Chapter 137: 5.1

The time shifts to the thirteenth day of the special exam, at 6:51 A.M.

Utomiya finds Tsubaki looking up at the sky near her tent.

"What are you thinking about Tsubaki?"

"I was doing a final review in my head. Is something wrong?"

"No, I just wanted to talk to you before the operation started. Maybe this is the last time I'll talk to you."

"I see."

Perhaps because this might be their last conversation, both sides spoke freely.

"Why didn't you use a walkie-talkie to communicate with me?"

Utomiya asks.

"Because I can tell what the other person is really thinking just by seeing their face. Shouldn't you have understood that after listening to my conversation with Hōsen-kun?"

"I guess so. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, and I still don't trust him at all."

"Or is it because you just don't trust him because he's Hōsen-kun?"

Utomiya turned away a little angrily since Tsubaki had hit the bull's eye.

"In the first year, the only person I can trust is you, Utomiya-kun. I wanted to meet you directly in person and have you tell me what you think about the battle plan."

Tsubaki showed a somewhat self-deprecating expression and then immediately returned to her expressionless face.

Utomiya, who was trusted by Tsubaki, suddenly remembered that there was something else that he had to confirm with her.

"How are the preparations going?"

"Do you want to see the screenshot of the GPS scan just now?"

With that said, Tsubaki opened her tablet and showed Utsunomiya a picture. Ayanokōji's campsite was E5. The first-year students were on standby in areas D4 and E6.

"It's perfect, just like you planned."

"Well, after all, we have been seriously preparing up to this point. Even the terrain is in our favour."

Utsunomiya looked down at the tablet as Tsubaki slowly looked up.

Someone was approaching the two of them.

"Tsubaki-san, can we talk?"

It was Takuya Yagami from freshman Class B. Yagami was in the same group as Utomiya.

"Everything is ready, so we have some time to talk."

Tsubaki, who was slightly surprised, showed a look of dissatisfaction towards Yagami.

Yagami, who had a suspicious look, addressed Tsubaki.

"Actually, I have something I need to tell you."

"I'm sorry, please wait for a moment, before that I also have something I want to say to Yagami." Utomiya interrupts Yagami with a firm tone.

"What?" Yagami turns towards Utomiya.

"Where did you go yesterday?"

"Sorry, my watch suddenly broke down yesterday, so I immediately rushed to the start location." Yagami said as he lifted his left hand to show his watch.

"It broke down? For the second time?"

Utsunomiya didn't feel something was quite right and increased his vigilance against Yagami.

"What are you doing Yagami?"

"It's outrageous to be suspected of conspiring something just because your watch malfunctions. Utomiya-kun also had a watch failure a few days ago, right? Doesn't that mean that you're also suspicious?"

"I just got unlucky."

"Then so did I."

Utsunomiya glared angrily at Yagami, who was always smiling.

"Hey hey, you two, don't jump at each other's throats at a time like this, aren't you boys friends?"

"I'm... sorry. Maybe I'm getting nervous before the plan starts."

"I also stepped out of line, I apologize."

"Did you spend a day changing your watch? Or do you have something else you wanted to tell me?"

"It's something related to today's battle. I've prepared a gift for Tsubaki-san"

"A gift?"

"Your strategy to hunt down Ayanokōji-senpai isn't guaranteed right?"

Just before the start of the operation, Yagami started to say disturbing things.

It wasn't Tsubaki who overreacted to this, but Utomiya who was next to her.

"What are you talking about, Yagami? I don't think this battle will-"

"I am not going to run an operation with the intention of failing."

Tsubaki interrupted Utomiya and interjected with a strong tone.

"Of course, Tsubaki's strategy is perfect. It's an alignment that leaves no room for ants to crawl out of bounds. We're chal enging Ayanokōji-senpai with the greatest strength that we can prepare as freshmen. I'm not doubting you guys, but do you think it's really necessary to play all your cards?"

After listening to Yagami's long speech, Tsubaki asked quietly.

"I want to be as accident-free as possible, so tell us your proposal."

Whether or not Tsubaki would listen to Yagami would depend on what Yagami said.

"Now, Tsubaki-san's method of hunting Ayanokōji-senpai is going to cost a lot of score points, right?"

"That's why we have a group of reserve tablets." Utomiya added.

Yagami, however, was already well aware of this fact.

"But it's not very efficient at all, do you know why?"

"Because we don't know Ayanokōji-senpai's designated area, so there's no way to predict his actions."

Yagami nodded once as if satisfied with Tsubaki's answer.

"That's how it is. Is Ayanokōji-senpai going towards the designated area, or is he going towards an event, or is he simply just running away? We don't know what his priority order is... If we could know the purpose of his actions, then the efficiency of the plan would increase by leaps and bounds."

"If it were that easy to know, then we wouldn't have to work so hard.

That's why so many tablets were prepared to scan his whereabouts countless times." Utomiya interjected.

"Through my own methods, I spent a lot of time researching to see if there was anything I could do to help. So, among the twelve tables, which table does Ayanokōji-senpai belong to?"

Tsubaki fiddled with her hair in a bored manner. frёewebnoѵel.ƈo๓

At the same time, Utomiya realized what Yagami meant.

"Are you saying you know his table?"

"Yes. Well, to be precise, it's not that I know, but the "tablet" knows."

Yagami said as he pulled out a tablet.

"What is this?"

"I borrowed this from my classmate. The owner of this tablet has the same route as Ayanokōji-senpai."

"That means with this we can follow Ayanokōji-senpai's movements today..."

Yagami nodded gently.

"If we can know Ayanokōji's designated area simultaneously, we may be able to get a head start."

"How can you be sure that this tablet really is from the same table as Ayanokōji?"

The excited Utomiya even forgot to add the word senpai, Yagami and Tsubaki continued the conversation.

"Do you want to know how I found out-"

"Repeatedly using GPS scans to confirm it." Tsubaki said without even thinking about it.

"... Indeed. Was it an unnecessary action?"

Yagami, who originally wanted to surprise Tsubaki, was surprised by Tsubaki in turn.

"I would appreciate it if you could lend me that tablet. Considering the points that I am going to consume, I would like to refrain from wasting as much as possible. Is that okay with you?"

"We are all in this together. Tsubaki's success will lead to my success as well. And since the first-year group that includes me and Utomiya can't seem to make it to the top three no matter how hard we try, we might as well focus on more constructive things."

Yagami realized that earning points had lost meaning, so he came here today. It was futile trying to get to the top.

Yagami continued,

"And if you don't accept my proposal, I can't provide insurance for you either."

"Insurance? What exactly are you referring to?" Tsubaki idly said.

"The highest priority right now is to force Ayanokōji-senpai to drop out of school. But there are still several possibilities of failure, such as not being able to launch a sneak attack because someone is traveling with Ayanokōji-senpai. We need to avoid interference from a third party."

"There's no need worry about that right? He's basically been alone after the eighth day." Utomiya argues that he hasn't done his research, but Yagami shakes his head.

"That doesn't mean it's the same case for the thirteenth day."

"Okay, so what?"

"If something unexpected happens that leads to failure, we'll adopt the strategy of making him miss all of the designated areas to take away his points, and then tomorrow's day also has three zone moves, all of which we'll make him miss as well."

"Do you mean making him gain 5 penalty points?"

"No, we'll make him gain seven. Ayanokōji-senpai missed two designated zones yesterday. The D4 area was too far for him, which is why he also missed D2. We already confirmed that he switched to the strategy of going for the events."

"Seven penalties will result in him being down 28 points. Even a stupid person wouldn't accumulate that much penalties."

There are two days left in the exam. The loss of twenty-eight points during this period is quite severe. Utomiya realizes the magnitude of the insurance strategy Yagami had in mind.

"Ayanokōji-senpai is still alone right now. We don't know how many points he has, but since he's alone, it won't be many. And he definitely needs to use GPS scanning during our attack phase. If we get ahead of him and seal his events as well, there's more than enough chance that he'll sink into the bottom five groups."

"It certainly is."

"If we succeed in getting Ayanokōji-senpai expelled with this insurance, how about I split five million points and Tsubaki-san splits ten million points? If the remaining five million is given to the losing team, they'll accept it, right?

In contrast to Utomiya, who was surprised by Yagami's proposal, Tsubaki only gave a silent reply.

"That's a good idea, what do you think, Tsubaki?" Yagami adds.

"In all honesty, having a tablet with the same table as Ayanokōji-senpai would be really valuable. So, there's no reason not do it but..."

"That's correct, so I really think Tsubaki-san should accept my-"

Yagami choked on his words once again when Tsubaki pulled out a tablet.

Another tablet, and another tablet on top of that. Three tablets in total.

"What are those?" Yagami asks in disbelief.

"Tablets that follow the same table as Ayanokōji-senpai."

"What... When did you..."

Yagami didn't need to confirm it, but he knew Tsubaki already had everything she needed to carry out Yagami's strategy beforehand.

"Tsubaki-san is really several times more powerful than I thought. So, you've thought of this insurance strategy too..." Yagami was at a loss for words.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" Yagami questions.

"I was angry. I didn't think that Yagami-kun would also think of a strategy to make Ayanokōji-senpai miss the designated area. I was going to keep playing dumb, but our two plans are just too similar."

At Tsubaki's childish statement, both Yagami and Utsunomiya looked at each other speechlessly.

"If that's the case, then I can't ask for payment. I won't be asking for five million points. I'll be watching this unfold from a distance."

"Thank you, honestly I can't really do anything with someone I can't trust around me."

Yagami didn't look displeased with Tsubaki's bluntness.

After Yagami moved away a little, Utomiya talked to Tsubaki.

"Tsubaki. If we use violent methods, will they really expel us?"

"It is a method of force, so it cannot be without problems. Assuming the worst, we, the first-year students who are implementing the plan, will get expelled from school."

"If the group that's currently implement the plan was expelled, then the number of expelled students is already quite horrible..." Utomiya's expression stiffened, just imagining a scenario where only first years were kicked out.

"But the probability that it will turn out this way is just infinitely close to zero. The person who will be punished most severely should be me, the planner. The school wouldn't expel a dozen first-year students at once."

"But that's also the problem. Are you really going to take the blame alone?"

"Originally, when the special test was disclosed. I was the one who suggested that Ayanokōji-senpai be kicked out. You just went along with me, didn't you, Utomiya-kun?"

"That's true but..."

Utomiya remembers the special exam for which he was paired with a sophomore earlier in the school year. That special exam was designed to earn 20 million points if Ayanokōji Kiyotaka was expelled from school. At that time, Utomiya, who was extremely disgusted with this exam, proposed that Class C shouldn't participate in it. But Tsubaki finally brought Utomiya into the fold after numerous attempts to convince him. If Class C aims for Class A one year, the 20 million points is an asset that cannot be underestimated. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

When Utomiya had asked her what kind of trick she would use to get him expelled, Tsubaki responded immediately.

Tsubaki said she would try to team up with Ayanokōji in that exam and then take the self-destructive method of deliberately giving up on the exam.

This would result in Tsubaki being expelled from school.

Then the 20 million points would be transferred to Utomiya, the helper.

She cautioned Utomiya to make sure to use those points for the future development of the class.

"When I first heard about this plan of yours, I don't think I asked you the reason for wanting to drop out of school, right?"

"Why should you care? Even if I drop out of school, it shouldn't matter to you."

"I would be lying if I said I don't care. It's not natural that you want to drop out of school as soon as you enter."

"Well, I admit that Class C is a more comfortable class than I thought it would be. So, I decided that if I am going to drop out anyway, I'll do my best for the class and then quit."

That was all Tsubaki said, but she still never told him the reason for wanting to drop out.

Utomiya decided it was best not to ask her too much and looked towards the forest in front of him.

"Are you sure you don't want me to get him? I should be able to defeat Ayanokōji in a one-on-one."

"That's not going to work. Utomiya-kun is an indispensable talent for the first-year Class C. And if I take the blame, the probability of you being implicated after me will increase greatly. Leave Ayanokōji-senpai to the other students."

"If it were an ordinary opponent the other students might be enough, but Ayanokōji-senpai has a 20-million-point bounty on his head, he's definitely not a simple man. If Hōsen as the first resort fails, it will be necessary to play all the cards right."

"I suppose your right. It is Hōsen-kun after all."

Even though Tsubaki said this, she rejected Utomiya's proposal and instructed him to stay clear of the action.

"I... I see. I'll stay close and simply observe the fight."

"Hey, Utomiya-kun." Tsubaki said to Utomiya, who was ready to walk away so as not to disturb her.

"You seem quite strong, where did you learn to fight? You aren't a criminal, are you?"

"It's not a big deal. I don't meddle in your affairs, you shouldn't meddle in mine."

"That's true. But let me ask you this. Are you sure you aren't hiding anything from me? Do you plan on doing something behind my back?"

"Am I hiding something? Nothing. I'm a guy who's only job is to fight."

At 7:00 in the morning, the test began. Tsubaki, who had a walkie-talkie in one hand and a tablet in the other, began to give out orders. The tablet indicated the designated area for Ayanokōji, which was the C3 area.

"Attention all teams, the target is moving in the direction of the designated area C3. D4 area teams standby for the time being, E6 area teams go north and start encircling the target. Even if you see the target, you are not allowed to make contact until I instruct you to."

After giving out the instructions, Tsubaki closes the walkie-talkie.

"After eliminating Ayanokōji-senpai, we'll take down a few groups of seniors who are acting alone before the school finds out. I wonder who we should target..."

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