Chapter 47: Stop Scorpion King (4)

A huge number of scorpions collapsed even before coming near the defense wall. And Round 4 also ended easily without taking any big damage.

They were supposed to shout hooray like they did after Round 3, but there was silence this time.

Some looked at me. Obviously I didn’t show off, but obviously I played a decisive role in winning Round 4 because of the damage of the magic I used, aside from the speed of my magic that seemed to have no cooldown time.

At first, it was difficult for them to feel their own power because all kinds of skills were mixed to attack the scorpions indiscriminately. Moreover, my level on the surface was only 131, so I had to be treated as one with little influence.

However, this time, they clearly discovered that it was me, the only Level 131 who demonstrated amazing power that even the 21 dealers could not dare to do. In other words, no one could deny that I caught the most scorpions and kept up the sustained damage byg even using the sealed Ice Blast.

Of course, I didn’t use the Ice Field that spread out in front of the team as the sacrifice for Ice Blast because it had to be kept all the time for tanks. So what was the sacrifice? It was the Ice Field that I spread the second time.

Of course, spreading the grid to block the scorpions that kept breaking through the sand was highly effective in many ways, but I didn’t need to because I could use it again. When others could not do anything because of their cooldowns, I could reuse the skill at an overwhelmingly high speed. 2,500 Willpower? It’s true I had very high Willpower that even a wizard at Level 400, let alone Level 131, could even dream of.

But I have one more, namely the Iceman trait, which increases the performance of all ice-type skills by 30%. Initially, I limited the range of its performance to damage because it alone was tremendous. But soon I knew that the performance included not only the damage, but also the range and coverage of the skill. It was vaguely expressed as ‘performance,’ but its effect was huge. However, there was more that was implicit in the performance. For example, cooldown time.

Iceman allowed for a 30% cooldown reduction, although it was only applied to ice-based skills.

Anyway, when others could not do anything because of the cooldown obstacle, I could freely fire various ice-type skills, even if they were AoE skills with a relatively long cooldown time. Of course, this alone was not perfect.

No matter how freely I could fire skills with no cooldown time, I could not do it without mana. But I basically had too much mana. Even though I fired skills for ten minutes without any breaks, I still had enough mana to use for several hours like I did a moment ago. Thanks to my Willpower which was close to 2,500, my recovery rate was very fast.

And then the sound of deafening the silence was heard.

“Oh my…we are 1st place!”

That was the healer’s voice who first announced our 3rd place rank before.

At his voice, everybody raised their heads into the air again.

[Current defense scoreboard.

-1st place: 79th Defense Unit (797,341 points)

-2nd Prize: 24th Defense Unit (775,883 points)

-3rd place: 116th Defense Unit (729,980 points)

Now we climbed to first place, while the 24th and 116th units were pushed back by a gap of over 10,000 points, not 1,000 like before.

Tramp, tramp.

While everybody’s heads were pointed towards the sky, somebody was walking away.

So we lowered our heads and turned our gaze to where he walked.

Then I saw who he was. He was user No. 1, who participated anonymously and led the unit during this quest. And he stood right in front of me, reciting something.

“Identity setting. Disclose it.”

As soon as he said that, the name ‘1st Participant (ID not disclosed)’ changed to Sokyoung Chong. Sokyoung Chong was his ID, and it looked like his real name.

Just like me in the past. And it wasn’t unfamiliar to me because I knew the man with that name in the real world. As soon as he disclosed his ID, he leaned towards me and said with a low voice, “I wonder if you know Koosan Group.”

Of course I knew it because it was a big business group like Daesung Group and Myongjin Group. How could I not know? I also knew that Sokyoung Chong was a bit older than me as the grandson of Kusan Group’s chairman, but I remained silent.

“If you know it, I think it is Kusan Group in the real world. Could you still give me a moment after this quest is over?”

“Well, I’m a bit busy.”

“Hahaha. I think so. If you’re still interested in Kusan, I’ll treat you as a VIP if you stop by Phila Tansung and give them my name.”


I didn’t answer. He also raised his face away from me as if he didn’t expect my answer, and again shouted in a loud voice, “Hey, everybody! Luckily enough we have a tremendous strongman in our unit! I think we can win the remaining rounds. And I think we can get the special Boss Monster Scorpion King bonus. So, relax everyone! As you know, all of us are in the same boat, and we share the fate of the 79th Defense Unit, right?”

“Hahaha, you’re right!”

“Wow, that’s why that Level 131 guy is participating in this quest for Level 400s.”

“You bet!”

User No. 1, or Sokyoung Chung, certainly seemed to have the aptitude for leadership, just like my brother.

So, the icy atmosphere melted. Of course, there was one who couldn’t hide their embarrassment. He was no other than the ice-type wizard called Taichi at Level 384.

I could clearly see he was very embarrassed with his face flushed. He trembled like a leaf as if he was nervous. I could rebuke him enough to make him feel extremely shameful because there were a lot around me who were ready to join me in blaming him.

But I didn’t look at him, nor did I speak to him because I didn’t want to make enemies.

I know that it is not necessary to kill the opponent’s parents in order to make him one’s sworn enemy. People can make sworn enemies to each other over trifling things. There are quite a few who only recall what they have suffered, not what they have done to others.

Of course it was trifling for me to make him ashamed of what he did to me, but it would be impossible for him to get even with me because of that. Why? When he takes one step, I will take ten steps forward, and if he starts to run, I will be flying. However, I don’t have any intention to make unnecessary enemies here and there because such a gap exists. Besides, I’ve taken no actual damage because of him anyway.

So I spoke aloud to wrap it up.

“Hi, everybody! We’re not done yet. Let’s do our best to the end. Taichi, I hope I’m in your great hands. I think it’s really easy to hunt monsters because your skills that overlap mine really increased the damage.”

By saying that, I clearly indicated that I would not take issue with what he did to me. There was silence at the moment. Some opened their eyes wide without hiding their embarrassment. Somehow they seemed to be ready to join me in blaming him who lied as soon as I did. However, it didn’t happen.

As a result, the atmosphere was also good since I didn’t find any faults with him.

Of course, I saw Sokyoung Chong’s angry eyes glistening, but I didn’t care.

And then a message rang.

[Round 5 has started.

-Brave scorpions will now appear.]

Unlike the scorpions in Round 3 and 4, the scorpions in Round 5 had the modifier “brave.”

The Level 387 archer, who served as the chief dealer of the third party I belonged to, approached me and said, “Can you serve as the chief damage dealer of our party?”

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