expression on her face showing that she had just heard something very shocking.

"You said that was an explanation?!" Sarah asked, raising her voice again.

She did remember Michael giving that answer when she asked him about Elizabeth, but did Michael really take that as an explanation?!

"Hmm... yes?" said Michael quietly. He could sense Sarah was angry right now. However, he couldn't give her any other answer than that. So, he answered quietly.

"Oh… Michael!" Sarah said with a sigh. She didn't expect Michael to think like that at all.

"Then why did you agree to it when I asked you for a divorce?!" Sarah asked again.

Sarah knew that morning it was she who said they should get a divorce. However, Michael readily agreed and made no attempt to ask why, or stop her!

"That… I thought you weren't happy with our marriage," Michael answered honestly.

He still remembered Sarah once saying if he was happy with their marriage. Of course he's happy. He married the woman he loves. However, Sarah didn't seem to feel that way.

So he let her go.

"What?!" Sarah raised her voice. Really surprised by Michael's thoughts.

"How can you think like that?!" Sarah asked angrily

Although the two of them rarely talk because they are busy with their respective jobs. At that time, Sarah was very happy to be married to Michael.

"You're asking if I'm happy to be married to you! I thought you were unhappy, so you asked for a divorce!" said Michael who unconsciously raised his voice as well.

He was really confused right now. Their divorce happened because Sarah asked for it, because the woman was not happy to be married to him. So Michael just agreed with it, even though it was very hard for him.

To him, Sarah's happiness was of the utmost importance.

However, why did Sarah act as if the divorce happened because of him?

"You… Ah!" cried Sarah in annoyance. She didn't expect Michael to just agree to the divorce for such a reason…

"You should have held me back then!" said Sarah with teary eyes.

Although at the moment she doesn't know if Michael is cheating on her because it turns out that according to the man, he has already given an explanation. However, Sarah regrets it.

If only back then Michael did not agree or had not acted casually when she asked for a divorce, then Sarah would have thought about it again and not thought that Michael actually wanted the divorce.

"You want me to hold you back?" said Michael in a sarcastic tone.

It was Sarah who asked for a divorce, but she wanted him to keep her from divorcing him?!

Well… maybe that's what he would do if it happened to himself at forty year old. However, he was in his twenties at that time!

He knows that can't be an excuse, but Sarah is the one who asked for a divorce! Things that shouldn't be said because it's not trivial things. So, he thought at the time, Sarah must have had enough of him to ask for a divorce!

Sarah was silent when she heard this.

Michael sighed, trying to control his current emotions.

"Let's not blame each other. It seems what happened in the past because we both misunderstood," Michael said softly.

If the conversation continued, the two of them would become more and more emotional and end up fighting. Michael didn't want that to happen.

Sarah sighed. She did it several times to calm herself who was experiencing various emotions at the moment. Angry, upset, and sorry.

She was angry and upset at thinking that Michael was just letting her go, and disappointed that it turned out that Michael didn't want the divorce.

The atmosphere in the room then became silent. Only the sound of Michael and Sarah's breathing was heard to calm themselves down.

"Then tell me, Michael," Sarah said looking at Michael. Her facial expression looked calmer.

"If you don't have an affair. What were you doing with that woman at the hotel?!" Sarah asked, looking at the man who also looked calmer.

"What?" Michael looked surprised. Didn't expect Sarah to ask that question again.

"I want an explanation, Michael! Totally an explanation and not only am I not having an affair, I only love you, or it's that woman's privacy! Because I really don't care if it violates that bitch's privacy!" said Sarah who unconsciously raised her voice out of anger.

Even though Sarah knows that she is partly to blame for her divorce with Michael. However, none of that would have happened if Michael had not met the woman.

"You know, that night I called that woman on your cellphone!" said Sarah when Michael was silent. "I told her I was your wife and asked what you were doing at the hotel, but you know what she said to me?" Sarah asked in a rising voice.

"She didn't say anything, Michael! That bitch didn't say anything!!" she shouted. "So explain to me what happened, and I swear, Michael! If you say again that it's her privacy…" Sarah took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, which was once again carried away by emotions.

"I don't think I can be with you anymore," she continued with a sad smile.

Sarah knew that it would be very unfair for her babies to have to live with separated parents, but Sarah couldn't be with Michael anymore if he didn't explain what had happened.

Michael's expression looked surprised when he heard what Sarah said. At that time, he did say it was Elizabeth's privacy, because what she did was not something he should just say.

However, he had no idea that Sarah had actually contacted Elizabeth and the woman didn't say anything.

"Is this the reason you asked me for a divorce back then?" asked Michael, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Of course!" cried Sarah in annoyance. "You think I did it because I don't love you? I keep asking you to explain about it, but you just say she's a nobody! Do you expect me to believe that explanation?!"

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