Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 207 - We Can’t Give It Up

Chapter 207: We Can’t Give It Up


So I used Blink toward the place where the vampires seemed to have gathered.

Originally, not only the vampires around me, but also those who noticed me from a distance charged at me immediately. But they didn’t.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

Of course, the teleporting sound was the same, but what came next was different.

They just ran away from me by teleporting, leaving behind clouds of dust.”

“Oh my God…”

At that moment, I let out a resigned chuckle because I didn’t expect it at all.

Of course, I could hunt them if I wanted, but herding them was impossible.

I would have to chase each monster one by one, which made the current hunting ground worse than the Giant’s Grave or the level 1200 ranged monster hunting ground occupied by Myongjin.

“Man, this is seriously unfair!”

It’s been only a week since I started hunting here, and I was confident that I could easily reach level 900 and even level 1000, so I felt all the more frustrated.

But somebody messaged me at that moment. It was my sister.

[Super Beauty: Are you there, Juyoung?]

[Lumen: Yeah, I’m here.]

As a matter of fact, I was so frustrated. No matter how much I thought about it, this was the perfect hunting ground until this point. So, I got even more upset.

But I wasn’t stupid enough to get angry with my sister who didn’t know the situation at all, so I replied to her calmly, suppressing my anger as much as possible.

[Super Beauty: Um… First of all, I thought hard about whether I should tell you about this or not because you were so busy hunting in the hunting ground that you liked so much, but I felt I had to because it has something to do with you.]

[Lumen: Really? What is it?]

Since she said it’s related to me, I asked back immediately.

[Super Beauty: You know it already. It’s the stone squirrels rocky area.]

[Lumen: Yeah.]

Honestly, I was confident that I would not be surprised no matter what she said because there was nothing more surprising than a horde of monsters appearing in reality.

Besides, I experienced a ridiculous situation where the monsters were so scared of me that they fled instead of attacking.

I wasn’t surprised by what she said, but I was a little embarrassed.

Just recently, Director Yu of the Mirae Guild mentioned a place to me. It was a city called Asirante which was originally called the Pioneers’ City.

And the stone squirrels rocky area was a hunting ground inside the Pioneers’ City. So, I was reminded of the series of events that happened in the past.

So, I immediately asked her.

[Lumen: What’s the problem out there?]

[Super Beauty: Somebody is asking for it.]

[Lumen: Who?]

[Super Beauty: Chairman Ryu Sechi of the Mitsuya Guild, the dominant force in Japan, directly asked for it. ]

[Lumen: …]

[Super Beauty: We are meeting at the secret of Rodon Castle this evening to discuss this. Of course, you don’t have to come.]

[Lumen: I will attend.]

[Super Beauty: Are you sure?]

[Lumen: Yep.]

I immediately replied I would attend the meeting because these cunning but cowardly vampires were avoiding me.

And I still remember the Gahwa Guild that controlled the place and its former leader Soktae Kang. Moreover, Kang considered the rocky area very important.

He even paid the guild members to collect the undigested mineral masses dropped by the stone squirrels in the rocky area.

However, Japan approached us as soon as they could after the wall was lifted.

So, I knew that it was Japan who was behind Kang and the Gahwa Guild, and that the stone squirrel’s undigested mineral mass was of great value as I expected.

Anyway, I got out of the Cunning Vampire Garrison because there were many better hunting grounds than this one with the cowardly monsters avoiding me.

According to the message, the predator status would disappear automatically over time, but it would disappear more quickly if I hunted in other hunting grounds.

Nonetheless, I could not help but curse when I left the hunting ground.

“Damn it. It was so strange that I could hunt them so easily.”

As a matter of fact, I felt a bit uncomfortable when I heard that the modifier ‘cunning’ was added to the vampires, but I really felt bitter when I confirmed its effect.

I needed to go to the safe house meeting this evening and explain it to them.

During the Pioneer’s City quest, I needed to ask my father for help, and received help from Director Sok later.

As a result, I could successfully clear the quest.

In other words, both of them were familiar with the city and its hunting ground.

At the meeting, Director Sok came forward and opened his mouth.

“At that time, there were tens of billions of won circulating through the Gahwa Guild and its associates. Of course, we chased the source of the money, and checked all the private loan markets. But it was impossible to track down the source. There were over 100 people involved, and we could only find their names and nothing else. The Gahwa Guild users did not know anything except for the fact that they received money when they hunted the stone squirrels in the rocky area and collected the undigested mineral masses that they dropped. And after their defeat, the former guild leader Kang disappeared as if he evaporated.”

It seemed that Director Sok dug deeper into the matter than I thought, for I didn’t know that tens of billions of won related to the mineral masses changed hands in reality.

Anyway, Director Sok continued, “In the end, it was impossible for us to track the traces of those involved. However, given their activities, it was clear that the stone squirrel’s undigested mineral masses were of great value, so we have been collecting them steadily until now. Considering Chairman Ryu Sechi’s action this time, I think he must have been behind the Gahwa Guild and their efforts to secure the mineral masses. And this is the official letter they have sent us.”

[Recipient: Myongjin Guild.

-Nice to meet you. First of all, I am very happy to be able to communicate with you like this.



So, we have found a place with beautiful terrain, and it has a rocky area where stone squirrels appear. Chairman Ryu Sechi’s youngest granddaughter loves these squirrels very much. We would really like this area.

Of course, we are not asking for it for free.

We will certainly pay the price that the Myongjin Guild wants.

We really hope we can promote friendship through our transaction.

Of course, we don’t want any unhappy collision with you.

Yours sincerely,

The Mitsuya Guild.]

Although it was a long message, they wanted only one thing, namely conceding the rocky area to them. The letter implied that without our concession, there would be no peace or friendship. Namely, it was a message with an implied threat to us.

“It looks like the use of the stone squirrel’s undigested mineral masses is better than we think, considering their reckless demands.”

When I said that, Director Sok nodded.

“Yeah. Like you said, our Strategy Departmenthas also concluded that the mineral mass has much more value than we originally thought. Perhaps it has to do with coins too.”




Silence fell at his words.

Coins are the most valuable at the moment. Of course,myth-grade items and legendary-grade items were also very valuable, but coins were much more important because they were the only way to realize the impossible in reality.

“Then we’ve got only one way.”

If we could change the mineral masses into coins, the rocky area would be a jackpot for us, so it was natural that we could not concede it to the Mitsuya Guild under any circumstances.

And it seemed that I wasn’t the only one who thought so.

“Dad. I think you should never give it up as Juyoung said.”

“I agree. But you don’t have to reject their offer right away. Buy time to prepare our strategy. For example, we can delay it until we join hands with the Mirae Guild.”

My brother and sister were on the same page as me.

My sister also proposed to join hands with Mirae.

I thought her idea was good. Although I intended to work for my gains as well asMyongjin’s, it was necessary to align with Mirae because the Mitsuya Guild was the foremost guild that dominated Japan with numerous players.

So, if we had to join hands with somebody, I thought it would be a good idea to choose Mirae because they didn’t know anything about this rocky area and the stone squirrels it contained.

Anyway, if the mineral masses could really lead to coins or something of equal value, it was very clear that given his personality, the Mitsuya Guild’s Chairman Ryu Sechi would never give up, so we also moved quickly to prepare for it.

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