Chapter 398: 4.5

I met up with Sakayanagi, who was standing and waiting in the dormitory lobby, and we went outside together.

At this time, there were no other students that were immediately visible.

"It's really cold outside after all."

The snow had just begun to fall on Christmas Eve, and with the low temperature, it had accumulated quite a bit.

"Snow was said to be rare last year too, but now it's been continuing for two years in a row."

The depth of the snow made walking a bit difficult, but Sakayanagi seemed to be enjoying herself rather than being troubled.

"It would be troublesome if it snowed all year round, but it's a lovely environment to enjoy occasionally."

"But isn't it inconvenient when there's snow piled up?"

"Of course, it's significantly harder to walk efficiently, but don't worry. I gained experience in even harder situations during the school trip."

Sakayanagi, with an air of confidence, began a lecture on walking with a cane in the snow.

She had a happy and excited tone as if she was unveiling a new strategy.

However, it looked extremely precarious from the sidelines.

Just as I thought so, Sakayanagi tried to pull the cane out of the snow, and when it didn't come out easily, she nearly lost her balance.

I had already considered following up and stopped her from falling as I grabbed her shoulder before it became serious.



Instead of being flustered from nearly falling, Sakayanagi laughed amusingly.

"You're that kind of person."


My lack of understanding seemed to please Sakayanagi even more.

"I was confident that I could walk well. However, if I push myself too hard, my risk of falling will grow. Though, I predicted that even if I failed, you'd help me."

She expressed that her prediction was confirmed when my hand reached out to save her.

That was why she couldn't help but laugh.

"Considering it wasn't guaranteed, you did well."

It was like attempting a bungee jump without a safety line.

Although, if the snow net was perfect, there would be a low risk of injury.

"So, why did you invite me for a nighttime walk? Do you have something you want to talk about?"

"Do you think so?"

When I nodded, Sakayanagi smiled as usual and then asked.

"How does Class A look to you, Ayanokōji-kun?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'd like to know what you feel about our strengths and weaknesses."

"I see. Quite an unexpected question."

"Is that so?"

Sakayanagi had unquestionable confidence in herself.

It was surprising that she sought advice that could influence her class's direction.

"As a basic premise, do you think I'd give advice to an enemy?"

"If you consider Class A as an enemy, there's no helping it."

Sakayanagi smiled a little, seemingly pleased.

"But I think you'll answer."

"May I ask your reason?"

"If I look objectively at what you're trying to do, I can make an educated guess."

It seemed that Sakayanagi already had a vision of what I had in mind.

There had been signs of it for some time, but I hadn't realized the extent of her confidence.

"If you're so sure about it, isn't it needless for me to even talk about the overall evaluation of Class A? Or can't you trust your own judgment without my complete approval?"

"That's a foolish question, isn't it?"

Still, I decided to voice my thoughts.

Class A, under Sakayanagi's guidance, was efficiently conducting well-organized battles.

They were shedding what needed to be shed and picking up what needed to be picked up.

It was a class that steadily accumulated class points.

They had overall high academic ability and average, but consistent, physical ability. If there were any weaknesses, so far, it would be the lack of students who excelled in special skills.

Sakayanagi, walking beside me, accepted my words without arguing.

"Up to this point, anyone could have given the same answer, to be honest."

"Then, can I get some of your unique insights?"


It might've been a bit harsh, but it seemed that Sakayanagi wanted it that way.

"You're confident in yourself. It's true that you have abilities that are a cut above the rest compared to the leaders of other classes, however, that's precisely why you seem to be a step behind in building relationships with your classmates."

You can control them, but in the end, you're just manipulating them.

The students of Class A should have more individual intentions. It would help improve the class.

For that, Sakayanagi, the ruler, must become more friendly with her classmates.

"I don't think that's necessary. I want to make judgments without involving emotions. If I get too close to others, emotions will spring up. Hesitation when trying to cut off a beloved pet is a sign of weakness."

"That's your choice."

It wasn't a mistake. If you could carry out that solitary strength, it was also a valuable weapon.

"By the way, there's something I've been curious about."

"What is it?"

"Why do you keep an eye on me? Lately, I've been feeling the Class A's gaze quite a bit. If something interests you, you can always ask me directly like now."

"That's not the case. I haven't ordered anyone to make contact with you."

She denied that point outright.

"There's no point in letting a third party investigate you. You've recently become less resistant to standing out, so people who have noticed some of your potential have started doing it on their own. Some of them report to me so diligently even though I haven't asked."

The content was insignificant, and Sakayanagi didn't seem to find any beneficial information in it.

That was why she dismissed it as meaningless.

"They move spontaneously because they care about the class?"

"It may be partly for the sake of earning points from me, but as long as they don't realize it's meaningless, they're still lacking."

No matter how useful their actions may have been, Sakayanagi couldn't favor them.

Sakayanagi walked together with me, poking holes in the snow with her cane. There was still no sign of anyone around.

"Let's end our walk here."

"Then let's head back."

"Yes. But Ayanokōji-kun, please go ahead. I'll stay here a while longer, enjoying the night breeze."

"Isn't it dangerous?"

"Even if I fall, it's only snow, and this isn't a snowy mountain."

Indeed. There was no way we'd get into any trouble, like getting stranded.

"We might not see each other again this year. Please have a pleasant end to the year."

"You too. Have a good New Year's."

With the year-end greetings out of the way, I decided to part ways with Sakayanagi.

I trudged the snowy path towards the dormitory.

After about ten steps, I couldn't hear the sound of Sakayanagi walking anymore.


She gently called my name, so I turned around.

With a scarf around her mouth, Sakayanagi seemed cold, but she looked at me.

"What's up?"

"There's something I want to tell you. Can you listen from there?"

"I knew it. There was still something left to discuss."

With some distance between us, Sakayanagi and I faced each other and resumed our conversation.

"Did you know I still had something to say?"

"Sort of."

"Sometimes, even I need courage. This distance is what gives me that courage."

Less than ten meters apart.

This was the courage Sakayanagi needed to express herself.

"I have come to like you."

Such words.

"This is not as a human being, but as a person of the opposite sex."

I quietly listened to those words from Sakayanagi—words that could be taken as a confession.

"Can you just remember that?"

"Do you not need a reply?"

"Yes. I don't need that right now. Please feel free to go home." "Is that so?"

I wanted to turn around and walk away, but I stopped.

"Can you let me say just one thing?"

"What is it?"

"I probably value you more than you think, Sakayanagi. That's why I want to know."

I just had to know at that moment.

"Can you turn that emotion from a weakness into a strength?"

Sakayanagi was smart; she would surely understand what I meant.

So there was no need for further explanation.

"What a foolish question."

Sakayanagi laughed as she replied. Her eyes shone brightly even in the darkness, full of a strong color.

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