Chapter 98: Sure Enough (2)

[You have registered ‘Asirante’ as your ID.

-You will be moved out of this level 300 only quest arena in 10 seconds.]

I could tell that there were no more rewards since I got the message telling me that I would be removed from the arena in 10 seconds.

It was a shame that I had to leave the arena now, but I had no big complaints because it was a big relief that the cooldown removal effect was not randomly allotted to Ice Ball or Ice Bolt.

And I thought that Blink with no cooldown might be more powerful than Ice Storm with no cooldown.

In other words, I thought that Blink with no cooldown was the best reward that I could obtain.

Because of that, I was brightly smiling before I knew it.

At the Mitsuya Group’s Headquarters in Japan.

“Gosh, the fact that he only participated in the level 300 only quest now means he was not level 300 back then, right?”

“Well, I think so.”

“Then, do you mean he showed such power when he was not level 300? Is it possible for him to clear the 80th round in this quest when the previous highest achiever’s best record is around the 40th round? Did this guy who is only level 300 really do it?”



Nobody in the conference room could answer Chairman Ryu Sechi’s question. Chairman Ryu Sechi was the one who secretly collected the undigested mineral masse of the stone squirrels in Korea using Soktae Kang and his Gahwa Guild, and even took revenge against Asirante who had “robbed” him of the mineral masses.

“Man, my plan to take over Korea as soon as the wall collapsed failed. This guy is already so strong when he is only level 300. I can’t imagine how much stronger he will be when he is level 600, or even level 900.”

Even though this meeting was chaired by Mitsuya Group Chairman Ryu Sechi, he was muttering to himself with a sigh while the other participants remained silent.

Of course, this phenomenon wasn’t only happening in Japan.

China’s Yanghwa Group, which had joined hands with Daeyu, one of South Korea’s top business groups, had already obtained the intelligence about Asirante and the Sungchang Guild’s boss monster raid.

The Yanghwa Guild quickly found the information about Asirante faster than anyone else in China through the Daeyu Guild because Asirante’s brilliant one-on-one fight against the boss monster for ten minutes drew everybody’s admiration. Besides, he also emerged as the highest round achiever of Path C in the arena quest.

Yanghwa Group’s Chairman Chianlin Jiang was very anxious at the moment because Asirante’s potential was enormous given that he showed such fantastic ability when he was only level 300.

So, he called Shu Lan, the general manager of Yanghwa Group’s external affairs, to direct him.

“Tell Daeyu immediately to scout him using all means possible. Even if they can’t recruit him, they must gather all the information about him, including the location of his current house. It’s ok to use 100 million yuan or even a billion yuan (160 billion Korean won) for this. Tell them to kidnap him if things don’t work out smoothly.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll make them carry out your order right away.”

Since he knew that it was impossible to get inside information from ‘Revival Legend’, Chairman Jiang ordered Shu Lan to obtain some real-life information about Asirante no matter the cost, for an investment of 1 billion yuan to recruit a capable guy like Asirante was not big in his eyes. Besides, if he kidnapped Asirante and brainwashed him, he would retrieve the investment easily.

“Obviously, Mirae, Myongjin, Daesung, and Kusan will also be busy moving to win over Asirante. It would be shameful for them to have his guy named Asirante stolen to another country. So, hurry up! Get him over here by using all available resources!”

“Yes, sir!”

Although he gave this order, he was dissatisfied with the fact that Asirante didn’t emerge from mainland China, the center of the world.

He thought it was fortunate that Asirante was not American. He would have been desperate if Asirante had been American.

‘If our guys succeed in kidnapping him over here, I’m going to brainwash him using all means to make him my subordinate!’

Now, the name Asirante was spreading more widely than they had thought. Not only had it spread to America and Russia from Japan and China, but it had even spread to Europe.


I proceeded with the level 300 only arena quest as soon as I woke up in the morning.

So, it was not even 11am when I finished the quest and left Perrero Castle’s Arena.

My first destination was the abandoned field of trees where the long-rooted tree monster appears.

But before I headed there, I entered the arena immediately because I had two IDs.

Although I had already finished the level 300 only arena quest with my ID Asirante, I had slight expectations that I might be able to do it again with my other ID Lumen.

The message that appeared as soon as I entered the arena for the first time, asking me if I wanted to proceed with the level 300 only arena quest, didn’t come up this time.

In other words, I was given only one opportunity to do the level 300 only arena quest.

Although I didn’t expect much, I was still a little disappointed.

Of course, if I had one more chance and did the quest again under my ID Lumen, it would be inevitable for my ID Lumen to be disclosed to the world which was contrary to my original intention.

Nonetheless, I wanted to do it again because the rewards were valuable enough to even risk my other ID Lumen being disclosed to everybody.

“Move to the abandoned field of trees. .”

[You have been moved to the abandoned field of trees. ]

However, since I had already confirmed that a second try was not possible, I stopped thinking about it completely without any regrets.

The Safety Zone in the abandoned field of trees, which was now familiar to me, soon came into view.

Come to think about it, I had hunted in lots of places, but this was the place I had spent the most time.

Of course, I didn’t come here to hunt again even after reaching level 300.

I had already found another hunting ground.

In this new hunting round, I had easy access to the information network of the huge guild named Myongjin. Besides, I have a direct phone line with Managing Director Insu Sok to resolve any problem that might occur in the future.

Anyway, I was done finding a new hunting ground.

Nevertheless, I had one reason to come here today because I wanted to confirm the power of Blink whose cooldown was now zero.

There was nobody in the hunting ground. So, I judged this place to be the best spot to test it freely without any interference. Of course, I had one more reason why I wanted to use this place to test it. I wanted to keep my testing secret.

At first, I wanted to show off the power of Blink with no cooldown and brag about it to others.

But I changed my mind immediately because I knew that no matter how strong I was, my opponent would not fear me if all my information was easily available.

It was similar to the situation where one encounters a powerful boss monster that is unlikely to be hunted under any circumstances. But such monsters were still defeated as the challenger gained experience through multiple challenges and mastered the information about its behavioral patterns. And it would become so easy at some point that one would feel it strange as to why it was originally thought that this boss monster was unbeatable.

Of course, I am not a boss monster. And I have the ability to evaluate the surroundings carefully and find the best way to deal with the situation.

But I don’t want to reveal all my cards. At the very least, I wanted a strong hidden card.

And I thought that Blink with no cooldown would be my strong winning card.

As the sages in the old days said, a real strong person keeps 30% of their power to themself, never showing it to others.

Anyway, I’m back in the abandoned field of trees for such reasons.


I immediately left the teleport zone using Blink.

At this point, Blink should be on a considerable cooldown, but I couldn’t see any cooldown. It was as if I had never used Blink.

In other words, I could use Blink again immediately.

“Blink. Blink. Blink.”

This time I used Blink three times in a row.

Shung! Shung! Shung!

I could feel the difference when I used it once and when I used it consecutively.

I felt like I had become a superman. And the long-rooted tree monsters showed up right away.

Just like a typical aggressive first-strike monster, one of the trees began to attack me using its long roots under the ground.

But I was not in the place where the roots appeared because I had already used Blink to move to another place.

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