Chapter 140: 5.4

Gazing at the dazzling diamond-shining sea, Sakayanagi took a sip of water. Rather than hydrating, she drank the water to return her dry and cracked lips to a moist state.

It was 7:05 in the morning. It was just the right time for the first-years to start carrying out their operation.

"It's time to start moving."

Sakayanagi, whose eyes fell on her tablet, took the walkie-talkie and sent out a series of instructions.

Sakayanagi conducted GPS scans on the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth nights. If they were going to surround Ayanokōji, it would be best to act outside of exam time.

"It seems that the waiting time is over, so let's get started."

"Yes, but even if we enter the same area, we won't necessarily meet, right?" A somewhat tired voice came from the other end of the walkie-talkie.

Sakayanagi was talking to Tsukasaki, who was in the same class. Right now, Sakayanagi was ordering them to rush over and intercept those first years on the grounds that they were going to block the second-years'


"During the past twelve days, the topography of the uninhabited island has slowly changed. Do you know why that is?"

"A change in terrain...? Do you mean that the terrain changed because of all the people walking on the island?"

"That's right. Because there are many people walking around every day on this uninhabited island. In fact, right now, in order to get to the destination safely and quickly, isn't Tsukasaki-kun subconsciously looking for the path that the other students took?"

Although this change is very weak, many roads clearly showed traces of people passing through.

"In other words, it wouldn't be hard to intercept their path if you know where they were headed."

"You obviously haven't seen these scenes directly, but it's like you're actually looking at the island with your own eyes."

Although it was only on a flat panel, Sakayanagi watched the entire uninhabited island in three dimensions.

All that was left now was to determine the person who is painting the picture. She already had a realistic simulation of who they are and what they're like.

After that exchange, Sakayanagi, who had spent half an hour looking at the sea, picked up her tablet again.

"Well well, during the time when everyone was supposed to be going to designated areas and completing the events, there were a few people who didn't do anything at all."

And if the only people in question were the first-years, she could instantly find out who the culprit was.

She found three people who hadn't moved since 7:00 A.M.

"Takuya Yagami-kun, Riku Utomiya-kun, and Sakurako Tsubaki-san. I wonder who my opponent is? Or is it all three of them?" Arisu happily said.

Sakayanagi remembered the man who brought her into this interesting fight.

It was three days ago, back in time to the night of the tenth day of the special examination.

Sakayanagi received contact from Takemoto, who was carrying a walkie-talkie.

"What's wrong with you contacting me at such a time? Is there something bothering you?"

Sakayanagi thought that something unexpected had happened, but it wasn't quite the case.

"No, we're fine right now. Actually, it's Ayanokōji who wants to talk to you."


An unexpected name appeared on the call, making Sakayanagi, who had been drowsy, sweep away her sleepiness at once.

"Because I owe him a little, if you can talk to him, it would be a big help."

"Of course, there is no problem. Give him the walkie-talkie."

"Just wait a moment."

After a minute of silence, a familiar voice came from the other side.

"Is this Sakayanagi?" freeweɓnø

"Good evening, Ayanokōji-kun."

Sakayanagi begins with an elegant greeting that makes it hard to believe they're in the middle of an exam on an uninhabited island.

"It seems that the class cooperation seems to be going well."

"Well, I've been in touch with Ryūen-kun and Horikita-kun, it's going well so far. I didn't ask for details, but you seem to be helping Takemoto and the others."

"Sakayanagi's group is also advancing well, and is now in fifth place, right? That's a pretty high ranking."

"Much appreciated. There is something, however, that concerns me quite a bit."

"Is that so?"

"Have you seen Ichinose?"

"I haven't seen her once during this exam. Did something happen?"

"I got a call saying she was acting a little strange. She's been lost for several days and I'm a little worried."

This is a long special exam; physical breakdown or mental breakdown is possible.

"In any case, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"There's something I want to ask you Sakayanagi."

"Please say it. Consider it a gift in return for helping my classmates."

"It's about the White Room."

"My my, how interesting." Sakayanagi says, fully intrigued.

Ayanokōji explains that Nanase was one of the assassins sent by Tsukishiro since Sakayanagi knows the story of the Acting Director.

However, other than that, there are White Room students lurking in the school. The chance that Ichika Amasawa is one of them is very high.

"If only you had told me earlier..." Sakayanagi says with regret since she had missed an opportunity to have fun.

"This isn't a matter that should be taken lightly."

"So you want me to destroy the person known as Ichika Amasawa?"

"No, that's not it."

Ayanokōji felt surprised at Sakayanagi for saying absurd things.

"Actually there is one more thing. I have another big problem."

Ayanokōji reveals to Sakayanagi the bounty that Nagumo and Tsukishiro had placed on him.

Sakayanagi is the only one of the second-year students who has known Ayanokōji since childhood, and she is the only one who knows him thoroughly.

But the problem that Ayanokōji faced was extremely complicated, and he didn't know whether Sakayanagi was an enemy or a friend. That's why he didn't talk to Sakayanagi about it until now.

Ayanokōji has always been wary that Sakayanagi would use the fact he was a White Room student to win.

This time, however, the situation was a little different.

Compared to the new problem Ayanokōji was facing, that risk was outweighed. Now there's a chance in which he can benefit by informing Sakayanagi.

"Do you mean in the near future, the first-year students are planning to take action against Ayanokōji-kun?"

"That's right. That's why I want to ask you to help me, Sakayanagi."

"But I don't think those ordinary students will be able to do anything to you, or the White Room students for that matter."

"I'm afraid the first-year students will have some kind of forceful tactics. In order to get me to drop out of school they should target my shortcoming of acting alone during this exam. If this is the truth, they might attempt to monopolize the subject I'm aiming at, and furthermore, they might even hinder me from going to the designated area."

Sakayanagi felt that no matter how many people came, it would not be difficult at all to solve if Ayanokōji adopted a forceful method of his own.

But that's definitely not the way he likes to handle things.

"If the first year's find out that you're a man they can't beat even if they give their best, Ayanokōji-kun's name will definitely spread throughout the school. For me, I suppose it's both something to be happy about and something that will make me feel sad. It makes me feel very complicated."

"I hope you'll feel sad if you can. And it's possible that Tsukishiro is planning something. I'd like to concentrate on him."

"I understand what you're going to say."

"Sakayanagi's burden will inevitably increase. If you keep monitoring their movements, you need to use GPS scans regularly, and there is a risk of losing your ranking."

After this, Ayanokōji will undoubtedly have to owe Sakayanagi a favor.

"Don't worry. I've got the scores of the groups to which all the members of Class A belong."

"So... you've really been making thorough contact."

"After all, after the twelfth day, I couldn't check the list of the bottom ten groups, so I had to get a grasp on which groups were in danger and which ones had room to spare. There are a few groups that have margin in scores, but not enough for the top ten. If I let these groups take turns to scan, it will reduce the strain on my points."

This is a strategy that can only be accomplished by joining forces with Sakayanagi, who has achieved complete unification of Class A, and Class C, led by Ichinose, who will never betray anyone. In the case of Class D, it seems to be a strategy that can't be accomplished. After all, the cost of the walkie-talkie alone was already unaffordable.

"I just need to stop the first-year students who are aiming at Ayanokōji-kun, right?"

"Does that mean you're agreeing to help me?"

"The exam has been boring so far so I would like to enjoy myself a little bit. Also, this seems like something that will inevitably benefit me."

"What do you mean?"

"If it's just a gift for helping Takemoto and the others, it's too big a gift.

That means you owe me a "favor," right?"

"It's not a nice thing to say, but I'll say it anyway, I won't owe you a favor until you've done something."

"Then I'll start preparing."

"One more thing, if you don't mind, let me keep this walkie-talkie."

"I was going to do that. It would be more convenient if we could communicate with each other. Then could you please return the radio transceiver to Takemoto first? I'll let him give it to you after I tell him the reason."

-- Sakayanagi remembered the fond memories of the tenth night and couldn't help but smile.

Sakayanagi saw on the tablet that the five teams she had dispatched had held back the first years.

"Now that we stopped these groups in their tracks, let's see who's planning this attack."

Sakayanagi took the radio transceiver in her hand and made contact with the students in Class A.

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