Chapter 244: Not Yet (1)


Commander Chung asked me to move together with him.

Of course, I would have definitely done so even if Commander Chung had not asked me if they were some threatening monsters that the military unit accompanied by tanks could not handle. But they were just brown wolves.

They were clearly the type of monsters that his unit located here could easily subdue.

In other words, I didn’t have to move with them to get rid of the brown wolves.

Besides, since I had never fought with them, I might accidentally interfere with them when they were subduing the monsters. Obviously, Commander Chung was aware of this.

So, I looked straight into his eyes to understand his intentions.

Staring at him warily, I opened my mouth.

“Captain Jungdae Lim. You have enough security guard members within the shelter, right?”

“Of course, we do.”

When the Myongjin staff devised the Myongjin Shelter, they took into account the situation where they would house as many as 100,000 people. Of course, the Shelter didn’t need to house so many people, but they needed to have a proper security force for the purpose of monitoring such a large population and protecting them from monsters. Since Myongjin Group was one of the top three Korean business groups, they prepared a powerful security guard in advance. So much so that they didn’t need this kind of unwelcome military unit led by Commander Chung.

Besides, I was with the Myongjin Shelter.

So, I kept talking to Captain Lim, who was in charge of the security guard of the Myongjin Shelter.

“Please move with Commander Chung’s military unit to subdue the monsters.”

“Got it!”

But Commander Chung shrugged when Captain Lim responded to my instruction clearly and obediently.

Then Commander Chung said, “It’s important for us to join hands with your security guard, but the Myongjin has them, right?”

“Them? Who are you talking about?”

This was a situation in which monsters appeared. So, I was not stupid enough not to understand what Commander Chung was getting at when he was seeking other people..

Commander Chung was looking for those who could blow fire, wind and ice and with their hands and smash the sturdy heads of monsters with a single punch.

In other words, he was looking for those who raised their reality actualization rate by achieving level 1200.

So I asked him, pretending not to know, but I felt really displeased about his sneaky intentions because Commander Chung or any other military unit had no reason to find such high-level players. Besides, they were raised by the Myongjin.

At that moment, Commander Chung said, “We don’t know what kind of monsters will come out in the future, and this is the best opportunity to get experience fighting against such monsters. I am a military man, so I know what I’m talking about. In the military, we emphasize practicing through experiencing real situations.”

“…” I thought what he said was simply ridiculous. So, I could not even make a feigned smile.

In addition, I knew that Commander Chung and his men were busy collecting information about those who achieved level 1200 secretly while residing within the Myongjin Shelter under the pretext of protecting the shelter people.

So, I thought of kicking them out right away.

Of course, the military unit led by Commander Chung would not easily leave the Myongjin Shelter even if I forced them to do so. They might even come to blows with us, which would result in inevitable casualties. So I had to be careful with how I wanted to proceed.

Obviously, I was prepared to get blood on my hands for the sake of the Myongjin Shelter, but I wasn’t sure if I should really fight at this stage. Moreover, there was no conflict between Mirae, Daesung, Kusan, Daeyu and the military units assigned to them. So the current government might take the opportunity to march more troops into Myongjin Shelter if they heard that armed conflict broke out here only to set an example for the other top business groups.

So I even wished that so many monsters would appear that they would paralyze the function of the current government.

Of course, if that happened, the society that the government has maintained until now will collapse, and countless people will die.

I knew my thinking was so selfish, but I hoped it could really happen because then I would not have to bother about people like Commander Chung.

In any case, I had no intention of sending those who raised their reality actualization rate to subdue the brown wolves since the Myongjin Shelter’s security guard could hunt them easily even without the help of the military unit. So, I just stared at Commander Chung for some time. Then I opened my mouth.

“Obviously, if the military, who has the duty of protecting the people, doesn’t play their role, they don’t have to be here, right? Captain Lim, lead the security guard and kill the brown wolves!”


Anyway, Commander Chung was obviously a stumbling block with sneaky intentions.

And I could take issue with this later, but I gave Captain Lim such an order because it was urgent to kill the monsters first.

At that moment, someone behind Commander Chung shouted, “Stop moving! According to the President’s emergency order, when the monsters which are a threat to the people and property appear in a certain area, the military unit stationed there has the right to command the local forces and attack the monsters first. In other words, don’t take any hasty action without my authorization!”




The man who shouted was Commander Chung’s military aide.

That wasn’t all. The seven soldiers who were always accompanying Commander Chung and escorted him put their hands on their weapons, suggesting they would fire at me and Captain Lim if necessary.

Of course, our security guard didn’t do anything. They also put their hands to their guns right away. It was really a close call.

I could not help but be annoyed by this frustrating situation.

So, even though I was unsure about whether I wanted blood on my hands, I felt that the current situation warranted it.

Of course, what I feared was not Commander Chung and his military guys.

What frustrated me most was the possible situation where the government would order many military troops to march into the Myongjin Shelter.

But then I heard someone opening the door of the control room.

That person shouted as soon as he entered, “Let’s stop it here. You should not have a quarrel like this when the monsters are right in front of us!”

I recognized who the person was as soon as I heard his voice. It was my father.

After he said that, he took care of things very quickly.

This time, Commander Chung did not block his order when he told Captain Lim to subdue the brown wolves.

Instead, he said to my father, “I didn’t hear that you would return to the Myongjin Shelter. Anyway, it’s nice to meet you like this, Chairman Hong.”

“Nice to meet you, too. By the way, how come your unit won’t take any action when the monsters are right in front of us? It looks like you guys are not military soldiers who have to protect the country and the people, but rather mercenaries who pursue their own interests. Don’t you think so?”

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