Class Villainess

Chapter 195 - [Bonus ] Setup (2)

Chapter 195 – [Bonus ] Setup (2)

__PHone call with Elise__

"Elise, we should meet tomorrow after school ends. Do you think Mona will be free for a talk?"

"She should be, but we need to meet somewhere else. How about that usual cafe we usually met?" Elise offered, reminding me of that cafe where I met her first.

That place wasn't far from the school, but it was very quiet and empty most of the time. Maybe because most students couldn't afford to buy some expensive coffee, or even if they did, they would just go downtown and go to the shopping district instead.

"Do you think Mona can meet us there after school ends?"

"Yes, she can. She is mostly free other than working in her parent's cafe," Elise replied.

"Okay, then, I will be waiting tomorrow. Have you told her about our plan?"

"She knows everything, Em. Don't you remember that she is the one who delivered the fake love letter to Miss Brittany Alba when we're trying to take down Thomas and his gang?"

"Ah, I see…." I nodded. I knew I was being too paranoid. But I was just scared that she might betray us and tell everything to Natasha or Barbara.

I was glad that she was tightly bound with Elise, we didn't talk much, but she was definitely one of the winning factors in the previous mission, and this one swell. 

"I'm waiting for our conversation tomorrow, Elise."

"Me too, Em."


__Phone call ends__

I hung up the call after talking with Elise. Now that the mission had been put into motion, I should also start gathering more information. Logan told me a few days ago that he was still trying to get information about the one behind the Darthmorth Gossip page. 

I checked the page once more and found a new gossip post. 

A popular girl 'J' in the freshman batch is a dirty slut, but acts like a pure girl in front of the popular boys to get their attention. 

That's what a slut usually does, hihi.~

Oh, this one was obvious. The girl 'J' was definitely Jessica Lambert, and the one who posted this was definitely Barbara Cornwell. 

She had the tendency to call any girl she found as a competition as 'slut' and then slut shaming them into oblivion, making sure the girl was too ashamed to even come to school.

I knew Jessica Lambert really well, and though I hated her so much, I wouldn't call her a slut. 

She was actually one of the girls who used her money and brain to slowly recruit her followers. She wasn't some dumb bimbo who used her pussy to take control of horny, idiotic high school boys, like what Barbara did.

Barbara 'Barbie' Cornwell was just projecting her own insecurity to someone else, like always. She was insecure because she was the slut that had no other qualifications other than being a bimbo.

"Well, this also proves that I can also use the status as Darthmorth's slut later on. Just you wait, Barbara."


I went to school the next day with Mason and Logan's gifts inside my bag. Though, I only intended to show Mason's gift because that was all I needed. 

I waited until the end of the last class and headed straight to the parking lot. I didn't intend to go to the club building today because I had nothing to do there. 

I texted Elise first, asking whether she was already in the cafe;

Emmy: Are you already in the cafe, Elise? The school has just ended. 

Elise: I am. I already texted Mona. She said she would be coming soon, you should come too, Em. Before anyone noticed your presence.

Emmy: I'm on my way.

I went with my bike to the designated cafe not far from the school. I parked the bike and saw Elise sitting inside. I went in and sat on the opposite chair, "I'm here, Elise."

Elise nodded, her expression looked solemn, and she said, "Mona would be coming soon. But before she comes, I really need to ask a few things, Em."

"Do ask."

"I haven't told her about your relationship with Mason, and I don't know if she already knows about that one or not. I also want to know… how far is your relationship with Mason now."

"The fact that he would give you a love letter, so you can use it to trap Miss Brittany Alba, and now he also gifted you expensive gifts. Em, I feel like you're already in a serious relationship with him," Elise asked. She sighed, "I'm sorry if I sound too curious, but whenever I think about Mason Hall, I got very restless and scared that something bad might happen to you."

I still didn't understand her nervousness about Mason Hall. Elise seemed to be having a deep trauma with that guy. But for me, I really found nothing wrong with Mason except the fact that he could look a bit… scary.

But he never actually hurt me, nor did he ever talk bad about me. Which was enough in my dictionary.

"I will be careful, Elise. But you know that we need to use Mason Hall for this mission, right? He is always going to be the best bait in many cases because of his popularity and mysteriousness," I said, explaining my stance.

"You're right, Em. He is still the best bait in many things, just like with Miss Alba. I'm just wondering what would happen if he knows that you've been using him as bait," Elise wondered, and that question got me worried as well.

Honestly, I didn't think that Mason would do anything to me, nor that his goody-two-shoes ass would know about such nefarious deed I do to my enemies. 

It was better to be kept in the dark, doing his Mason stuff, and be the perfect, stable young man with the perfect life. 

Elise and I were staring at each other in silence until the cafe door was opened, and we turned our heads together. I saw Mona looking expressionless as always, searching for our spot. 

Once she found our spot, she quickly went to our seat and sat beside Elise, "Sorry to keep you waiting, how's the plan?" Mona asked. 

I was a tad surprised by her eagerness. She didn't seem burdened with knowing that she was about to set another trap. 

Elise replied first, "We're here with Em today. She will be the one who tells you about the plan."

Mona shifted her gaze at me and waited patiently. She didn't act differently from when I met her during my visit with Noah in her cafe. She was always expressionless but wasn't hostile. 

"It's been a while since the last time we met, Emmelyn Jones," Mona greeted me. "Thank you for saving Elise from her depression and giving her the revenge she wants. I was really afraid that she might kill herself out of depression, but you give her hope. Thank you so much."

I nodded awkwardly, knowing that wasn't the only reason why I took revenge against Thomas and his gang. But if that would benefit me, then why not? 

"Now that you're here, Elise had told me that you need to set a trap for Natasha Zest and Barbara Cornwell, right?" Elise asked.


"Well, just so you know, they are a regular in a cafe near mine. They often came as two every Saturday evening, probably after shopping in the mall. Suppose you want to set up an eavesdropping trap. In that case, that place is definitely the most proper," Mona said straight to the point, even giving me a heads-up, saying that it was a proper place to go with the mission. 

But I also wanted to ask a few more questions, "Do they ever come with anyone? You said that they are regulars in that cafe, right?"

"Yes, they are regulars, and I did see them coming with boys, mostly one boy per two weeks or so. The boys they picked were usually from the sports club or from the senior year," Mona replied. "I don't know many of them, but I do recognize one guy that they brought once."

"Oh, who?" I asked curiously.

"Jordan, from American Football Club."

"Ah, of course, that guy who cheated on Anita," I nodded. 

But wait…

Anita said that Natasha was sleeping with her boyfriend, but there was no talk about Barbara. 

It got me wondering if Natasha and Barbara were partners in crime, would that mean they also shared the boys they hooked? It wasn't impossible, since they knew each other's secret, and even helped each other for their interest.

"Mona, do you know whether Natasha and Barbara ever kissed the same guy when they're walking together?"

"I never really followed them around. I just saw it from my cafe. They didn't know that it was my parents' cafe and I had no intention of telling them as well.. But they did constantly changing the boys they go with."

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