Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 88 - Opportunity That Came Along Earlier Than I Thought (3)

Chapter 88: Opportunity That Came Along Earlier Than I Thought (3)

The Sacred Permanent Snow Spirit item set consisted of a ring, earrings, and necklace that I received from my father and brother. Except for the unusual boss monster effect, the options I had were just simple.

At enhancement 0, each set item only increased all ice-type skills damage by 2%, combat power on snow and ice terrain by 2%, as well as Intellect by 250.

This was far from high because it was only a 2% increase. Even if I wear all the set items, I would not receive more than a 6% increase.

Of course, if somebody finds the required accessory enhancement stones and enhances the itesm to +3, the safety enhancement, the set would grant a total of 9% increase in combat power with 3% increase per item.

For me, an increase of 9% was more than enough because my fundamental strength was different from the beginning.

Moreover, these days, I usually hunt, using Ice Field as my basic combat skill.

In other words, my attack power would increase by 18%.

Of course, the disadvantage of this was that I could not use Ice Blast as often, but that was not a big problem for me as an increase in attack power by 18% was enough to fill the void of Ice Blast.

Moreover, if the situation became urgent, Ice Blast backed up by ce Prison would be a sufficient deterrent. Anyway, if I could have my way, I wanted to turn all these items into a + 3 enhancement, but the problem was they were of a legendary grade.

I needed only golden rings to enhance the legendary items from +1 to +2, but it required a 31 hour cooldown, or about one day and a half.

So, I only enhanced the ring to +3 for now. Before attempting to enhance the Ice Emperor’s +1 guardian sword, I was thinking of enhancing the Brave Warrior’s Bracelet, another legendary item, as well as the earrings and necklace to +3. .

Of course that was just a plan at this point.

Anyway, I wanted to enhance the Sacred Permanent Snow Spirit’s ring, earrings, and necklace all the way up to +4 an +5 well above +3 which was the safety enhancement, instead of the Ice Emperor’s guardian sword which I could not use for the time being even if I enhanced it.

In general, each successive level of an enhancement grants a larger reward than the previous one.

So, if I succeeded in +4 enhancement, damage to the enemy and combat power could increase by 1% instead of just 0.3% or 0.4%.

However, all of this depended on the cooldown.

So I hunted hard because even if I got impatient, I could not reduce the cooldown.

Right at this moment, I encountered the Sungchang Guild and the boss monster.

But I thought these kinds of items were enough for me for the situation now.

In addition to the 7% reduction in damage from boss monsters I received by wearing 3 set items, I could expect my skill damage from ice-type skills to increase by 7.4%, and my combat power on snow and ice to increase by 7.4%. And I could use all of this multiple times.


Anyway, that monster showed up the moment I was gearing up for the upcoming fight.

The tree was gigantic, enough for me to understand why Kilyoung Lee, the Captain of Sungchang’s 2nd boss monster raid team, described it as an ancient tree.

“Ice Field! Multiple Thin Ice!”


Right now I was too confident for a large tree monster to scare me

I didn’t think that I would unconditionally hunt the boss monster in a one-on-one battle because there was a reason it was a boss monster.

But I just wanted to show them that I could fight the boss monster on even footing. That was enough.

It was impossible for a single man to fight a boss monster, so people usually formed a team, like the Sungchang’s team made up of 50 guild members.

At the place where the 2nd boss monster raid team was staying.

When the long-rooted ancient tree appeared, Captain Lee started talking to 40 of his team members in a voice that I could not overhear since I was near the monster alone..

Lee said, “Everyone, get ready. If that guy is more competent than we think, you guys go in and protect him. But if he is killed by the monster instantly, your target is the long-rooted ancient tree. Got it?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Okay. But do we have to do this? Isn’t it stupid to face the boss monster alone regardless of whether you are strong or weak?”

“You’re right.”

Each of the guild members of the 2nd raid team responded to Lee’s direction.

Of course what they said was right, but this was the only option available to him now.

No matter how hard he tried, he could not find or hire any strong man, while his rival Jisang Ham, the Captain of Sungchang’s 3rd boss raid team, had already hired several strong men. As a result, some members of the Sungchang Guild argued that the captains of the 2nd and 3rd boss raid teams should swap their positions.

So, Lee opened his mouth, smiling bitterly, because he himself didn’t like the current situation.

“That’s enough. Anyway, it won’t take more than a couple of minutes. We’re waiting here anyway.”

The battle bagan in no time.

With lingering hope, Lee looked forward with shining eyes.

“Ice Field! Multiple Thin Ice!”


A leader of a boss monster raid team should not only be strong, but also be able to judge the situation and show excellent leadership when he could not control the situation.

Lee was confident that he had enough experience as a leader as the Captain of Sungchang’s 2nd boss monster raid team.

That’s why he could easily find out that the Ice Field, which should have been smashed instantly by the long-rooted ancient tree, was still withstanding its attack.

Lee also found that the trunk of the long-rooted ancient tree that boasted tremendous defense was largely dented by Ice Ball and Ice Bolt, which were clearly low-level magic.

Of course, unlike the normal monster tree whose only attack means were its roots, the ancient tree also swung the branches attached to its trunk.


He saw the ice-type wizard stumbling after the attack after not responding properly.

So, Lee tried to dispatch his team right away to protect me after asking the healers for help, for the Ice Field was not broken by the ancient tree’s attacks, and I proved my attack power fully by inflicting huge dents on its trunk and branches with low-level magic.

Moreover, it was natural that the ancient tree’s attacks might deal a fatal blow to an ice-type wizard like me.

But something strange began to unfold before his eyes.


“What the heck?”

“How can he withstand that? Isn’t he a wizard?”

Not only Lee but everyone here was an experienced member of the boss monster raid team.

Since they had experiences in dealing with boss monsters, they could see at a glance that my way of fighting was far from normal. Moreover, this was not the first time they had dealt with this long-rooted ancient tree.

And there were more shocking scenes unfolding, so their jaws dropped.

Puck! Puck! Puck!

“Ice Spear. Multiple Ice Arrow. Ice Prison!”

The boss monster, the long-rooted ancient tree, attacked the ice-type wizard with its branches endlessly, but the wizard blocked all of its attacks.




The boss monster, the long-rooted ancient tree.

First of all, one of its attack methods was to use the roots like the ordinary long-rooted trees here, but its huge roots boasting of tremendous thickness and power.

Besides, unlike the other long-rooted tree monsters here, it could attack using the branches attached to its huge trunk.

In other words, the boss monster old tree could attack both under the ground and from the sky.

For a monster with such powerful attacks, the items the monster dropped were not good.

That’s why the other giant guilds who were greedy about the boss monster almost abandoned this long rooted ancient tree.

The reason why Sungchang sent its 2nd raid team managed specially by its top leadership, and not the 3rd, 4th, and 5th raid team, was because the long-rooted ancient tree was so strong.

However, all 50 members of the 2nd raid team, including Lee who was highly experienced and recognized for his ability, were dropping their jaws blankly at the shocking scenes unfolding before their eyes.

Obviously, the giant roots under the ground were making roaring noises to smash the Ice Field, but the Ice Field didn’t crumble. The wizard also withstood strongly when he could not defend or avoid the attack of the numerous branches,and he didn’t even need the help of a healer or enchanter.

Now, all the guild members had no choice but to see and hear the long-rooted ancient tree’s large branches being broken by the ice-type attacks. At this point, what they saw was only the ancient tree taking damage because the ice-type wizard was not taking damage at all.

“Hey, can you pinch my cheeks?”

“Pinch mine, too!”

Lee and his members just looked at the front blankly, asking each other to pinch their cheeks.

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