Class Villainess

Chapter 197 - Few Strands Of Hair (1)

Chapter 197 – Few Strands Of Hair (1)

"Mona, I will need your help for the upcoming setup. I'd like you to keep your watch for Natasha and Barbara as they walk around the street of your cafe, heading to their regular cafe. I will be waiting inside their regular cafe," I said. "Oh, is there any VIP lounge in that cafe?"

Mona nodded in response, "Yes, there are VIP tables in that cafe. But it's not really a separate room, just a round table with a curtain to separate it from the regular tables. I visited that cafe once to look around."

"Oh, that's perfect! Then, we will start the mission this weekend," I instructed. Mona nodded to accept my instruction, while Elise still looked troubled. 

Mona and I looked at each other, and she tilted her head slightly, signaling me to take care of Elise. She got up and excused herself first, "I'll leave now. Don't worry about the mission. I will do anything for my best friend's safety, and—I think we're friends now, right, Em?"

"Right, Mona. Thank you for all your help so far."

Mona smiled at me and left Elise and me alone. I stared at her, who still looked troubled, "Elise, are you alright?"

"I'm not alright, Em. No matter how many times you try to convince me that everything will be alright, I still think it won't be good. You're dealing with the devil, Mason Hall is the true devil, and now you accepted a gift from him?"

Elise seemed to be dead set about her opinion of Mason Hall.

"Okay, can you tell me what's so scary about him? You said that your friend in middle school saw him with few men in black, and her family got terrorized until they left the city, right?"


"I mean… there might be no correlation at all. Maybe Mason was just getting street cast? He is well-known for getting street-casted by entertainment agents. And there is no hard proof that Mason has that much power to control a mafia group. At least, from what you told me, it seemed that your friend was terrorized by a mafia group."

Elise looked hesitant and sighed defeatedly, "I'm sorry, Emmy. I'm just worried if I will lose another precious friend of mine. I know there is no proof that Mason is behind that terror experienced by my friend's family. But still… the coincidence is too uncanny."

I tried to calm her down to make sure that she would stop pestering me about Mason hall. Though all of her words were mostly ignored, I didn't want to listen to her rambling about the same thing over and over.

I knew my risk. I didn't mind if it would kill me, as long as it would kill my enemy first. 

We finished this meeting in the evening. Since everything was clear now, the only thing I needed to do was prepare for the mission.

I returned home, did my daily activity of taking care of Grandma and cooking for our dinner, then returned to my room.

I checked on the money given by the red rose man before and found that I almost blew it all out for the mission to take down the three stooges and also other necessities.

"Damn, I'm down to 500 bucks…." I mumbled as I checked my saving. "Is this enough to reserve for one VIP table in that cafe then?" I wondered.

I decided to text Mona about this.

Emmy: Mona, how much do you need to reserve a VIP table in that cafe?

Mona replied only a minute later.

Mona: About 400 bucks, if I remember correctly. Though, that was about a year ago. I don't know the price now. It's an upscale cafe. Barbara and Natasha can go there because Natasha's parents are quite rich.

Damn, 400 bucks only for the table? And it wasn't even a single room, only a table with a curtain.

What kind of rip-off was this? Those damn rich people really knew how to waste their money. 

I wasn't sure if I could survive with only 500 bucks in my wallet. So I guessed it was time to talk with one person again.

I texted that particular person;

Emmy: Hey, you… 

Emmy: Can you… um… help me?


In less than ten seconds, that creepy man replied. 

xx: Of course, I'm always here for you, my dear.

xx: What do you want me to do?

Emmy: I… I need money for my next mission. 

xx: Oh~ money is not a hard thing to get. How much do you want? 5 grand? 10 grand? 100k USD? I don't mind at all.

xx: There is always a price for everything, though~

I swallowed my saliva. Because of the price for everything, I knew this creepy red rose man wanted something I owned.

He took my worn plaid shirt and then a handkerchief with a classic red lipstick kiss on it. 

It acted more like a trade, his money, with my possession. That was why I didn't dare to take big money from him. I knew it would put me at such a great risk. 

Emmy: I'll take the 5 grands only.

xx: Aw, my love, you should ask for more~

xx: But if that's what you need, then I have the money ready, and I will come to you after midnight. This money is to take down Natasha and Barbara, right? 

Emmy: … yes.

xx: Okay, sure~ Don't worry, my love, I will always assist you to your vengeful mission. 

xx: But you should know that nothing is free coming from me, right? For 5 grands, I want a small thing from you. So that would be my reward for helping you, is it not?

I took a deep breath. I had to prepare myself because I signed up for this. 

There was no free stuff in this world, and I gotta pay for it.

Emmy: What do you want?

xx: Hmmm, for 5 grand, I'd like few strands of your hair, easy request, right?


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