Chapter 146: Preview

[Reward No. 2.

-You will receive 2000 remaining stat points.]

Stat points were a classic reward along with golden rings. So, I naturally expected that it would be an option this time too.

Moreover, 2000 stats points is certainly a huge amount.

However, the level 300 only quest also gave 2000 stat points as a reward.

Of course, there was no guarantee that the level 500 only quest should offer a more valuable reward than the level 300 only quest, but I felt disappointed that the rewards of the two quests were the same.

‘Wait a minute. Am I wrong?’

At the moment, I was reminded that this reward granted ‘remaining’ stat points.

The level 300 only quest reward option allocated 2000 stat points randomly to one of strength, agility, stamina, willpower or intellect.

In other words, I could not select which stat would receive the 2000 stat points. If stmaine was randomly selected, my reward would be basically nothing because my stamina was still high and would continue to increase in the future.

So, at that time, I wasn’t very pleased with the reward that would give me the huge amount of 2000 stat points. But these are remaining stat points.

In other words, it meant that I could invest 2000 in the stat I wanted. For example, if I invested it in Intellect, my Stamina would increase by 2000 and my Willpower by 1000 thanks to my Mutual Growth trait. In other words, the 2000 stat reward would jump up to 5000.

I certainly liked Reward No. 2 because I could do something by my choice without relying on luck and probability.

However, I turned my attention to Reward No. 3 because one of the three rewards would be randomly selected for me like last time.

At first it was difficult for me to understand what this Reward No. 3 meant.

[Reward No. 3

-It is possible to preview the privileges of level 1200.]

“Privileges of level 1200? Does this preview mean it’s just telling me what it’s all about? Or does it mean I can enjoy the privileges of level 1200 when I’m level 500?”

Judging by the wording at first glance , it could mean that I could only peek into it.

But preview sometimes means something like experiencing it first.

Of course, I had to pay a certain price for accessing the preview.

Anyway, I made my conclusion immediately.

“This is garbage. Garbage!”

Level 1200? Yeah, it’s very high level compared to me who was just level 500.

However, it is a level that I can reach someday.

So, I thought I didn’t have to know it or experience it in advance because I would be able to automatically check it out someday.

Then I thought that Reward No. 3 was not as good as Reward No. 1, namely the 7 million victory points, because Reward No. 1 required a certain amount of time and labor other than leveling up while Reward No. 3 just required leveling up.

“Hummm…why is the level 500 quest rewards not better than the level 300 quest rewards?”

For the level 300 only quest, aside from stat points, other reward options included an option for skill cooldown removal and an increase in EXP gains.

No matter what, they looked much better than 7 million victory points or previewing the privileges of level 1200.

“So, Reward No. 2 should be my choice?”

Except for Reward No. 2 with 2000 remaining stat points, I came to the conclusion that Reward No. 1 was only 50% good, and Reward No. 3 was minus 50%, not zero.

At that moment, a message rang.

[As the reward for clearing the level 500 only quest with the highest record, you are given one of Reward No. 1, Reward No. 2 and Reward No. 3.]

This time I found myself complaining that I would be given only one reward and not all three given the value of my record.

However, as if it didn’t care about my grumbling at all, a huge roulette board with Reward No. 1, Reward No. 2, and Reward No. 3 appeared and started spinning right away.

“Reward No.2! Please Reward No. 2!”

I kept my fingers crossed that I would receive 2000 remaining stat points.

I felt I would be satisfied with this reward for now because I could obtain the other rewards with time later as long as I put in the effort. So, I didn’t regard Reward No. 1 and No. 3 as a reward at all.

Anyway, the roulette board started to slow down and stopped at a distance of about 0.1 centimeters from the other number slot.

Immediately after it stopped, a message rang.

[Congratulations! You have been given Reward No. 3.

-You can preview the privileges of level 1200 after confirming them first]


This was the worst reward; the worst of the worst

I would have rather received Reward No. 1 instead. Of course, Reward No. 1 was the next best.

No, even Reward No. 1 was as useless as Reward No. 3.

So, Reward No. 2 was the only one that I could accept.

“Damn it!”

I felt so frustrated at the reward that I could not help but curse.

After that, I just looked at the message stating that I could check the privileges of level 1200.

The message was shining as if to ask me to confirm it.

But I was preoccupied with some other thoughts at that moment.

“Are they trying to match my level to my true power because I achieved something fantastic in the level 300 only quest?”

With the 4th Anniversary event around the corner, people even concluded that ‘Revival Legend’ had no administrator, but I had even been penalized by the administrator.

When I activated God of Enhancement, and paid the required EXP causing my level to drop, my stat points did not decrease that much.

I was not completely sure of the reason, but it looked like the error was made because of Mutual Growth.

So, while I was trying my best to level down a lot more, I was given the title ‘The Man Who Does not Fall.’ It was the moment when I confirmed that there was an Administrator or somebody with a similar role for this game.

Anyway, Blink with zero cooldown was enormous enough to make me recall such a penalty.

This was especially the case with the quest of the Salimaru Bandits.

I also thought I felt it clearly while hunting in the Sabre Steel Tooth Tiger Habitat this time.

However, I had to admit that I underestimated the power of Blink with zero cooldown while fighting against Lumen, Asirante, who appeared as my enemy in Round 50 of the level 500 only quest.

I didn’t realise how broken it was when I used it, but when the enemy used it, I could not help but swear. I really had no choice but to think it was a scam. So, I kept hurling abuses while complaining about the unbalanced game, and even now I thought that I was being penalized because of my complaints.

Tap! Tap!

I tapped my mouth with my hand gently because I felt my frivolous words ruined everything.

“Whew! Let me think I’m cutting a little slack.”

Although I was frustrated and even upset, I put up with it as much as I could because the reward had already been decided and nothing would change even if I smacked my lips.

At that moment, a message rang announcing not a dramatic turnaround in my situation but the end of the quest.

[You are given 10,000 coins as a reward for achieving the great record of 50 consecutive victories in the level 500 only arena quest II.]

[After 10 seconds, you will be forcibly moved out of the arena.]

I obtained 30,000 coins by clearing Round 80 in the level 500 only arena quest. But it was only 10,000 this time.

“Gosh, it really seems that quests of a higher level don’t necessarily give better rewards.”

Although I reached the highest round in the level 300 arena quest and achieved 50 consecutive wins this time, the reward I received was obviously not better.

Anyway, all I got was 10,000 coins, so I immediately logged out as soon as I was moved out of the arena without even checking out the privileges of level 1200.

What about the hunting I had in mind as soon as the level 500 only quest was over?

Honestly, I was too much disturbed at the moment to resume hunting right away.

So, I logged out and took a break.

A few hours later I changed my mind.

“Alright. Let me get back to hunting. Honestly, I’ve had my fair share of luck to stay gloomy simply because of this bullshit reward this time. And there are certainly many quests I have to clear in the future.”

What’s certain was that I had more opportunities to encounter quests than anyone else.

Different from other games, ‘Revival Legend’ gave the strong more opportunities that the weak as far as quests were concerned.

“I haven’t even confirmed the privileges of level 1200 because I will know it anyway when I reach that level!”

At that moment, my cell phone rang when I was about to access”Revival Legend” again.

The Caller ID showed my sister’s name.

I picked up the phone right away.

“Hey, sis, what’s up?”

“Come home tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? I’m not supposed to come home tomorrow.”

Today was Wednesday, so I was not supposed to go home tomorrow.

“I know, but I received an offer of marriage from somebody.”

“Offer of marriage?” I asked because I was a little embarrassed by her unexpected words.

A marriage proposal may not be the most important thing in life, but it was certainly one of the few really important things.

She clearly answered my question, “Yes!”

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