Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 196 - Successful Exploration (1)

Chapter 196: Successful Exploration (1)

[Congratulations! You have successfully completed your expedition to another region.

-The reward is calculated according to your accumulated points.]

A message signaling the successful end of the quest appeared, but I could not readily agree that it was truly a success.

Honestly, all I did was just go there and fight against or slaughter Japanese players.

And the word ‘exploration’ was too broad to encompass the simple slaughtering that we did.

But I stopped thinking about it because the event was already over, and I didn’t regret my decision to take part in the event at all.

If there were another opportunity like this, I would try to be more active to take part in it.

Anyway, the rest of the Mirae members started cheering when the message about the successful exploration appeared.


“All 30 men here endured till the end!”

“Hahahaha! We’re going to receive the real reward now even though we have already received the remaining 500 stat points in advance!”

They felt so good at the fact that they would receive an amazing reward even after receiving 500 remaining stat points simply by moving to another region. But amid such a good atmosphere, I received another message about myself.

[We’re converting and tallying up the points Lumen, Asirante has earned in Region 52.]

Such messages rang one after another.

But some members had already received their final tally and were shouting for joy.

“I earned 4.87 million points.”

“I earned 4.43 million points.”

“Wow! I earned 12.97 million points.”

“I earned 15.67 million points.”

Although we formed a party for this event and fought against the Japanese players, we all earned a different number of points.

As a matter of fact, healers, enchanters, and tanks inevitably earned fewer points. So, there was a considerable gap between them and other players in terms of points earned.

But some people here really earned much more points than others. They were none other than those who only focused on hunting NPCs.

“I earned 47.71 million points.”

“I earned more than 50 million points, 52.81 million points to be exact.”

“Yeah, we got the most points by hunting NPCs!”

“Even though I am only an enchanter, I earned 18.4 million points!”

Slaughtering NPCs gave ten times more points compared to slaughtering users.

Since the NPCs they met so easily gave such a huge number of points, there was a big difference in points of those who attacked NPCs and those who did not.

Because of this, those players who followed me cast some hostile glances at me because I told them I would not attack the NPCs.

I never forced them not to attack the NPCs. I just told them I would not attack NPCs. Nonetheless, they didn’t attack NPCs like me.

Of course, my fame influenced them to make such a decision.

But even then, it was unfair for them to blame me for not attacking NPCs because in the end, it was their decision. In other words, they had no reason to vent anger at me when it was their responsibility

But I ignored them. I didn’t get angry at their hostile behavior.

At that moment, somebody shouted at those people in a loud voice.

“What the heck are you doing to him now?”

Chairman Yon yelled at them angrily. As soon as they heard his angry voice, they became quiet suddenly as if the NPC issue was not a big deal.

After that, Chairman Yon approached me and opened his mouth.

“Asirante, I’m really sorry. It looks like they have conducted themselves badly because they are suddenly relaxed after the stress of the past week.”

Chairman Yon was the one and only leader of the Mirae Group In other words, he is on par with my father who was the Chairman of the Myongjin Group.

Nonetheless, Chairman Yon bowed to me and apologized politely.

How did I react to his polite apology?

“Don’t mention it, Chairman Yon. It’s not a big deal,” I just replied nonchalantly.

Actually, I didn’t think it was a big problem anyway.

What about their resentment against me about the NPC issue?

It didn’t bother me, and I didn’t even care about them. That’s why I ignored them.

Anyway, they didn’t complain anymore after Chairman Yon yelled at them.

So they began to exchange information with each other in small voices.

“I have 300 remaining stat points and 1400 coins. How about you?”

“Well, I received 1550 coins because I earned 1.5 million more points than you.”

“I have 350 stat points remaining and 300 million golden rings.”

It seemed that they were almost done counting their rewards that they gained from their points. However, the system showed no signs of completing my points tally and giving me my due rewards anytime soon. But finally, the message about my final points rang.

[The conversion and summing up of Lumen, Asirante’s acquired points has been completed.

-Lumen, Asirante has earned 392,550,911 points.]


The Mirae team member who got the highest points previously earned about 70 million points.

But I obtained about 390 million points.

Of course, I really fought hard. Especially, I went out of my way to obtain more points not to be outdone by those who decided to attack the NPCs.

So, I was proud of the final results of my hard work. But messages rang in a row as if I had more rewards waiting for me.

[The rewards below are given according to the points you have earned.

: You have acquired 770 million golden rings.

: You have acquired 100 remaining stat points.

: You have acquired 10000 coins.

: You have obtained a random box that contains at least myth grade items.]

[You have exceeded 100 million points.

-You have received 100 bonus remaining stat points.]

[You have exceeded 200 million points.

-You have received 200 bonus remaining stat points.]

[You have exceeded 300 million points.

-You have received 300 bonus remaining stat points.]

Several messages rang in succession.

Actually, when I checked the first few messages, I had mixed feelings of regret and joy.

Of course, what I regretted was that I had only 100 remaining stat points, but what pleased me was that I received a random box containing at least myth grade items.

Overall, several random boxes containing at least myth grade items were more valuable than a few hundred, or even 1000 or 2,000 remaining stat points, for there was a reason that the items were called “myth grade”.

But I shook off my regrets and decided I was satisfied with my reward after the first few messages. At that moment, three messages rang in a row, announcing the additional remaining stat points I received.

I could not help but be all smiles at such a welcome message because I obtained a total of 700 remaining stat points in the end. That was more than enough to satisfy me.

Of course, I regretted that I didn’t exceed 400 million points because I lacked just eight million points. If I had exceeded 400 million, I would have acquired 400 more remaining stat points.

But obviously, I did as much as I could in the past week, including my terrific finale on the final day, so I shook off my regrets.

At that moment, Chairman Yon, who was standing next to me, opened his mouth.

“Thank you so much again. Without you, Asirante, it would have been impossible for all of us to safely and successfully clear the quest like this.”

“You’re welcome. I’ve certainly benefited a lot from joining the event this time.”

Obviously, I played tag-along role in this quest in some respects because it was the Mirae Guild that took the lead in this special quest. Accordingly, they were the main characters, not me.

Although I tagged along, I gained a lot by joining the Mirae team.

That’s why I gave a humble answer to Chairman Yon’s praise.

“Oh, no. Obviously, we have benefitted more than you. So, do you want to ask us any favor or any other request...?”

“Yes, I do,” I said even before Chairman Yon finished speaking.

I was serious, of course. Chairman Yon looked a bit surprised by my immediate response.

“I would like to hunt in the Giant’s Tomb owned by the Mirae Guild. I am not just interested in hunting, but I want members of the Mirae Guild to herd the giants that will appear for me.”


The hunting ground spawned level 1200 giants, so it was very important to the Mirae Group.

Besides, as the monsters that appeared were level 1200, the Mirae Group must dispatch very high-level players if they were to satisfy my request.

In other words, I demanded that Chairman Yon mobilize the top elites of the Mirae Guild to herd the giant monsters for me.

Obviously, Chairman Yon might have felt more displeased with such a request compared to if I had asked for legendary grade items, not to mention golden rings or myth grade items. But I boldly made such a demand because I did not have to accommodate for Chairman Yon’s feelings.

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