Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 274 I'm Sorry For Hiding Them

Michael's face never stopped smiling when he saw the interaction of his father and Sarah. The two of them looked very close and comfortable like a father and daughter, but that didn't make him feel jealous at all.

That means, Sarah is the right woman for him.

Even though his mother didn't like Sarah very much, his father loved her like his own daughter, and that was enough for Michael to fight for his relationship with her.

Michael's facial expression immediately changed when he caught the change in expression on Sarah's face. Why did that woman make such an expression?

"Does she feel sad for not being dad's doctor?" thought Michael, trying to guess the change in Sarah's expression.

Michael immediately shook his head, he'd better not try to analyze Sarah again and ask her that directly.

He'd always guessed wrong with Sarah, so he'd better not do that again.

"Then… how are your sons?" Mr Collins asked quietly and sounded a little hesitant to ask.

He was curious about his granddaughter's news, but he was afraid it would offend Sarah.

Sarah's mouth opened when she heard the question. Subconsciously her head then immediately turned to Michael, trying to find out if Michael had told his parents about Raphael and Gabriel.

Michael nodded his head and gave an apologetic smile. He'd forgotten to tell Sarah about it, and he hadn't the slightest idea that his father would bring it up.

"They're fine," Sarah said quietly, suddenly feeling awkward.

She had already guessed that Michael would definitely tell his parents, but being asked suddenly like this without any preparation made Sarah feel awkward too.

​ "I'm…sorry for hiding them," Sarah said still quietly, but sounded very sincere.

Six years ago, she thought what she was doing was best for her because she was afraid that Michael would take her child and raise them with his fiancé.

However, she turned out to be very wrong, and Sarah felt bad for Mr. Collins.

"It's all right, don't feel guilty," said Mr Collins with a smile. "You've been through a lot and done the right thing. I apologize for what my wife did," continued Mr Collins sincerely.

Sarah was silent when she heard this.

"Why did the atmosphere suddenly turn like this?" said Michael, trying to lighten the suddenly gloomy. "Do you want to see pictures of my sons, Dad?" Michael then took out his cellphone and showed the photos of the two children in his gallery.

The atmosphere in the room then immediately changed to talk about Raphael and Gabriel's adorable looking photos.

Not long after, Sarah suddenly turned to the clock in the room. She and Michael had been here for almost two hours, and it looked like if she didn't leave, neither would Michael.

"Mr Collins, looks like we've got to go," Sarah said, bringing Father and Son's attention to her.

"You have to go to work, Michael, and I have something to do," Sarah continued as the two of them just stared at him without saying anything.

Truth be told, Sarah could have been here with Mr Collins. Moreover, she saw that it seemed that here only Mr. Collins was alone and that Mrs. Collins was never seen.

However, she felt very awkward to be alone with Mr. Collins. After all, that man was her ex-father-in-law

"Ah! You're right!" said Michael who completely lost track of time talking about his children.

Michael then turned to his father. "Then we'll go first," Michael said then immediately walked over to Sarah.

Sarah also said goodbye, then walked towards the door with Michael.

Before they reached the door, Sarah turned once more to Mr Collins who was staring at them. She could see how lonely the old man was on the hospital bed and immediately smiled when she saw him staring at him.

The sight made Sarah feel sad. Mr Collins must have felt very lonely, not only did Michael rarely visit him, but his wife was never here to keep him company because when she visited Mr Collins she never saw Mrs Collins.

Well… Not that Sarah wanted to meet her either, especially after finding out that the old woman had lied to her because she hated her so much. It was better if she never met the old woman again, because she didn't know what would happen if she did meet her.

However, she shouldn't have jinx it, or thought about it, because suddenly the door of the room was opened by someone, and Mrs. Collins's figure rushed inside.

"Michael?" said Mrs Collins, surprised to see her son there.

"Hello, mom," Michael greeted with a smile. Although yesterday he had a fight with his mother, today he was acting like usual.

Mrs. Collins nodded when she saw her son acting as usual, as if nothing had happened between them.

Mrs. Collins' gaze then turned to Sarah who was looking away, as if she didn't want to look at her.

"You're not going to greet me?" asked Mrs Collins sarcastically. She opened her mouth again, preparing to lecture Sarah about manners, but she managed to swallow the words back.

Sarah closed her eyes when she heard that. When she saw Mrs. Collins, she subconsciously turned her face away from being too surprised to see the old woman.

She had just thought of the old woman, and suddenly the old woman was already in front of her, like a ghost!

Sarah took a deep breath, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart, then quickly turned around and put on her professional smile trained by her profession as a doctor.

"Hello, Mrs Collins. You look healthy," said Sarah with a smile on her face.

Mrs Collins snorted at how pretend the woman in front of her was! Why did she have to see her in the morning? It just spoils her mood!

"So you wished me to be sick? Well… too bad, as you can see, I'm very healthy!" said Mrs Collins sarcastically.

"Mom!" Michael scolded when he heard his mother's tone, then immediately turned to his side when he felt Sarah touch his arm and saw the woman's meaningful gaze.

"Then we'll excuse ourselves," Sarah said with a smile, then turned back to Mr Collins to excuse herself. She'd better get out of here right away and not talk with that woman.


Michael and Sarah, who had been walking past Mrs. Collins, immediately stopped when they heard the old woman's words, and turned to look at her.

"When will you bring your kids to meet us?" asked Mrs Collins coldly.

"I can't do that," Sarah answered firmly.

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