Chapter 302: 1.2

With a few minutes left until the planned time limit was over, Chabashira-sensei raised her voice.

"Alright. Looks like everyone is finished, so I will consider the list's creation complete." It seems like everyone finished the students' evaluations without any issues within the time limit.

"It's a bit faster than what I had imagined too, but let's start talking about the upcoming school trip." "I've been waiting for this!" Being released from the boring list creation, Ike and the others clapped.

Chabashira-sensei, who, unlike before, did not pay attention to Ike, started using her tablet.

We've been told that there is a school trip, but we still don't know the destination.

There were three choices in the unanimous special test.

Hokkaidou, Kyoto, Okinawa.

[ TL Note 4 : Meanings of the mentioned japanese regions: Hokkaidou, Northern Sea Road. Kyoto, Capital City (Kyoto is Japan's former capital). Okinawa, Sea Rope. ] The location from among these three that gets the most votes from the students is to be chosen as the school trip's destination.

Incidentally, I'm part of the minority faction that wants Kyoto, like Horikita, Keisei and the others.

The votes in this class ended up flowing towards Hokkaidou, but there should still be some hope.

If two classes from among the three classes vote for Kyoto, my wish will be granted.

In the end, the result is...

"First, it's the results of the unanimous special exam earlier." Chabashira-sensei, holding for a few seconds as if trying to make a dramatic pause.

"The result of every class' choice, having a total of three votes, the school trip's destination has been decided to be Hokkaidou." As we heard the results, it was delight and disappointment, mixing together at the same time.

However, the Horikita Class had voted for Hokkaidou, so it's safe to say that most of them are happy.

I see, so it's decided on Hokkaidou.

From what I can see behind Horikita, she doesn't seem to be disappointed.

As for Keisei, he doesn't really seem dissatisfied in the slightest.

In reverse, Sudou and the others who were in the Okinawa faction... Maybe they've accepted this from the start, but they don't look like they care about this at all.

Sharing information between Classes shouldn't have been allowed, but it's possible that they have at least heard rumours.

[ TL Note 5 : Kaze no Uwasa: Hearsay;rumour. Literally "rumours of the wind"] I feel that it is a bit unfortunate, but Kyoto is Kyoto and Hokkaidou is Hokkaidou.

From my point of view, either location is an unknown world, and there is no changing the fact that I'm looking forward to it.

"I think you understand, but don't forget that the school trip, as you can tell by its name, is for the sake of academic learning and knowledge. Unlike normal high schools, there are a lot of rules that must be followed." Chabashira-sensei lightly warned the excited students to not confuse this with play.

[ TL Note 6 : Asobi; playing; used for contexts such as meeting up with friends,

hanging out etc.]

"There's no way it's gonna be a special exam or something... Right?" There is no way to be sure, so it's no wonder that he wanted to confirm it on behalf of the students.

Seeing Hondou's fearful question and the appearance of the students, Chabashira-sensei laughed just a little.

"Don't worry, there is no special exam to fight over class points." After the clearly told promise, A sigh of relief was heard from among the class.

"Before entering the detailed explanations, let's touch on the four night five day stay's schedule." School Trip Schedule:

Day 1: Departing from school > Haneda Airport > Arrival at the ski spot > Lessons > Skiing > Inn Day 2: Free activity day Day 3: Sightseeing and visiting the important spots inside Sapporo City > Inn Day 4: Free activity day (With some limitations) Day 5: Way back It seems that we can move freely on the second day, and on the fourth day, with some conditions.

"I was so worried, but it's all totally normal! No, better than normal! Freedom is the best!" Since this didn't seem to be inferior to the model cases compared to other schools, most of the students were happy and strangely cheerful because of such a normal school trip schedule.

It is true that it would be expected of this school to have a stranger schedule.

"I'm glad you're cheerful, but have you all already forgotten what I said? In exchange for the promise of free conduct, there is work that you, the students of this advanced learning high school, have to do." There is no special exam, so just what is going to be demanded from us?

"If you know yourself, and know your enemies, you will not fear a hundred battles. That's the theme of this school trip." "Huh? Wha-.. Huh? What did she say?"

Hondou, not understanding "Sun Tzu"'s quote about the art of war, tilted his neck.

"You must know the circumstances of the foe you're fighting, and your own real strength. The meaning is that if you do this, you will never lose your battles." It was Sudou who understood the proverb and explained it to the class before anyone else.

"Oh, wow... Do you really understand even things like that?" "It's nothing impressive, really. The meaning is clear from the words in the first place, so." He's not showing any arrogance about his knowledge and leaves a favourable impression.

"Normally, it is the standart to form a few groups in the school trip and conduct ourselves according to that. It will be no different for you, but there is a point of clear difference compared to other schools." "Huh? Huuh? Huuuuh? Then, isn't it very likely that we might be together with people we don't get along with?" The students who have been made merry by the yet unseen Hokkaidou were quickly pulled back to reality.

As if pointing that out, Chabashira-sensei started a brief explanation.

"That's right. Depending on your relationships and groups, almost everyone with you may be people you'll meet for the first time." I can't really say that I know a lot of people from the other classes.

Depending on the number of people in the group, I can easily see things developing as Chabashira-sensei says.

"With a normal school, in the case of there being at most 160 students in a school year,

there is a high possibility that one's circle of friends would be quite wide. However, the structure of this school becomes a hindrance and interferes with that." Of course, when you keep learning in the same environment for over a year, the number of friends you have increases.

It is not hard to see this school's structure interfering with that, especially now.

"For you all, the most important thing is whether you can graduate in Class A or not.

Basically, that's a battle of classes. That will not change in the future either. Because,

naturally, you will see the other students as rivals more than you see them as friends." She's saying that such an environment is not fit to make friends in.

"So, in your school lives during the day, the chances to learn of the real daily lives and actual circumstances of the students from other classes is naturally limited."

It is true that after spending more than a year together, I've learned a lot about my classmates. frёeweɓηovel.coɱ

However, there are many who don't know anything about the circumstances of other classes except on a superficial level.

Because there is also the fear that if one makes the mistake of showing their weaknesses,

they will be taken advantage of.

On an entirely different facet, there might even occur a hesitation to defeat them.

I want my friends from the other classes to graduate in Class A too.

If such a feeling comes up, one would be greatly confused while fighting.

There must be a lot of students who don't want to know anything on purpose.

"This school trip's objective is to clear away that hindrance. This is the best chance to know the other person, not as someone from a different class, but as a student of the same school, and as a fellow human." A four nights five days stay feels short, but it's long.

The more group activities there will be in that time period, the higher the possibility of the distance between students shrinking.

However, in reverse, there may be cases where the distance does not shrink at all.

Even if the school removes the hindrance, there is nothing to do if the students themselves build up walls.

"Hmm... This school trip is starting to seem really annoying, and I don't feel like I'll enjoy it at all!" They know that the rules decided by the school can't be changed, but there are a number of students opposing this like Ike.

Passing time with trusted allies. That's one of the things that no one wants to give up.

Especially for Ike, it's no strange thing for him to panic, as depending on the evaluations he might not get a chance to group with his new girlfriend.

As the commotion kept spreading, one man stood up in order to put a halt to it. It's Yousuke.

"I agree with the school's thinking." Among all the dissenting opinions flying around, he expressed his support, as if cutting off the vanguard.

"That's nice for you, Hirata. I'm sure there are a lot of people whom you get along well with in the other classes, so if you're boasting, we don't need it."

It is true that for Yousuke who has a wide range of friendships, it doesn't matter who he groups with. But, there's no way that Yousuke would speak out in order to brag about that.

"That's not it. There is not even one student from the other classes that I know better than my classmates. Because I think it's no good to step into things unprepared, you know." [ TL Note 7 : Rephrased in a more natural way. I'm trying to be accurate to the original text as well. What the character means here is that he doesn't know anyone from the other classes that well since he wouldn't want to get into any trouble by entangling with them. ] First, Yousuke insisted that his future is on the same side as Ike and the others.

"Then why are you in support of this?"

"Because I felt a sure significance about it. Leaving aside the club activities, this school is quite unconnected, and I had been feeling that there are very few chances to connect with students from the other classes."

You could easily say that is necessary.

There are cases of becoming temporary allies with other students because of some special test or such, but, as classes are usually in a struggle with each other, as Yosuke also said,

there is a tendency to avoid being deeply involving with the other students.

From the point of view of a person with a gentle heart, it would make things unnecessarily difficult.

"Then isn't it strange you agree with this after all? It's easier to fight against rivals or people you aren't close with."

"Hmm... But I think that friends are friends and that it has nothing to do with the classes,


The opinions are divided between the girls too. This is an issue of viewpoints.

"Does the chicken come first or the egg? I think that's where this is going. A friend before a rival, or a rival before a friend? I'm sure that both of those answers are correct. Isn't the trip a good chance to learn that, like the teacher said? We have more than one choice. The more we have, the wider the possibilities will be. That's what I think."

"I think I get what you're saying, Hirata. But, you know, it ain't like the school will change the rules if we struggle here anyway, right?"

If they are willing to be flexible because of our complaining, there is a point in resisting.

However, the students must already know that this isn't the case.

"It's not a bad thing to get excited with an argument, but may I continue speaking first? After you hear the concrete details, it will be easier for you all as well to talk things through."

After saying so, she changed the screen from the schedule.

"It is decided that during the four night five day stay, the students will be grouped as evenly as possible. Fundamentally, one group will be made of 8 people. However, there are 156 people in the Second Year. As we cannot divide it with 8 people groups, there will be 2 - 6 people groups made. We will also adjust them to make the ratio of genders as equal as possible."

The 4 who have been expelled are evenly divided into 2 girls and boys, but the fact that they belong to different classes raises a problem; the eight people groups can be divided cleanly,

but the 6 people groups will have some unevenness.

However, this is an unavoidable point, so there's nothing to do about it.

Of course, this is all only if there are no new expulsions or students dropping out because of poor health until the day of the trip.

"As for how much you'll be moving together with the group, that depends on after we reach Hokkaidou."

The group rules are being shown not just by words, but also on the monitor.

Situations where group conduct is necessary:

*When the school instructs it so on the location *Free conduct Situations where group conduct is unnecessary:

*Inside the accommodation facility We will depart from the school with buses divided among the classes, and go to Haneda airport. From there, we'll take a plane to Shinchitose Airport and disembark. After, it seems that we'll be divided into our groups inside the airport.

From then on, until we go back to the school with a bus, group conduct will be the general rule.

Including going to the airport from the school and our movements after reaching Hokkaidou,

we will move together as a group with a bus most of the time. Including sleeping time, it seems that we'll spend most of our time with our group members.

"Free conduct doesn't mean that each individual can do whatever they want either.

Discussion within the group will always be necessary, so group conduct is absolute. In case your destination can't be decided with a discussion, you will not be allowed to exit the ryokan." [TL/N 4: Ryokan, a traditional japanese inn] It's easy to compromise with someone you have a close relationship with, but there may also be some trouble.

If stubborn students gather together, there will be no resolution of opinions.

As a result, there may be cases where the students won't be able to go anywhere.

"Inside the premises of our lodging, you will mostly be released from group conduct. You can go to the bathroom whenever you'd like, you can hang out in the lobby, and as for food, you may do as you like as long as it is inside the set time."

The one exception is the ryokan we will be staying at.

We will still share rooms divided among the boys and the girls, but we can have breakfast or dinner, take a bath or walk around the facility freely as individuals.

"About the ryokan we will be staying at for 4 nights, it is a fine lodging and famed even inside Hokkaidou. I think you will have a pleasant time without getting bored."

[ TL Note 8 : Dounai, Inside Hokkaidou; Literally "inside the road", the word "road" is in reference to Hokkaidou's full name: Hokkaidou; lit. Northern Sea Road.] "Ugh, I guess the ryokan will be our only time to relax..."

"I'll say this again, but this trip is a good chance to get to know the other students on a deeper level."

After receiving the explanation from Chabashira-sensei, it seems that Yousuke felt doubt on another subject.

"If we're meant to come in contact with a lot of people, it feels a bit strange that we will be with the same group the entire trip."

"You're right to point this out, Hirata. We've also considered changing the groups around each day. However, if you randomly come in contact with a lot of people, you will not get to know the other party. It's also easy to pass the time together on a superficial level even if you don't rush it in one day. However, with four nights, the situation changes. If you can't pass these days showing your true self to your partners, you can't enjoy the trip either."

If it's for just one day, it's easy to just bare with somebody.

Even if you end up with a group you don't like, you can just pass the time patiently until your group changes the following day.

On the other hand, if it is decided that your group will stay the same, you have to handle it somehow.

"Those of you who have a lot of friends from other classes like Hirata and Kushida may have an easy time getting along with any group. In reverse, for people with little friends, there may be a development where they struggle no matter what group they're with. However, think of it as a chance to progress."

Of course, human relationships aren't as simple as these words.

If you're a type that can't make friends even though you want to, it may be a chance to move forward as Chabashira-sensei says, but for those who think friends are unnecessary it will be a slightly burdensome school trip.

Well, that kind of person would already feel troubled by a school trip right from the moment they learn of it.

"If there is a case of someone being found out to not have followed the rule of staying with one group, their free conduct privileges may be taken away."

Free conduct being taken away. If something like that happens, half of the school trip would lose its meaning.

In other words, following the conduct of the group that has formed is an absolute rule that must be protected.

Most students follow the rules, but there are some among them who will not, so...

All of the students' gazes turned towards Kouenji in the farthest back seat.

"What's up, guys? You all look so envious of me. I don't mind, you know, so just keep looking."

Kouenji, who had not been listening to Chabashira-sensei's explanation, said so and showed a cool smile.

He's a man you can't read, in a variety of meanings, but he is coming to school and it's true that he is obedient. Maybe he won't cause trouble with the school trip's groups, either...


In any case, I'm sure that most students don't want to be together with Kouenji as it's not clear at all what would happen after.

"About the method by which groups will be divided, it will not be by random, but it will be based on the list created earlier."

The task we took the trouble to spend our time on before the school trip's explanation started.

It seems like that was related to the divisions of the school trip's groups.

"Also, about your cellphones that you use, you can keep using them without an issue during the school trip as well. However, the restrictions about the people you can call will not change. Calls to the Second Year students who are still enrolled in the school, and emergencies such as the police or ambulance are allowed. However, communication with family or those outside the school is still forbidden. Your call history is managed by the school, so be careful."

The so-called theme of this school trip.

It's difficult to believe that this is purely for the sake of making the students get along better with each other.

It can be seen as one of the strategic steps for the school life that lies ahead of us.

Chabashira-sensei continued talking about the school trip after that too, but the most important and unusual point was the creation of the groups formed from among all of the second year students.

Other than that, I guess the management of money will also be of some importance.

As we don't have anything except private points, we do not possess a method to do shopping outside the facilities.

Because of that, it seems there is a system where you can exchange your private points for money beforehand in the school and supply yourself with money.

Further, in case you run out of money on location, they will apparently exchange for you 10,000 Yen at most.

After the school trip is over and we return, it seems that you can convert your money back to private points, so I think the best way to do this is to exchange for a large amount of money at the start.

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