New month, new day (?)

Before you read this, I would like to thank the top three Gold Ticket Contributors.

@2lazy2care with 18 GT

@memeko with 12 GT

@akpene with 6 GT

And all of you who voted so this book has 84 Golden Ticket last month!

Tbh, I'm considering to have mass release If I get the GT. What do you think? Should I do it? What is the target and how much should be the mass release?

Thankyou very much for your support and hope you enjoy this chapter!


Sarah opened her eyes slowly, indicating that her subconscious was telling her to wake up.

As a mother, her body already knows when to wake up without needing to be awakened by an alarm. She always wakes up in the morning to prepare her activities before her kids wake up.

"Uhhh…" Sarah closed her eyes again before she could even get up. Her one hand held her head which felt like it was hit by something heavy.

After feeling a little better, she opened her eyes and was stunned.

Where is she?

The ceiling of the room she was looking at right now wasn't the ceiling of her bedroom!

However, even though the ceiling wasn't her bedroom, for some reason, it looked familiar.

Sarah then shook her head. She didn't know where she was now, but she had to get home before the kids woke up.

Holding her head that felt dizzy, Sarah changed her position into a sitting position and closed her eyes again because the dizziness was so intense.

As soon as Sarah opened her eyes again, her eyes caught something under the blanket. From its shape, it looks like a leg. However, it wasn't her at all because the leg was on her left.

Sarah's gaze then followed the direction of the leg up, seeing who the owner of the big leg was. Her eyes immediately opened wide when she caught the figure of a half-naked man who was fast asleep and his face looked very handsome with the position facing her.

'Michael? Why am I with Michael? Then, why isn't he wearing clothes?' thought Sarah looked surprised and confused.

The dizziness in her head seemed to disappear as soon as she saw the man's face, and questions filled Sarah's mind.

Even though they were divorced and had not seen each other for a long time, Sarah still remembered Michael's habit of always wearing clothes when he was sleeping.

She had heard that some men preferred to be naked in their sleep, but Michael had no such habit.

Then, at what time is Michael bare-chested while sleeping?

Sarah knew very well the answer to that question. That was when Michael had just had sex. Usually, the man was too lazy to pick up his clothes that had been scattered on the floor and put them on.

Sarah then swallowed her saliva. If Michael had sex last night and by the way it must have been with her because right now she had just woken up beside Michael, then he shouldn't be wearing anything under the blanket either, right?

"Should I check it out?" Sarah thought about the choice.

Right now she doesn't remember anything and she's too embarrassed to ask Michael what happened last night. Why did she get here, and did they have sex.

However, when Sarah's hand held the blanket covering Michael's lower body, Sarah suddenly felt cold when the blanket covering her body fell.

Reflexively, Sarah looked down and her bare chest greeted Sarah's sense of sight.

Sarah's eyes widened. She's naked too?! Why?! Did she really have sex with Michael?!

That seemed to be the only answer that explained the current situation. She does take her bra off when she's getting ready for bed, but she's not completely naked to sleep at all!

So having sex with Michael was the only reasonable answer.

But why? Why did she do it? What exactly happened?

As if answering Sarah's confused question, suddenly the events of last night seemed to be replaying in her head.

"You can do it, Michael. Please comfort me tonight."

"Am I no longer attractive because I have two kids, Michael?"

"Let's do it in our room."

,m "I'm like a Koala! Hahaha!"

"Put it in."

Sarah's mouth opened as she remembered all the events of last night well. Her face turned red.

Has she gone mad?!

Sarah's hands then immediately covered her face, completely embarrassed by what happened last night. Not only did she was the one who asked Michael to have sex, she also acted ridiculous by throwing herself at Michael like a koala and telling him she was a koala!

It seems because recently Gabriel has been having an interest in Koalas, and she's seen for god sake how many videos of koalas, it's driving her crazy!

She really embrassed!

"This is not the time to be embarrassed like this!"

Suddenly Sarah heard a whisper in her ear.

"Ah! Right!" mumbled Sarah then immediately removed her hands from her face.

This was not the time for her to sit here and regret what happened last night!

She has to get out of here!

She couldn't meet Michael in this state!

Then, slowly, like a Koala, Sarah lowered her feet onto the bed as her gaze continued to stare at Michael's handsome face who was still fast asleep.

Yes, Sarah admits it. That face still looks handsome even when he's sleeping. However, this was not the time to admire his handsome face, or his chest muscles!

She should get her priorities straight!

Having managed to get out of bed, Sarah tiptoed and slowly headed toward the door. Now she realized why the ceiling of the room looked familiar, it turned out to be the room she was sleeping in six years ago!

Before going out, she didn't forget to pick up her clothes that were scattered on the floor, but she just hugged them and didn't wear them anymore.

Once she was near the door, while hugging her clothes, Sarah turned to Michael, trying to see if he was awake or not.

Feeling safe, Sarah turned the door slowly, then slowly opened it, like a thief about to get out of a place she had just robbed. However, what the brown-haired thief just stole was a set of sleepwear, and a black panty!

Once Sarah finally got out, she breathed a sigh of relief and slowly closed the door.

"Hah! Good thing he didn't wake up! I really don't know how to react!" Sarah muttered and then put her clothes back on.

After putting her clothes back on, Sarah hurried down from the second floor to go to her room, to prepare for this new day.

However, when Sarah had just taken a few steps down. She stopped where she was, like she was frozen. The expression on her face even looked surprised, like a thief who had just failed to rob a house and met the owner of the house.

"Good morning, Mommy!" said the blonde haired owner who was sitting on the floor near the stairs playing with the stuffed bunny and the Batman action figure.

"Why did Mommy come down from the second floor?" Gabriel continued with a confused expression.

On the second floor is Daddy's room, but why is it still early and Mommy comes down from there?

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