Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 310 Does Daddy Like To Be Scolded By Mommy?

Michael chuckled at Sarah's annoyed look.

To be honest, he really wanted to tell his kids that the thing on Sarah's neck was from him. It's a sign of love.

Well… there's nothing wrong with the kids knowing that their Daddy loves their Mommy, right?

However, it seemed Sarah was still too embarrassed for that.

The breakfast then went on as usual, and after setting the plates on the table, Sarah went into her room, apparently to cover up the hickey given by Michael.

"So..." Michael said when Sarah joined him and the kids watching a cartoon.

"You seem to remember what happened last night," Michael whispered teasingly.

Sarah who was sitting next to Michael wore a feigned expression, pretending not to understand what Michael meant.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she answered with a straight look.

"Really?" Michael lifted the corners of his lips. "Looks like I have to remind you again," he continued and brought his face close to Sarah's neck.

Sarah, who could feel someone's breath near her neck reflexively turned her head, her eyes widened when she saw Michael's face that looked very close with a smirk on his face.

She immediately backed her head away from the perverted man.

"What do you think you're trying to do?!" Sarah whispered in annoyance and then hit Michael's arm.

Was the man seriously trying to kiss her even though there were kids in front of them?

Even though the kids' attention is currently focused on the TV screen, it still doesn't feel right for Michael to kiss her!

Not that he can kiss her too if there are no kids!

"Do what I did last night?" Michael replied with an innocent face.

Sarah rolled her eyes when she saw Michael imitating the kids's expressions when they were talking.

"I don't remember anything and don't want you to do it again!" whispered Sarah with annoyance and a glare.

Even though what they did wasn't a mistake, Sarah still didn't want to openly point out that it wasn't a mistake.

Michael just chuckled at Sarah's behavior and teased her again.


Gabriel, who was sitting on the carpet, occasionally looked back to see what his Mommy and Daddy were doing.

This cartoon is not his favorite. This is Raphael's favorite and he's only watching because Raphael and his Daddy are watching. So, he wasn't really paying attention to the cartoon and could hear whispers behind him which was quite distracting.

"Rapa," Gabriel whispered to his brother who was busy watching.

"Hm," Raphael replied nonchalantly with a focused gaze ahead, enjoying the blue train's cartoon.

"Looks like Daddy and Mommy are talking about something. Can you hear them?" Gabriel asked, occasionally stealing glances behind him.

His Daddy's face was smiling, and his Mommy's had an annoyed look on her face.

It was completely incomprehensible to Gabriel. Why did his Daddy put on a smiling expression when it seemed like his Mommy was scolding his Daddy?

Does his Daddy like to be scolded by his Mommy?

"Riel." Raphael finally turned to his little brother and sighed.

"You really don't understand what's going on?" Raphael asked with a serious look on his face.

"What?" asked Gabriel in bewilderment. "What's going on?"

Raphael sighed again. As usual his brother was completely clueless.

"Daddy and Mommy are flirting with each other again!" he said with a serious look on his face.

"What?" Gabriel looked surprised to hear that. He then turned to his Daddy and Mommy to see what was going on.

"Ssshhh… don't look!" Raphael whispered when he saw his little brother's behavior.

Gabriel then turned to Raphael, listening to his brother's words. The expression on his face was confused and puzzled.


"Just act like you don't know anything. Don't bother them," Raphael advised with a serious expression on his face.

Gabriel still looked confused, not knowing why he had to do that. However, it seemed that Raphael had no intention of explaining the reason because his older brother was focusing on the cartoon in front of him again.

"Mommy, why can't I disturb when Mommy and Daddy are flirting with each other?"

In the end, Gabriel looked back and asked his Mommy about it. If he's confused, his Mommy has the answers to his questions.

Sarah and Michael, who had been whispering to each other for a long time, turned when they heard the question with surprised expressions.

Likewise, Raphael, who was watching the cartoon, turned his head when he saw that his younger brother did not obey his words.

"Eh? Mommy and Daddy aren't flirting with each other!" said Sarah, trying to keep her expression on her face. Had Gabriel been watching them all this time?

Meanwhile, Michael just chuckled at the innocent question of his son.

"Really?" asked Gabriel, increasingly confused.

His brother said they were flirting with each other, but his Mommy said no. So who should he trust?

"Yeah, we're not flirting with each other," Michael said, causing Sarah to sigh in relief that he was helping her.

"Daddy's the one who is flirting with Mommy," Michael continued with a big smile.

Sarah stared at Michael wide-eyed, unable to believe that Michael would say that to the kids.

Michael, who noticed the gaze, just chuckled, feeling unconcerned. According to him, there is nothing wrong with showing his love for Sarah in front of the kids.

Michael then waved his hand, calling Gabriel to come closer.

Gabriel looked doubtful, he could see the displeased expression on his Mommy's face. However, he finally stood up and climbed onto the sofa and walked over to his Daddy.

Michael then brought his face closer to Gabriel's then put one hand near his lips which was currently on the boy's ear. He wanted to whisper something.

Seeing that, Sarah could only curse in her heart. She had no idea what Michael was whispering, and hopefully he didn't say anything weird.

"Really?" Gabriel asked, looking at Michael with an unsure face after hearing what his Daddy just said.

Michael nodded and had a big smile on his face.

Suddenly, Gabriel started to stand up and walked over to Sarah. He then stomped on Sarah's thighs, trying to get on top of his Mommy and wrapped his tiny arms around Sarah's neck.

"Mommy, I'm a koala!" Gabriel answered innocently, following what his Daddy said.

Michael couldn't help but laugh when he saw Sarah's blushing face. Turns out his guess was right, Sarah remembered what happened last night.

Meanwhile, Gabriel looked surprised. What Daddy said was true! Mommy's face will turn red and look embarrassed!

How did his Daddy know that?

"Gabriel, what are you doing?" Sarah asked, trying to keep the expression on her face but it seemed too late.

"I'm imitating a Koala, Mommy!" Gabriel answered innocently who still wrapped his arms around Sarah's neck and also his legs wrapped around Sarah's body.

"Wow, Gabriel looks like a Baby Koala! Then Mommy must be Mommy Koala!" said Michael who was still laughing.

Sarah looked at Michael with an annoyed look. How could Michael shamelessly use Gabriel to tease her like this?!

But, oddly enough, Sarah didn't hate it at all. She was annoyed, but not resentful. It's a little hard to explain her feelings right now.

Gabriel smiled happily hearing that, he really likes Koalas!

Meanwhile, even though he could hear what was going on behind him, Raphael was still focused on watching his favorite cartoon, and when it finally finished, he joined in to become a Baby Koala.

It just, the little boy clung to his Daddy because he saw that there was no place for his Mommy anymore.

That day, even though they were only at home and not going anywhere because it was raining, the laughter and smiles never left the faces of the two little ones because they could play with their Mommy and Daddy.


Today as usual Sarah looks busy with her work. After checking the patient's condition, she checked her schedule for today's surgery. It had been a week since she had returned to work, and despite the unfortunate incident last Friday, she was able to focus and not drown in her grief.

Sarah didn't want to admit it, but Michael managed to comfort her.

She's not talking about the sex! However, when they played with the kids yesterday!

Right now, Sarah has just completed her second surgery for the day. It was only a minor surgery, so she only spent about 30 minutes in the operating room then immediately returned to her locker to put on her white doctor's uniform.

Sarah then took her cellphone which was also placed in the locker. Her cell phone's screen is turning on, indicating that a message had been sent to her.

Sarah's facial expression looked confused when she saw that there were 3 missed calls from Anna, Steve's wife.

After the incident Anna told Michael of their conversation, she meets again with the woman who asked her to meet, and Anna apologizes to her.

At first, Sarah did not want to be involved with the woman anymore. After all, Anna took advantage of her. However, in the end Sarah accepted her apology and they became close because they meet several times.

Curious, Sarah called the woman.

"Hello, Anna? What is it?" Sarah asked confusedly.

"Sarah! Thank goodness you called me! I was just about to go see you!" said Anna who sounded relieved and also panicked.

"Why? I'm at work right now," Sarah answered confusedly.

Anna then didn't say anything, like she was thinking.

"Wait a minute! Don't you know what's going on?" asked Anna in bewilderment when she heard that Sarah sounded normal.

"What happened?" Sarah asked confusedly.

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