Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 91 Short Nap! ~So Tired!

Jack's sleep/training was suddenly interrupted. 

[Warning! Evil Godly Body Activating!] 

[Your Mana Runs Rampant! Self-Detonation Imminent!] 

The Warning had come so suddenly that he jumped out of his socks. Self-Detonation?! He hurriedly forced himself to regain consciousness, wrestling with his own Mana. 

His energy was in disarray as if a wild horse was going even wilder! Was this the result of over-pushing his body? Most likely! Nevertheless, he'd be damned if he died so stupidly! 

'Tch— You're my Mana. Behave!' He internally struggled for what felt like an eternity. Only then did he open his eyes, finding himself in a princess-carry by the Headmaster. 

As for his remaining Mana… 1%?! 

"You're finally awake! About your result, you've—" 

"Sorry, gotta go! Take care, Headmaster!" Jack wriggled himself out of the man's hold as he checked around. Lizzy? Aisha? They were gone! 

Without waiting, he rushed out for his life. This was insane! He had to reach the dormitories before— of crap!

— POOF! Drop! — 

He had barely taken a few strides outside the gym, and his Evil God Body turned itself off! Luckily, he had enough time to hide behind a corner. 

Just like that, a baby appeared in the Magic Academy. 

Usually, Jack would have simply left the place, but at this moment, he felt tired, so damn tired. The backlash of overexerting himself was coming all at once! 

Not caring anymore, he crumbled to the stone pavement, succumbing to sweet darkness. He had time for a tiny nap, right? It wouldn't hurt anyone, right? Definitely… 

— ZZZZzzzzz! — 




In a busy Academy Street… 

"Stop running, you pervert!" 

"Tch— Stop chasing me, you stalker!" 

A youngster was running away from a small crowd with all he got, the large pouch he clutched in his arms clinging and clanging with his every move. 

He had fucked up! He was used to visiting the student market to make a few extra coins, but this time he had been caught red-handed, the hand in a colleague's pants! 

The issue was that said pants belonged to one of the school beauties. For him, it didn't make a difference, coins were coins, but he had offended her followers. 

And now he was truly fucked! 1, 3, 6… seniors, perhaps more?! They who were at the top of their game all wanted him dead! This really wasn't his best day! 

But whining wouldn't accomplish anything. He had to find a hideout ASAP! Just as his eyes scanned the street, he suddenly saw the Academy's Gym! 

This was perfect! As long as he went inside, he could find the Janitor, and the latter would kick his pursuers' asses! Proud of his plan, he charged at the doors. 


They were locked?! 

Not just one, but both of them?! 

| Temporary Closed For Repairs! Sorry for the inconvenience! | 

This was BAD! As he turned around, he heard his pursuers. They had almost caught up!

Backtracking now would be deadly! No, he had to keep moving. Without hesitating, he turned the corner, heading behind the gym. He'd find an escape from there! 

But he had barely taken a step when he suddenly froze. 

— ZZZZZzzzzz! — 

What was that?! A beast?! It was so damn loud! 

But as he lowered his eyes, he found… a baby?! The little thing had the largest smile as it snored so loudly that it would have scared a lion away easily. 

"Baby?! Wait, no, now isn't the time for this!" He rushed past the little one, resolved to keep running to ensure his safety. But just as he was about to leave, he stopped. 

"ARGG!" He backtracked just to pick up the baby. At the same time, he grabbed the oversized clothes he was enveloped in and the picture boo that lay next to him. 

Then he restarted running, the baby akin to a freaking beacon alarming his enemies. "Looking for a thief? Follow the snoring!" 

"Tch— What am I even doing?!" He sighed, knowing that saving the kid was dumb. Yet, he couldn't help it. He was a thief, not a complete degenerate! Yet, that made him slow down. 

In the back… 

"I see him! He's right there!" 

Were those bloody hound dogs?! It sure looked like it! 

They were right on his heels, overflowing with fury. They all wanted to tear him a new one, just to get recognition from the lady behind them. 

She was as beautiful as cold, literally cold… for she had used an Ice Path Spell to keep up with her fan-boys. In fact, she was so cold that a certain part of hers was— Cough! 

"Villain, surrender now!" She cried out— not that the youngster stayed to hear. Nope, he was already running again! But just as he turned the corner, he froze… why now?! 

It was a cul-de-sac! 

A wall of concrete stood between him and freedom! The problem was that everything went to shit as he tried climbing it and even going around it! Nope! A barrier protected it! 

This meant that he was on his own….truly! That's when the angry students arrived. 

"Humph! What do we have here? A little thief! Why don't we teach him a big lesson? 

They were already cracking their knuckles violently, ready to turn him into pulp. But just as they were about to release their inner Hulks… 

"Wait?!" Is that… a baby?!" The ice girl had almost had a heart attack, her gaze turning cold: "Y-you… you kidnapped a child?! Just to deal with us?!" 

Wait… kidnap?! He had never intended to do this… but it was GENIUS! 

"Hehehe! Take another step, and this cute baby gets it!" He warned. 

That's when the lady froze. She was boiling with anger, yet what could she do? "STOP! Careful!" She ordered her goons, barely controlling herself.

She had to remain calm to save the poor thing! 

"You, what do you want?!" She clenched her teeth, preparing to extract that baby at all costs! Such an innocent soul didn't deserve to struggle because of her. 

"T-That's right! Back off! Back off, all of you!" 

The youngster kept repeating as he slowly backtracked, exiting the cul-de-sac. But just as he was about to get out…. "NOW!" The pursuers suddenly went on the offensive! 

They sent plenty of deadly spells, seemingly not worrying about the baby's safety! This was because their leader, one of the Belle of the school, was making a move herself!

That's when she activated her Ice Magic, and with it, the entire world changed color... 

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