Chapter 193: Intruders (3)

Sungyop Yu said, “The people we attacked were not necessarily the members of the Takehara Guild. This is a hunting ground where the Takehara Guild guarantees your safety as long as you pay. As a result, the Takehara Guild will have to move faster to resolve this issue because they are in a fierce competition with the Shunan Guild.”

“I see. Then, what is the plan now?” I asked.

“Wouldn’t it be better to kill them one by one? Of course, we are looking forward to your performance, Asirante.”

“Alright. Let’s move now.”

After we finished talking, we began to move. Actually we intended to get out of the Shaking Land after causing great chaos.

One hour later.

“Sharp Teeth!”

“Anger Outburst!”

“Link: Skill Cooldown.”

[You have received the effect of Sharp Teeth.

-You will inflict 7% more damage to opponents who have already suffered damage for 30 minutes. ]

[You have received the effect of Anger Outburst.

-Your physical and magical defense is reduced by 15% for one hour, but your physical and magical damage is increased by 7%.]

[Link: You have received the effect of Skill Cooldown.

-The Guardian takes 10% of Asirante’s skill cooldowns for one hour

-The Guardian is subject to a threefold increase in their cooldowns while this effect lasts.]

From now on, we were prepared to fight against the enemy who were clearly aware of us unlike before when we ambushed them

If we don’t kill the enemies quickly, we will be swarmed by enemies nearbye, so I freely accepted the buffs given to me. Then I penetrated straight into the enemy camp using Blink with zero cooldown.

“The enemy is here!”

“Right here! Tell headquarters immediately that they have appeared here!”

The enemies began to yell at me as soon as they noticed me.

But I ignored them and focused on what I was supposed to do.

“Ice Field! Multiple Thin Ice!”


“Pouring Hail! Ice Wave!”

Pitter-patter! Pitter-patter!

Puck! Puck!


“Damn it! That bastard is back again! Run away! He’s a real scam!”

Rather than counter attacking me, they tried to run away immediately, but they couldn’t.

Since we thoroughly prepared in advance, the 29 Mirae Guild members were behind them. Moreover, I would receive lots of points by getting rid of them.

I had had no intention of making any concessions to our Mirae members at all.

So, I kept attacking them on my own.

Puck! Puck!

“Shit! How am I taking damage so easily like this when I have used Iron Wall and Solid Will?”

I used +4 enhancement Ice Emperor’s guardian sword at those enemies close to me.

Of course, I also constantly spammed ice-type skills in all directions to get rid of even more enemies.

“Damn! We screwed up! These bastards can’t be beaten with our 300 men.”

“Shut up, you idiot! Keep attacking them instead of babbling like that!”

“Be patient for a little while longer. Team 7 and Team 11 are coming quickly to reinforce us. So, we have to hold out a little longer!”

“Hey, I can’t really stand it any longer!”

Of course, not all of the 300 of the Takehara Guild fell into chaos.

Some of them counterattacked, and even used all kinds of defense skills to hold out until their reinforcements arrived.

But my ice-type attacks smashed their defense skills so easily.

Besides, their dealers, healers, and supporters without such defensive skills collapsed helplessly. But I didn’t feel much excitement to see this scene because I had seen it too often.

Anyway, I killed all 300 men and moved quickly to the right with the Mirae members.

There was no better way for me to hunt Team 7 and Team 11 members individually because they were coming from the left and right respectively.

Soon I ran into Team 7.


Just like I did when I encountered the first enemy squad, I used Blink with zero cooldown to penetrate Team 7’s forces and used Ice Field and Thin Ice.

The Mirae Guild members charged at them like me and we annihilated them in five minutes.

Of course, we took no damage.

At that moment, Chairman Yon opened his mouth with a loud voice.

“There are still a lot of enemies left! Can you guys keep going?”


“I’m not tired yet!”

“Good! Then you guys should never lose sight of Asirante. Follow him!”

“Sure! Will do!”

Now we moved again to search for other teams.

At the Takehara Guild’s headquarters.

“Team 4 has been annihilated.”

“I hear that even Team 7 was also annihilated by the enemy while moving to reinforce Team 4”

“I just got a call that Team 11 has also been destroyed.”


Guild leader Matoru Mori knew immediately that something was wrong.

He knew the Shunan Guild members were not competent enough to kill his guild members like this. If they were that competent, the Mitsuya Guild would have welcomed the Shunan Guild with open arms. And the Mitsuya Guild would have already booted the Takehar Guild and replaced them with the Shunan Guild and offered lots of benefits instead of having them pay tribute.

And he reviewed the Memory Bead video showing a powerful Ice-type wizard decimating their forces which was taken by a wizard as he was dying. At that moment, he immediately thought of Asirante.

Except for Asirante, there were no ice-type wizards in the world who could show such incredible abilities like this.

“Tell all other teams to move to the Teleport Zone. We’re going to stop them there. Maybe this is not a civil war between us Japanese guilds, but an outside invasion.”


So, guild leader Matoru Mori decided to contact the Mitsuya Guild.

However, Matoru Mori didn’t know that his decision was horrendously wrong. It was a good idea to recall the teams to the Teleport Zone, but he should have moved all the members as one big force isntead of separate 300 men squads because the Mirae Guild members including Asirante were also moving to the Teleport Zone.

Not far from the Shaking Land Teleport Zone.

“Pouring Hail! Ice Rain!”

Pitter-patter! Pitter-patter!

Puck! Puck! Puck!

While I was moving to the Teleport Zone, I encountered enemies more frequently.

On such occasions, I had to play a more active part than before because I saw the Mirae Guild members gradually getting tired. Of course, I could understand why.

Although we killed the enemy squads one by one, each squad still numbered 300 men compared to the paltry 30 on our side.

In other words, each one of our 30 members had to deal with 10 enemies per squad.

Besides, we ran into as many as eight teams, with each team consisting of 300 men.

So, we had to confront a total of 2400 enemies.

As a result, the Mirae members were getting exhausted.

How about me? Well, my stamina was too high to get tired.

And my health was also too high for me to be concerned about it.

So, I moved more persistently not for the Mirae members but for more points.

However, my endless attack seemed to have caused our members to misunderstand me.

“Asirante is truly a loyal man!”

“Wow. He’s taking the initiative to get out of this place with us!”

“The Teleport Zone is not far. Hang in there!”

“If we can get out of here, we can take a break. So, cheer up, everybody!”

The reason I moved ahead of them all the time was because it was a big plus for me.

First of all, I could attack the enemy by using lots of skills all at once.

However, I didn’t respond to clear their misunderstanding about me.

Instead, I silently used the +4 Enhancement Ice Emperor’s guardian sword to slice the enemies and spammed all kinds of skills ranging from AOE skills like Ice Storm to single target skills likeMultiple Ice Arrow. Soon I reached the Safety Zone of the Shaking Land.

Naturally, the Teleport Zone was inside the Safety Zone.

So I opened my mouth with a loud voice.

“I will open the way, so follow me!”

Originally, this was what Chairman Yon was supposed to say, but I announced it first.

But the Mirae members reacted the same way.



After confirming their response, I quickly approached the enemies guarding the Safety Zone and used my most powerful skills.

“Ice Wave!”

Of course, I could use skills inside the Safety Zone.

More precisely, I could attack them. But they would lose no health from my attacks. However, the destructive power of my attack was useful and knocked the enemies away.

And the destructive power of my Ice Wave was inevitably extraordinary.

Puck! Puck! Puck!

Numerous Takehara Guild members guarding the Safety Zone ran away in all directions.

But the Mirae Guild members launched all kinds of attacks instead of doing nothing.

As a result, we opened a path leading to the Teleport Zone, and the Mirae guild members quickly climbed onto it before using it to move to the predetermined place.

Chairman Yon mentioned the place to me separately, so I also moved to it.

I could do more here, but it was only the first day.

So, I spent the first day like that, but on the second day, we attacked the main base of the Shunan Guild in order to cause more confusion.

On the third day, we split our members into 3 groups of 10 people and attacked the areas around the castles, starting with where beginners hunted to where the high level guild members were located.

Anyway, all the way until the 4th day, we viciously attacked the Japanese users regardless of whether they were beginners or high level users and did not take a single shred of damage on our side.

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