Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 294 Don't Scold Rapa, Mommy!

When Michael arrived at his kids' school, he headed straight for the teachers' room. It was his first time coming to this school because he had to go on a business trip that time, so he was a little confused about where to go.

Once inside the room, Michael looked around, trying to ask where Sarah and Raphael were.

However, Michael's focus was immediately diverted when he heard a male voice that sounded very upset.

"If you're really sorry, then kneel down!"

Michael's brow furrowed when he heard that. He then turned to the source of the voice to see what was happening. What did the other person do to make the man ask them to apologize while kneeling? According to Michael, it was too much.

Michael's eyes widened when he finally saw who the man was talking to. Even though it's just the back view and the face isn't very clear. He recognized the brown haired woman. It's Sarah!

"Shouldn't as a parent, you must be responsible for the mistakes made by your son?"

Michael, who had been worried, turned into annoyance when he heard the disdainful tone said by the man. He quickly walked over to Sarah to ask what was going on.

Michael's eyes widened as he got closer to them, but the man raised his hand and grabbed Sarah's wrist.

"Get off your dirty hands!" said Michael coldly as he grabbed the wrist of the man who was holding Sarah's wrist.

His grip was very strong. How dare that man hold his wif... Sarah's hand?

"Michael?" said Sarah, surprised when she saw the man. She had no idea that Michael would come. Although she was glad with the man's arrival, how could Michael be here?

The man who was holding Sarah's wrist immediately let go of his grip when he saw Michael. It wasn't because he felt pain in his wrist, but rather because he saw Michael in front of him.

"Are you alright?" Michael asked, turning to Sarah when the man had let go of her hand. His gaze then turned to Sarah's wrist, which was red from the man's grip.

He felt anger again.

He then turned to Raphael who was behind Sarah.

"Raphael, are you all right?" Michael asked, trying to sound as gentle as possible even though his heart was burning with anger right now.

The little boy who was wiping the tears that had already come out, nodded.

"I'm fine, uncle" he answered with a sob while wiping his tears that he couldn't hold back anymore because the man was so scary.

Michael then immediately pulled the little boy into his arms when he saw such a small kid trying to look strong. He also noticed the scratches on Raphael's face, it seemed his son had been through a lot today.

"Mr. Collins?"

The man's voice made Michael turn to him.

"You know me?" Michael asked in a cold voice.

Only a few people called him Mr. Collins. Usually people will call him by his full name, or his first name. Only a few people call him by his last name.

"Ah, yes!" said the man awkwardly. "I'm the new marketing manager at MCGames, my name is Simon White," the man continued, extending his hand for a handshake.

Michael's expression didn't change at all, he just stared at the man's hand, but he didn't grab it at all.

Now Michael understood why he didn't know the man. The man turned out to be working at MCGames, his company before he became CEO of Collins to take over his father. His company that he built from scratch, and is now managed by a friend.

Even so, he still owns the company and owns the highest stake there.

The man just smiled awkwardly when Michael didn't accept his outstretched hand, causing him to pull his hand back.

"But... Why is Mr. Collins here?" the man asked with a confused expression.

Before Michael opened his mouth to explain, suddenly a scream caught both Michael and Sarah's attention.


Gabriel was seen running with a panicked expression on his face. Sweat was clearly visible on his forehead. Looks like he ran to come here.

"Gabriel?" said Sarah surprised to see the arrival of her youngest child.

"Don't scold Rapa, Mommy!" Gabriel said when he was near Sarah.

"Riel!" said Raphael, looking at his brother sharply.

Gabriel bit his lower lip when he saw his brother's gaze.

"What is it? You can tell Mommy," said Sarah, who sensed that the kids were hiding something.

Gabriel's expression still looked doubtful. He looked at his brother who looked at him with a look to forbid him to say anything, then looked at his Mommy and also Uncle Michael who were looking at him.

"Gabriel, you can tell Mommy," Sarah said softly as she touched her son on the shoulder, so that Gabriel would look at her.

"Rapa hit Paul because of me!" Gabriel said, finally opening his mouth.

Sarah and Michael looked surprised when they heard that.

"Riel!" said Raphael when his little brother opened his mouth.

"Sorry Rapa, but Mommy should know. I don't want Mommy to scold you," Gabriel said, looking at his brother apologetically.

Gabriel then opened his mouth and told them why Raphael had hit their friend.

Even though it's been three days since they started school, Raphael and Gabriel still have a little trouble getting along with their classmates because they are both naturally shy with strangers.

Gabriel then tried to get along with his friends who seemed to have formed a group.

However, Paul, the child who was beaten by Raphael, refuses him to join.

"Paul said I don't have a Daddy and can't join them," Gabriel explained.

Sarah and Michael's eyes widened when they heard that.

"I'm telling the truth, you guys don't have Daddy!" said Paul, who had been silent for a long time.

"I told you I had Daddy!" Gabriel said, looking at Paul in annoyance.

"Liar! My mommy says your Mommy is a single mom. That means you don't have Daddy!" continued Paul, still adamant.

Mrs. White's face looked awkward when she heard that. When she found out which class her son was in, she tried to gather the mothers of his kids' friends.

Sarah refused to come because she thought such gatherings were very unimportant and it turned out she became the subject of discussion by the mothers' association when one of the mothers recognized her because her son attended the same kindergarten as the Twins.

It seems that his son heard the conversation at that time because the kids were also invited to join their gathering.

"Look, Mommy! Paul is so annoying! I've explained it several times but he keeps calling me liar and laughing at me!" Gabriel said with an annoyed look on his face.

"I wanted to hit him for laughing at me, but I remember that Mommy said if I don't want to be hit, I can't hit someone else first. So I held myself back. I'm a good boy, right, Mommy?" said Gabriel looking proud because he had remembered and obeyed his Mommy's words.

Sarah still opened her mouth in disbelief when she heard and saw the situation. So that's the reason why her son had a fight with his friend?

"Mommy?" called Gabriel when Sarah was silent.

"Ah, yes, Gabriel has become a good boy," Sarah said, trying to smile even though she was feeling various emotions right now. She felt angry, upset, and sad because his son had to go through such an incident.

"But it looks like Rapa can't stop himself from hitting Paul, which is becoming annoying. Please don't be mad at Rapa, Mommy!" Gabriel said in a pleading tone.

"Mommy never said that to me!" said Raphael trying to defend himself.

"Really?" said Gabriel who didn't seem to believe his brother's words.

"Yes!" said Raphael in annoyance.

"My son is indeed at fault for hitting your son. However, it looks like your son deserves to be hit," Sarah said coldly as she clenched her fists.

Sarah had thought about kneeling earlier because she felt that she had not educated Raphael well because he hit his friend for no reason, but now the situation was clearly different.

She was going to pay the hospital bills, but she wouldn't apologize again, let alone get down on her knees.

"Hah! My son is only telling the truth!" said Mrs. White still defending her son. "Your son is the one who acts like a delinquent to hit his friend. Haven't you seen my son's condition?" she continued.

"Right!" said Mr. White who joined in defending his son who was not at all wrong. "My son is just saying the fact that you're a single mom and they don't have a dad," he continued.

Although he didn't know where his wife got such information from, it seemed like it was correct information.

Sarah opened her mouth in disbelief when she saw the couple who didn't want to admit their son's fault. They are both really crazy!

"No, your son is wrong!" said Michael in a voice that sounded very cold.

"Raphael and Gabriel have a dad. I am their dad!"

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