Classroom Of The Elite Year 2

Chapter 339 - 3 : Start-up Phase

Chapter 339: Chapter 3 : Start-up Phase

Dreams. People dream almost every day, and whether or not they remember them is related to the depth of their sleep.

Considering the fact that this dream is etched in my brain in a very vivid way, it seems that I have been sleeping quite poorly.

The dream I'm seeing right now is, yes, a long time ago, when I was still a teenager.

I was remembering in my dream how I felt when I saved up the money to buy one of those used light cars.

The car had over 100,000 kilometers on the odometer, and the interior was a shabby piece of junk that could not be fixed in any way.

I can't say it was a comfortable ride, but I still drove it around feeling like a pillar of the family.

I had no friends or lovers, and the time I spent with just myself and the car was irreplaceable.

A long time has passed since then, and I am now asleep in the back seat without driving myself.

The deep, soft comfort of the genuine leather seat.

The warm feeling covering my back.

All of these things have changed to something far more luxurious than the car I used to drive.

But why?

Why is it that I can't quite reach the excitement and joy of those days?

"Ayanokoji-san, we will be arriving soon."

I quietly opened my eyes to hear such a voice from the driver's seat.

The scenery had changed from the city to a rough road surrounded by mountains.

"It's going to be a little bumpy from here on out."

"I know."

Three years have already passed since I was put in charge of the human resource development project by Naoe-sensei.

At first, I wondered what would happen, but the project, officially named the White Room Project, was launched in secret. freё

The number of people from the business world who wanted to invest in the project increased day by day, and the project succeeded in creating a surplus of funds.

Of course, all the money raised is designated as being for the White Room.

An important talk of investment.

Even going back to the past, I can't think of any subject that has gathered so much anticipation without even showing results yet.

Like certain stocks, by the time that ordinary people learn they can make money, it'll already be too late.

Only those who heavily invested while the project was still hidden will be able to make money.

Even without mentioning Naoe-sensei's name, profits will be predicted when I start working.

All of this is on my side.

The presence of the high education that the government has already succeeded with ahead of time will become quite important too.

The government will eventually get involved in the white room, even if they don't talk about it.

Those who have invested ahead of the curve can expect enormous publicity and payback.

Even if things have been going well up to this point, if when the lid opens the results are disappointing, the investors will not hesitate to return fire, and those who call us "sensei, sensei" will hurl abuse at us all at the same time. freewebnøvel.coɱ

The important thing will be to achieve clear and constant results.

We cannot let our guard down at all.

While I was on the move, I received a new call on my cell phone from someone in the business world who wanted to invest in the project.

Although the true value of the children of the first term had not yet been publicly announced, as soon as the second one began their intake period, applicants began to arrive one after another.

This was despite the fact that we had not yet ostensibly told them about the education and growth of the first term.

Of course, this is my strategic move.

The fact that the education in the white room was going well, that it was more successful than we had imagined, and that there were so many applicants that we might not be able to accept all of them.

By secretly disseminating such information about the White Room, I was increasing the value of its existence.

In addition, there were people who wanted to use the White Room for purposes other than what it was intended for.

Which was, the existence of illegitimate children, an issue inseparable from wealthy families.

The mistress insists on giving birth to a child, and as a condition for that, she is allowed to leave her child with the White Room.

In this way, it is possible to completely eliminate the child's existence in public eyes.

The achievement of giving birth to a child and the connection with her partner can still remain.

Of course, this may be difficult for most people to understand, and irredeemable.

We have no reason to hold back, since it will lead to the securing of human and financial resources for the White Room.

I accepted the offer and immediately added it to my list.

"They never learn, do they?"

Do people go crazy because they have money? They easily repeat unwanted pregnancies because of their selfish acts.

I don't mind utilizing them for secret births, but the looseness of their nether regions is appalling.

Now more than 30% of the entire second trimester has accepted illegitimate or other children that cannot be revealed.

In other words, the white room is still worth about that much.

We don't have enough credibility and track record to have beloved children entrusted to us.

The financiers offer money and children, but there is still much they don't know about the real plan, and of course many of the staff members don't know the true meaning of the experiment.

They will not doubt that the purpose of the experiment is to provide an education for children born under an unfortunate star, to raise them well, and to return them to society.

"It's not unreasonable, though."

I, myself, am still far more inclined to see children as experimental subjects.

To take care of the precious children of wealthy families now is to take a big risk.

How to bridge this discrepancy is also an issue that cannot be avoided in the future

Regardless, any child will be thoroughly educated.

White Room will eventually turn into a government-approved facility, and not just a pipe dream.

Eventually, educational facilities around the world will model themselves after the White Room.

Naoe-sensei and I will take the lead in building that bridge, and we will have a greater voice within the party.

When the aging Naoe-sensei retires, I will have a huge boost waiting for me.

Little by little, I am steadily moving forward one step at a time.

I'm starting to really feel it.

It was not a mistake that I started working on the human resource development project with all my might from the day Naoe-sensei entrusted it to me.

This project is an essential part of my life.

There is no doubt that bright hope lies far ahead.

However - I am not completely free of any uncertainties.

While I was working on the White Room Project, I've been inevitably becoming more and more distant from the political world.

They have a very keen sense of smell.

Some of them must have figured out that I was working on a project like this behind the scenes.

I am the right hand of Naoe-sensei who has a lot of allies but also a lot of enemies, so there are many people trying to pull out my weaknesses.

I had to get some distance in order to differentiate the ones who are on my side, and the ones who are against me.

White Room is now half my body.

But that's why I made sure that my connections to the financial world were strong.

If you can't expand your connections in the political world, you should strengthen your position in the business world.

This is a meaningful conduct precisely because the political and the financial worlds are connected as one in front and back.

My ties to the financial world are becoming stronger day by day, so I have chosen to wear the mask of both a politician and a wealthy man.

I channel money from right to left, left to right, and strengthen myself with the money I collected.

"I heard that Sakayanagi-san arrived at the White Room just now."

"I see. I don't mind the shaking, just hurry up a little."



Even though I still had some time before my appointment, he was a guest, and it was not a good idea to keep him waiting.

After passing through the gate and letting the car pull up to the front entrance, I strode to the guest room.

Sakayanagi, who had not sat down on the sofa but was standing and staring out the window, looked back at me.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"I don't mind, Ayanokoji-sensei. You arrived earlier than planned, so."

Bowing politely, Sakayanagi approached me, smiling as usual.

"I was looking forward to today's unveiling of the White Room"

"It looks like it."

Over the past three years or so, I have continued to interact with Sakayanagi frequently.

I had thought that I would not get along with Sakayanagi, who was born into a privileged environment, but even so, you never know what people will do when they have some common goal in mind.

The fact that I had been dealing with people who were always trying to find out what was in each other's minds made it less painful for me to meet with Sakayanagi, who had no secretive side.

"Still, I was surprised at the security that didn't suit this kind of place."

"I have no choice. Right now, we can't make this place public. There are a lot of people out there desperately trying to find a scandal about me or Naoe-sensei."

Perhaps troubled by this response, Sakayanagi only smiled bitterly.

"You helped me first with the White Room Project, so I wanted to show it to you first."

"I just want to support a plan that will increase the number of children that will be saved."

Sakayanagi in front of me, without any doubts, thinks that the children will lead Japan.

This is only a card to let us move up in the world for me and Naoe-sensei, but that's already been factored in.

Whatever the aim, if there are children who will be saved, this man will accept it.

He is a good man beyond help, but that's why there's no telling when he'll become an enemy.

If he notices the reality that the children's future is not being guaranteed, I'm sure this man will distance himself from me.

"Let me show you around."


Taking Sakayanagi with me, we headed for the first laboratory.

"Today is a big day for setting new policies for the White Room, and I definitely want you to see how the children have grown up."

"The children you've taken in, they're already over three years old now, yes? That was very quick."

Sakayanagi, my collaborator, had also seen how many children there were.

I'm sure there are many scenes he can recall.

"Will you not have children?"

When I met Sakayanagi, he had already been married for several years.

I still haven't heard anything about her being pregnant or giving birth.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I haven't had the chance. We have talked about letting nature take its course."

In other words, if either the husband, wife, or both of them have a problem, they won't mention it.

If they have mutually agreed, it's not a bad choice either.

"I see. I said something unnecessary, please forget about it."

"I've always wondered if you were going to get married too, Ayanokoji-sensei."

"If I had a partner, I would consider it, but unfortunately, I have been single for some time now, and I have no plans to get married."

"A partner is indispensable for a politician to continue working for a long time. I hope you will find a partner soon."

Love, marriage, childbirth. I don't have time for that.

They say that having someone to protect you makes you stronger, but unfortunately I don't think so.

To have someone to protect you is to be weak at the same time.

Because I've seen many politicians die for their protectors in the past.


When I arrived at the laboratory, I was met with a bit of a hustle and bustle.

A comprehensive test of the children raised by Suzukake and the other three researchers was to take place.

"Sorry you had to wait. Please start immediately."


Tabuchi, the only one in the room on a level playing field, moderated the session without any personal feelings.

"We divided them all into three groups, and worked for three years on educating them as thoroughly as possible."

"We will decide who will represent us by seeing which one of these three teachers shows the most results."

Being given a brief explanation, Sakayanagi could see the situation.

"That's right."

"I'm sure you already have a prediction of the outcome, Ayanokoji-sensei?"

"No. For the past three years, I've mostly not touched anything. I've been providing only the necessary support without any layman's interference. I don't even know who is going to show the best results."

For the past three years, I've let everything move without even looking at the progress.

When I answered honestly, Sakayanagi applauded in surprise, as if amused.

"It must have taken a lot of courage to leave everything completely to the field, right? Most managers cannot trust their subordinates to do their work, and they tend to talk over them."

Because the ones who spend money usually hold needless, wicked thoughts.

"After all, I'm working with other people's money. If it had been money made from my blood and sweat, I might have been more critical. The only ones who will suffer if the money goes down the drain are the investors."

That's why I was able to stand firm and wait three years.

"But, still. If you fail, there is a high possibility of you losing everything, Ayanokoji-sensei. It's the same for ordinary businessmen. They receive large loans from the bank and fight a battle for the company's fortune. It is the bank's money, but you can also say that it is the company president's personal money."

In the sense of assuming responsibility, it may be no different from being a manager.

"You have never changed your habit of immediately lifting up other people."

"It's my nature. There is always good in others, and it's my job to recognize it."

He answered without hesitation that what I said was a true compliment.

This is what I like about this man, and what I don't like about him.

Children are coming into the room through the glass that is also a one-way-mirror.

The children, who were clearly labelled with the name plates of each researcher, took their seats in an orderly fashion.

"If they are 3 years old, they are just about ready for a little conversation, right?"

It is understandable that Sakayanagi, who does not have any children of his own, does not intuitively understand this.

"The children are beginning to show signs of understanding, intelligence, and self-esteem, as well as a bit of manual dexterity. The most obvious development at first sight may be motor development. Standing on one leg, walking on tiptoe, and climbing stairs smoothly. That's just a generalization, though."

"I think it's impressive enough that they can do that, but..."

With a tense look on his face, Sakayanagi looked at the children.


Under the instruction, the children turned over the paper at once and picked up their pens.

"A... test?"

No one got out of their seats, and they were more focused on the questions with a power of concentration stronger than those of primary school kids running around the neighbourhood.

"What's the contents of the test they're challenging?"

"It's an arithmetic problem. Here it is."

I received the paper that Tabuchi had brought, and together with Sakayanagi, I looked it over for the first time.

The problems range from addition and subtraction to multiplication and division.

"These are questions that are meant for primary school kids, right? Amazing."

Sakayanagi was impressed, but Tabuchi calmly replied:

"The world is a big place. There are gifted children who can solve more difficult problems. They are undoubtedly genetic prodigies."

"But, the children here are a bit different than the gifted ones, aren't they..?"

"Yes, they are. They are not special. They're just children who don't show any ability bias. They've all developed the ability to face problems."

The way the children were struggling with difficult problems was no different from that of the students taking the exam.

The first discomfort I felt when looking at the three groups was that Ishida's and Souya's groups were so similar in their attitudes and reactions to the test that I could not tell the difference even if I mixed them up, whereas Suzukake's group did not move an inch.

The real-time camera tracking reveals that some of the children's answers are wrong, but they never seem rushed, upset, or distraught.

Regardless of whether this is a good or bad thing, Ishida and the others are clearly upset.

"What kind of education can create such inorganic children..?"

Souya's mutterings were those of a researcher.

"My first task is to make sure they have a mature mindset, so that when they can't solve a problem, they can do so calmly, objectively, and without panic. I have mercilessly punished children who fail to do so."

Far from being the reaction of a child, they were like robots without feelings.

"Corporal punishment? For 3 year old children?"

"No, from when they were newborns. And I don't want you to call it corporal punishment, Souya. This is my education."

It would be a big problem if not accompanied by results, but the overall percentage of correct answers was clearly higher than that of both Ishida and Souya and their children.

"The concentration of those children is close to that of adults. They are so absorbed in their work that even if I called out to them nearby, they might not notice me right away."

After saying this and having grasped the academic ability of almost everyone, Suzukake played music in the room.

At the loud sound, which was also out of place, the children in the room stopped their hands and began to look around.

However, the children Suzukake was educating were not responding to the sound, just as the man boasted, but were instead focusing on solving problems.

"How is something like this possible?"

Ishida, too, was surprised by Suzukake's education.

"Education. Children are terrified of being punished in a variety of ways. They will do whatever they deem effective against this, whether it be physical pain or mental anguish. If you push them to the edge of their fears, the fears will eventually go away. Not in the metaphorical sense, but in the real sense. We're still in the process of doing that."

"...With all due respect, that is unquestionably corporal punishment. There is no meaning to the abilities gained by doing this. I don't think your educational policy is the right one."

It would certainly be flattering to say that there are no problems at all.

Sakayanagi has reason to be angry.

"I have no right to interfere, but I can't agree with Suzukake-san's way of doing things."

"Sorry, Sakayanagi, but I'm not looking for an outsider's opinion. Don't bud in."

"But, Ishida-san and Souya-san's education also shows suitable results."

Ishida and Souya's groups seem to be growing more naturally as human beings.

However, will they grow up to be geniuses in the true sense of the word?

Even if they grow up and become excellent human beings to some extent, it is doubtful whether they will be able to compete with the naturally occurring gifted and geniuses in certain fields.

On the other hand, Suzukake's education seems to have both big risks and big returns.

"I only care about results. I don't care about the process."

"That's precisely why. That's the reason I chose to work under you; because I knew that you would let me be free. I knew that you would only care about the results."

Unlike Sakayanagi showing his disgust, Ishida and Souya are acting as expected.

I won't say he has zero feelings towards the children, but he seems more focused on being a researcher.

The adults are gazing at the children Suzukake has created with a twinkle in their eyes.

After the tests on the academic side, the next step is to check their development in terms of physical exercise.

"The three groups have very different educational orientations, so unlike the study aspect, where we have standardized the testing methods, we tell each of them to express the abilities they have acquired in their own unique way."

The children Ishida educated are dexterously using their small hands to perform crafts.

Souya's children are successfully using the iron bars and jungle gym to show their movement.

However, it is the children educated by Suzukake who are also astonishing in this physical aspect.

It is not only their dexterity and physical agility. They are also able to perform on the piano and have acquired a variety of other skills.

"This is a 3 year old playing...? I can't believe it."

Of course, it is obvious to anyone with ears that the children's skills are far from professional.

But even an adult could not play this well with just a little practice.

However, the important thing is not whether they can play the piano or not.

"How much more have you ingrained into them in just three years, Suzukake-san..?"

"My education is far above the average person's ability to learn. If you don't have the talent to learn in a short time, you will be punished endlessly. The brain naturally hates it and forces you to mature quickly. People who are small, but have the same things we have, have unlimited potential."

This is the difference by three years. Then, when it comes to 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years...

I wonder how much of a lead we will have?

I myself get goosebumps when I see this result.

The group trained by Suzukake was by far the best in the overall results.

Ishida and Souya forgot to hide their frustration and looked at Suzukake's data.

"You did well. You have shown me your talent."

"Thank you. But, I don't think there is a large difference of talent between me and these two. I'm rather impressed with how well they've done in their formal education."

"So even you praise others, huh, Suzukake?"

"The truth is the truth. Besides, as you can see, my children inevitably lack something."

"Emotion, right?"

"Yes. Ishida-san and Souya-san were nurturing the children with human feelings. That is normal. However, I have thoroughly eliminated them. I thought that by not allowing the ability to communicate through dialogue to flourish, I could raise the level of human potential."

The competition is only in terms of the brain and the body.

In other words, for Suzukake, victory was already in sight from the beginning.

"If you choose me as leader, you risk creating an impersonality that, to say it clearly, cannot be compared to the first-term students. But I believe we can create the strongest human being."

After three years of putting this research into practice, Suzukake was clearly convinced on this point.

"Ishida, and Souya. What do you two think about emotions?"

"There is no denying that the inhumanity factor will be heightened. But... I also believe that this is what the White Room should be. As one of the researchers, I would like to see the strongest human being cultivated by Suzukake-shi."

[TL Note 7 : "-shi" is an honorific like "-san". While this Japanese honorific isn't widely used in speech, The suffix -shi is used when politely referring to strangers, and is fairly formal.]

Souya, agreeing, also nodded.

"Very well. With Suzukake as the leader, we will now start to create the curriculum for the second term students. You will be in charge of what kind of training policy we will adopt."

"Thank you very much."

Suzukake bowed deeply, and looked to shake hands with Ishida and the others.


Sakayanagi turned around, and was about to leave the room.

"I know you don't like it. However, this is also a form of education."

Without looking back, Sakayanagi left the room.

I don't care if a considerable number of children will probably be sacrificed for the research.

If we can finally create the perfect human being, I would say it is a small sacrifice.

The goal is to train 100 people and make 100 of them perfect.

However, that is the ultimate final goal of White Room.

For now, the first step is to find out how far human beings can be trained.

In that sense, it is encouraging to have someone like Suzukake who is capable of fearless research.

Further, with the support of people like Ishida and others who have some common sense, it is also possible to prevent reckless behaviour.

It seems that we are already past the stage of grumbling about trivialities.

Now, it is my job to do my best to suppress this and to stop it from becoming public knowledge.

I must continue to provide a place to research without hesitation.


After about an hour or so, I faced Sakayanagi.

How did an outsider unrelated to White Room feel after seeing today's results?

Needless to say, this is my best opportunity to find out.

"Let me ask for your opinion again. Of course, there is no need to hide anything."

"Let's see. I've been thinking a lot today while watching how the children have grown."

White Room's reason for being, and its usefulness.

I wonder if Sakayanagi was able to feel this first hand.

"The children I saw today were far from the ordinary 3 year olds I know. Needless to say, the children educated by Suzukake-san, and even those by Ishida-san and Souya-san, are probably better than 90% of the children in this world."

Sakayanagi's signature of starting his search with praise remains unchanged.

"I'm sure that even for a gifted student from a wealthy family, it wouldn't be easy to bring them to this level."

"But, are you saying that they can't compete with the remaining 10%?"

"Didn't you experience that yourself, Ayanokoji-sensei?"

We have been able to demonstrate that children who have grown up to the age of three have more developed intelligence and physical abilities than the average child.

There are certain results coming out.

However, the financial world was still skeptical, and I felt that we would not be able to dispel this skepticism.

If you ask me if they are as good or better than the gifted geniuses at age 3, it would be a gray area.

Even if I wait for the first term's children to grow up to four or five years like this, it would still not be conclusive.

"But, I thought that it was good enough.. If we can give these children, who may not get the education they want, this thorough education, we can give them the skills they need to be successful after stepping into society."

A general review from Sakayanagi, who does not know White Room's true shape.

"That's why I had some misgivings about Suzukake-san as the leader of the group. For children... No, for human beings, emotions are essential. It is not possible to be happy, angry, sad, or happy without any of them. If you can rectify this thought, I will not hesitate to continue my support and assistance."

"I see. I knew you would say that. But do you really think that will convince your current investors and those in the business world whom you have yet to meet? Not everyone thinks only of the children like you do. There are big interests involved in this White Room."

"Do you think even more rigorous education is necessary?"

"That's right. Anyone with a certain amount of money can produce brilliant students. We can have lecturers who graduated from top universities and coaches who have produced Olympic athletes. If you continue to educate the gifted from an early age, you can usually improve their skills to a certain degree. There is no point in having a White Room that produces nothing more than the same level of results. It's worthless."

Who would invest tens or hundreds of millions into the White Room then?

"What is needed is outstanding ability. The ability to go beyond Japan's top universities to become the best in the world, and the physical ability to surpass that of Olympic athletes. We need people who have the mental fortitude to compete with the best from around the world. That is the kind of power we need in the White Room."

"Isn't that a bit excessive? Not all children who have no parents or who have been abandoned by their parents are looking for that kind of power. It is enough to give them the ability to fit in and survive."

" I understand what you are trying to say. It's a good enough opinion for consulting."

"...Ayanokoji-sensei. The story you've told me is really true, right?"

"Of course. I am working to save underprivileged children. You know that I have my own ambition, but nothing more and nothing less."

Sakayanagi, who had been looking at me with suspicious eyes, bowed his head lightly as if he was apologizing.

"If that is the case, I have nothing more to say to you. Certainly, please give the children a caring and thoughtful education. If you do so, the day will come when the people will recognize the White Room."

After saying so, Sakayanagi left the office. He did look unconvinced, though.

"You're naive, Sakayanagi. That's no good."

This world is not so naive as to accept such mere idealistic thoughts.

What I am looking for is not a reasonable result, but the best result.

However, it's still not enough.

I want another push, and another push after that.

There is no guarantee that the current results will be enough to keep the investors nodding their heads forever.

A factor that will strongly push their backs...

I want a decisive blow.

However, imposing a more rigorous education on the children now will not produce immediate results.

It will take three years... no, five years, or at least that long.

It is necessary, to create a persuasive force.

What should I do..?

In a short period of time, how can I get the financial world to move in the direction of more money?

Think, I have to think...

This White Room may change the world.

I want these words of mine to have weight.

Weight, huh..?

"...I see."

Here, I am reminded of the words Naoe-sensei said to me.

There is no real success, without cutting oneself.

No matter how passionately I talk about the success or failure of education, my words will never carry any real weight.

The financial world doesn't trust the White Room either.

Why is that?

It's only natural. No matter how far I go, it's someone else's education.

It doesn't hurt me.

With this, it's just some extended play.

It is necessary to show proof that one can safely leave their own valuable child in White Room.

For that, there is one thing I can do.


It's late now, but the owner of the phone who was probably still sleeping answered with a sleepy voice.

"Mika. I have a favour to ask of you."


A red colour is illuminated at the end of the darkness, followed immediately by rising smoke.

I saw a silhouette emerge in my vision in the dim light, and raised my upper body.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?"

"Never mind, it's time to get back."

The plan was to close things out at 11 p.m., but the date had changed.

"Politicians are so busy, huh? Working until this kind of hour."

"It's easier to move around at night than in the daytime."

Mika's brand of cigarettes changes every time we meet.

This is because every time Mika changes the man she sleeps with, it is an old trick of hers to show that she is tainted by him.

"How long are you going to keep doing this kind of work?"

"Right, I can't keep doing this forever. I have aged a lot since I met you, Atsuomi."

Freshness is life for a woman.

Year by year, as time goes by, this freshness decays.

The world tends not to acknowledge this, and in fact, hates to put it into words, but only those who understand it will succeed.

If they understand this, they will gain a weapon other than their youth.

"My advice to you. It's time to wash your hands of this business."

"Hearing that from you... It's a bit surprising."

After smiling in a funny way, Mika got up from the bed, still stark naked.

"Well, I too thought it was time to move on. But I don't have a vision for the future. I don't have a vision of marrying someone and having a happy family. It's not like I'm going to have children, make friends, send them to primary school, and all that... heh, I laugh at myself when I think of that."

"I think you'll do fine."

"I don't know. It's not often that people of the same sex like me. I might have a harder time than you think. But... I think I'll step out for a bit. You've made me a lot of money and allowed me to dream."

Mika's assets would be enough to just live decently.

However, this woman got her money at a young age.

She must be more than a little afraid to lower that standard of living.

"I need you to do one last big job for me."

I took out the marriage certificate I had prepared and put it on the table.

"Huh? What is this?"

"I want you to marry me."

"You're joking, right?"

"Of course I'm not joking."


As Mika approached, her eyes moistened slightly... and she gave a small laugh.

"What do you want? You're not the kind of man who would choose me, are you?"

"Don't I look like a man who wants a pure marriage with the woman he loves?"

"Not at all."

"You're right. It's a very different kind of marriage than the one you want, and it's only a formality when you roll it up."

I have a future I need to achieve.

For that, it is essential to have someone like this woman who has future troubles.

"What do you mean?"

"I have a new piece of the puzzle that I need in order to proceed with my plan. I need your help for that."

"Explain it to me in a way I can understand."

"It's a child. A child of my flesh and blood. It will be an important pawn in my rise to power."

Mika was taken aback, but eventually understood what I was saying.

"So... You want me to have a child?"

"That's right. Of course, I will pay you as much money as it takes to convince you."

"Wait a bit. Why me? There must be a mountain of women willing to happily give birth if you pay them money."

"If it were only about money. However, you are convenient for me in many ways. You have some influence in the financial world, and you're a good liar. The important thing is to deceive the people around us. There's no meaning if I have a child from a woman I don't know."

"I guess I'll have to play the good wife, huh..? Until when, though? Do you want to make me pretend to be your wife for years and years?"

"Don't worry. We will announce the pregnancy and hold the ceremony when the time is right. As soon as we have the baby, I'll let you go."

She understands, but she still can't perfectly grasp the situation.

"There is another reason why I chose you. Your origins are obviously inferior to the general social values. Your mother is an uneducated woman who works in the night business. Your sister is the same, divorced and living a life of no worth whatsoever."

"Wow, that's a bit rude, isn't it..? It is true, though."

If a superior mother gives birth to a superior child, that means it was already a diamond from the start.

"It is my job to polish a nondescript stone on the side of the road so that it shines like a gemstone. Refine it so that a mere stone becomes more than a diamond."

"But that doesn't mean that..."

"As I said before, it is absolutely essential to deceive people. It's easy to get an incompetent woman to be a surrogate, but it's hard to hide the whiff of artifice. One can't fool the financial world, which has a keen sense of smell."

If I want my precious child to appear on stage, I need to go through the proper channels.

With Mika, more than a few people know about our connection, and they will accept it as a natural progression.

"You can choose the method you want, whether it's artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization, regardless of timing or method. Ideally, you should be able to have a baby within a year to a year and a half."

I will entrust my own child with White Room, and further signify its existence.

Now this is truly a well-thought-out plan.


Translated by Anime Anyway

With this the Chapter 3 of Classroom of the Elite Volume 0 has been completely translated into English. Hope you Enjoyed it !

Chapter 4 Full will be released in 2-3 days,

Look forward to it !

~Anime Anyway

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