Chapter 304: 1.4

After school, the students who have been yearning for a school trip did not lose their enthusiasm.

I received a message from a certain person, someone, who has always been one step below me.

It seems that this person wants to meet me by a bench near Keyaki Mall.

My girlfriend Kei should have plans today to hang out in the dorm with Satou and a few other girls.

I can ignore the message, or even change the day, but this timing works well for me too.

I'm curious about what's going on, so I think it's best we meet up.

I replied that we would meet right away, and I headed towards the place we agreed upon.

As I arrived about 10 minutes earlier than planned, I decided to sit down on the bench and wait.

With the timing being right after school ended for the day, students were walking past the bench headed for Keyaki Mall.

However, what I'm curious about is the choice of such a conspicuous place for our meeting.

I'm sure that there was also the fear that I would take precaution and choose not to come to the meeting, but that does not fit this person's character.

The fact that I was contacted in advance is also an inconsistency.

Is it simply because of a mental issue, or is there some other power moving?

From then on, I kept watching the crowd of students heading for Keyaki Mall, but then...

Even as the promised time came, the person in question did not arrive.

It's normal to arrive slightly earlier or later, so I didn't worry and kept surfing the internet.

"Yoo-hoo~" frёewebnoѵē

As I was accessing the internet on my phone and killing time, the voice of a girl coming from the distance reached me. When I looked up, I confirmed that it was the person who sent the message, Amasawa Ichika.

Nanase, who should be from another class, is also there by Amasawa's side.

In contrast to the smiling Amasawa, Nanase looks a bit surprised.

After they waved at me and approached, they stopped a few centimeters before my eyes.

"Kept you waiting."

"Nanase is with you too, huh?"

As there is no way I can ignore her right in front of my eyes, so I'll greet her formally.

"Yes. Please excuse me for joining in without giving you a notice."

"No, there is no need to apologize, really. It was slightly unexpected, though."

Because after I was summoned here, I had guessed that I would be talking one on one with Amasawa.

Such doubts were about to be resolved by Amasawa's words right away.

"The reason I ended up being late is because I was stopped by Nanase-chan."

She said so, and pointed to Nanase, putting the responsibility on her.

"Further, she insisted on following along. I guess she wanted to meet you that badly?"

"Huh, is that so?"

"Ah, no..."

Nanase panicked a little, but denied Amasawa's words right away.

"I came because I was curious about Amasawa-san's conduct, but I did not know that she was meeting with you here."

"Huh~? Did I not say? I think I did, but..."

"You only said it when we met eyes with Ayanokoji Senpai, though..."

"A-ha-ha-ha, I guess I did."

So that's why she looked flustered when we met eyes.

I listened on as the two first years explained the situation to each other.

But, as it doesn't look like she's about to leave, Nanase must have her own reason for joining in.

For now, I'll leave Nanase aside and focus my attention on Amasawa.

"I heard you took a break from school for a while?"

"You know a lot, huh? So you were curious about me and did a little investigation? Well, I'm okay with having a stalker as long as it's you."

Amasawa hasn't showed up in the school since the vacation days after the culture festival ended.

I'm sure it's not like she had fallen ill or something.

"I was giving a report to Ayanokoji Senpai."

"Wait, Nanase-chan, you were the stalker!?"

With a purposeful overreaction, Amasawa raised both her hands up.

"A girl, huh... Well, we are in the age of diversity, right? And Nanase is cute, right? Maybe it's not so weird."

"Please don't have random misunderstandings like that."

In contrast to the highly excited Amasawa, Nanase calmly said so.

"That's actually why I called out to Amasawa-san today. You've been taking a break from school ever since Yagami-kun was expelled. It was clear that this wasn't because of a physical ailment, but a mental one, so it's only natural that I felt some suspicion when you suddenly came back."

It's only natural to feel distrust and become watchful when a White Room student suddenly returns.

Yagami Takuya. I've made some guesses, but there's no doubt that the student was from the same White Room as Amasawa, even after the expulsion affair.

It isn't hard to imagine that he held strong feelings towards his ally Amasawa.

"I learned that you would be meeting Ayanokoji Senpai. After that, there was no way I could leave."

"You're like a knight protecting Senpai, huh?"

"It's nothing that grand, but I judged that with your current mental state, there is no knowing what you will do."

It also seems like a series of coincidences, but I'm sure Nanase was making some speculations in her own way.

It's hard to believe that Amasawa is coming to the school just to take classes after finishing her vacation.

"...It's like that."

Amasawa has been acting cheerfully until now, but I can't feel her usual bright energy anymore.

"I thought that it's a bit bothersome but that it would be alright."

"The fact that you're still in the school means that you've found the answer by yourself, right?"

As I asked so, the smile from Amasawa's face quietly disappeared right away.

From the way her eyes swayed, I could see that this was not the case.

"Senpai, why did you not give an instruction to take me along? I think you could have easily gotten me expelled along with Takuya, but..."

"You gave more importance to enjoying your time in this school rather than getting me expelled. That's how it looked like to me, at least. So I had no intention of trying to force you to be expelled."

No, in the first place, it's the same for Yagami too.

We never had a frank discussion, but if he had given priority to remaining in the school, then there wouldn't have been a necessity to get him expelled.

"Despite what you think, Senpai, I haven't come up with an answer yet. As I was thinking that there would be a place for me here even if I return... Time just passed me by."

After saying so, she laughed in a self-deprecating manner.

She does also have the choice of baring fangs against me.

"Still, I found some direction. That's why I called you here, right?"

"Well, that's right. If it's possible to remain here, of course you'd start thinking that you should. You can't return to White Room either, and you have no idea where your parents are even if you get expelled. Since you'd have nowhere to go, it would be unpleasant to have to get some part-time job or something in order to live, right?"

If you're lost on the roadside, then you have to do anything you can in order to keep living.

However, as long as you remain in this school, your livelihood is guaranteed until you graduate.

Further, there is a system where your private points are purchased by the school in the end.

According to what I heard before, it wouldn't be an equal exchange, but even if it's only half it would still be a considerable income.

After receiving some money, it would be possible to spend some time trying to find a proper job.

Or, the third path.

I suppose Amasawa doesn't consider this as she does not know where they are, but there is also the choice of searching for her parents and returning home.

However, if she formally becomes a drop-out from White Room, there is fundamentally no guarantee in how she will be treated.

In other words, whether or not she can pick that choice depends on Amasawa's parents.

First and foremost, Amasawa's parents should be wealthy celebrities with a lot of power.

If White Room also learns that Amasawa is a child of fame, the possibility of them treating her gently increases.

Further, her parents must give importance to their daughter Ichika.

If these two conditions are fulfilled, there is a way for Amasawa to start a life as a normal girl.

Perhaps puzzled by my silence, Amasawa spoke up in a modest voice.

"I'll remain in this school. If that's not a problem for you, Ayanokoji Senpai..."

"What if I told you to drop out?"

"I'll drop out."

Insistence, anger, or perhaps sorrow.

As I was wondering how her reaction would be, Amasawa instantly said so.

"You seem certain, huh. Don't you want to get revenge for Yagami?"

"I have no intention of causing any more trouble."

This means that she came here possessing a resolve fitting of her.

"Those words aren't fitting for a belligerent person like you, Amasawa-san."

"That's correct. This is only a special treatment for Ayanokoji Senpai. I have no intention of holding back with anybody else from now on either."

These must be her true feelings.

It seems that Amasawa values Yagami more than I thought, as a fellow student of White Room.

There is a high possibility that the people related to Yagami's expulsion will become her targets from now on.

"There's no reason for me to be against it. If you want to remain here, then you can do as you like."

I don't know how relaxing it will be, but I relaxed my cheeks with a little joy.

"So my strength is so insignificant before yours that you feel no threat from me?"

"It's not like that. I'm also one of the people remaining in this school, so it's only natural that I'd want to support you if you were to make the same choice."

Whether she's a friend or ally is a different problem.

Of course, I can't just ignore her if she ends up being a hindrance to my plans.

I'd like to think that after the affair with Yagami, she understands this well.

"...I see."

"If you're really speaking from the heart, Amasawa-san, then I shall support you too."

Nanase's expression was still watchful, but she replied so.

"Oh, some water from my eyes is... This, what is this, I wonder... I never felt this before."

"Come on, there are no tears coming out at all, though."

"A-ha, that's weird. Even though I'm so moved..."

It's always been like this, but she's forcing herself to put on an act in order to try and move us.

"I may not want to hear this, but what kind of guy was Yagami?"

"I'm curious too. I don't understand why he continued his roundabout ways before getting you expelled."

Why did he hurt Shinohara and the others' group even while knowing the risk is high?

Why did he push unrelated students from Year 1 Class C into expulsion?

The school also announced Yagami's scandal, so a lot of people learned of it.

As for Nanase, I'm sure there's a lot she's curious about. freёweɓ

"That's right..."

She pretended to think about it a little, but started speaking right away.

"I think Takuya was scared. Scared of fighting against you, Ayanokoji Senpai. Yet, I'm sure that such feelings of dread were so deep in his heart that even he was not aware of them."

Amasawa, who should know Yagami better than anyone, made such an analysis.

I'm sure that I don't need to interrupt her and ask the details, this should be the correct answer.

"In order to escape from the fear, without noticing it himself, he made detours, and detours, and..."

As the final result, he had ended up digging his own grave.

"I think it might take a little bit more time until I go back to my usual self. But, I think... I think I'll get better very soon."

There's no need to force herself and hurry.

It hasn't even been one year since Amasawa's school life started.

She can just slowly think about her path from now on.

"I just wanted to tell you that. So, I'll go back for today. What about you, Nanase-chan?"

It looked like she asked her "wanna leave together?", but Nanase shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have a chat with Senpai. It's okay, right?"

"I see. I'll lend him to you, a special occasion for today, then."

I'm not yours, but I suppose she's trying her best to put on a brave face.

Without staying in this place for too long, Amasawa headed towards her dorm.

Nanase and I looked on together in silence until she disappeared.

Nanase's expression from the side looked fierce.

"What do you think about her words, demeanour, and mannerisms?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm still a bit worried about her causing problems in the future."

It seems that she was looking at her with such fierce eyes because she was worried about this.

"You can't trust her?"

"It's not like I don't want to trust Amasawa-san. But, I'm saying that we can't be careless, after all."

She expressed it in a mild way, but it's certain that she doesn't trust her.

"I won't be careless. Rather, I should just say that nothing has changed."

I'm in this school in order to live my school life.

Whether they're close by or far away, I won't be influenced by my opponents.

"I'm just needlessly worrying... Right?"

"I'm grateful for the sentiment. I'm glad to have even one ally, you see."

It seems that she understood my thoughts in her own way, but Nanase continued.

"I'm prepared to be thought of as being insistent, so I'll say this one more time. Your abilities, and the possibility of Amasawa-san's reform. Please keep them in mind and be careful. It is a certain truth that Amasawa-san is a student of White Room. We can't know what kind of methods she will use."

It's Nanase's strong wish that I be prepared for every possible situation.

"I want you to remain in this school, and graduate, Ayanokoji Senpai."

I won't say we're unrelated, but Nanase looks like she's worried more about me than herself.

"If you're ever in trouble, no matter how insignificant it is, please do ask me for advice."

"I understand well what you want to say. I'll keep it in mind."

After our exchange up until now, Nanase finally looks like she's satisfied.

"I will take my leave, then."

Nanase, perhaps thinking that she's starting to get annoying, turned around and headed for the dorm.

Despite repeatedly being vigilant against Amasawa, there are times when she is strangely entangled.

In order to confirm that, I decided to dig a little deeper.

"I forgot to say it, but the school trip is this week."

"Ah, I see. It was, wasn't it? Senpai, please enjoy it as much as you can. School trips are the true charm of a school life, you know."

"That's my intention."

It feels strange, after all.

Whether she knew about the school trip or not, she should have something to say to me.

Yet, Nanase isn't showing any signs of such a thing.

It's almost as if she's completely forgotten about it already.

"Is there something you'd like as a present?"

I stopped Nanase, and tried to dig into the matter of the school trip.

"By the way, where is the destination?"

"It's Hokkaidou."

"Wow, Hokkaidou, huh? That's nice. If it's Hokkaidou, then... Maybe butter?"

"It's a bit strange to give butter itself as a present..."

If that is really her first choice then I won't decline, but it doesn't seem like it.

"Ah, then some chocolate coated potatoes would be good. They're famous, right?"

"...I don't know, actually."

It ended up being a mutually confusing conversation.

"Chocolate potatoes, I'll look into it later. If I find some over there, then I'll buy some for you."

"Thank you very much."

As Nanase said so and tried to leave again, I strongly urged her to stop.

"Nanase. Can I ask one thing?"

"Yes? What is it?"

The matter of Amasawa and the matter of the school trip.

Even if normal students can't see the relation, Nanase can.

No, it would even be strange if she couldn't.

"Despite worrying about me, you haven't spoken of your worries about the school trip at all."


"You don't get it?"

Right after I said this to try and get her to think it over, the soft smile on Nanase's face stiffened in an instant.

"This school is a facility with strict security that is protected from the outside 24 hours a day. In fact, even Tsukishiro himself sneaked inside and tried to expel me. However, with the school trip, things will change a lot. There will be a lot of times with no teachers looking, times when we'll have to be even more careful than when we were on the uninhabited island."

That's right, the risks there should be greater than an Amasawa with her fangs pulled out.

"If you know these people, then you can even imagine that they would even use methods such as forcing me into their car. If you're worried so much about Amasawa, then you should be saying a few more things. Such as "please be careful". Am I wrong?"

She didn't understand how Amasawa would conduct herself, so she kept checking up on her until her arrival at school.

Then, she figured that Amasawa would contact me, and even followed her until this place.

After all that, there's no way Nanase is not aware of the dangers of the school trip.

"You've defeated Yagami-kun and Amasawa-san; there's no need for someone like me to worry about you..."

"That's strange. If that was the case, there would be no need for you to be here today by Amasawa's side, watching over us. The fact that you've insistently been warning me creates a contradiction. Unlike the outside world where the majority holds the power, even if she is a White Room student, Amasawa is one person. The danger she poses is insignificant."

Nanase was confused, but she was about to open her mouth right away, then... No words came out.

"Can't think of an excuse?"

"What are you saying? You seem to be having a misunderstanding, Ayanokoji Senpai."

She was clearly in turmoil until just a moment ago, but Nanase was now calm.

"It may be a misunderstanding. If so, despite worrying about Amasawa and looking out for me, why haven't you spoken of your unease about the school trip?"

"It's embarrassing, but I think my confirmation was insufficient. Even though the outside world is full of dangers, when you think about it..."

Nanase, replying that she was simply being insufficient.

Truly, if that is the case, then I can understand why the conversation went that way.

However, coming to a conclusion with that, is something I unfortunately cannot do.

"I have always had a suspicion ever since I've met you. It's about the relation between Tsukishiro, the White Room students, and you. You should have received various instructions from Tsukishiro, but why didn't you let me know about anything concrete?"

Nanase Tsubasa had her feelings used by Tsukishiro in order to take revenge on Matsuo Eiichirou's enemy, and she followed Tsukishiro's orders.

On one hand, nothing about the White Room students' identities was made clear to Nanase.

"Maybe it's because... I'm just an ordinary person? It's only natural that I wouldn't be trusted as long as I don't possess the power that the White Room students do."

"At first, I did not appraise the man called Tsukishiro to be of a high value. That's because I thought that there must be a more efficient way of causing me to get expelled. However, as I kept coming in contact with him, I changed my mind. That man could actually push me into expulsion, I thought."

It's so much that I could even think he was holding back on purpose.

"In the end, you were not expelled. Isn't that because your real abilities exceeded Former Stand-In Chairman Tsukishiro's assumptions?"

"If it's going to end so simply, then that may be so."

In other words, there is a possibility that this chain of events is not of such a simple structure.

"We're going back to this again, but, I think that there is a different reason for you being cautious against Amasawa, but not the dangers of the outside world."

"My lack of judgement is the true reason. What else do you think it could be?"

"Isn't it because you couldn't estimate what Amasawa's conducts will be like at this time today? And, the reason that you didn't warn me about the dangers of the school trip, isn't it because you know that the White Room has no ill plans or intentions towards me?"

If there is no probability of them making war on me, then it's only natural that Nanase wouldn't be worried.

"I don't really understand. How can you say that there is no such possibility?"

"That's what I want to ask about."

"After hearing this conversation, I fully understand the school trip's dangers. Now, I think I'd like you to be more cautious for the school trip than against Amasawa-san."

No matter how many times I repeated the question, Nanase insisted that it was a lack of judgement.

"This is nothing but a hypothesis, but may I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"From the start, Tsukishiro never had any intention of expelling me... That's my hypothesis."

Although the premise up until now will be overturned, this hypothesis connects many things together.

"Isn't that strange? How will you explain the presence of Amasawa-san or Yagami-kun? We can understand from the conversation with Amasawa-san that Yagami-kun in particular was moving to expel you."

"If we say that Amasawa and Yagami were earnest because they were not told about the true objective by the people above them, then it all fits together."

"But what about Stand-In Chairman Tsukishiro? He utilized his significant position to use various forceful methods."

"If he was earnest, then I probably would have been expelled already."

Before talking about my real abilities or such, I should have been expelled by one of the countless options.

"I understand your thinking. It could indeed be true that the intention was hidden as you say. But, you including me in all that... It's a bit upsetting. I don't want to be thought of as an enemy just because I missed the school trip's danger."

"Then, I'll ask for a follow-up, what about the culture festival? Without a doubt, I was approached by someone related to White Room, but you didn't appear before me even once. Is that also a lack of judgement?"


"Were you simply too busy with your own class' program? With your worries being of secondary importance."

"No, that's wrong. Umm, of course I was worried. I even checked up on you now and then, and..."

"Are you sure? So plainly telling me that you were watching me. If you say that, then I'll end up asking where and when you were watching me."

No matter what kind of person Nanase is, she should know me well enough.

It is inevitable that I will see right through her if she clumsily makes a false statement like that.

I still remember the events of the culture festival in detail.

"Even at the Cultural Festival, they didn't try to force me out of the school. There was a voluntary push, but they should know very well that I would not be expelled so easily. That's why you didn't show up."

While trying to keep her emotions under control, Nanase breathed quietly.

"White Room never intended to expel me, not at the Culture Festival, and not at the school trip. No, they had no such plan from the start. If this hypothesis is correct, then your presence looks extremely strange, Nanase."


"Did Matsuo really kill himself? Then, did his son, Eiichirou really die? With your words from the point of view of a third party, Matsuo's death looked to be true, but if you have been here as a calculated plan from the beginning, all of your credibility is lost."

Both, what we talked about on the uninhabited island and that she has been standing in my way first like an enemy and then as an ally, it all loses its assurance.

"It is all true, Ayanokoji Senpai. Even if I say that, if you're suspicious of me like that, even if it's hypothetical, then your doubts won't be cleared."

In order to find out if this is the truth or not, I have to investigate the official copy of the family register.

Of course, if the White Room side is involved, even that would be unreliable.

"According to that hypothesis, what's the reason that I've come to this school? It doesn't make sense."

"No, there is an explanation. If you were an aid to me, then it all makes sense. You were supposed to support me in the unlikely event where I'm about to be expelled by the White Room students Yagami and Amasawa. I can simply think of how you disputed with me over the Matsuo affair as a way for you to make me let my guard down."

Fought as enemies and turned into allies. Depending on the time and circumstances, trust can be built up in a short amount of time.

"That's exactly what Amasawa said about being given the role of a knight.... That's what I'm talking about."

Tsukishiro gave the group of Nanase, Yagami and Amasawa the duty of expelling me.

He gave Nanase the role of pretending to be an enemy, to see my capabilities and then becoming an ally.

In this role, it is also possible for her to make truthful deductions by my side by deliberately not giving me information about the White Room students.

"It's only a hypothesis. In truth, there is still a high enough possibility that they really are aiming to expel me. In either case, there is no loss for me. If this hypothesis is correct, then you're a simple ally, and if it isn't, then there is no changing the fact that you have been an ally."

There is no concept of two sides of a coin, just the same pattern on both sides.

However, I shall keep this in the corner of my mind.

The possibility that that man is not moving to expel me.

Then, what does he want?

From which stage?

Matsuo's life and death, his son's life and death.

Whether it is the truth or a lie, its impact on the situation is insignificant.

If everything that has happened so far has been turned upside down...

Everything may have been decided from the start, even my enrollment into this school.

"No matter what I say now, Ayanokoji Senpai is not going to just accept it, right? My only choice is to clear your doubts with time. That's what I think."

"It isn't clear whether there is a way to clear my doubts or not, but I suppose you're right. In fact, I would rather have them treat me the same way that they always have."

"That can't happen. In that case, I... I can't accept that."

Nanase quickly bowed her head, and began walking towards the road home.

Of course, there is no way Nanase would be as physically fit as a White Room student.

There is no telling the depths of her academic abilities, but even when it comes to the way she thinks, she is a step behind Amasawa and the others.

There's still something I don't know about Nanase.

That hunch, at least, was surely true.

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